AMA Rule ChangesNew rule changes in each year are highlighted, as much as possible, in bold. Some editorial comments are provided in brackets []. Sources are cited wherever possible. Quotes from the rulebook attempt to include all spelling and grammatical errors intact. |
Jump To Bottom |
1933 |
1933 Class C Racing Introduced: | ►The AMA introduces Class C racing.
Unlike "Class A" racing - which have paid factory riders on highly customized motorcycles built by the factories -
Class C racing is limited to motorcycles that are "available to the public".
Only minor modifications to those motorcycles are permitted.
Fuel is limited to pump gas only.
Any AMA member may compete in Class C racing.
►Three Class C disciplines: Dirt track, T.T., and Road Race. ►The "TT" is a new type of competition created within the Class C rules.
►Three licenses/classes within each Class C discipline: Novice, Amateur, Expert. |
1933 |
1933 Brakes (Dirt Track): | ►Brakes are not permitted on half mile or mile courses. |
1933 |
1933 Brakes (Road Race): | ►Brakes are permitted, but not required. |
1933 |
1933 Brakes (Short Track): | ►Brakes are not permitted on short track courses. |
1933 |
1933 Brakes (TT): | ►Brakes are permitted, but not required. |
1933 |
1933 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►All divisions - Novice, Amateur, & Expert - use 500cc overhead valve or 750cc pocket-valve engines. |
1933 |
1933 Displacement (Road Race): | ►All divisions - Novice, Amateur, & Expert - use 500cc overhead valve or 750cc pocket-valve engines. |
1933 |
1933 Displacement (Short Track): | ►All divisions - Novice, Amateur, & Expert - use 500cc overhead valve or 750cc pocket-valve engines. |
1933 |
1933 Displacement (TT): | ►Junior T.T.: 350cc (21.35ci) overhead-valve or 500cc (30.50ci) pocket-valve (intake-over-exhaust) engines
►Senior T.T.: 500cc (30.50ci) overhead valve or 750cc (45.70ci) pocket-valve (intake-over-exhaust) engines. ►Unlimited T.T.: 0-1310cc (0-80ci) engines. |
1933 |
1933 Number Plates | ►All divisions use black numbers on white number plates.
Note: Rider numbers are not assigned until late 1941. District letters are not introduced until 1947. |
1939Back To Top |
1939 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►All divisions - Novice, Amateur, & Expert - use 500cc overhead valve or 750cc side-valve engines. |
1939 |
1939 Displacement (Road Race): | ►All divisions - Novice, Amateur, & Expert - use 500cc overhead valve or 750cc side-valve engines. |
1939 |
1939 Displacement (Short Track): | ►All divisions - Novice, Amateur, & Expert - use 500cc overhead valve or 750cc side-valve engines. |
1939 |
1939 Displacement (TT): | ►Junior T.T.: 350cc (21.35ci) overhead-valve or 500cc (30.50ci) side-valve engines
►Senior T.T.: 500cc (30.50ci) overhead valve or 750cc (45.70ci) side-valve engines. ►Unlimited T.T.: 1000cc-1310cc (61ci-80ci) engines. |
1941Back To Top |
1941 Number Assignments | ►The AMA issues "Permanent National Numbers" for the first time to the top riders in the nation.
Numbers 1-14, 16-17, 21-27, 29, 32-33, 35, 38, 55, and 72 are issued.
In the October 1941 issue of The Motorcyclist, competition director E.C. Smith writes:
"Effective at once, expert riders in dirt track racing have been assigned a permanent riding number.
We feel that this will add something to the show as spectators will get to know the riders better
and most of all, the riders won't have to have different numbers made up for each race meet.
They can now get their numbers and carry them throughout the year.
They can have on on their trailer, their mechanic's coveralls, etc.
We ask that they adopt a uniform number at least ten inches, black on white background and also have
a number for their right rear wheel.
If they wish they can have three numbers, one for the front and both sides of the rear wheel or on the front and right of rear wheel."
The Motorcyclist, October 1941 |
1947Back To Top |
1947 Age: | ►Any rider under 21 years of age will not be accepted unless the written consent of parents or guardians accompanies the application.
American Motorcycling, April 1947 |
1947 |
1947 Approval Process: | ►Class C equipment shall have no alteration in bore, stroke, frame, forks, or type of motor.
Alteration means brazing, cutting, or fabricating and thus the rider can use different types of forks, etc, provided they are not altered to fit. American Motorcycling, April 1947 ►A 15-year age limit on motorcycle used in competition [will] start in 1948. [Comment: No motorcycle built prior to 1933 is eligible to compete in 1948]. American Motorcycling, April 1947 |
1947 |
1947 Flags: | ►The "hold position" flag is added. It is red and white diagonal. It is used in the event of an accident.
American Motorcycling, April 1947 |
1947 |
1947 License: | ►Any rider who plans to compete in dirt track racing, hill climbing, T.T. racing, road racing, speedway racing, or night speedway racing on and after April 1, 1947, must have his competition license.
►The applicant must be a member of the AMA and the license fee of $1.00 must accomplany the application. American Motorcycling, April 1947 |
1947 |
1947 Number Assignments |
►To address scoring issues with over 1,600 professional competitors, a new "permanent number" system is created.
►"Straight numbers" are assigned to Experts, National Champions, and a few Amateurs in each class (Racing, Hill Climbing, and Tourist Trophy). ►The "letter system" divides the country up into alphabetical sections. American Motorcycling, April 1947 |
1947 |
1947 Number Plates | ►Three plates, at least 10" x 10" square, should be used.
Numbers to be at least 8" tall. American Motorcycling, April 1947 |
1947 |
1947 Purses (TT): | ►One-Star = $150 purse
►Two-Star = $300 purse ►Three-Star = $400 purse ►Four-Star = $500 purse ►Five-Star = $600 purse ►Each additional "star" is another $100 in the purse. American Motorcycling, April 1947 |
1947 |
1947 Purses (half mile): | ►One-Star = $300 purse
►Two-Star = $600 purse ►Three-Star = $900 purse ►Four-Star = $1,200 purse ►Five-Star = $1,500 purse ►Each additional "star" is another $300 in the purse. American Motorcycling, April 1947 |
1947 |
1947 Purses (mile): | ►One-Star = $1,000 purse
►Two-Star = $1,500 purse ►Three-Star = $2,000 purse ►Four-Star = $2,500 purse ►Five-Star = $3,000 purse ►Each additional "star" is another $500 in the purse. American Motorcycling, April 1947 |
1947 |
1947 Payout: | ►All events above one-star: 45% for Expert, 35% for Amateur, 20% for Novice.
►All one-star events: 60% Amateur, 40% Novice. Experts will not compete at One-Star events. American Motorcycling, April 1947 |
1947 |
1947 Wheels | ►Contestents must use the standard wheels that come as a specificed part of the Class C motorcycle. |
1948Back To Top |
1948 Technical Committee Formed | ►H.M. Syvertsen of Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Earle Robbins of the Indiana Motocycle Company, and Reggie Pink, rates as a real expert on English equipment, have been holding meetings in an effort to clarify the various items that are checked when motors are inspected in any given event.
American Motorcycling, January 1948 |
1948 |
1948 Approval Process | ►Class C equipment MUST be of stock design, as manufactured, catalogued and sold for general motorcycle use.
(Article III — Section 4) Except as specifically noted - only such parts and accessories as are catalogued and sold by the manufacturer of the motorcycle in question may be fitted to any motorcycle used in Class C Competition. ►At all National Championship Contests, as well as Amateur or Novice events run in conjunction with National Championships, all motorcycles will be completely inspected by the National Technical Committee. American Motorcycling, January 1948 ►Any motor parts catalogued and sold by the manufacturer of the motorcycle in question may be interchanged, provided:
►A: Bore and stroke is not altered.
American Motorcycling, January 1948 |
1948 |
1948 Brakes | ►When brakes are used, such brakes must be as catalogued and sold by the manufacturer of the motorcycle in question.
Brakes need not be fitted for dirt track or speedway racing. However, when brakes are not removed, they must be rendered inoperative by the removal of one or more brake rods. (Article III — Section 5)(Article IX — Section 24). Special brake operating levers or pedals may be used. American Motorcycling, January 1948 |
1948 |
1948 Chain Guards | ►All motorcycles must be fitted with a guard completely covering the front chain and sprockets
(chainguard back cover not compulsory).
(Article III — Section 5). The front portion (top run only) of the rear chain and the countershaft sprocket must be covered by a guard for a distance of not less than 6" (measured from the center of the countershaft sprocket). In the interests of safety, in cases where the manufacturer of the motorcycle in question does not supply such guards, they may be fabricated. Such guards must be sturdily made and securely attached with proper bolts and brackets. Makeshift wired-on guards will not be permitted. American Motorcycling, January 1948 |
1948 |
1948 Displacement (TT): | Class C 45 (TT):
►500cc (30.50ci) overhead valve or 750cc (45.70ci) side-valve engines Class C 80 (TT): ►1213cc (74ci) overhead valve or 1310cc (80ci) side-valve engines. NOTE: Sometime before 1948, the T.T. classes are updated as shown. These classes are in the 1949 rulebook (Article XI — Section 5), and the January 1949 issue of American Motorcycling indicated no Major rule changes from 1948 to 1949. American Motorcycling, January 1949 |
1948 |
1948 Exhaust System | ►Mufflers may be removed and special exhaust pipes fitted,
provided such removal does not leave the exhaust pipe pointing in a downward direction so as to stir up dust,
nor shall it be directed upward to as to interfere with other contestants.
(Article III — Section 5-B)(Article VII — Section 17) American Motorcycling, January 1948 |
1948 |
1948 Fenders | ►Front fenders and the rear portion of rear fenders may be removed or special rear fenders may be fitted.
(Article III — Section 5-A) Such special fender must be made and attached in a safe and workmanlike manner. American Motorcycling, January 1948 |
1948 |
1948 Forks | ►Any frame and fork catalogued and sold by the manufacturer of the motorcycle in question is permitted, providing they are not altered in any way.
The addition of struts or braces to frames or forks, or the alteration of earlier type frames to fit later type motors is not permitted. (Article III — Section 5) American Motorcycling, January 1948 |
1948 |
1948 Frames | ►Any frame and fork catalogued and sold by the manufacturer of the motorcycle in question is permitted, providing they are not altered in any way.
The addition of struts or braces to frames or forks, or the alteration of earlier type frames to fit later type motors is not permitted. (Article III — Section 5) American Motorcycling, January 1948 |
1948 |
1948 Gas Tanks | ►Only such tanks as are catalogued and sold by the manufacturer of the motorcycle in question will be permitted.
Positively no alteration to frame or tank will be permitted to effect installation. (Article III — Section 5) Leaking gasoline tanks or fittings as well as temporary or make-shift repairs will be prohibited. American Motorcycling, January 1948 |
1948 |
1948 Gasoline | ►In all forms of Class C motorcycle competition, the gasoline used shall not exceed 85 octane rating
(as computed by the National Petroleum Institute).
Promoters, so desiring, may furnish all riders with gasoline between 75 and 85 octane, and when so provided, must be used by all contestants. (Article III — Section 5-F). American Motorcycling, January 1948 |
1948 |
1948 Number Plates | ►No single item of equipment has caused so much confusion and possible error in computing results in motorcycle competition of all kinds as the persistence of some contestants in the use of poorly designed and illegible number plates.
In order to preclude to the greatest extent possible, this error recurring for the 1948 season, only such number plates as are herein outlined will be permitted to start in any race meet.
►All number plates used by all contestants must be of uniform size, shape, and thickness of material as follows: ►10" high 12" wide not less than 0.045" thick. The four corners must be cut off at a radius of 2-1/4". ►Numbers must be painted in black on a background of yellow or white and be eight inches in height and of standard type block lettering. It is strongly urged that this lettering be done by a professional sign painter. Polished or chromed plated numbers or background plates will not be permitted. Number plates must be attached to the motorcycle in a perfectly flat position. Curving the front plate for any reason will not be permitted. ►Novice and Amateur division riders begin using yellow number plates with black numbers and district letters. American Motorcycling, January 1948
1948 |
1948 Safety Precautions | ►In the interests of safety, knee hooks, steering dampers, fork shock-absorbers, footrests, brake and clutch pedals or levers, handlebars, saddle, rear fender pad and chin rest of any type may be used.
Safety bars and all stands must be removed. (Article III — Section 5-D). American Motorcycling, January 1948 |
1948 |
1948 Superchargers: | ►No supercharger shall be fitted to any motorcycle used in competitive events.
(Article VII — Section 16). American Motorcycling, January 1948 |
1948 |
1948 Tires | ►Motorcycle tires sizes shall be limited to not less than three (3) inches, and not more than five (5) inches cross section.
Only tires of approved tread pattern will be permitted. Approved tread must not be altered in any manner. Recapped or retreaded tires are barred from dirt track races, road races, Tourist Trophy races, and Straightaway Races. In the interests of safety, only motorcycle tread designs approved by the Competition Committee may be used. (Article III — Section 5C). ►Approved tread designs at present are Avon Supreme, Dunlop Universal, Beck Superwear, Beck T.T. Special, Goodyear DeLuxe Allweather, Goodyear Eagle, Goodyear Sport Special, Firestone Champion, Firestone Sportsman, Firestone All Non-Skid, Firestone Chevron, Firestone Super Sportsman, Firestone Rib-Racing, U.S. Royal Master, Sears Roebuck Allstate, and Indian. American Motorcycling, January 1948 |
1948 |
1948 Transmissions | ►All motorcycles must be fitted with a clutch and transmission as calatogued and sold by the manufacturer of the motorcycle in question.
Gears may not be altered or removed from the gearbox. Special fabricated clutch operating levers or pedals may be used. Special sprockets may be fabricated, but they must be made and attached in a safe and workmanlike manner. A kick starter must be used for all started and must remain a workable part of the motorcycle equipment. (Article III — Section 5). American Motorcycling, January 1948 |
1948 |
1948 Wheels | ►Only wheels as catalogued and sold by the manufacturer of the motorcycle in question will be permitted (Article III — Section 5).
American Motorcycling, January 1948 |
1949Back To Top |
1949 Advancement Points: | ►5. Expert and Amateur riders are selected annually by the Competition Committee.
Advancement is made when the ability and performance of the rider together with point credit,
25 points for Novice riders and
40 points for Amateur riders,
justifies the change.
1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1949 |
1949 Age: | ►No rider under 21 years of age may compete without the written consent of parents.
1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1949 |
1949 Approval Process: | ►Class C equipment must be of "stock" design, as manufactured, catalogued, and sold for general motorcycle use.
1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1949 |
1949 Backup Bikes: | ►Section 18. Under penalty of disqualification for all concerned, no rider shall use more than one machine in the same event.
No rider shall use a machine in any event other than the one he has qualified for this event.
No rider is permitted to qualify more than one motor for any meet, except when such a meet includes events requiring equipment of different classification or displacement.
Section 18 (a). No motorcycle shall be used by more than one contestant in any day's program. 1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1949 |
1949 Brakes (Dirt Track): | ►All machines used in dirt track racing must have brakes removed or rendered inoperable by complete removal of one or more brake rods.
1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1949 |
1949 Brakes (Road Race): | ►[Comment: The 1949 AMA Rules for Competition Article XII - Road Races - makes no reference whatsoever to brakes]. 1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1949 |
1949 Brakes (Short Track): | ►No brakes may be fitted to any racing motorcycle nor any other device which can be operated by the rider to suddenly decrease speed.
1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1949 |
1949 Brakes (TT): | ►[Comment: The 1949 AMA Rules for Competition Article XI (TT Races) makes no reference whatsoever to brakes]. 1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1949 |
1949 Chain Guard | ►All motorcycles must be fitted with a guard completely enclosing the front chain, etc.
American Motorcycling December 1948 & January 1949 |
1949 |
1949 Claiming: | ►[Comment: The 1949 AMA Rules for Competition makes no reference whatsoever to claiming]. |
1949 |
1949 Compression Ratio | ►Compression ratio shall not be more than 7-1/2 to 1.
1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1949 |
1949 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►The maximum piston displacement allowed is 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) side by side pocket valve design.
(Overhead valve motors up to 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement may be used in this event). 1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1949 |
1949 Displacement (Road Race): | Class C 45 Road Race:
►For Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders on motors up to and including 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) piston displacement of side by side pocket valve or flat head type, and overhead valve motors up to and including 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement. 1949 AMA Rules For Competition Class C 80 Road Race: ►(Open to Class C riders using motors up to and including 80 cu. in. (1310cc) piston displacement of pocket valve type) overhead valve motors up to and including 74 cu. in. (1210cc) piston displacement may be used in this event. Motorcycles built prior to 1930 are barred from this event. 1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1949 |
1949 Displacement (Short Track): | ►The piston displacement limit shall be 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) pocket or side by side valve design.
Motors up to and including 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) overhead valve design may be used.
The AMA reserves the right to limit the piston displacement to 30.50 cu. in. overhead valve design on and after a future designated date, but 60 days notice must be given to all track managers.
1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1949 |
1949 Displacement (TT): | Class C 45 T.T.:
►For Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders on motors up to and including 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) piston displacement of side by side pocket valve or flat head type, and overhead valve motors up to and including 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement. 1949 AMA Rules For Competition Class C 80 T.T.: ►(Open to Class C riders using motors up to and including 80 cu. in. (1310cc) piston displacement of pocket valve type). Overhead valve motors up to and including 74 cu. in. (1210cc) piston displacement may be used in this event. Motorcycles built prior to 1930 are barred from this event. 1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1949 |
1949 Flags |
►Fair start: white.
►Last Lap: yellow. ►Danger On Course: red. This does not mean "hold" position. ►Hold position: red and white diagonal. ►Disqualification: black. ►Finish: black and white checkered. 1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1949 |
1949 Frames: | ►Class C equipment shall have no alterations in bore, stroke, frame, forks, or type of motor.
Motorcycle parts may be interchanged, provided standard parts are used as sold by the manufacturer of the motorcycle in question
and shall not affect the compression ratio allowed.
1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1949 |
1949 Gasoline | ►Gasoline of 85 octane rating maximum (computed by A.S.T.M. motor method No. D-357-47)
is the only fuel allowed for Class C equipment. Promoters so desiring may furnish all riders with either of two brands
of gasoline, between 75 and 85 octane rating and when so provided must be used by all riders.
1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1949 |
1949 Maximum Riders (Dirt Track): | ►The number of riders in a Track Speed event shall not excced eight on a mile dirt track and six on a half mile dirt track.
The Chairman of the Competition Committee is, however, empowered to increase or decrease the above number of riders where track conditions in his opinion warrant.
The Referee may reduce this number of riders, if in his judgment the maximum number given would be unsafe.
1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1949 |
1949 Maximum Riders (Road Race): | ►The Chairman of the Competition Committee shall designate the number of riders in any long distance Road event.
1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1949 |
1949 National Championship Eligibility: | ►National Championships on Flat Dirt Tracks shall be limited to riders classified as Experts in racing.
1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1949 |
1949 National Format: | National Championship Format:
►Two Amateur heats and one Amateur final, ►Two Expert heats and one Expert final, and a series of consolation events for remainder of the Experts entered. American Motorcycling December 1948 & January 1949 |
1949 |
1949 Number Plates (Dirt Track): | ►Every rider shall, while competing, carry a number corresponding with his number on the program.
Three copies for display on the front and sides of the machine, to be metal, white or yellow background, 10" high and 12" wide;
corners cut at a radius of 2-1/4"; black block type numbers 8" high.
A letter, if added to a number must be in the lower right hand corner.
1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1949 |
1949 Number Plates (Road Race): | ►Every rider shall, while competing, carry a number corresponding with his number on the program.
Three copies of this number shall be provided by the promoter: Three copies for display on the front and sides of the machine,
to be of metal, white or yellow background with eight-inch black figures, and the third copy of a larger size,
and of cloth, to be attached to the back of the rider.
1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1949 |
1949 Number Plates (TT): | ►Every rider shall, while competing, carry a number corresponding with his number on the program.
Three copies for display on the front and sides of the machine, to be metal, white or yellow background, 10" high and 12" wide;
corners cut at a radius of 2-1/4"; black block type numbers 8" high.
A letter, if added to a number must be in the lower right hand corner.
1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1949 |
1949 One Star Meets: | ►The Committee revoked the limitation of one-star race meets to Novices and Amateurs.
The original idea was to encourage more Novice and Amateur race meets. It didn't do the job. It also created a hardship in sections where there were a few Experts. American Motorcycling December 1948 & January 1949 |
1949 |
1949 Ownership: | ►The motorcycle MUST be the property of the entrant and MUST be duly registered by him.
1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1949 |
1949 Payout: | ►Prize money at National Championships will be approportioned 80% to Experts, 20% to Amateurs.
American Motorcycling December 1948 & January 1949 |
1949 |
1949 Pistons | ►Under regulations covering motorcycles in Class C competition, add "pistons" to parts permitted to be polished, etc.
American Motorcycling December 1948 & January 1949 |
1949 |
1949 Purse (Short Track): | ►CLASS A — One-star: $750; Two-star: $1,000, Three-star: $1,250, Four-star: $1,500
►CLASS C — One-star: $450; Two-star: $600, Three-star: $750, Four-star: $900 American Motorcycling December 1948 & January 1949 |
1949 |
1949 Rulebooks | ►No Major Rule Changes from 1948-1949
►The AMA will send a 1949 rulebook to every licensed rider. American Motorcycling December 1948 & January 1949 |
1949 |
1949 Short Tracks: | ►Motorcycle equipment used in time trials must be used in heats and final event.
American Motorcycling December 1948 & January 1949 |
1949 |
1949 Short Track Distance (Short Track): | ►The term "short track" shall be taken to mean any racing conducted on a track with a circumference of less than one third of a mile,
composed of a dirt, sand, or cinder surface.
1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1949 |
1949 Starters (Short Track): | ►Number of starters (in Class C short track) will be limited to six, and the number of laps limited to 10.
American Motorcycling December 1948 & January 1949 |
1949 |
1949 Tachometer | ►Tachometers may be used if securely attached.
American Motorcycling December 1948 & January 1949 |
1949 |
1949 Tires | ►Rally and Kelley Springfield tires are approved.
American Motorcycling December 1948 & January 1949 |
1949 |
1949 Track Width (TT): | ►Courses selected for T.T. Races shall not be less than five feet in width at any point.
It is earnestly recommended that the Course be at least ten feet wide if at all possible.
1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1949 |
1949 Wheel base (Short Track): | ►Wheel base shall be limited to a minimum of 52 inches in length, with the rear wheel in forward position.
1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1949 |
1949 Wheels: | ►Any type front wheel may be used in dirt track, short track, and speedway racing only, if conforming to approved tire size.
American Motorcycling December 1948 & January 1949 |
1949 |
1949 Women In Racing: | ►Women may ride in Reliability trials, Endurance runs, Economy and similar runs, but under no circumstances shall women
be permitted to participate in any Hill Climb, or to appear on any race track or course in competition or exhibition
where speed or time is a determining factor.
1949 AMA Rules For Competition |
1950Back To Top |
1950 Advancement Points | ►5. Expert and Amateur riders are selected annually by the Competition Committee.
Advancement is made when the ability and performance of the rider together with point credit,
25 points for Novice riders and
40 points for Amateur riders,
justifies the change.
1950 AMA Rules For Competition |
1950 |
1950 Age: | ►No rider under 21 years of age may compete without written consent of parents.
1950 AMA Rules For Competition |
1950 |
1950 Approval Process: |
The manufacturer of the motorcycle must have sold or available for sale to the general public in the U.S.A.
25 or more of the motorcycle of the model in question, before it can be entered in any Class C Competition event.
1950 AMA Rules For Competition |
1950 |
1950 Backup Bikes: | ►Section 18. Under penalty of disqualification for all concerned, no rider shall use more than one machine in the same event.
No rider shall use a machine in any event other than the one he has qualified for this event.
No rider is permitted to qualify more than one motor for any meet, except when such a meet includes events requiring equipment of different classification or displacement.
Section 18 (a). No motorcycle shall be used by more than one contestant in any day's program. 1950 AMA Rules For Competition |
1950 |
1950 Claiming: | ►Section 4.
(a) All sanctioned Class C dirt track race meets, speedway races, road races, T.T. races, short track races and hill climbs shall be considered claiming events and the claiming price shall be set at $1,000.00. (d) .... ►Special rules for the claiming program: 1. Any contestant in a day's program may enter a claim for any motorcycle entered, within thirty minutes after the completion of the program. 2. If a claim is entered for a motorcycle, same must be accompanied by cash or a certified check and the owner of the claimed motorcycle must immediately deliver the motorcycle intact, together with clear title or bill of sale for same. 3. A filed claim must be handed to the Referee within the specified time limit. Referee will then notify the owner of the claimed motorcycle and take physical possession of same. 4. Penalty: Failure to comply with these rules, forfeiture of prize money and automatic suspension from the A.M.A. 1950 AMA Rules For Competition |
1950 |
1950 Compression Ratio: | ►Compression ratio shall not be more than 7-1/2 to 1.
1950 AMA Rules For Competition |
1950 |
1950 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►The maximum piston displacement allowed is 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) side by side pocket valve design.
(Overhead valve motors up to 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement may be used in this event). 1950 AMA Rules For Competition |
1950 |
1950 Displacement (Road Race): | Class C 45 Road Race:
►For Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders on motors up to and including 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) piston displacement of side by side pocket valve or flat head type, and overhead valve motors up to and including 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement. 1950 AMA Rules For Competition Class C 80 Road Race: ►(Open to Class C riders using motors up to and including 80 cu. in. (1310cc) piston displacement of pocket valve type) overhead valve motors up to and including 74 cu. in. (1210cc) piston displacement may be used in this event. Motorcycles built prior to 1930 are barred from this event. 1950 AMA Rules For Competition |
1950 |
1950 Displacement (Short Track): | ►The piston displacement limit shall be 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) pocket or side by side valve design.
Motors up to and including 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) overhead valve design may be used.
The AMA reserves the right to limit the piston displacement to 30.50 cu. in. overhead valve design on and after a future designated date, but 60 days notice must be given to all track managers.
1950 AMA Rules For Competition |
1950 |
1950 Displacement (TT): | Class C 45 T.T.:
►For Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders on motors up to and including 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) piston displacement of side by side pocket valve or flat head type, and overhead valve motors up to and including 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement. 1950 AMA Rules For Competition Class C 80 T.T.: ►(Open to Class C riders using motors up to and including 80 cu. in. (1310cc) piston displacement of pocket valve type). Overhead valve motors up to and including 74 cu. in. (1210cc) piston displacement may be used in this event. Motorcycles built prior to 1930 are barred from this event. 1950 AMA Rules For Competition |
1950 |
1950 Frames: | ►Class C equipment shall have no alteration in bore, stroke, frame, forks, or type of motor.
Motorcycle parts may be interchanged, provided standard parts are used as sold by the manufacturer of the motorcycle in question and shall not affect the compression ratio allowed.
1950 AMA Rules For Competition |
1950 |
1950 Number Plates (Dirt Track): | ►Every rider shall, while competing, carry a number corresponding with his number on the program.
Three copies for display on the front and sides of the machine, to be metal, white or yellow background, 10" high and 12" wide;
corners cut at a radius of 2-1/4"; black block type numbers 8" high. A letter, 3" high, if added to a number must be in
the lower right hand corner.
1950 AMA Rules For Competition |
1950 |
1950 Number Plates (TT): | ►Every rider shall, while competing, carry a number corresponding with his number on the program.
Three copies for display on the front and sides of the machine, to be metal, white or yellow background, 10" high and 12" wide;
corners cut at a radius of 2-1/4"; black block type numbers 8" high.
A letter, 3" high, if added to a number must be in the lower right hand corner.
1950 AMA Rules For Competition |
1950 |
1950 Number Plates (Road Race): | ►Every rider shall, while competing, carry a number corresponding with his number on the program.
Three copies of this number shall be provided by the promoter: Three copies for display on the front and sides of the machine,
to be of metal, white or yellow background with eight-inch black figures, and the third copy of a larger size,
and of cloth, to be attached to the back of the rider.
1950 AMA Rules For Competition |
1950 |
1950 Short Track Distance (Short Track): | ►The term "short track" shall be taken to mean any racing conducted on a track with a circumference of less than one third of a mile,
composed of a dirt, sand, or cinder surface.
1950 AMA Rules For Competition |
1950 |
1950 Women In Racing: | ►Women may ride in Reliability trials, Endurance runs, Economy and similar runs, but under no circumstances shall women
be permitted to participate in any Hill Climb, or to appear on any race track or course in competition or exhibition
where speed or time is a determining factor.
1950 AMA Rules For Competition |
1951Back To Top |
1951 Whites: | ► The AMA Rulebook removes the statement that "Membership (in the AMA) is limited to white persons only."
1951 AMA Rules For Competition |
1952Back To Top |
1952 Advancement Points: | ►5. Expert and Amateur riders are selected annually by the Competition Committee.
Advancement is made when the ability and performance of the rider together with point credit,
25 points for Novice riders and
40 points for Amateur riders,
justifies the change.
1952 AMA Rules For Competition |
1952 |
1952 Age: | ►No rider under 21 years of age may compete without written consent of parents.
1952 AMA Rules For Competition |
1952 |
1952 Approval Process: |
(b)The manufacturer of the motorcycle must have sold or available for sale to the general public in the U.S.A.
25 or more motorcycles of the model in question, before it can be entered in any Class C Competition event.
(c) The motorcycle, to be approved by the National Technical Committee must be basically the counterpart of a standard production model, regularly sold for every day use. (d) The specifications must be submitted to the Central Office of the AMA 60 days prior to the date of intended participation in Class C competition. (e) Each model of motorcycle, as approved by the National Technical Committee, will be listed, posted, and communicated to all Referees and will be the only models permitted to participate in Class C competitive events. 1952 AMA Rules For Competition |
1952 |
1952 Backup Bikes: | ►Section 18. Under penalty of disqualification for all concerned, no rider shall use more than one machine in the same event.
No rider shall use a machine in any event other than the one he has qualified for this event.
No rider is permitted to qualify more than one motor for any meet, except when such a meet includes events requiring equipment of different classification or displacement.
Section 18 (a). No motorcycle shall be used by more than one contestant in any day's program. 1952 AMA Rules For Competition |
1952 |
1952 Claiming: | ►Section 3.
(a) All sanctioned Class C dirt track race meets, speedway races, road races, T.T. races, short track races and hill climbs shall be considered claiming events and the claiming price shall be set at $1,000.00. ►Special rules for the claiming program: Section 4. Any contestant in a day's program may enter a claim for any motorcycle entered, within thirty minutes after the completion of the program. (a) If a claim is entered for a motorcycle, same must be accompanied by cash or a certified check and the owner of the claimed motorcycle must immediately deliver the motorcycle intact, together with clear title or bill of sale for same. (b) A filed claim must be handed to the Referee within the specified time limit. Referee will then notify the owner of the claimed motorcycle and take physical possession of same. (c) Penalty: Failure to comply with these rules, forfeiture of prize money and automatic suspension from the A.M.A. 1952 AMA Rules For Competition |
1952 |
1952 Class D: | The 1952 AMA Rules for Competition, Article II, Section 1 and
Article III, Section 1 both refer to Class D riders and Class D equipment. It does not state anything else.
1952 AMA Rules For Competition ►The January 1997 edition of American Motorcyclist mentions that the AMA experimented with "Class D" racing in the 1950s for Novice racers on small-displacement street machines. American Motorcyclist, January 1997
1952 |
1952 Compression Ratio: | ►Compression ratio shall not be more than 8 to 1.
1952 AMA Rules For Competition |
1952 |
1952 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►The maximum piston displacement allowed is 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) side by side pocket valve design.
(Overhead valve motors up to 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement may be used in this event). 1952 AMA Rules For Competition |
1952 |
1952 Displacement (Road Race): | Class C 45 Road Race:
►For Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders on motors up to and including 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) piston displacement of side by side pocket valve or flat head type, and overhead valve motors up to and including 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement. 1952 AMA Rules For Competition Class C 80 Road Race: ►(Open to Class C riders using motors up to and including 80 cu. in. (1310cc) piston displacement of pocket valve type) overhead valve motors up to and including 74 cu. in. (1210cc) piston displacement may be used in this event. Motorcycles built prior to 1930 are barred from this event. 1952 AMA Rules For Competition |
1952 |
1952 Displacement (Short Track): | ►The piston displacement limit shall be 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) pocket or side by side valve design.
Motors up to and including 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) overhead valve design may be used.
The AMA reserves the right to limit the piston displacement to 30.50 cu. in. overhead valve design on and after a future designated date, but 60 days notice must be given to all track managers.
1952 AMA Rules For Competition |
1952 |
1952 Displacement (TT): | Class C 45 T.T.:
►For Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders on motors up to and including 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) piston displacement of side by side pocket valve or flat head type, and overhead valve motors up to and including 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement. 1952 AMA Rules For Competition Class C 80 T.T.: ►(Open to Class C riders using motors up to and including 80 cu. in. (1310cc) piston displacement of pocket valve type). Overhead valve motors up to and including 74 cu. in. (1210cc) piston displacement may be used in this event. Motorcycles built prior to 1930 are barred from this event. 1952 AMA Rules For Competition |
1952 |
1952 Frames: | ►Class C equipment shall have no alteration in bore, stroke, frame, forks, or type of motor.
Motorcycle parts may be interchanged, provided standard parts are used as sold by the manufacturer of the motorcycle in question and shall not affect the compression ratio allowed.
1952 AMA Rules For Competition |
1952 |
1952 Number Plates (Dirt Track): | ►Every rider shall, while competing, carry a number corresponding with his number on the program.
Three copies for display on the front and sides of the machine, to be metal, white or yellow background, 10" high and 12" wide;
corners cut at a radius of 2-1/4"; black block type numbers 8" high. A letter, 3" high, if added to a number must be in
the lower right hand corner.
1952 AMA Rules For Competition |
1952 |
1952 Number Plates (TT): | ►Every rider shall, while competing, carry a number corresponding with his number on the program.
Three copies for display on the front and sides of the machine, to be metal, white or yellow background, 10" high and 12" wide;
corners cut at a radius of 2-1/4"; black block type numbers 8" high. A letter, 3" high, if added to a number must be in
the lower right hand corner.
1952 AMA Rules For Competition |
1952 |
1952 Number Plates (Road Race): | ►Every rider shall, while competing, carry a number corresponding with his number on the program.
Three copies of this number shall be provided by the rider: Three copies for display on the front and sides of the machine,
to be of metal, white or yellow background with eight-inch black figures.
Promoter shall furnish a copy of a larger size, and of cloth, to be attached to the back of the rider.
1952 AMA Rules For Competition |
1952 |
1952 Women In Racing: | ►Women may ride in Reliability trials, Endurance runs, Economy and similar runs, but under no circumstances shall women
be permitted to participate in any Hill Climb, or to appear on any race track or course in competition or exhibition
where speed or time is a determining factor.
1952 AMA Rules For Competition |
1953Back To Top |
1953 Advancement Points: | ►5. Expert and Amateur riders are selected annually by the Competition Committee.
Advancement is made when the ability and performance of the rider together with point credit,
25 points for Novice riders and
40 points for Amateur riders,
justifies the change.
1953 AMA Rules For Competition |
1953 |
1953 Age: | ►No rider under 21 years of age may compete without the written consent of parents or legal guardian.
1953 AMA Rules For Competition |
1953 |
1953 Approval Process: |
(b)The manufacturer of the motorcycle must have sold or available for sale to the general public in the U.S.A.
25 or more motorcycles of the model in question, before it can be entered in any Class C Competition event.
(c) the motorcycle, to be approved by the National Technical Committee must be basically the counterpart of a standard production model, regularly sold for every day use. (d) Specifications must be submitted to the Central Office of the AMA 60 days prior to the date of intended participation in Class C competition. (e) Each model of motorcycle, as approved by the National Technical Committee, will be listed, posted, and communicated to all Referees and will be the only models permitted to participate in Class C competitive events." 1953 AMA Rules For Competition |
1953 |
1953 Backup Bikes: | ►Section 18. Under penalty of disqualification for all concerned, no rider shall use more than one machine in the same event.
No rider shall use a machine in any event other than the one he has qualified for this event.
No rider is permitted to qualify more than one motor for any meet, except when such a meet includes events requiring equipment of different classification or displacement.
Section 18 (a). No motorcycle shall be used by more than one contestant in any day's program. 1953 AMA Rules For Competition |
1953 |
1953 Claiming: | ►Section 3.
(a) All sanctioned Class C dirt track race meets, speedway races, road races, T.T. races, short track races and hill climbs shall be considered claiming events and the claiming price shall be set at $1,000.00. ►Special rules for the claiming program: Section 4. Any contestant in a day's program may enter a claim for any motorcycle entered, within thirty minutes after the completion of the program. (a) If a claim is entered for a motorcycle, same must be accompanied by cash or a certified check and the owner of the claimed motorcycle must immediately deliver the motorcycle intact, together with clear title or bill of sale for same. (b) A filed claim must be handed to the Referee within the specified time limit. Referee will then notify the owner of the claimed motorcycle and take physical possession of same. (c) Penalty: Failure to comply with these rules, forfeiture of prize money and automatic suspension from the A.M.A. 1953 AMA Rules For Competition |
1953 |
1953 Compression Ratio: | ►Compression ratio shall not be more than 8 to 1.
1953 AMA Rules For Competition |
1953 |
1953 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►The maximum piston displacement allowed is 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) side by side pocket valve design.
(Overhead valve motors up to 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement may be used in this event). 1953 AMA Rules For Competition |
1953 |
1953 Displacement (Road Race): | Class C 45 Road Race:
►For Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders on motors up to and including 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) piston displacement of side by side pocket valve or flat head type, and overhead valve motors up to and including 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement. 1953 AMA Rules For Competition Class C 80 Road Race: ►(Open to Class C riders using motors up to and including 80 cu. in. (1310cc) piston displacement of pocket valve type) overhead valve motors up to and including 74 cu. in. (1210cc) piston displacement may be used in this event. Motorcycles built prior to 1930 are barred from this event. 1953 AMA Rules For Competition |
1953 |
1953 Displacement (Short Track): | ►The piston displacement limit shall be 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) pocket or side by side valve design.
Motors up to and including 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) overhead valve design may be used.
The AMA reserves the right to limit the piston displacement to 30.50 cu. in. overhead valve design on and after a future designated date, but 60 days notice must be given to all track managers.
1953 AMA Rules For Competition |
1953 |
1953 Displacement (TT): | Class C 45 T.T.:
►For Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders on motors up to and including 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) piston displacement of side by side pocket valve or flat head type, and overhead valve motors up to and including 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement. 1953 AMA Rules For Competition Class C 80 T.T.: ►(Open to Class C riders using motors up to and including 80 cu. in. (1310cc) piston displacement of pocket valve type). Overhead valve motors up to and including 74 cu. in. (1210cc) piston displacement may be used in this event. Motorcycles built prior to 1930 are barred from this event. 1953 AMA Rules For Competition |
1953 |
1953 Frames: | ►Class C equipment shall have no alteration in bore, stroke, frame, forks, or type of motor.
Motorcycle parts may be interchanged, provided standard parts are used as sold by the manufacturer of the motorcycle in question and shall not affect the compression ratio allowed.
1953 AMA Rules For Competition |
1953 |
1953 Gasoline: | ►Gasoline of 85 octane rating maximum (cmmputed by A.S.T.M. motor method D-357-47) is the only fuel allowed for Class C equipment.
1953 AMA Rules For Competition |
1953 |
1953 Maxmimum Riders (Dirt Track): | ►The number of riders in a Track Speed event shall not exceed eight on a mile dirt track, and six on a half mile dirt track.
The Chairman of the Competition Committee is, however, empowered to increase or decrease the above number of riders where track
conditions in his opinion warrant. The Referee may reduce this number of riders, if in his judgment the maximum number would be unsafe.
1953 AMA Rules For Competition |
1953 |
1953 Number Plates (Dirt Track): | ►Every rider shall, while competing, carry a number corresponding with his number on the program.
Three copies for display on the front and sides of the machine, to be metal, white, yellow, or green background, 10" high and 12" wide;
corners cut at a radius of 2-1/4"; black or white block type numbers 8" high. A letter, 3" high, if added to a number must be in
the lower right hand corner.
1953 AMA Rules For Competition ►Novice division riders begin using green number plates with white numbers and district letters. [Comment: Novice riders had used yellow number plates with black numbers and district letters since 1948]. 99Z
1953 |
1953 Number Plates (TT): | ►Every rider shall, while competing, carry a number corresponding with his number on the program.
Three copies for display on the front and sides of the machine, to be metal, white or yellow or green background, 10" high and 12" wide;
corners cut at a radius of 2-1/4"; black or white block type numbers 8" high. A letter, 3" high, if added to a number must be in
the lower right hand corner.
1953 AMA Rules For Competition |
1953 |
1953 Ownership: | ►The motorcycle MUST be the property of the entrant and MUST be duly registered by him.
1953 AMA Rules For Competition |
1953 |
1953 Women In Racing: | ►Women may ride in Reliability trials, Endurance runs, Economy and similar runs, but under no circumstances shall women
be permitted to participate in any Hill Climb, or to appear on any race track or course in competition or exhibition
where speed or time is a determining factor.
1953 AMA Rules For Competition |
1954Back To Top |
1954 Advancement Points: | ►5. Expert and Amateur riders are selected annually by the Competition Committee.
Advancement is made when the ability and performance of the rider together with point credit,
25 points for Novice riders and
40 points for Amateur riders,
justifies the change.
1954 AMA Rules For Competition |
1954 |
1954 Age: | ►No rider under 21 years of age may compete without written consent of parents or legal guardian.
1954 AMA Rules For Competition |
1954 |
1954 Approval Process: | The manufacturer of the motorcycle must have sold, or have available for sale, to the general public in the U.S.A.
25 or more motorcycles of the model in question, before it can be entered in any Class C Competition event.
1954 AMA Rules For Competition |
1954 |
1954 Backup Bikes: | ►Section 18. Under penalty of disqualification for all concerned, no rider shall use more than one machine in the same event.
No rider shall use a machine in any event other than the one he has qualified for this event.
No rider is permitted to qualify more than one motor for any meet, except when such a meet includes events requiring equipment of different classification or displacement.
Section 18 (a). No motorcycle shall be used by more than one contestant in any day's program. 1954 AMA Rules For Competition |
1954 |
1954 Claiming: | ►Section 3.
(a) All sanctioned Class C dirt track race meets, speedway races, road races, T.T. races, short track races and hill climbs shall be considered claiming events and the claiming price shall be set at $1,000.00. ►Special rules for the claiming program: Section 4. Any contestant in a day's program may enter a claim for any motorcycle entered, within thirty minutes after the completion of the program. (a) If a claim is entered for a motorcycle, same must be accompanied by cash or a certified check and the owner of the claimed motorcycle must immediately deliver the motorcycle intact, together with clear title or bill of sale for same. (b) A filed claim must be handed to the Referee within the specified time limit. Referee will then notify the owner of the claimed motorcycle and take physical possession of same. (c) Penalty: Failure to comply with these rules, forfeiture of prize money and automatic suspension from the A.M.A. 1954 AMA Rules For Competition |
1954 |
1954 Compression Ratio: | ►Compression ratio shall not be more than 8 to 1.
1954 AMA Rules For Competition |
1954 |
1954 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►The maximum piston displacement allowed is 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) side by side pocket valve design.
(Overhead valve motors up to 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement may be used in this event). 1954 AMA Rules For Competition |
1954 |
1954 Displacement (Road Race): | Class C 45 Road Race:
►For Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders on motors up to and including 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) piston displacement of side by side pocket valve or flat head type, and overhead valve motors up to and including 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement. 1954 AMA Rules For Competition Class C 80 Road Race: ►(Open to Class C riders using motors up to and including 80 cu. in. (1310cc) piston displacement of pocket valve type). Overhead valve motors up to and including 74 cu. in. (1210cc) piston displacement may be used in this event. Motorcycles built prior to 1930 are barred from this event. 1954 AMA Rules For Competition |
1954 |
1954 Displacement (Short Track): | ►The piston displacement limit shall be 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) pocket or side by side valve design.
Motors up to and including 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) overhead valve design may be used.
The AMA reserves the right to limit the piston displacement to 30.50 cu. in. overhead valve design on and after a future designated date, but 60 days notice must be given to all track managers.
1954 AMA Rules For Competition |
1954 |
1954 Displacement (TT): | Class C 45 T.T.:
►For Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders on motors up to and including 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) piston displacement of side by side pocket valve or flat head type, and overhead valve motors up to and including 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement. 1954 AMA Rules For Competition Class C 80 T.T.: ►(Open to Class C riders using motors up to and including 80 cu. in. (1310cc) piston displacement of pocket valve type). Overhead valve motors up to and including 74 cu. in. (1210cc) piston displacement may be used in this event. Motorcycles built prior to 1930 are barred from this event. 1954 AMA Rules For Competition |
1954 |
1954 Frames: | ►Class C equipment shall have no alteration in bore, stroke, frame, forks, or type of motor.
Motorcycle parts may be interchanged, provided standard parts are used as sold by the manufacturer of the motorcycle in question and shall not affect the compression ratio allowed.
1954 AMA Rules For Competition |
1954 |
1954 Grand National Championship Introduced: | ►AMA creates the Grand National Championship series to award the Class C National Championship to the rider who earns the most points
in a series of events involving four racing disciplines: half mile, mile, "TT", and road racing.
This "series" replaces the one-race championship system that dates back to 1935.
►[AMA]Secretary E.C. Smith submitted the following motion: that sanction fees for National Championship race meets, road races, T.> races and Speedway races be increased by $10.00 and this amount be placed in a fund. That the place winners in the Championship events, first, second, third, and fourt6h, be ginve credit points, 5, 3, 2, 1. At the end of the year, the high point winner be declared Grand National Champion, granted No. 1 playes for the ensuing year and be given the cash in the fund or an awar in that amount. Carried! American Motorcycling, January 1954, Page 27)
1954 |
1954 Championship Points: | ►National Championshop points are awarded in the final only: 9-7-5-3-2-1. |
1954 |
1954 Number Plates (Dirt Track): | ►Every rider shall, while competing, carry a number corresponding with his number on the program.
Three copies for display on the front and sides of the machine, to be metal, white, yellow or green background, 10"high and 12" wide;
corners cut at a radius of 2-1/4"; black or white block type numbers 8" high.
A letter, 3" high, if added to a number must be in the lower right hand corner.
1954 AMA Rules For Competition |
1954 |
1954 Women In Racing: | ►Women may ride in Reliability trials, Endurance runs, Economy and similar runs, but under no circumstances shall women
be permitted to participate in any Hill Climb, or to appear on any race track or course in competition or exhibition
where speed or time is a determining factor.
1954 AMA Rules For Competition |
1955Back To Top |
1955 Advancement Points: | ►5. Expert and Amateur riders are selected annually by the Competition Committee.
Advancement is made when the ability and performance of the rider together with point credit,
40 accumulated points for Novice riders and
60 accumulated points for Amateur riders,
justifies the change.
1955 AMA Rules For Competition The 1955 Competition Committee increased these - retroactive to 1954 - as they felt that Novice and Amateur racers are not gaining enough experience. American Motorcycling, January 1956 issue) |
1955 |
1955 Age: | ►No rider under 21 years of age may compete without written consent of parents or legal guardian.
Minimum age for competition license is 18 years old. 1955 AMA Rules For Competition |
1955 |
1955 Approval Process: |
(b)The manufacturer of the motorcycle must have sold or available for sale to the general public in the U.S.A.
25 or more motorcycles of the model in question, before it can be entered in any Class C Competition event.
(c) the motorcycle, to be approved by the National Technical Committee must be basically the counterpart of a standard production model, regularly sold for every day use. (d) The manufacturer of any motorcycle to be used in competition where speed is a determining factor (Class C), shall supply the Central Office of the AMA, specifications and photos, right and left side (8 copies) at least sixty days prior to the entry of said motorcycle in a competitive event. (e) Each model of motorcycle, as approved by the National Technical Committee, will be listed, posted, and communicated to all Referees and will be the only models permitted to participate in Class C competitive events." 1955 AMA Rules For Competition |
1955 |
1955 Backup Bikes: | ►Section 18. Under penalty of disqualification for all concerned, no rider shall use more than one machine in the same event.
No rider shall use a machine in any event other than the one he has qualified for this event.
No rider is permitted to qualify more than one motor for any meet, except when such a meet includes events requiring equipment of different classification or displacement.
Section 18 (a). Under penalty of disqualification of all concerned, not any motorcycle shall be used by more than one contestant in any specified day's program. 1955 AMA Rules For Competition |
1955 |
1955 Claiming: | ►Section 3.
(a) All sanctioned Class C dirt track race meets, speedway races, road races, T.T. races, short track races and hill climbs shall be considered claiming events and the claiming price shall be set at $1,000.00. ►Special rules for the claiming program: Section 4. Any contestant in a day's program may enter a claim for any motorcycle entered, within thirty minutes after the completion of the program. (a) If a claim is entered for a motorcycle, same must be accompanied by cash or a certified check and the owner of the claimed motorcycle must immediately deliver the motorcycle intact, together with clear title or bill of sale for same. (b) A filed claim must be handed to the Referee within the specified time limit. Referee will then notify the owner of the claimed motorcycle and take physical possession of same. (c) Penalty: Failure to comply with these rules, forfeiture of prize money and automatic suspension from the A.M.A. 1955 AMA Rules For Competition |
1955 |
1955 Compression Ratio: | ►Compression ratio shall not be more than 8 to 1.
1955 AMA Rules For Competition |
1955 |
1955 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►The maximum piston displacement allowed is 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) side by side pocket valve design.
(Overhead valve motors up to 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement may be used in this event). 1955 AMA Rules For Competition |
1955 |
1955 Displacement (Road Race): | Class C 45 Road Race:
►For Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders on motors up to and including 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) piston displacement of side by side pocket valve or flat head type, and overhead valve motors up to and including 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement. 1955 AMA Rules For Competition Class C 80 Road Race: ►(Open to Class C riders using motors up to and including 80 cu. in. (1310cc) piston displacement of pocket valve type). Overhead valve motors up to and including 74 cu. in. (1210cc) piston displacement may be used in this event. Motorcycles built prior to 1930 are barred from this event. 1955 AMA Rules For Competition |
1955 |
1955 Displacement (Short Track): | ►The piston displacement limit shall be 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) pocket or side by side valve design.
Motors up to and including 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) overhead valve design may be used.
The AMA reserves the right to limit the piston displacement to 30.50 cu. in. overhead valve design on and after a future designated date, but 60 days notice must be given to all track managers.
1955 AMA Rules For Competition |
1955 |
1955 Displacement (TT): | Class C 45 T.T.:
►For Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders on motors up to and including 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) piston displacement of side by side pocket valve or flat head type, and overhead valve motors up to and including 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement. 1955 AMA Rules For Competition Class C 80 T.T.: ►(Open to Class C riders using motors up to and including 80 cu. in. (1310cc) piston displacement of pocket valve type). Overhead valve motors up to and including 74 cu. in. (1210cc) piston displacement may be used in this event. Motorcycles built prior to 1930 are barred from this event. 1955 AMA Rules For Competition |
1955 |
1955 Exhaust Systems: |
►There must not be less than six inches of exhaust pipe running parallel to the ground or with the rear end elevated previous to the point of discharge, but not to extend beyond the rear edge of the rear rim.
American Motorcycling, January 1955 |
1955 |
1955 Frames: | ►Class C equipment shall have no alterations in bore, stroke, frame, forks, or type of motor.
Motorcycle parts may be interchanged, provided standard parts are used as sold by the manufacturer of the motorcycle in question
and shall not affect the compression ratio allowed.
1955 AMA Rules For Competition ►Spring frames can be converted to rigid frames by the use of struts. American Motorcycling, January 1955 |
1955 |
1955 Gasoline: | ►Gasoline shall not exceed 100 octane rating.
Additives of any type over and above that contained in regular commercial gasoline of 100 octane rating is prohibitive [sic].
1955 AMA Rules For Competition |
1955 |
1955 National Format | ►In all National Championship dirt track race meets, the elimination heats shall be 5 miles on half mile tracks and 10 miles on mile tracks.
►On all Speedway events on tracks of one mile or over, and when Novice events are scheduled, the Novice must have at least 20 points before they can compete. ►When the Central Office has a spot check on motor measurement, instead of measuring the three place winners, three names from the 12 qualifying riders be drawn from a hat and those selected, have their motors measured. ►In the event of a rain and 50% of the program has been completed with not any refund to spectators, the balance of the purse will be paid to qualified contestants. ►Article VI: Change to read — where an entry fee is charged, the maximum shall be $2.00. ►Article VII — Section 21 - Add — All closed circuit courses must be run counter clockwise. |
1955 |
1955 Number Plates: | ►Numbers shall be at least one inch wide. |
1955 |
1955 Number Plates (Dirt Track): | ►Every rider shall, while competing, carry a number corresponding with his number on the program.
Three copies for display on the front and sides of the machine, to be metal, white, yellow or green background, 10"high and 12" wide;
corners cut at a radius of 2-1/4"; black or white block type numbers 8" high,
A letter, 3" high, if added to a number must be in the lower right hand corner.
1955 AMA Rules For Competition |
1955 |
1955 Sportsman Class Introduced: | ►The Sportsman class is created for the benefit of the average road rider to compete in most every type of competition. A committee has been formed to formulate the rules for this new class of competition.
American Motorcycling, January 1955 |
1955 |
1955 Steel Shoes: |
►Flat steel shoes are barred as these caused several major accidents.
Riders must now use a steel shoe that curves over the toe of the boot or shoe. American Motorcycling, January 1955 |
1955 |
1955 Short Track Distance: | There is no Sec 10 in the 1955 rule book concerning the maximum length of a short track.
However, The opening sentence under Article X (which is similar to other rulebooks) states: "Short Track races may be described as races on especially prepared tracks of less than one-third mile in curcumference." 1955 AMA Rules For Competition |
1955 |
1955 Women In Racing: | ►Women may ride in Reliability trials, Endurance runs, Economy and similar runs, but under no circumstances shall women
be permitted to participate in any Hill Climb, or to appear on any race track or course in competition or exhibition
where speed or time is a determining factor.
1955 AMA Rules For Competition |
1956Back To Top |
1956 Advancement Points | ►All points earned before January 1, 1956 to be retained and future points to become accumulative from one year to the next, until a total of one hundred points have been acquired to advance from Class B to Class A.
American Motorcycling, December 1955 |
1956 |
1956 Compression Ratio Debate / Displacement Debate | A lengthy discussion concerning compression ratios and displacements took place.
Rod Coates and John Esler opined that compression ratios should be increased.
Bill Harley presented performance data and race results which indicated that the current system is balanced.
►A motion (Aub LeBard MM / Earl Flanders SM) to delete maximum compression of 8:1 from the rulebook, allow overhead valve engines an increase from 30.50ci (500cc) to 40.0ci (655cc), and limit any overhead valve engine above 30.50ci to 8.5:1 compression, was defeated 16 to 11. ►A motion (Aub Lebard MM / John Esler SM) to allow 30.50ci engines be allowed unlimited compression was defeated 16 to 11. ►A motion (Aub LeBard MM / Earl Flanders SM) to place 30.50ci engines in a separate class was defeated 17 to 9. ►A motion (Horace Fritz MM / John Ciccarelli SM) to raise allowable compression on 30.50ci engines from 8:1 to 9.5:1 was defeated 14 to 13. Note: Committee member Gerald Givens, a dealer of British engines, resigned his appointment and left the meetings earlier in the day. Had he remained, the 9.5:1 ratio may have passed. ►A motion (Horace Fritz MM / John Esler SM) to raise allowable compression on 30.50ci engines from 8:1 to 9:1 was passed 15 to 12. American Motorcycling, December 1955 |
1956 |
1956 Displacement (Road Race): | Formula C Road Race:
►For Expert, Amateur and Novice riders on motors limited to 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) piston displacement of side valve or flat head type, and overhead valve motors of 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement. 1956 AMA Rules For Competition, Page TBD. |
1956 |
1956 Licenses | ►A motion (Trevor Deeley MM / Reggie Pink SM) made to accept a proposal from
AMA Chairman E.C. Smith to replace the present Novice-Amateur-Expert classes with
two classes: Class A and Class B, passes 22 to 3.
►Class B to be comprised of present Novice and Amateur classes, Class A to replace the present Expert class. ►Prize money would be 60% for Class A and 40% for Class B. ►The purpose is to eliminate the least represented class of riders and to increase the amount of prize money for the individual. American Motorcycling, December 1955 |
1956 |
1956 Tires | ►A motion (Dud Perkins MM / Bruce Walters SM) made to approve recapped tires for use in short track racing was defeated 23 to 2.
American Motorcycling, December 1955 |
1957Back To Top |
1957 Advancement Points: | ►6. "A" riders are selected annually by the Competition Committee.
Advancement is made when the ability and performance of the rider together with point credit justifies the change.
"B" riders will be listed in the Rider Supplement after accumuating 20 points.
After becoming listed in the Rider Supplement, a "B" rider must acquire an additional 40 points to be advanced to "A" class.
A rider cannot change classification during the year and can advance only one class at a time.
1957 AMA Rules For Competition |
1957 |
1957 Age: | ►No rider under 21 years of age may compete without the duly notarized consent of parents or legal guardian.
Minimum age for competition license applicant is 18 years old. 1957 AMA Rules For Competition |
1957 |
1957 Approval Process: |
(b)The manufacturer of the motorcycle must have sold, or have available for sale, to the general public in the U.S.A.
25 or more motorcycles of the model in question, before it can be entered in any Class C Competition event.
1957 AMA Rules For Competition | 1957 |
1957 Backup Bikes: | ►Section 22. Under penalty of disqualification for all concerned, no rider shall use more than one machine in the same event.
No rider shall use a machine in any event other than the one he has qualified for this event.
No rider is permitted to qualify more than one motor for any meet, except when such a meet includes events requiring equipment of different classification or displacement.
Section 23. Under penalty of disqualification of all concerned, not any motorcycle shall be used by more than one contestant in any specified day's program. 1957 AMA Rules For Competition |
1957 |
1957 Claiming: | ►Section 3.
(a) All sanctioned Formula C dirt track race meets, speedway races, road races, T.T. races, short track races and hill climbs shall be considered claiming events and the claiming price shall be set at $1,500.00. ►Special rules for the claiming program: Section 4. Any contestant in a day's program may enter a claim for any motorcycle entered, within thirty minutes after the completion of the program. (a) If a claim is entered for a motorcycle, same must be accompanied by cash or a certified check and the owner of the claimed motorcycle must immediately deliver the motorcycle intact, together with clear title or bill of sale for same. (b) A filed claim must be handed to the Referee within the specified time limit. Referee will then notify the owner of the claimed motorcycle and take physical possession of same. (c) Penalty: Failure to comply with these rules, forfeiture of prize money and automatic suspension from the A.M.A. 1957 AMA Rules For Competition |
1957 |
1957 Compression Ratio: | ►Compression ratio shall not be more than 9 to 1.
1957 AMA Rules For Competition |
1957 |
1957 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►The maximum piston displacement allowed is 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) side by side pocket valve design.
(Overhead valve motors up to 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement may be used in this event). 1957 AMA Rules For Competition |
1957 |
1957 Displacement (Road Race): | Formula C Road Race:
►For Class "A" and Class "B" riders on motors limited to 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) piston displacement of side valve or flat head type, and overhead valve motors of 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement. 1957 AMA Rules For Competition |
1957 |
1957 Displacement (Short Track): | ►The piston displacement limit shall be 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) pocket or side by side valve design.
Motors up to and including 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) overhead valve design may be used.
The AMA reserves the right to limit the piston displacement to 30.50 cu. in. overhead valve design on and after a future designated date, but 60 days notice must be given to all track managers.
1957 AMA Rules For Competition |
1957 |
1957 Displacement (TT): | Formula C 45 T.T.:
►For Class "A" and Class "B" riders on motors up to and including 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) piston displacement of side by side pocket valve or flat head type, and overhead valve motors up to and including 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement. 1957 AMA Rules For Competition Formula C 80 T.T.: ►(For Class "A" and Class "B" riders using motors up to and including 80 cu. in. (1310cc) piston displacement of pocket valve type). Overhead valve motors up to and including 74 cu. in. (1210cc) piston displacement may be used in this event. Motorcycles built prior to 1930 are barred from this event. 1957 AMA Rules For Competition |
1957 |
1957 Frames: | ►Formula C equipment shall have no alterations in bore, stroke, frame, forks, or type of motor.
Streamlined parts, shell, or housing will not be permitted.
Motorcycle parts may be interchanged, provided standard parts are used as sold by the manufacturer of the motorcycle in question
and shall not affect the compression ratio allowed.
Parts to be interchanged must be from a previously approved model.
1957 AMA Rules For Competition |
1957 |
1957 Gasoline: | ►Gasoline used shall not exceed 100 octane rating.
Additives of any type over and above that contained in regulsr commercial gasoline of 100 octane rating is prohibited. When gasoline is furnished, all contestants are required to use the brand supplied. 1957 AMA Rules For Competition |
1957 |
1957 Kill Switch: | ►For all dirt track events where brakes are removed, a self-closing throttle or automatic ignition cutout must be fitted to the motorcycle.
American Motorcycling, January 1957
1957 |
1957 Licenses | ►A motion (William Harley MM / Frank Cooper SM) made that all competition license applications include a physical examination was carried.
American Motorcycling, January 1957 |
1957 |
1957 Maximum Riders (Dirt Track): | ►The number of riders in a Track Speed event shall not exceed eight on a mile dirt track, and six on a half mile dirt track.
the Chairman of the Competition Committee is, however, empowered to increase or decrease the above number of riders where track conditions in his opinion warrant.
The Referee may reduce this number of riders, if in his judgment the maximum would be unsafe.
1957 AMA Rules For Competition |
1957 |
1957 Ownership: | ►The motorcycle MUST be the property of the entrant and MUST be duly registered by him.
1957 AMA Rules For Competition |
1957 |
1957 Shifting (Dirt Track): | ►Once a rider shifts into high gear, he cannot shift gears to reduce speed.
1957 AMA Rules For Competition |
1957 |
1957 Payout | ►A motion (Trevor Deeley MM / Al Arnold SM) that prize money remain 60% for Class A and 40% for Class B, and pay four places in the heats and finals, was carried 15 to 12.
American Motorcycling, January 1957 |
1957 |
1957 Shifting (Short Track): | ►Once a rider shifts into high gear, he cannot shift gears to reduce speed.
1957 AMA Rules For Competition |
1957 |
1957 Short Track Distance (Short Track): | ►The term "short track" shall be taken to mean any racing conducted on a track with a circumference of less than one third of a mile,
composed of a dirt, sand, or cinder surface.
1957 AMA Rules For Competition |
1957 |
1957 Throttle: | ►For all dirt track events where brakes are removed, a self-closing throttle or automatic ignition cutout must be fitted to the motorcycle.
American Motorcycling, January 1957
1957 |
1957 Track Prep | ►A motion (Dud Perkins MM / Frank Cooper SM) made that in the interest of safety, HM and M tracks shall be conditioned to provide for a double groove was carried 27 to 0.
American Motorcycling, January 1957 |
1957 |
1957 Women In Racing: | ►Women may ride in Reliability trials, Endurance runs, Economy and similar runs, but under no circumstances shall women
be permitted to participate in any Hill Climb, or to appear on any race track or course in competition or exhibition
where speed or time is a determining factor.
1957 AMA Rules For Competition |
1958Back To Top |
1958 Advancement Points: | ►5. Expert and Amateur riders are selected annually by the Competition Committee.
Advancement is made when the ability and performance of the rider together with point credit,
20 accumulated points for Novice riders and
40 accumulated points for Amateur riders,
justifies the change.
A rider cannot change classification during the year and can advance only one class at a time.
1958 AMA Rules For Competition |
1958 |
1958 Age: | ►No rider under 21 years of age may compete without the duly notarized consent of parents or legal guardian.
Minimum age for competition license applicant is 18 years old. 1958 AMA Rules For Competition |
1958 |
1958 Approval Process: |
The manufacturer of the motorcycle must have sold, or hace available for sale, to the general public in the U.S.A.
25 or more motorcycles of the model in question, before it can be entered in any Class C Competition event.
1958 AMA Rules For Competition | 1958 |
1958 Backup Bikes: | ►Section 22. Under penalty of disqualification for all concerned, no rider shall use more than one machine in the same event.
No rider shall use a machine in any event other than the one he has qualified for this event.
No rider is permitted to qualify more than one motor for any meet, except when such a meet includes events requiring equipment of different classification or displacement.
Section 23. Under penalty of disqualification of all concerned, not any motorcycle shall be used by more than one contestant in any specified day's program. 1958 AMA Rules For Competition |
1958 |
1958 Claiming: | ►Section 3.
(a) All sanctioned Formula C dirt track race meets, speedway races, road races, T.T. races, short track races and hill climbs shall be considered claiming events and the claiming price shall be set at $1,500.00. ►Special rules for the claiming program: Section 4. Any contestant in a day's program may enter a claim for any motorcycle entered, within thirty minutes after the completion of the program. (a) If a claim is entered for a motorcycle, same must be accompanied by cash or a certified check and the owner of the claimed motorcycle must immediately deliver the motorcycle intact, together with clear title or bill of sale for same. (b) A filed claim must be handed to the Referee within the specified time limit. Referee will then notify the owner of the claimed motorcycle and take physical possession of same. (c) Penalty: Failure to comply with these rules, forfeiture of prize money and automatic suspension from the A.M.A. 1958 AMA Rules For Competition ►The [Competition] Committee engaged in a general discussion on the $1500.00 claiming price for Formula "C" competition motorcycles. Horace Fritz MM / John Esler SM to reduce the claiming price to $1000.00. defeated 13 to 11. American Motorcycling, January 1958, Page 21 |
1958 |
1958 Compression Ratio: | ►Compression ratio shall not be more than 9 to 1.
1958 AMA Rules For Competition |
1958 |
1958 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►The maximum piston displacement allowed is 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) side by side pocket valve design.
(Overhead valve motors up to 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement may be used in this event). 1958 AMA Rules For Competition |
1958 |
1958 Displacement (Road Race): | Formula C Road Race:
►For Expert, Amateur and Novice riders on motors limited to 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) piston displacement of side valve or flat head type, and overhead valve motors of 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement. 1958 AMA Rules For Competition |
1958 |
1958 Displacement (Short Track): | ►The piston displacement limit shall be 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) side by side pocket valve design.
Motors up to and including 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) overhead valve design may be used.
The AMA reserves the right to limit the piston displacement to 30.50 cu. in. overhead valve design on and after a future designated date, but 60 days notice must be given to all track managers.
1958 AMA Rules For Competition |
1958 |
1958 Displacement (TT): | Formula C 45 T.T.:
►For Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders on motors up to and including 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) piston displacement of side by side pocket valve or flat head type, and overhead valve motors up to and including 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement. 1958 AMA Rules For Competition Formula C 80 T.T.: ►(For Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders using motors up to and including 80 cu. in. (1310cc) piston displacement of pocket valve type). Overhead valve motors up to and including 74 cu. in. (1210cc) piston displacement may be used in this event. Motorcycles built prior to 1930 are barred from this event. 1958 AMA Rules For Competition |
1958 |
1958 Frames: | ►Formula C equipment shall have no alterations in bore, stroke, frame, forks, or type of motor.
Streamlined parts, shell, or housing will not be permitted.
Motorcycle parts may be interchanged, provided standard parts are used as sold by the manufacturer of the motorcycle in question
and shall not affect the compression ratio allowed.
Parts to be interchanged must be from a previously approved model.
1958 AMA Rules For Competition |
1958 |
1958 Gasoline: | ►Gasoline used cannot exceed the advertised octane rating of the Brand name being used.
Additives of any type over and above that contained in regular high test commercial gasoline is prohibited.
When gasoline is furnished, all contestants are required to use the brand supplied.
1958 AMA Rules For Competition |
1958 |
1958 Number Plates (Dirt Track): | ►Every rider shall, while competing, carry a number corresponding with his number on the program.
Three copies for display on the front and sides of the machine, to be metal, white or yellow background, 10" high and 12" wide;
corners cut at a radius of 2-1/4"; black block type numbers 8" high.
A letter, 3" high, if added to a number must be in the lower right hand corner.
1958 AMA Rules For Competition |
1958 |
1958 Number Plates (TT): | ►Every rider shall, while competing, carry a number corresponding with his number on the program.
Three copies for display on the front and sides of the machine, to be metal, white or yellow background, 10" high and 12" wide;
corners cut at a radius of 2-1/4"; black block type numbers 8" high.
A letter, if added to a number must be 3 inches high and in the lower right hand corner.
1958 AMA Rules For Competition |
1958 |
1958 Number Plates (Road Race): | ►Every rider shall, while competing, carry a number corresponding with his number on the program.
Three copies of this number shall be provided by the rider: Three copies for display on the front and sides of the machine,
to be of metal, white or yellow background with eight-inch black figures.
Each rider must furnish his own back number. Numbers shall not be less than 9" high.
1958 AMA Rules For Competition |
1958 |
1958 Ownership: | ►The motorcycle MUST be the property of the entrant and MUST be duly registered by him.
1958 AMA Rules For Competition |
1958 |
1958 Shifting (Dirt Track): | ►Once a rider shifts into high gear, he cannot shift gears except under a hold position flag.
1958 AMA Rules For Competition ►Leonard Andres MM / Bruce Walters SM to change Article IX, Section 32 to read: Once a rider shifts into a [sic] high gear, he cannot shift gears except under a hold position flag. Carried 21 to 0. American Motorcycling, January 1958, Page 22 |
1958 |
1958 Shifting (Short Track): | ►Once a rider shifts into high gear, he cannot shift gears to reduce speed.
1958 AMA Rules For Competition |
1958 |
1958 Short Track Distance: | ►The term "Short Track" shall be taken to mean any racing conducted on a track with a circumference of less than a third of a mile, composed of a dirt, sand, or cinder surface.
1958 AMA Rules For Competition |
1958 |
1958 Weight Limits: | ►The [Competition] Committee discussed the relative weights of motorycles and riders and the practicability of establishing motorcycle weight limits and rider weight handicaps.
Walter Davidson MM / Wayne Browning SM to table the rider weight and motorcycle weight question. Carried 24 to 0. American Motorcycling, January 1958, Page 21 |
1958 |
1958 Women In Racing: | ►Women may ride in Reliability trials, Endurance runs, Economy and similar runs, but under no circumstances shall women
be permitted to participate in any Hill Climb, or to appear on any race track or course in competition or exhibition
where speed or time is a determining factor.
1958 AMA Rules For Competition ►An AMA girl member requested the admission of girls to competitive speed events. However, the [Competition] Committee was in accord with retaining the present rule which restricts girl riders from speed competition. American Motorcycling, January 1958, Page 21 |
1959Back To Top |
1959 Advancement Points: | ►5. Expert and Amateur riders are selected annually by the Competition Committee.
Advancement is made when the ability and performance of the rider together with point credit,
20 accumulated points for Novice riders and
40 accumulated points for Amateur riders,
justifies the change.
A rider cannot change classification during the year and can advance only one class at a time.
1959 AMA Rules For Competition |
1959 |
1959 Age: | ►No rider under 21 years of age may compete without the duly notarized consent of parents or legal guardian.
Minimum age for competition license applicant is 18 years old. 1959 AMA Rules For Competition |
1959 |
1959 Approval Process: |
The manufacturer of the motorcycle must have sold, or have available for sale, to the general public in the U.S.A.
25 or more motorcycles of the model in question, before it can be entered in any Class C Competition event.
1959 AMA Rules For Competition | 1959 |
1959 Backup Bikes: | ►Section 22. Under penalty of disqualification for all concerned, no rider shall use more than one machine in the same event.
No rider shall use a machine in any event other than the one he has qualified for this event.
No rider is permitted to qualify more than one motor for any meet, except when such a meet includes events requiring equipment of different classification or displacement.
Section 23. Under penalty of disqualification of all concerned, not any motorcycle shall be used by more than one contestant in any specified day's program. 1959 AMA Rules For Competition |
1959 |
1959 Claiming: | ►Section 3.
(a) All sanctioned Formula C dirt track race meets, speedway races, road races, T.T. races, and hill climbs shall be considered claiming events and the claiming price shall be set at $1,500.00. ►Special rules for the claiming program: Section 4. Any contestant in a day's program may enter a claim for any motorcycle entered, within thirty minutes after the completion of the program. (a) If a claim is entered for a motorcycle, same must be accompanied by cash or a certified check and the owner of the claimed motorcycle must immediately deliver the motorcycle intact, together with clear title or bill of sale for same. (b) A filed claim must be handed to the Referee within the specified time limit. Referee will then notify the owner of the claimed motorcycle and take physical possession of same. (c) Penalty: Failure to comply with these rules, forfeiture of prize money and automatic suspension from the A.M.A. 1959 AMA Rules For Competition |
1959 |
1959 Compression Ratio: | ►Compression ratio shall not be more than 9 to 1.
1959 AMA Rules For Competition |
1959 |
1959 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►The maximum piston displacement allowed is 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) side by side pocket valve design.
(Overhead valve motors up to 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement may be used in this event). 1959 AMA Rules For Competition |
1959 |
1959 Displacement (Road Race): | Formula C Road Race:
►For Expert, Amateur and Novice riders on motors limited to 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) piston displacement of side valve or flat head type, and overhead valve motors of 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement. 1959 AMA Rules For Competition |
1959 |
1959 Displacement (Short Track): | Class A Short Track:
► The piston displacement shall be 250cc - limited to 0.040" oversize. 1959 AMA Rules For Competition |
1959 |
1959 Displacement (TT): | Formula C 45 T.T.:
►For Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders on motors up to and including 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) piston displacement of side by side pocket valve or flat head type, and overhead valve motors up to and including 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement. 1959 AMA Rules For Competition Formula C 80 T.T.: ►(For Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders using motors up to and including 80 cu. in. (1310cc) piston displacement of pocket valve type). Overhead valve motors up to and including 74 cu. in. (1210cc) piston displacement may be used in this event. Motorcycles built prior to 1930 are barred from this event. 1959 AMA Rules For Competition |
1959 |
1959 Frames: | ►Formula C equipment shall have no alteration
in bore, stroke, frame, forks, or type of motor. Streamlined
parts, shell, or housing will not be permitted.
Motorcycle parts may be interchanged, provided standard
parts are used as sold by the manufacturer of the
motorcycle in question and shall not affect the compression
ratio allowed. Parts to be interchanged must
be from a previously approved model.
1959 AMA Rules For Competition |
1959 |
1959 Gasoline: | ►Gasoline used cannot exceed the advertised octane rating of the Brand name being used.
Additives of any type over and above that contained in regular high test commercial gasoline is prohibited.
When gasoline is furnished, all contestants are required to use the brand supplied.
1959 AMA Rules For Competition |
1959 |
1959 Licenses: | ►AMA eliminates the Class A and Class B designations and returns to the Novice, Amateur and Expert divisions as they existed in 1955.
American Motorcycling, January 1959 |
1959 |
1959 Probationary Novice: | 99Z
►The AMA introduces the Probationary Novice division - a subdivision within the Novice division, for first-year professional racers. Probationary Novices (i.e. first-year Novices) use red number plates with white numbers and district letters, while other Novices continue to use green number plates with white numbers and district letters. |
1959 |
1959 Number Plates (Dirt Track): | ►Every rider shall, while competing, carry a number corresponding with his number on the program.
Three copies for display on the front and sides of the machine, to be metal, white, yellow, green or red background, 10" high and 12" wide;
corners cut at a radius of 2-1/4"; black or white block type numbers 8" high. A letter, 3" high, if added to a number must be in
the lower right hand corner.
1959 AMA Rules For Competition |
1959 |
1959 Number Plates (Road Race): | ►Every rider shall, while competing, carry a number corresponding with his number on the program.
Three copies for display on the front and sides of the machine, to be of metal, white or yellow background
with eight-inch black figures. Each rider must furnish his own back number. Numbers shall not be less than 9" high.
1959 AMA Rules For Competition |
1959 |
1959 Number Plates (TT): | ►Every rider shall, while competing, carry a number corresponding with his number on the program.
Three copies for display on the front and sides of the machine, to be metal, white, yellow, green or red background, 10" high and 12" wide;
corners cut at a radius of 2-1/4"; black or white block type numbers 8" high. A letter, 3" high, if added to a number must be in
the lower right hand corner.
1959 AMA Rules For Competition |
1959 |
1959 Ownership: | ►The motorcycle MUST be the property of the entrant and MUST be duly registered by him.
1959 AMA Rules For Competition |
1959 |
1959 Shifting (Dirt Track): | ►Once a rider shifts into high gear, he cannot shift gears except under a hold position flag.
1959 AMA Rules For Competition |
1959 |
1959 Shifting (Short Track): | ►Once a rider shifts into high gear, he cannot shift gears to reduce speed.
1959 AMA Rules For Competition |
1959 |
1959 Short Track | ►Short Track races are redesignated as "Class A".
►Class A short tracks are now less than one-half mile in length (had been one-third mile in length in the 1958 rulebook). (1959 AMA Rules for Competition Article X). |
1959 |
1959 Short Track Distance: | ►The term "Short Track" shall be taken to mean any racing conducted on a track with a circumference of less than 1/2 of a mile, composed of a dirt, sand, or cinder surface.
1959 AMA Rules For Competition |
1959 |
1959 Women In Racing: | ►Women may ride in Reliability trials, Endurance runs, Economy and similar runs, but under no circumstances shall women
be permitted to participate in any Hill Climb, or to appear on any race track or course in competition or exhibition
where speed or time is a determining factor.
1959 AMA Rules For Competition |
1960Back To Top |
1960 Advancement Points: | ►5. Expert and Amateur riders are selected annually by the Competition Committee.
Advancement is made when the ability and performance of the rider together with point credit,
20 accumulated points for Novice riders and
40 accumulated points for Amateur riders,
justifies the change.
A rider cannot change classification during the year and can advance only one class at a time.
No points are carried over from Novice class to the Amateur class.
►Dirt Track points: 5-3-2-1. ►Short Track points: 2½-1½-1-½. ►Points are awarded for heat races, semi-final, and final events. Points are not awarded in consolation events. 1960 AMA Rules For Competition |
1960 |
1960 Age: | ►No rider under 21 years of age may compete without the duly notarized consent of parents or legal guardian.
Minimum age for competition license applicant is 18 years old. 1960 AMA Rules For Competition |
1960 |
1960 Approval Process: |
The manufacturer of the motorcycle must have sold, or have available for sale, to the general public in the U.S.A.
25 or more motorcycles of the model in question, before it can be entered in any Class C Competition event.
1960 AMA Rules For Competition | 1960 |
1960 Backup Bikes: | ►Section 22. Under penalty of disqualification for all concerned, no rider shall use more than one machine in the same event.
No rider shall use a machine in any event other than the one he has qualified for this event.
No rider is permitted to qualify more than one motor for any meet, except when such a meet includes events requiring equipment of different classification or displacement.
Section 23. Under penalty of disqualification of all concerned, not any motorcycle shall be used by more than one contestant in any specified day's program. 1960 AMA Rules For Competition |
1960 |
1960 Claiming: | ►Section 3.
(a) All sanctioned Formula C dirt track race meets, speedway races, road races, T.T. races, and hill climbs shall be considered claiming events and the claiming price shall be set at $1,500.00. ►Special rules for the claiming program: Section 4. Any contestant in a day's program may enter a claim for any motorcycle entered, within thirty minutes after the completion of the program. (a) If a claim is entered for a motorcycle, same must be accompanied by cash or a certified check and the owner of the claimed motorcycle must immediately deliver the motorcycle intact, together with clear title or bill of sale for same. (b) A filed claim must be handed to the Referee within the specified time limit. Referee will then notify the owner of the claimed motorcycle and take physical possession of same. (c) Penalty: Failure to comply with these rules, forfeiture of prize money and automatic suspension from the A.M.A. 1960 AMA Rules For Competition |
1960 |
1960 Compression Ratio: | ►Compression ratio shall not be more than 9 to 1.
1960 AMA Rules For Competition |
1960 |
1960 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►The maximum piston displacement allowed is 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) side by side pocket valve design.
(Overhead valve motors up to 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement may be used in this event). 1960 AMA Rules For Competition |
1960 |
1960 Displacement (Road Race): | Formula C Road Race:
►For Expert, Amateur and Novice riders on motors limited to 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) piston displacement of side valve or flat head type, and overhead valve motors of 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement. 1960 AMA Rules For Competition |
1960 |
1960 Displacement (Short Track): | Class A Short Track:
►The piston displacement shall be 250cc - limited to 0.040" oversize. 1960 AMA Rules For Competition |
1960 |
1960 Displacement (TT): | Formula C 45 T.T.:
►For Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders on motors up to and including 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) piston displacement of side by side pocket valve or flat head type, and overhead valve motors up to and including 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement. 1960 AMA Rules For Competition Formula C 80 T.T.: ►(For Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders using motors up to and including 80 cu. in. (1310cc) piston displacement of pocket valve type). Overhead valve motors up to and including 74 cu. in. (1210cc) piston displacement may be used in this event. Motorcycles built prior to 1930 are barred from this event. 1960 AMA Rules For Competition |
1960 |
1960 Frames: | ►Formula C equipment shall have no alterations in bore, stroke, frame, forks, or type of motor.
Streamlined parts, shell, or housing will not be permitted.
Motorcycle parts may be interchanged, provided standard parts are used as sold by the manufacturer of the motorcycle in question
and shall not affect the compression ratio allowed.
Parts to be interchanged must be from a previously approved model.
1960 AMA Rules For Competition |
1960 |
1960 Heads: | ►Formula C equipment shall have no alterations in bore, stroke, frame, forks, or type of motor....
Approved carburetors may be fitted by adaptors, but head and cylinder castings may not be altered.
1960 AMA Rules For Competition |
1960 |
1960 Maximum Riders (Dirt Track): | ►The number of riders in a Track Speed event shall not exceed eight on a mile dirt track, and six on a half mile dirt track.
the Chairman of the Competition Committee is, however, empowered to increase or decrease the above number of riders where track conditions in his opinion warrant.
The Referee may reduce this number of riders, if in his judgment the maximum would be unsafe.
1960 AMA Rules For Competition |
1960 |
1960 Number Plates (Dirt Track): | ►Every rider shall, while competing, carry a number corresponding with his number on the program.
Three copies for display on the front and sides of the machine, to be metal, white, yellow, green or red background, 10" high and 12" wide;
corners cut at a radius of 2-1/4"; black or white block type numbers 8" high. A letter, 3" high, if added to a number must be in
the lower right hand corner.
1960 AMA Rules For Competition |
1960 |
1960 Number Plates (TT): | ►Every rider shall, while competing, carry a number corresponding with his number on the program.
Three copies for display on the front and sides of the machine, to be metal, white, yellow, green or red background, 10" high and 12" wide;
corners cut at a radius of 2-1/4"; black or white block type numbers 8" high. A letter, 3" high, if added to a number must be in
the lower right hand corner.
1960 AMA Rules For Competition |
1960 |
1960 Number Plates (Road Race): | ►Every rider shall, while competing, carry a number corresponding with his number on the program.
Three copies for display on the front and sides of the machine, to be of metal, white or yellow background
with eight-inch black figures. Each rider must furnish his own back number. Numbers shall not be less than 9" high.
1960 AMA Rules For Competition |
1960 |
1960 Ownership: | ►The motorcycle MUST be the property of the entrant and MUST be duly registered by him.
1960 AMA Rules For Competition |
1960 |
1960 Shifting (Dirt Track): | ►Once a rider shifts into high gear, he cannot shift gears except under a hold position flag.
1960 AMA Rules For Competition |
1960 |
1960 Shifting (Short Track): | ►Once a rider shifts into high gear, he cannot shift gears to reduce speed.
1960 AMA Rules For Competition |
1960 |
1960 Short Track Distance: | ►The term "Short Track" shall be taken to mean any racing conducted on a track with a circumference of less than 2,250 feet, composed of a dirt, sand, or cinder surface.
1960 AMA Rules For Competition |
1960 |
1960 Women In Racing: | ►Women may ride in Reliability trials, Endurance runs, Economy and similar runs, but under no circumstances shall women
be permitted to participate in any Hill Climb, or to appear on any race track or course in competition or exhibition
where speed or time is a determining factor.
1960 AMA Rules For Competition |
1961Back To Top |
1961 Compression Ratio: | ►Compression is now unlimited but gasoline must be used.
Jules Horky, Competition Director AMA Competition Bulletin, December 1960 |
1961 |
1961 Displacement Debate: | ►Midway through the season, Ascot Park and AMA District 37 (Southern California) put all Novices on 250cc machines for safety. |
1961 |
1961 Gasoline: | ►Gasoline must be used, not over 100 octane and must be furnished by all promoting groups.
All motors must be drained before riding the finals.
Jules Horky, Competition Director AMA Competition Bulletin, December 1960
1961 |
1961 Safety Precautions (Dirt Track): | ►Handlebar control levers must have minimum ¾" diameter ball ends.
1961 AMA Rules For Competition | 1961 |
1961 Safety Precautions (Road Race): | ►Handlebar control levers must have minimum ¾" diameter ball ends.
1961 AMA Rules For Competition |
1961 |
1961 Safety Precautions (TT): | ►Handlebar control levers must have minimum ¾" diameter ball ends.
1961 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963Back To Top |
1963 Advancement Points: | ►5. Expert and Amateur riders are selected annually by the Competition Committee.
Advancement is made when the ability and performance of the rider together with point credit,
20 accumulated points for Novice riders and
40 accumulated points for Amateur riders,
justifies the change.
A rider cannot change classification during the year and can advance only one class at a time.
No points are carried over from Novice class to the Amateur class.
►Dirt Track points: 5-3-2-1. ►Short Track points: 2½-1½-1-½. ►Points are awarded for heat races, semi-final, and final events. Points are not awarded in consolation events. ►Riders will be advanced from Novice to Amateur to Expert on the basis of points accumulated in Dirt Track, Short Track, Road Racing, and T.T. events. 1963 AMA Rules For Competition ►Novice riders who have accumulated 20 points will be advanced to the Amateur class for 1963. ►Novice riders with 5 through 19 points have the option of moving up to the Amateur class or remaining in the Novice class. Indicate your preference when applying for your license. ►Novice riders who have accumulated less than 5 points must remain in the Novice class. American Motorcycling, January 1963, Page 7 |
1963 |
1963 Age: | ►No rider under 21 years of age may compete without the duly notarized consent of parents or legal guardian.
Minimum age for competition license applicant is 18 years old. 1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Approval: | ►Manufacturers are no longer required to submit 25 complete motorcycles to the AMA for approval (see 1950; was Article III, Section 3.b). |
1963 |
1963 Axles (Dirt Track & T.T.): | ►Wheel axles MUST be STEEL.
1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Axles (Road Race): | ►Wheel axles MUST be STEEL.
1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Backup Bikes: | ►Section 22. Under penalty of disqualification for all concerned, no rider shall use more than one machine in the same event.
No rider shall use a machine in any event other than the one he has qualified for this event.
No rider is permitted to qualify more than one motor for any meet, except when such a meet includes events requiring equipment of different classification or displacement.
Section 23. Under penalty of disqualification of all concerned, not any motorcycle shall be used by more than one contestant in any specified day's program. 1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Brakes (Dirt Track): | ►All machines used in dirt track and speedway races must have brake shoes and operating cams removed.
1963 AMA Rules For Competition ►In dirt track and speedway races, brake shoes and operating cams MUST be removed. 1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Brakes (Road Race): | ►All brakes, wheel hubs and axles, must be the same as submitted for approval by the manufacturer or distributor of the motorcycle in question.
1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Brakes (Short Track): | ►No brakes shall be fitted to any racing motorcycle nor any device which can be operated by the rider to suddenly decrease speed.
1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Brakes (TT): | ►Brakes, when required, must be the same as submitted
for approval by the manufacturer or distributor
of the motorcycle in question. Photos of installation,
and specifications must be submitted to the
A.M.A. Technical Committee to establish approved
Special brake operating levers, rods or pedals may be used. Brake pedals MUST be rubber covered. Ventilation of brakes is permitted. 1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Brake Debate: | ►AMA begins testing the use of brakes on Novice bikes at Ascot Park. |
1963 |
1963 Claiming: | ►Section 6. All sanctioned Formula C and Sportsman
dirt track race meets, speedway races, road races,
T.T. races, and hillclimbs [sic] shall be considered
Claiming Events and the claiming prices shall be set at:
Up to and including 250cc $1,000.00 251cc and up $1,500.00. 1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Compression Ratio: | [Comment: Has been unlimited since 1961.] |
1963 |
1963 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►The maximum piston displacement allowed is 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) side pocket valve design.
(Overhead valve motors up to 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement may be used in this event). Limited to expert and amateur riders. Novice riders limited to equipment with maximum displacement of 250cc. 1963 AMA Rules For Competition ►Dirt Track & T.T. Engines shall be limited to: (1) Side valve, or (2) Two stroke, or (3) Overhead valve, or (4) Single overhead camshaft (5) Maximum of two cylinders (6) One intake and one exhaust valve per cylinder. 1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Displacement (Road Race): | Formula C Heavyweight Road Race:
►For Expert, Amateur and Novice riders on motors limited to 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) piston displacement of side valve or flat head type, and overhead valve motors of 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement. 1963 AMA Rules For Competition Formula C Lightweight Road Race: ►Limited to motorcycles with maximum displacement of 250cc. A combined entry of Expert, Amateur, and Novice (Green Plate) riders is permitted in this event. 1963 AMA Rules For Competition ►Formula C Road Race Engine design shall be limited to: (1) Side valve, or (2) Two stroke, or (3) Overhead valve, or (4) Single overhead camshaft (5) Maximum of two cylinders (6) One intake and one exhaust valve per cylinder. 1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Displacement (Short Track): | Class A Short Track:
►The piston displacement shall not exceed 250cc 1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Displacement (TT): | Lightweight T.T. - Formula "C" 0-250cc:
►For Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders on motors up to and including 250cc. Engines shall be limited to: (1) Side valve (2) Two stroke (3) Overhead valve (4) Single overhead cam shaft (5) Maximum of two cylinders 1963 AMA Rules For Competition Heavyweight T.T. - Formula "C" 251cc-900cc: ►For Expert, Amateur and Novice riders using motors with 251cc-900cc displacement. 1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Drain Plugs (Dirt Track & T.T.): | ►All drain plugs must be safety wired.
1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Frames (Dirt Track): | ►FRAME
The frame must be of the same basic design and material as made by the manufacturer for the approved model in question. Any modifications to the frame must be done in a workmanlike manner and are subject to inspection by a member of the Technical or Safety Committee. 1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Frames (Road Race): | ►FRAME
The frame must be exactly the same as fitted by the manufacturer to the approved model in question. No basic alteration in design, construction, or material is allowed. In the interest of safety, the addition of reinforcement plates or struts may be added and brackets or lugs may be removed or lightened. 1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Frames (Short Track): | ►There are no specific rules concerning frames for Class A Short Track use in 1963.
1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Frames (TT): | ►FRAME
The frame must be of the same basic design and material as made by the manufacturer for the approved model in question. Any modifications to the frame must be done in a workmanlike manner and are subject to inspection by a member of the Technical or Safety Committee. 1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Gasoline (Dirt Track): | ►Gasoline of not higher than 100 octane rating must be used.
Additives of any type over and above that contained in the regular high test commercial gasoline is prohibited.
1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Gasoline (Road Race): | ►Gasoline of not higher than 100 octane rating must be used.
Additives of any type over and above that contained in the regular high test commercial gasoline is prohibited.
1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Gasoline (TT): | ►Gasoline of not higher than 100 octane rating must be used.
Additives of any type over and above that contained in the regular high test commercial gasoline is prohibited.
1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Maximum Riders (Dirt Track): | ►The number of riders in a Track Speed event shall not excced eight on a mile dirt track and six on a half mile dirt track.
The Chairman of the Competition Committee is, however, empowered to increase or decrease the above number of riders where track conditions in his opinion warrant.
The Referee may reduce this number of riders, if in his judgment the maximum number given would be unsafe.
1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 National Championship Eligibility (Dirt Track): | ►National Championships in Formula "C" events shall be limited to riders classified as Expert riders in racing.
1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Number Plates (Dirt Track): | ►Expert rider number plates shall be white with black numbers.
►Amateur rider number plates shall be yellow with black numbers (Dupont commercial yellow No. 93-6808). ►Novice rider number plates shall be green with white numbers (Dupont commercial green No. 93-1317). ►Probationary Novice rider number plates shall be red with white numbers (Dupont commercial red No. 93-24118-M). 1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Number Plates (Road Race): | ►Expert rider number plates shall be white with black numbers.
►Amateur rider number plates shall be yellow with black numbers (Dupont commercial yellow No. 93-6808). ►Novice rider number plates shall be green with white numbers (Dupont commercial green No. 93-1317). ►Probationary Novice rider number plates shall be red with white numbers (Dupont commercial red No. 93-24118-M). 1963 AMA Rules For Competition | 1963 |
1963 Number Plates (TT): | ►Expert rider number plates shall be white with black numbers.
►Amateur rider number plates shall be yellow with black numbers (Dupont commercial yellow No. 93-6808). ►Novice rider number plates shall be green with white numbers (Dupont commercial green No. 93-1317). ►Probationary Novice rider number plates shall be red with white numbers (Dupont commercial red No. 93-24118-M). 1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Ownership: | ►Section 22. ....The motorcycle MUST be the property of the entrant.
He must be prepared to show a certifcate of title, license plates, or a notarized bill of sale,
dated at least ten days prior to the date of the meet in which the motorcycle is used.
Co-ownership of a motorcycle on the part of two contestants is not permitted. 1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Probationary Novice (Road Race): | ►Probationary Novices are not permitted to compete in road race events.
American Motorcycling, January 1963, Page 7 |
1963 |
1963 Safety Precautions (Dirt Track): | ►Handlebar control levers must have minimum ¾" diameter ball ends.
1963 AMA Rules For Competition | 1963 |
1963 Safety Precautions (Road Race): | ►Handlebar control levers must have minimum ¾" diameter ball ends.
1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Safety Precautions (TT): | ►Handlebar control levers must have minimum ¾" diameter ball ends.
1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Shifting (Dirt Track): | ►Once a rider shifts into high gear, he cannot shift gears except under a hold position flag.
1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Shifting (Short Track): | ►Once a rider shifts into high gear, he cannot shift gears to reduce speed.
1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Short Track Distance: | ►The term "Short Track" shall be taken to mean any racing conducted on a track with a circumference of less than 2,250 feet, composed of a dirt, sand, or cinder surface.
1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Wheels (Dirt Track): | ►Any type of front or rear wheels may be used in dirt track events where brakes are not required.
NO wheel rims smaller than 16" can be used. 1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Wheels (TT): | ►Any type of front or rear wheels may be used in dirt track events where brakes are not required.
NO wheel rims smaller than 16" can be used. 1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1963 |
1963 Women In Racing: | ►Women may ride in Reliability trials, Endurance runs, Economy and similar runs, but under no circumstances shall women
be permitted to participate in any Hill Climb, or to appear on any race track or course in competition or exhibition
where speed or time is a determining factor.
1963 AMA Rules For Competition |
1964Back To Top |
1964 Advancement Points: | ►5. Expert and Amateur riders are selected annually by the Competition Committee.
Advancement is made when the ability and performance of the rider together with point credit,
20 accumulated points for Novice riders and
40 accumulated points for Amateur riders,
justifies the change.
A rider cannot change classification during the year and can advance only one class at a time.
No points are carried over from Novice class to the Amateur class.
►Dirt Track points: 5-3-2-1. ►Short Track points: 2½-1½-1-½. ►Points are awarded for heat races, semi-final, and final events. Points are not awarded in consolation events. ►Riders will be advanced from Novice to Amateur to Expert on the basis of points accumulated in Dirt Track, Short Track, Road Racing, and T.T. events. 1964 AMA Rules For Competition ►The "request" setup that applied in 1963 has been discontinued. (COMMENT) No longer can a novice who did not score 20 points ask to be moved up to amateur. Another real good change. If a rider cannot score 20 points in novice racing he has no business moving up to bigger and faster races. The few who did this in Southern California this year have probably regretted it all season long. From their performances they should have saved the paper and envelope and obtained another year of experience. - Roxy Rockwood Cycle magazine, February 1964, Page 40. |
1964 |
1964 Age: | ►No rider under 21 years of age may compete without the duly notarized consent of parents or legal guardian.
Minimum age for competition license applicant is 18 years old. 1964 AMA Rules For Competition |
1964 |
1964 Backup Bikes: | ►Section 22. Under penalty of disqualification for all concerned, no rider shall use more than one machine in the same event.
No rider shall use a machine in any event other than the one he has qualified for this event.
No rider is permitted to qualify more than one motor for any meet, except when such a meet includes events requiring equipment of different classification or displacement.
Section 23. Under penalty of disqualification of all concerned, not any motorcycle shall be used by more than one contestant in any specified day's program. 1964 AMA Rules For Competition |
1964 |
1964 Brakes (Dirt Track): | ►All machines used in dirt track and speedway races must have brake shoes and operating cams removed.
1964 AMA Rules For Competition ►In dirt track and speedway races, brake shoes and operating cams MUST be removed. 1964 AMA Rules For Competition |
1964 |
1964 Brakes (Road Race): | ►All brakes, wheel hubs and axles, must be the same as submitted for approval by the manufacturer or distributor of the motorcycle in question.
1964 AMA Rules For Competition |
1964 |
1964 Brakes (Short Track): | ►No brakes shall be fitted to any racing motorcycle nor any device which can be operated by the rider to suddenly decrease speed.
1964 AMA Rules For Competition |
1964 |
1964 Brakes (TT): | ►Brakes, when required, must be the same as submitted
for approval by the manufacturer or distributor
of the motorcycle in question. Photos of installation,
and specifications must be submitted to the
A.M.A. Technical Committee to establish approved
Special brake operating levers, rods or pedals may be used. Brake pedals MUST be rubber covered. Ventilation of brakes is permitted. 1964 AMA Rules For Competition |
1964 |
1964 Brake Debate: | ►The Competition Committee considers a motion to continue present rule covering use of brakes in dirt track events,
but continue test use of brakes on Novice equipment at Ascot Park.
Al Arnold MM; Earl Flanders SM Motion carries 23-3. Cycle magazine, January 1964. |
1964 |
1964 Claiming: | ►Section 6. All sanctioned Formula C and Sportsman
dirt track race meets, speedway races, road races,
T.T. races, and hillclimbs shall be considered
Claiming Events and the claiming prices shall be set at:
Up to and including 250cc $1,500.00 251cc and up $2,000.00. Less fairing 1964 AMA Rules For Competition |
1964 |
1964 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►The maximum piston displacement allowed is 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) side pocket valve design.
(Overhead valve motors up to 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement may be used in this event). Limited to expert and amateur riders. ►Novice riders limited to equipment with maximum displacement of 250cc. 1964 AMA Rules For Competition ►Dirt Track & T.T. Engine [sic]shall be limited to: (1) Side valve, or (2) Two stroke, or (3) Overhead valve, or (4) Single overhead camshaft (5) Maximum of two cylinders (6) One intake and one exhaust valve per cylinder. 1964 AMA Rules For Competition |
1964 |
1964 Displacement (Road Race): | Formula C Lightweight Road Race:
►Limited to motorcycles with maximum displacement of 250cc for Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders. 1964 AMA Rules For Competition Formula C Heavyweight Road Race: ►For Expert and Amateur riders on motors limited to 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) piston displacement of side valve or flat head type, and overhead valve motors of 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement. 1964 AMA Rules For Competition ►Formula C Road Race Engine design shall be limited to: (1) Side valve, or (2) Two stroke, or (3) Overhead valve, or (4) Single overhead camshaft (5) Maximum of two cylinders (6) One intake and one exhaust valve per cylinder. 1964 AMA Rules For Competition |
1964 |
1964 Displacement (Short Track): | Class C Short Track:
►The piston displacement shall not exceed 250cc 1964 AMA Rules For Competition |
1964 |
1964 Displacement (TT): | Lightweight T.T. - Formula "C" 0-250cc:
►For Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders on motors up to and including 250cc. Engines shall be limited to: (1) Side valve (2) Two stroke (3) Overhead valve (4) Single overhead camshaft (5) Maximum of two cylinders 1964 AMA Rules For Competition Heavyweight T.T. - Formula "C" 251cc-900cc: ►For Expert and Amateur riders using motors with 251cc-900cc displacement. 1964 AMA Rules For Competition |
1964 |
1964 Displacement Debate: | The 1964 Competition Committee considers several motions concerning displacement for 1964 and beyond.
►Motion to limit all Novice class riders to 250cc displacement in all events in 1964. Rabun Chambless MM; William Harley SM. Motion carried 24-1. ►Motion to limit Amateur class displacement to 250cc in all events in 1964. William Harley MM; Pete Zepka SM. Motion defeated 17-9. ►Motion to consider reduction in the maximum displacement of equipment used by Amateurs & Experts, effective in 1965. Aub LeBard MM; Leonard Andres SM. Motion carried 16-10. ►A subcommittee is appointed (John Elser, Aub LeBard, Dick O'Brien, and Len Kuchler) to study the question of reduced displacement and report to Competition Committee prior to Aug. 1, 1964. Cycle magazine, January 1964) |
1964 |
1964 Flags: | ►The Competition Committee considers a motion to eliminate the use of the Hold Position flag in all competition.
Rod Coates MM / Pete Zepka SM. Motion carried 18-7. Cycle magazine, January 1964 |
1964 |
1964 Frames: | ►Jules Horky (AMA Competition Director) reminds everyone that "home-made frames are illegal.
Rule now states that frame must be manufactured for the machine in question by the manufacturer."
AMA Competition Bulletin, March 1964 |
1964 |
1964 Frames (Dirt Track): | ►The frame must be of the same basic design and
material as made by the manufacturer for the approved
model in question.
Any modifications to the frame must be done in a workmanlike manner and are subject to inspection by a member of the Technical or Safety Committee. 1964 AMA Rules For Competition |
1964 |
1964 Frames (Road Race): | ►The frame must be exactly the same as fitted by the
manufacturer to the approved model in question. No
basic alteration in design, construction, or material is
allowed. In the interest of safety, the addition of
reinforcement plates or struts may be added and
brackets or lugs may be removed or lightened.
1964 AMA Rules For Competition |
1964 |
1964 Frames (Short Track): | There are no specific rules governing frames for Class A short track use in 1964.
1964 AMA Rules For Competition |
1964 |
1964 Frames (TT): | ►The frame must be of the same basic design and
material as made by the manufacturer for the approved
model in question.
Any modifications to the frame must be done in a workmanlike manner and are subject to inspection by a member of the Technical or Safety Committee. 1964 AMA Rules For Competition |
1964 |
1964 Gasoline: | ►Gasoline of not higher than 100 octane rating must be used.
Additives of any type over and above that contained in the regular high test commercial gasoline is prohibited.
1964 AMA Rules For Competition |
1964 |
1964 National Championship Eligibility: | ►National Championships in "Formula C" events shall be limited to riders classified as Expert riders in racing.
1964 AMA Rules For Competition |
1964 |
1964 National Number Assignments: | ►"Not all national numbers are assigned to winners of nationals or high point riders.
Appearance of rider, his equipment, his attitude, and cooperation with officials and promoters are all taken in consideration.
There are experts today who have NEVER won a major event but they are a credit to the sport of motorcycles" - Jules Horky, Competition Director.
AMA Competition Bulletin, July 1964 |
1964 |
1964 National Point Fund: | ►AMA establishes a National Championship point fund for the first time, financed by three primary sources:
$5 is added to all entry fees, a new $25 late entry fee in introduced, and each promoter donates 1% of their purse.
The point fund is distributed to the top 20, with the winner receiving 25%, second place 13%, third place 8%. |
1964 |
1964 Number Plates (Dirt Track & T.T.): | ►Expert number plates shall be white with black numbers.
►Amateur number plates shall be yellow with black numbers (Dupont commercial yellow No. 93-6808). ►Novice number plates shall be green with white numbers (Dupont commercial green No. 93-1317). 1964 AMA Rules For Competition |
1964 |
1964 Number Plates (Road Race): | ►Expert number plates shall be white with black numbers.
►Amateur number plates shall be yellow with black numbers (Dupont commercial yellow No. 93-6808). ►Novice number plates shall be green with white numbers (Dupont commercial green No. 93-1317). 1964 AMA Rules For Competition |
1964 |
1964 Ownership: | ►Section 22. ....Co-ownership of a motorcycle on the part of two contestants is not permitted.
1964 AMA Rules For Competition |
1964 |
1964 Short Track: | ►The Competition Committee considers redesignating short track racing from Class A to Class C.
Dudley Perkins MM / Walter Fulton SM Motion carried 20-6. Cycle magazine, January 1964
Cycle magazine, January 1964 |
1964 |
1964 Shifting (Dirt Track): | ►Once a rider shifts into high gear, he cannot shift gears except under a hold position flag.
1964 AMA Rules For Competition |
1964 |
1964 Shifting (Short Track): | ►Once a rider shifts into high gear, he cannot shift gears to reduce speed.
1964 AMA Rules For Competition |
1964 |
1964 Women In Racing: | ►Women may ride in any type of competition except events requiring a Competition License.
1964 AMA Rules For Competition |
1965Back To Top |
1965 Advancement Points: | ►5. Expert and Amateur riders are selected annually by the Competition Committee.
Advancement is made when the ability and performance of the rider together with point credit,
20 accumulated points for Novice riders and
40 accumulated points for Amateur riders,
justifies the change.
A rider cannot change classification during the year and can advance only one class at a time.
No points are carried over from Novice class to the Amateur class.
►Dirt Track points: 5-3-2-1. ►Short Track points: 2½-1½-1-½. ►Points are awarded for heat races, semi-final, and final events. Points are not awarded in consolation events, but points are awarded in trophy dashes when prize money is paid. ►Riders will be advanced from Novice to Amateur to Expert on the basis of points accumulated in Dirt Track, Short Track, Road Racing, and T.T. events. 1965 AMA Rules For Competition |
1965 |
1965 Age: | ►No rider under 21 years of age may compete without the duly notarized consent of parents or legal guardian.
Minimum age for competition license applicant is 18 years old. 1965 AMA Rules For Competition |
1965 |
1965 Approval Process: | ►The competition motorcycle to be approved, must be a standard, catalogued, production model
and at least 100 models with identical engines and transmissions must be available for sale within the boundaries of the USA.
1965 AMA Rules for Competition Cycle magazine, February 1965 |
1965 |
1965 Backup Bikes: | ►Section 6. Under penalty or disqualification for all concerned, no rider shall use more than one machine in the same event.
No rider shall use a machine in any event other than the one he has qualified for this event.
No rider is permitted to qualify more than one motor for any meet, except when such a meet includes events requiring equipment of different classification or displacement.
Section 7. Under penalty of disqualification of all concerned, not any motorcycle shall be used by more than one contestant in any specified day's program. 1965 AMA Rules For Competition |
1965 |
1965 Brakes (Dirt Track): | ►In dirt track and speedway races, brake shoes and operating
cams MUST be removed.
1965 AMA Rules For Competition |
1965 |
1965 Brakes (Road Race): | ►All brakes must be the same as submitted and endorsed for
approval by the manufacturer and/or all U.S.A. distributors of the
make of motorcycle to which the brakes are to be fitted. Photos
of installation, and specifications must be submitted to the A.M.A.
Technical Committee to establish approved status.
1965 AMA Rules For Competition |
1965 |
1965 Brakes (Short Track): | ►In dirt track and speedway races, brake shoes and operating
cams MUST be removed.
1965 AMA Rules For Competition |
1965 |
1965 Brakes (TT): | ►Brakes, when required, must be the same as submitted and
endorsed for approval by the manufacturer and/or all U.S.A.
distributors of the make of motorcycle to which the brakes are
to be fitted. Photos of installation, and specifications must be
submitted to the A.M.A. Technical Committee to establish approved
Special brake operating levers, rods, or pedals may be used. Brake pedals MUST be rubber covered. Ventilation of brakes is permitted. 1965 AMA Rules For Competition |
1965 |
1965 Brake Debate: | ►The 1965 Competition Committee considers a motion that all motorcycles used in dirt track races
must be equipped with an operating rear wheel brake.
Trevor Deeley MM; Horace Fritz SM Motion defeated 23-4. Cycle magazine, February 1965
Cycle magazine, February 1965 |
1965 |
1965 Claiming: | ►Section 6. All sanctioned Formula C and Sportsman dirt track race meets, speedway races, road races, T.T. races,
and hillclimbs shall be considered Claiming Events, and the claiming prices shall be set at:
Up to and including 250cc: $1,500 251cc and up: $2,000 Less fairing ►Section 7. Special rules for the claiming program: Any contestant in a days program can enter claim for a motorcycle ridden in any event in which the claimant has competed. Claim must be entered within thirty minutes after completion of the event in which claimed motorcycle was ridden. (a) If a claim is entered for a motorcycle, same must be accompanied by cash or a certified check and the owner of the claimed motorcycle must immediately deliver the motorcycle intact, together with clear title or bill of sale for same. (b) A filed claim must be handed to the Referee within the specified time limit. Referee will then notify the owner of the claimed motorcycle and take physical possession of same. (c) Penalty: Failure to comply with these rules, forfeiture of prize money and automatic suspension from the A.M.A. 1965 AMA Rules For Competition |
1965 |
1965 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►The maximum piston displacement allowed is 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) side pocket valve design.
(Overhead valve motors up to 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement may be used in this event). Limited to expert and amateur riders. ►Novice riders limited to equipment with maximum displacement of 250cc. 1965 AMA Rules For Competition ►Dirt Track, Short Track & T.T. Engines shall be limited to: (1) Side valve, or (2) Two stroke, or (3) Overhead valve, or (4) Maximum of two cylinders (5) One intake and one exhaust valve per cylinder. 1965 AMA Rules For Competition |
1965 |
1965 Displacement (Road Race): | Formula C Lightweight Road Race:
►Limited to motorcycles with maximum displacement of 250cc for Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders. 1965 AMA Rules For Competition Formula C Heavyweight Road Race: ►For Expert and Amateur riders on motors limited to 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) piston displacement of side valve or flat head type, and overhead valve motors of 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement. 1965 AMA Rules For Competition ►Formula C Road Race Engine design shall be limited to: (1) Side valve, or (2) Two stroke, or (3) Overhead valve (4) Maximum of two cylinders (5) One intake and one exhaust valve per cylinder. 1965 AMA Rules For Competition |
1965 |
1965 Displacement (Short Track): | Formula C Short Track:
►The piston displacement shall not exceed 250cc 1965 AMA Rules For Competition |
1965 |
1965 Displacement (TT): | Lightweight T.T. - Formula "C" 0-250cc:
►For Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders on motors up to and including 250cc. Engine design shall be limited to: (1) Side valve (2) Two stroke (3) Overhead valve (4) Maximum of two cylinders 1965 AMA Rules For Competition Heavyweight T.T. - Formula "C" 251cc-900cc: ►For Expert and Amateur riders using motors with 251cc up to 900cc piston displacement. 1965 AMA Rules For Competition |
1965 |
1965 Displacement Debate: | ►The Competition Committee subcommittee (Esler, LeBard, O'Brien, Kuchler)
that was tasked at the 1964 Competition Committee meeting to consider reduced displacement for 1965
recommends to continue with the current displacements.
They also recommended considering increased maximum displacement in dirt track and road race
heavyweight class equipment in the future.
►The Competition Committee considers a motion that effective in 1967, the engine size for Amateur and Expert competition shall be maximum 750cc (45ci) in all competition except Short track. Engines shall be limited to SOHC, two cylinders max, two-valve max, four-speed transmissions. Rod Coates MM; Earl Flanders SM. Motion carries 23-3. Cycle magazine, February 1965 |
1965 |
1965 Frames (Dirt Track): | ►The frame must be of the same basic design and material as
made by the manufacturer for the approved model in question.
Any modifications to the frame must be done in a workmanlike manner and are subject to inspection by a member of a Technical or Safety Committee. 1965 AMA Rules For Competition ►All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (NOT TAPE) and must fold backward at 45 degrees. Foot gear shift and foot brake lever must be covered. The length of the foot rest from the pivot point not to exceed five (5) inches and from the pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed two (2) inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichere [sic] is the lowest. 1965 AMA Rules For Competition |
1965 |
1965 Frames (Road Race): | ►Frame must be the same as submitted and endorsed by the
manufacturer and/or all U.S.A. distributors of the motorcycle to
which the frame is fitted. Photos of installation and specifications
must be submitted to the AMA Technical Committee to establish
approval status.
1965 AMA Rules For Competition ►All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (NOT TAPE) and must fold backward at 45 degrees. Foot gear shift and foot brake lever must be covered. The length of the foot rest from the pivot point not to exceed five (5) inches and from the pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed two (2) inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichere [sic] is the lowest. 1965 AMA Rules For Competition |
1965 |
1965 Frames (Short Track): | ►The frame must be of the same basic design and material as
made by the manufacturer for the approved model in question.
Any modifications to the frame must be done in a workmanlike manner and are subject to inspection by a member of a Technical or Safety Committee. 1965 AMA Rules For Competition ►All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (NOT TAPE) and must fold backward at 45 degrees. Foot gear shift and foot brake lever must be covered. The length of the foot rest from the pivot point not to exceed five (5) inches and from the pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed two (2) inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichere [sic] is the lowest. 1965 AMA Rules For Competition |
1965 |
1965 Frames (TT): | ►The frame must be of the same basic design and material as
made by the manufacturer for the approved model in question.
Any modifications to the frame must be done in a workmanlike manner and are subject to inspection by a member of a Technical or Safety Committee. 1965 AMA Rules For Competition ►All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (NOT TAPE) and must fold backward at 45 degrees. Foot gear shift and foot brake lever must be covered. The length of the foot rest from the pivot point not to exceed five (5) inches and from the pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed two (2) inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichere [sic] is the lowest. 1965 AMA Rules For Competition |
1965 |
1965 Gasoline: | ►Dirt Track, Short Track, & T.T.:
Gasoline of not higher than 100 octane rating must be used. Additives of any type over and above that contained in the regular high test commercial gasoline is prohibited. 1965 AMA Rules For Competition ►Road Racing: Gasoline of not higher than 100 octane rating must be used. Additives of any type over and above that contained in the regular high test commercial gasoline is prohibited. 1965 AMA Rules For Competition ►Short Track: Limited to standard pump gasoline with no power additives permitted. 1965 AMA Rules For Competition |
1965 |
1965 Gas Tanks (Road Race): | ►Maximum capacity of gas tanks to be limited to six (6) gallons...
1965 AMA Rules For Competition |
1965 |
1965 National Number Assignments: | ►"How do Expert riders receive National numbers?
Several ways, sometimes winners of Nationals, sometimes the clean and co-operative Expert, the high point flat track Amateur,
last year several high point Amateurs in different sections of the U.S.A. were assigned National numbers
who have thus far been very active and we also try to place National numbers in all sections or States,
so don't write and tell AMA, I intend to be active next year, please assign a National number" - Jules Horky, Competition Director
AMA Competition Bulletin, September 1965 |
1965 |
1965 Pit Stops (Road Race): | ► all road races of more than 100 miles distance a pit stop must be made and gasoline added.
1965 AMA Rules For Competition |
1965 |
1965 Probationary Novice | 99Z
►The Probationary Novice division is eliminated after the 1964 season. |
1965 |
1965 Shifting: | ►The 1965 Competition Committee votes to remove the rule about remaining in high gear.
Bruce Walters MM; Pete Zepka SM; Motion carries 22-4. Cycle magazine, February 1965 |
1965 |
1965 Starting Lines: | ►At all D.T., S.T., and T.T. races a double starting line, 2 feet apart, must be used
and a rider must be penalized if his front tire touches the front line before the race is started.
1965 AMA Rules For Competition ►New rule implements the "double" starting line in an effort to improve the poor starts. AMA Competition Bulletin, January 1965 ►These lines shall be two feet apart. AMA Competition Bulletin, Feburary 1965 |
1965 |
1965 Wheels (Dirt Track): | ►Any type of front or rear wheels may be used in dirt track events where brakes are not required.
NO wheel rims smaller than 16" can be used. 1965 AMA Rules For Competition |
1965 |
1965 Wheels (Short Track): | ►Any type of front or rear wheels may be used in dirt track events where brakes are not required.
NO wheel rims smaller than 16" can be used. 1965 AMA Rules For Competition |
1965 |
1965 Wheels (TT): | ►Any type of front or rear wheels may be used in dirt track events where brakes are not required.
NO wheel rims smaller than 16" can be used. 1965 AMA Rules For Competition |
1965 |
1965 Women In Racing: | ►Women may ride at the discretion of the promoter, in any type of competition except events requiring a Competition License.
1965 AMA Rules For Competition |
1966Back To Top |
1966 Advancement Points: | ►5. Expert and Amateur riders are selected annually by the Competition Committee.
Advancement is made when the ability and performance of the rider together with point credit,
20 accumulated points for Novice riders and
40 accumulated points for Amateur riders,
justifies the change.
A rider cannot change classification during the year and can advance only one class at a time.
No points are carried over from Novice class to the Amateur class.
►Dirt Track points: 5-3-2-1. ►Short Track points: 2½-1½-1-½. ►Points are awarded for heat races, semi-final, and final events. Points are not awarded in consolation events, but points are awarded in trophy dashes when prize money is paid. ►Riders will be advanced from Novice to Amateur to Expert on the basis of points accumulated in Dirt Track, Short Track, Road Racing, and T.T. events. 1966 AMA Rules For Competition |
1966 |
1966 Age: | ►No rider under 21 years of age may compete without the duly notarized consent of parents or legal guardian.
Minimum age for competition license applicant is 18 years old. 1966 AMA Rules For Competition |
1966 |
1966 Approval Process: | ►The competition motorcycle to be approved, must be a standard, catalogued, production model
and at least 100 models with identical engines and transmissions must be available for sale within the boundaries of the USA.
1966 AMA Rules for Competition The 1966 Competition Committee considers several motions: ►It was moved, and seconded to continue with present...(approval requirements)...until 1969, at which time... at least 200 of the Standard production model must be available for sale in the USA. Motion carries 22-2. Cycle magazine, March 1966, page 64
Cycle magazine, March 1966, page 64 |
1966 |
1966 Backup Bikes: | ►Section 6. Under penalty or disqualification for all concerned, no rider shall use more than one machine in the same event.
No rider shall use a machine in any event other than the one he has qualified for this event.
No rider is permitted to qualify more than one motor for any meet, except when such a meet includes events requiring equipment of different classification or displacement.
Section 7. Under penalty of disqualification of all concerned, not any motorcycle shall be used by more than one contestant in any specified day's program. 1966 AMA Rules For Competition |
1966 |
1966 Brakes (Dirt Track): | ►In dirt track and speedway races, brake shoes and operating cams MUST be removed.
1966 AMA Rules For Competition |
1966 |
1966 Brakes (Road Race): | ►All motorcycles used in T.T. and Road Race competition must be fitted with adequate and operating front and rear wheel brakes.
1966 AMA Rules For Competition ►All brakes must be the same as submitted and endorsed for approval by the manufacturer and/or all U.S.A. distributors of the make of motorcycle to which the brakes are to be fitted. Photos of installation, and specifications must be submitted to the A.M.A. Technical Committee to establish approved status. 1966 AMA Rules For Competition |
1966 |
1966 Brakes (TT): | ►All motorcycles used in T.T. and Road Race competition must be fitted with adequate and operating front and rear wheel brakes.
1966 AMA Rules For Competition ►Brakes, when required, must be the same as submitted and endorsed for approval by the manufacturer and/or all U.S.A. distributors of the make of motorcycle to which the brakes are to be fitted. Photos of installation, and specifications must be submitted to the A.M.A. Technical Committee to establish approved status. Special brake operating levers, rods, or pedals may be used. Brake pedals MUST be rubber covered. Ventilation of brakes is permitted. 1966 AMA Rules For Competition |
1966 |
1966 Brake Debate: | ►The 1966 Competition Committee considers a motion to add brakes to all dirt track equipment.
The motion is defeated 15-8. Cycle magazine, March 1966, page 65
Cycle magazine, March 1966, page 65 |
1966 |
1966 Claiming: | ►Section 6. All sanctioned Formula C and Sportsman dirt track race meets, speedway races, road races, T.T. races,
and hillclimbs shall be considered Claiming Events, and the claiming prices shall be set at:
Up to and including 250cc: $1,500 251cc and up: $2,000 Less fairing ►Section 7. Special rules for the claiming program: Any contestant in a days program can enter claim for a motorcycle ridden in any event in which the claimant has competed. Claim must be entered within thirty minutes after completion of the event in which claimed motorcycle was ridden. (a) If a claim is entered for a motorcycle, same must be accompanied by cash or a certified check and the owner of the claimed motorcycle must immediately deliver the motorcycle intact, together with clear title or bill of sale for same. (b) A filed claim must be handed to the Referee within the specified time limit. Referee will then notify the owner of the claimed motorcycle and take physical possession of same. (c) Penalty: Failure to comply with these rules, forfeiture of prize money and automatic suspension from the A.M.A. 1966 AMA Rules For Competition |
1966 |
1966 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►The maximum piston displacement allowed is 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) side pocket valve design.
(Overhead valve motors up to 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement may be used in this event). Limited to expert and amateur riders. ►Novice riders limited to equipment with maximum displacement of 250cc. 1966 AMA Rules For Competition ►Dirt Track, Short Track & T.T. Engines shall be limited to: (1) Side valve, or (2) Two stroke, or (3) Overhead valve, or (4) Maximum of two cylinders (5) One intake and one exhaust valve per cylinder. 1966 AMA Rules For Competition |
1966 |
1966 Displacement (Road Race): | Formula C Lightweight Road Race:
►Limited to motorcycles with maximum displacement of 250cc for Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders. 1966 AMA Rules For Competition Formula C Heavyweight Road Race: ►For Expert and Amateur riders on motors limited to 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) piston displacement of side valve or flat head type, and overhead valve motors of 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement. 1966 AMA Rules For Competition ►Formula C Road Race Engine design shall be limited to: (1) Side valve, or (2) Two stroke, or (3) Overhead valve (4) Maximum of two cylinders (5) One intake and one exhaust valve per cylinder. 1966 AMA Rules For Competition |
1966 |
1966 Displacement (Short Track): | Formula C Short Track:
►The piston displacement shall not exceed 250cc 1966 AMA Rules For Competition |
1966 |
1966 Displacement (TT): | Lightweight T.T. - Formula "C" 0-250cc:
►For Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders on motors up to and including 250cc. Engine design shall be limited to: (1) Side valve (2) Two stroke (3) Overhead valve (4) Maximum of two cylinders 1966 AMA Rules For Competition Heavyweight T.T. - Formula "C" 251cc-900cc: ►For Expert and Amateur riders using motors with 251cc up to 900cc piston displacement. 1966 AMA Rules For Competition |
1966 |
1966 Displacement Debate: | The 1966 Competition Committee considered several displacement motions:
►It was moved, and seconded, to continue with present displacement classifications until 1969, at which time maximum allowable displacement for Amateur and Expert class riders in Dirt Track and Road Racing will be 350cc with no design restrictions except there shall be no supercharging, and limited to air-cooled engines, maximum five-speed transmissions, subject to 'intent' as covered in Article II Section 3 and the competition motorcycle must be the exact counterpart of a Standard production catalogued model and at least 200 of the Standard production model must be available for sale in the USA. Motion carries 22-2. Cycle magazine, March 1966, Page 64
Cycle magazine, March 1966, Page 64
1966 |
1966 Frames (Dirt Track): | ►The frame must be of the same basic design and material as
made by the manufacturer for the approved model in question.
Any modifications to the frame must be done in a workmanlike manner and are subject to inspection by a member of a Technical or Safety Committee. 1966 AMA Rules For Competition ►All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (NOT TAPE) and must fold backward at 45 degrees. Foot gear shift and foot brake lever must be covered. The length of the foot rest from the pivot point not to exceed five (5) inches and from the pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed two (2) inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichere [sic] is the lowest. 1966 AMA Rules For Competition |
1966 |
1966 Frames (Road Race): | ►Frame must be the same as submitted and endorsed by the
manufacturer and/or all U.S.A. distributors of the motorcycle to
which the frame is fitted. Photos of installation and specifications
must be submitted to the AMA Technical Committee to establish
approval status.
1966 AMA Rules For Competition ►All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (NOT TAPE) and must fold backward at 45 degrees. Foot gear shift and foot brake lever must be covered. The length of the foot rest from the pivot point not to exceed five (5) inches and from the pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed two (2) inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichere [sic] is the lowest. 1966 AMA Rules For Competition |
1966 |
1966 Frames (Short Track): | ►The frame must be of the same basic design and material as
made by the manufacturer for the approved model in question.
Any modifications to the frame must be done in a workmanlike manner and are subject to inspection by a member of a Technical or Safety Committee. 1966 AMA Rules For Competition ►All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (NOT TAPE) and must fold backward at 45 degrees. Foot gear shift and foot brake lever must be covered. The length of the foot rest from the pivot point not to exceed five (5) inches and from the pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed two (2) inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichere [sic] is the lowest. 1966 AMA Rules For Competition |
1966 |
1966 Frames (TT): | ►The frame must be of the same basic design and material as
made by the manufacturer for the approved model in question.
Any modifications to the frame must be done in a workmanlike manner and are subject to inspection by a member of a Technical or Safety Committee. 1966 AMA Rules For Competition ►All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (NOT TAPE) and must fold backward at 45 degrees. Foot gear shift and foot brake lever must be covered. The length of the foot rest from the pivot point not to exceed five (5) inches and from the pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed two (2) inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichere [sic] is the lowest. 1966 AMA Rules For Competition |
1966 |
1966 Gasoline: | ►Dirt Track, Short Track, & T.T.:
Gasoline of not higher than 100 octane rating must be used. Additives of any type over and above that contained in the regular high test commercial gasoline is prohibited. 1966 AMA Rules For Competition ►Road Racing: Gasoline of not higher than 100 octane rating must be used. Additives of any type over and above that contained in the regular high test commercial gasoline is prohibited. 1966 AMA Rules For Competition ►Short Track: Limited to standard pump gasoline with no power additives permitted. 1966 AMA Rules For Competition |
1966 |
1966 Gas Tanks (Road Race): | ►Maximum capacity of gas tanks to be limited to six (6) gallons...
1966 AMA Rules For Competition |
1966 |
1966 Pit Stops (Road Race): | ► all road races of more than 100 miles distance a pit stop must be made and gasoline added.
1966 AMA Rules For Competition |
1966 |
1966 Starting Lines: | ►At all D.T., S.T., and T.T. races a double starting line, 2 feet apart, must be used
and a rider must be penalized if his front tire touches the front line before the race is started.
1966 AMA Rules For Competition |
1966 |
1966 Wheels (Dirt Track): | ►Any type of front or rear wheels may be used in dirt track events where brakes are not required.
NO wheel rims smaller than 16" can be used. 1966 AMA Rules For Competition |
1966 |
1966 Wheels (Short Track): | ►Any type of front or rear wheels may be used in dirt track events where brakes are not required.
NO wheel rims smaller than 16" can be used. 1966 AMA Rules For Competition |
1966 |
1966 Wheels (TT): | ►Any type of front or rear wheels may be used in dirt track events where brakes are not required.
NO wheel rims smaller than 16" can be used. 1966 AMA Rules For Competition |
1966 |
1966 Women In Racing: | ►Women may ride at the discretion of the promoter, in any type of competition except events requiring a Competition License.
1966 AMA Rules For Competition |
1967Back To Top |
1967 Advancement Points: | ►5. Expert and Amateur riders are selected annually by the Competition Committee.
Advancement is made when the ability and performance of the rider together with point credit,
20 accumulated points for Novice riders and
40 accumulated points for Amateur riders,
justifies the change.
A rider cannot change classification during the year and can advance only one class at a time.
No points are carried over from Novice class to the Amateur class.
►Dirt Track points: 5-3-2-1. ►Short Track points: 2½-1½-1-½. ►Points are awarded for heat races, semi-final, and final events. Points are not awarded in consolation events, but points are awarded in trophy dashes when prize money is paid. ►Riders will be advanced from Novice to Amateur to Expert on the basis of points accumulated in Dirt Track, Short Track, Road Racing, and T.T. events. 1967 AMA Rules For Competition |
1967 |
1967 Age: | ►No rider under 21 years of age may compete without the duly notarized consent of parents or legal guardian.
Minimum age for competition license applicant is 18 years old. 1967 AMA Rules For Competition |
1967 |
1967 Approval Process: | ►The competition motorcycle to be approved, must be a standard, catalogued, production model
and at least 100 models with identical engines and transmissions must be available for sale within the boundaries of the USA.
1967 AMA Rules for Competition |
1967 |
1967 Backup Bikes: | ►Section 6. Under penalty or disqualification for all concerned, no rider shall use more than one machine in the same event.
No rider shall use a machine in any event other than the one he has qualified for this event.
No rider is permitted to qualify more than one motor for any meet, except when such a meet includes events requiring equipment of different classification or displacement.
Section 7. Under penalty of disqualification of all concerned, not any motorcycle shall be used by more than one contestant in any specified day's program. 1967 AMA Rules For Competition |
1967 |
1967 Brakes (Dirt Track): | ►In dirt track and speedway races, brake shoes and operating cams MUST be removed.
1967 AMA Rules For Competition |
1967 |
1967 Brakes (Road Race): | ►All motorcycles used in T.T. and Road Race competition must be fitted with adequate and operating front and rear wheel brakes.
1967 AMA Rules For Competition ►All brakes must be the same as submitted and endorsed for approval by the manufacturer and/or all U.S.A. distributors of the make of motorcycle to which the brakes are to be fitted. Photos of installation, and specifications must be submitted to the A.M.A. Technical Committee to establish approved status. 1967 AMA Rules For Competition |
1967 |
1967 Brakes (TT): | ►All motorcycles used in T.T. and Road Race competition must be fitted with adequate and operating front and rear wheel brakes.
1967 AMA Rules For Competition ►Brakes, when required, must be the same as submitted and endorsed for approval by the manufacturer and/or all U.S.A. distributors of the make of motorcycle to which the brakes are to be fitted. Photos of installation, and specifications must be submitted to the A.M.A. Technical Committee to establish approved status. Special brake operating levers, rods, or pedals may be used. Brake pedals MUST be rubber covered. Ventilation of brakes is permitted. 1967 AMA Rules For Competition |
1967 |
1967 Claiming: | ►Section 6. All sanctioned Formula C and Sportsman dirt track race meets, speedway races, road races, T.T. races,
and hillclimbs shall be considered Claiming Events, and the claiming prices shall be set at:
Up to and including 250cc: $1,500 251cc and up: $2,000 Less fairing ►Section 7. Special rules for the claiming program: Any contestant in a days program can enter claim for a motorcycle ridden in any event in which the claimant has competed. Claim must be entered within thirty minutes after completion of the event in which claimed motorcycle was ridden. (a) If a claim is entered for a motorcycle, same must be accompanied by cash or a certified check and the owner of the claimed motorcycle must immediately deliver the motorcycle intact, together with clear title or bill of sale for same. (b) A filed claim must be handed to the Referee within the specified time limit. Referee will then notify the owner of the claimed motorcycle and take physical possession of same. (c) Penalty: Failure to comply with these rules, forfeiture of prize money and automatic suspension from the A.M.A. 1967 AMA Rules For Competition |
1967 |
1967 Compression Release: | ►Webco offers a compression release kit for sale.
The complete assembly including lever, cable, and compression release body, sells for $12.95.
The Webco part number is 1631.
Cycle Sport magazine, June 1967 ►Dick Mann and Neil Keen begin using compression releases on their 250cc two-stroke short track bikes. Their Bultaco short trackers for the Daytona short track race are equipped with the compression releases. Dick Mann wins the race. |
1967 |
1967 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►The maximum piston displacement allowed is 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) side pocket valve design.
(Overhead valve motors up to 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement may be used in this event). Limited to expert and amateur riders. ►Novice riders limited to equipment with maximum displacement of 250cc. 1967 AMA Rules For Competition ►Dirt Track, Short Track & T.T. Engines shall be limited to: (1) Side valve, or (2) Two stroke, or (3) Overhead valve, or (4) Maximum of two cylinders (5) One intake and one exhaust valve per cylinder. 1967 AMA Rules For Competition |
1967 |
1967 Displacement (Road Race): | Formula C Lightweight Road Race:
►Limited to motorcycles with maximum displacement of 250cc for Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders. 1967 AMA Rules For Competition Formula C Heavyweight Road Race: ►For Expert and Amateur riders on motors limited to 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) piston displacement of side valve or flat head type, and overhead valve motors of 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) piston displacement. 1967 AMA Rules For Competition ►Formula C Road Race Engine design shall be limited to: (1) Side valve, or (2) Two stroke, or (3) Overhead valve (4) Maximum of two cylinders (5) One intake and one exhaust valve per cylinder. 1967 AMA Rules For Competition |
1967 |
1967 Displacement (Short Track): | Formula C Short Track:
►The piston displacement shall not exceed 250cc 1967 AMA Rules For Competition |
1967 |
1967 Displacement (TT): | Lightweight T.T. - Formula "C" 0-250cc:
►For Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders on motors up to and including 250cc. Engine design shall be limited to: (1) Side valve (2) Two stroke (3) Overhead valve (4) Maximum of two cylinders 1967 AMA Rules For Competition Heavyweight T.T. - Formula "C" 251cc-900cc: ►For Expert and Amateur riders using motors with 251cc up to 900cc piston displacement. 1967 AMA Rules For Competition |
1967 |
1967 Frames (Dirt Track): | ►The frame must be of the same basic design and material as
made by the manufacturer for the approved model in question.
Any modifications to the frame must be done in a workmanlike manner and are subject to inspection by a member of a Technical or Safety Committee. 1967 AMA Rules For Competition ►All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (NOT TAPE) and must fold backward at 45 degrees. Foot gear shift and foot brake lever must be covered. The length of the foot rest from the pivot point not to exceed five (5) inches and from the pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed two (2) inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichere [sic] is the lowest. 1967 AMA Rules For Competition |
1967 |
1967 Frames (Road Race): | ►Frame must be the same as submitted and endorsed by the
manufacturer and/or all U.S.A. distributors of the motorcycle to
which the frame is fitted. Photos of installation and specifications
must be submitted to the AMA Technical Committee to establish
approval status.
1967 AMA Rules For Competition ►All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (NOT TAPE) and must fold backward at 45 degrees. Foot gear shift and foot brake lever must be covered. The length of the foot rest from the pivot point not to exceed five (5) inches and from the pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed two (2) inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichere [sic] is the lowest. 1967 AMA Rules For Competition |
1967 |
1967 Frames (Short Track): | ►The frame must be of the same basic design and material as
made by the manufacturer for the approved model in question.
Any modifications to the frame must be done in a workmanlike manner and are subject to inspection by a member of a Technical or Safety Committee. 1967 AMA Rules For Competition ►All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (NOT TAPE) and must fold backward at 45 degrees. Foot gear shift and foot brake lever must be covered. The length of the foot rest from the pivot point not to exceed five (5) inches and from the pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed two (2) inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichere [sic] is the lowest. 1967 AMA Rules For Competition |
1967 |
1967 Frames (TT): | ►The frame must be of the same basic design and material as
made by the manufacturer for the approved model in question.
Any modifications to the frame must be done in a workmanlike manner and are subject to inspection by a member of a Technical or Safety Committee. 1967 AMA Rules For Competition ►All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (NOT TAPE) and must fold backward at 45 degrees. Foot gear shift and foot brake lever must be covered. The length of the foot rest from the pivot point not to exceed five (5) inches and from the pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed two (2) inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichere [sic] is the lowest. 1967 AMA Rules For Competition |
1967/h1> |
1967 Gasoline: | ►Dirt Track, Short Track, & T.T.:
Gasoline of not higher than 100 octane rating must be used. Additives of any type over and above that contained in the regular high test commercial gasoline is prohibited. 1967 AMA Rules For Competition ►Road Racing: Gasoline of not higher than 100 octane rating must be used. Additives of any type over and above that contained in the regular high test commercial gasoline is prohibited. 1967 AMA Rules For Competition ►Short Track: Limited to standard pump gasoline with no power additives permitted. 1967 AMA Rules For Competition |
1967 |
1967 Gas Tanks (Road Race): | ►Maximum capacity of gas tanks to be limited to six (6) gallons...
1967 AMA Rules For Competition |
1967 |
1967 Pit Stops (Road Race): | ► all road races of more than 100 miles distance a pit stop must be made and gasoline added.
1967 AMA Rules For Competition |
1967 |
1967 Starting Lines: | ►At all D.T., S.T., and T.T. races a double starting line, 2 feet apart, must be used
and a rider must be penalized if his front tire touches the front line before the race is started.
1967 AMA Rules For Competition |
1967 |
1967 Wheels (Dirt Track): | ►Any type of front or rear wheels may be used in dirt track events where brakes are not required.
NO wheel rims smaller than 16" can be used. 1967 AMA Rules For Competition |
1967 |
1967 Wheels (Short Track): | ►Any type of front or rear wheels may be used in dirt track events where brakes are not required.
NO wheel rims smaller than 16" can be used. 1967 AMA Rules For Competition |
1967 |
1967 Wheels (TT): | ►Any type of front or rear wheels may be used in dirt track events where brakes are not required.
NO wheel rims smaller than 16" can be used. 1967 AMA Rules For Competition |
1967 |
1967 Women In Racing: | ►Women may ride at the discretion of the promoter, in any type of competition except events requiring a Competition License.
1967 AMA Rules For Competition |
1968Back To Top |
1968 Approval Process: | ►In order to be approved (for Class C competition) a motorcycle must be a standard catalogued production model
and at least 200 of this same model with identical engines and transmissions must be available for inspection and/or purchase
within the United States.
1968 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1968 |
1968 Compression Releases | ►The AMA issues a letter that qualifies a compression release as a "braking device" and is therefore illegal for the remainder of the 1968 season.
Referee George Elliot reads the letter to the riders at the weekly Santa Fe short track event on June 5, 1968, but decides not to enforce the rule until the following week.
Midwest Motorcyclist Action, June 24, 1968 issue). ►The AMA issues a competition bulletin on August 9, 1968 to all referees. It states: "A board appointed by AMA President, William Bagnall, under the provisions of Section C1 Chapter IX of the AMA Rules, has met and upheld the decision of an AMA Referee, prohibiting the use of a compression release. This matter is being called to your attention so there will be no doubt in your mind as to what your position as an AMA Referee should be if a contestant tries to enter a race with a machine equipped with a compression release." p class="indent3">AMA Competition Bulletin, August 9, 1968 ► Prior to a RAM event at Queen City Speedway in Charlotte, NC on August 17, 1968, the RAM Competition Committee met to discuss the compresion release issue. "After hearing arguments from both two-stroke and four-stroke advocates, they decided to allow the compression releases on the following grounds: 1) Safety is improved by the use of a compression release. (With more comparable engine braking there is less chance of the 2-strokes running over the 4-strokes as they decelerate through the turns). 2) The compression release provides the 2-stroke engine NO more engine braking power than that available to the 4-stroke engine." Cycle Sport magazine, October 1968 issue. |
1968 |
1968 Displacement Debate: | ►The Competition Committee agrees to delay the implementation of the 350cc rule (see 1966) from 1969 until 1971.
American Motorcycling, January 1968, Page 26 |
1968 |
1968 Mechanic's License: | ►A Mechanic's License will be required to enter the pit area. |
1969Back To Top |
1969 Advancement Points: | ►1. ....Advancement is made when the ability and performance of the rider together with point credit of at least
20 accumulated points for Novice riders and
40 accumulated points for Amateur riders (as those points are awarded in other than National Championship competition)
justifies the change.
A rider cannot change classification during the year and can advance only one class at a time.
No points are carried over from Novice class to the Amateur class.
1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book ►Dirt Track, T.T. & Road Race points: 5-3-2-1. ►Short Track points: 2½-1½-1-½. ►Points are awarded for heat races, semi-final, and final events. Points are not awarded in consolation events, but points are awarded in trophy dashes when prize money is paid. 1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1969 |
1969 Age: | ►No rider under 21 years of age may compete without the duly notarized consent of parents or legal guardian.
Minimum age for competition license applicant is 18 years old. 1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1969 |
1969 Approval Process: | ►In order to be approved (for Class C competition) a motorcycle must be a standard catalogued production model
and at least 200 of this same model with identical engines and transmissions must be available for inspection and/or purchase
within the United States.
1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1969 |
1969 Axles: | ►Wheel axles must be steel. Wheel hubs and axles must be the same as sumbitted for approval by the manufacturer or distributor of the motorcycle in question.
1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1969 |
1969 Backup Bikes: | ►6. Under penalty of disqualification, no rider shall use
any machine in an event other than the one machine he has qualified for the event.
No rider is permitted to qualify more than one machine for any meet, except when such a meet includes events requiring equipment of different classification or displacement.
Under penalty of disqualification of all concerned, no motorcycle shall be used by more than one contestant
in any specified day's program.
1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1969 |
1969 Brakes (Dirt Track): | ►Brakes, when required, must be the same as submitted and
endorsed for approval by the manufacturer and/or all U.S.A.
distributors of the make of motorcycle to which the brakes
are to be fitted. Photos of installation, and specifications
must be submitted to the A.M.A.
Special pedals must be rubber covered. Ventilation of brakes is permitted. In Dirt Track, Short Track, and Speedway races, a braking device affecting the rear wheel (but not the front wheel) may be used. 1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1969 |
1969 Brakes (Road Race): | ►Brakes, when required, must be the same as submitted and
endorsed for approval by the manufacturer and/or all U.S.A.
distributors of the make of motorcycle to which the brakes
are to be fitted. Photos of installation, and specifications
must be submitted to the A.M.A.
Special pedals must be rubber covered. Ventilation of brakes is permitted. All motorcycles used in T.T., and Road Race and Sidecar competition must be fitted with adequate and operating front and rear wheel brakes. 1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1969 |
1969 Brakes (Short Track): | ►Brakes, when required, must be the same as submitted and
endorsed for approval by the manufacturer and/or all U.S.A.
distributors of the make of motorcycle to which the brakes
are to be fitted. Photos of installation, and specifications
must be submitted to the A.M.A.
Special pedals must be rubber covered. Ventilation of brakes is permitted. In Dirt Track, Short Track, and Speedway races, a braking device affecting the rear wheel (but not the front wheel) may be used. 1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1969 |
1969 Brakes (TT): | ►Brakes, when required, must be the same as submitted and
endorsed for approval by the manufacturer and/or all U.S.A.
distributors of the make of motorcycle to which the brakes
are to be fitted. Photos of installation, and specifications
must be submitted to the A.M.A.
Special pedals must be rubber covered. Ventilation of brakes is permitted. All motorcycles used in T.T., Road Race and Sidecar competition must be fitted with adequate and operating front and rear wheel brakes. 1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1969 |
1969 Claiming: | ►F. Claiming
1. All sanctioned events except Hillclimb events shall be considered claiming events and the claiming price shall be $2,500.00, which price does not include any fairings. 2. Any rider (claimant) can enter a claim for a motorcycle ridden in the same event in which the claimant has competed. A claim must be entered with the Referee after completion of the event but no later than thirty minutes thereafter. Referee will then notify the owner of the claimed motorcycle and take physical possession of same. 3. A claim must be accompanied by cash or certified check, and the owner of the claimed motorcycle must immediately deliver the motorcycle intact, together with clear title or bill of sale for same. 4. In the event more than one claim is received by the Referee with respect to a given motorcycle, the successful claimant shall be determined by a drawing. 5. If a rider whose motorcycle has been claimed fails to comply with these rules, he shall forfeit his prize money and his competition license will be automatically suspended. 1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1969 |
1969 Compression Releases: | ►Compression releases may be used on two-cycle engines.
1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1969 |
1969 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►For Expert and Amateur riders the minimum piston displacement shall not be less than 251cc
and the maximum piston displacement shall be 750cc.
►Novice riders are limited to equipment with maximum displacement of 250cc. 1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1969 |
1969 Displacement (Road Race): | Lightweight Road Race:
►Limited to motorcycles with a maximum displacement of 250cc for Expert, Amateur, and Novice riders. 1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book Heavyweight Road Race: ►For Expert and Amateur riders with minimum piston displacement of 251cc and maximum piston displacement as follows: (i) 45.70 cu. in. (750cc) side by side pocket valve engine (ii) 30.50 cu. in. (500cc) overhead valve engine. 1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1969 |
1969 Displacement (Short Track): | ►Maximum piston displacement shall not exceed 250cc
1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1969 |
1969 Displacement (TT): | ►For Expert and Amateur riders the maximum piston displacement is 900cc.
►Novice riders are limited to equipment with maximum displacement of 250cc. 1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1969 |
1969 Displacement Debate: | 750cc displacement for all Amateur & Expert dirt track engines for 1969:
►RESOLVED: maximum piston displacement for overhead valve engines used in professional dirt track & speedway racing for Expert and Amateur racers be increased from 500cc to 650cc. (Motion by Rod Coates). ►Motion to amend proposal from 650cc to 750cc. Walter Davidson MM. Dudley Perkins SM. Amendment carries 27-15. ►Motion by Gil Dosemagen to close the debate. Seconded by Hoel. Motion to close the debate lost. ►Motion that proposal be amended to provide an effective date of January 1, 1970. Walter Davidson MM, Bart Markel SM. Motion (for 1970 effective date) defeated 19-24. ►Motion to vote on proposal as amended. Gil Dosemagen MM, Don Brown SM. Motion as amended (750cc displacement effective January 1, 1969) carries 23-20. American Motorcycling, January 1969, Page 20 |
1969 |
1969 Frames (Dirt Track): | ►The frame (other than for Road Race and Sidecar
competition) must be of the same basic design and material
as made by the manufacturer for the approved model in
question. Any modifications to the frame must be done in a
workmanlike manner.
All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape) and must fold backward at 45 degrees. Foot gear shift and foot brake lever must be covered. The length of the foot rest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from the pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed two inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is the lowest. 1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1969 |
1969 Frames (Road Race): | ►The frame for Road Races must be the same as submitted
and endorsed by the manufacturer and/or all U.S.A.
distributors of the motorcycle to which the frame is fitted.
Photos of installation and specifications must be submitted to
the A.M.A. for approval.
All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape) and must fold backward at 45 degrees. Foot gear shift and foot brake lever must be covered. The length of the foot rest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from the pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed two inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is the lowest. 1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1969 |
1969 Frames (Short Track): | ►The frame (other than for Road Race and Sidecar
competition) must be of the same basic design and material
as made by the manufacturer for the approved model in
question. Any modifications to the frame must be done in a
workmanlike manner.
All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape) and must fold backward at 45 degrees. Foot gear shift and foot brake lever must be covered. The length of the foot rest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from the pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed two inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is the lowest. 1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1969 |
1969 Frames (TT): | ►The frame (other than for Road Race and Sidecar
competition) must be of the same basic design and material
as made by the manufacturer for the approved model in
question. Any modifications to the frame must be done in a
workmanlike manner.
All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape) and must fold backward at 45 degrees. Foot gear shift and foot brake lever must be covered. The length of the foot rest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from the pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed two inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is the lowest. 1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1969 |
1969 Gasoline: | ►Gasoline of not higher than 100 octane rating must be used, and must be readily obtainable commercial gasoline.
1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1969 |
1969 Kill Switch: | ►Motorcycles must be equipped with an ignition cut-off switch or button mounted on the handlebars.
1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1969 |
1969 Throttle: | ►Motorcycles must be equipped with a self-closing throttle...
1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1969 |
1969 Water Cooling: | ►Water cooling is prohibited.
1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1969 |
1969 Wheels: | ►Any type of front or rear wheels may be used in events where brakes are not required.
Wheel rims smaller than 16" in diameter shall not be used. 1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1969 |
1969 Women in Racing: | ►Women are not eligible for competition licenses.
1969 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1970Back To Top |
1970 Advancement Points: | ►(a) Advancement is made when the ability and performance of the rider together with point credit of at least
40 accumulated points for Novice riders and
80 accumulated points for Amateur riders (as those points are awarded in other than National Championship competition)
justifies the change.
Any Novice or Amateur who wins a National Road Race final will be advanced to the next class the following season for Road Race competition.
A rider cannot change classification during the year and can advance only one class at a time.
No points are carried over from Novice class to the Amateur class.
(b)Advancement in classification, and initial issuance of a Competition License for other than a Novice classification, may be made with the unanimous endorsement of two Competition Congress members and the District Referee. Such advancement or issuance of a license can only be mafe after receipt by the A.M.A. of the three approvals in writing. The District Referee must be from the same District in which the rider resides and the two Competition Congress members must be from the same general area in which the rider resides. All must be familiar with the rider and why he should be allowed to pass up Novice or Amateur classification. 1970 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book ►Dirt Track, T.T. & Road Race points: 5-3-2-1. ►Short Track points: 2½-1½-1-½. ►Points are awarded for heat races, semi-final, and final events. Points are not awarded in consolation events, but points are awarded in trophy dashes when prize money is paid. 1970 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1970 |
1970 Age: | ►No rider under 21 years of age may compete without the duly notarized consent of parents or legal guardian.
Minimum age for competition license applicant is 18 years old. 1970 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1970 |
1970 Backup Bikes: | ►6. Under penalty of disqualification, a rider shall not use
any machine in an event other than the one machine he has qualified for the event.
No rider is permitted to qualify more than one machine for any meet, except when such a meet includes events requiring equipment of different classification or displacement.
Under penalty of disqualification of all concerned, no motorcycle shall be used by more than one contestant
in any specified day's program.
1970 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1970 |
1970 Brakes (Dirt Track): | ►Brakes, when required, must be the same as submitted and
endorsed for approval by the manufacturer and/or all U.S.A.
distributors of the make of motorcycle to which the brakes
are to be fitted. Photos of installation, and specifications
must be submitted to the A.M.A.
Special pedals must be rubber covered. Ventilation of brakes is permitted. In Dirt Track, Short Track, and Speedway races, a braking device affecting the rear wheel (but not the front wheel) may [sic] 1970 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1970 |
1970 Brakes (Road Race): | ►Brakes, when required, must be the same as submitted and
endorsed for approval by the manufacturer and/or all U.S.A.
distributors of the make of motorcycle to which the brakes
are to be fitted. Photos of installation, and specifications
must be submitted to the A.M.A.
Special pedals must be rubber covered. Ventilation of brakes is permitted. All motorcycles used in T.T., Road Race and Sidecar competition must be fitted with adequate and operating front and rear wheel brakes. 1970 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1970 |
1970 Brakes (Short Track): | ►Brakes, when required, must be the same as submitted and
endorsed for approval by the manufacturer and/or all U.S.A.
distributors of the make of motorcycle to which the brakes
are to be fitted. Photos of installation, and specifications
must be submitted to the A.M.A.
Special pedals must be rubber covered. Ventilation of brakes is permitted. In Dirt Track, Short Track, and Speedway races, a braking device affecting the rear wheel (but not the front wheel) may [sic] 1970 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1970 |
1970 Brakes (TT): | ►Brakes, when required, must be the same as submitted and
endorsed for approval by the manufacturer and/or all U.S.A.
distributors of the make of motorcycle to which the brakes
are to be fitted. Photos of installation, and specifications
must be submitted to the A.M.A.
Special pedals must be rubber covered. Ventilation of brakes is permitted. All motorcycles used in T.T., Road Race and Sidecar competition must be fitted with adequate and operating front and rear wheel brakes. 1970 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1970 |
1970 Claiming: | ►F. Claiming
1. All sanctioned events except Hillclimb events shall be considered claiming events and the claiming price shall be $2,500.00, which price does not include any fairings. 2. Any rider (claimant) can enter a claim for a motorcycle ridden in the same event in which the claimant has competed. A claim must be entered with the Referee after completion of the event but no later than thirty minutes thereafter. Referee will then notify the owner of the claimed motorcycle and take physical possession of same. 3. A claim must be accompanied by cash or certified check, and the owner of the claimed motorcycle must immediately deliver the motorcycle intact, together with clear title or bill of sale for same. 4. In the event more than one claim is received by the Referee with respect to a given motorcycle, the successful claimant shall be determined by a drawing. 5. If a rider whose motorcycle has been claimed fails to comply with these rules, he shall forfeit his prize money and his competition license will be automatically suspended. 1970 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1970 |
1970 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►For Expert and Amateur riders the minimum piston displacement shall not be less than 251cc
and the maximum piston displacement shall be 750cc.
►Novice riders are limited to equipment with maximum displacement of 250cc. 1970 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1970 |
1970 Displacement (Road Race): | Lightweight Road Race:
►For Expert and Amateur combined class and Novice class with maximum piston displacement of 250cc for 2 stroke twin cylinder engines and 360cc for all other types of engines. 1970 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book Heavyweight Road Race: ►For Expert and Amateur riders with minimum piston displacement of 251cc and maximum piston displacement of 750cc. 1970 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1970 |
1970 Displacement (Short Track): | ►Maximum piston displacement shall not exceed 250cc
1970 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1970 |
1970 Displacement (TT): | ►For Expert and Amateur riders the maximum piston displacement is 900cc.
►Novice riders are limited to equipment with maximum displacement of 250cc. 1970 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1970 |
1970 Displacement Debate: | ►"We, the undersigned, qualified members of the Competition Congress,
vote "No" on the question of 750cc for road racing. The AMA has,
and should continue to be, primarily interested in safety in racing.
The aspect of materially increased speeds on such courses as
Daytona, Florida and Talladega, Alabama presents a very real threat
to safety in racing. In out opinion, to adopt this rule without
thorough and exhausted study is not wise.
We propose that a task force be formed under the direction of the Competition Congress to study this proposal and to form guide lines as to courses, speeds, equipment and aerodynamics involved. Recommendations are to be made to the Congress so that a knowledgable fact-founded decision can be made." Motion by John Harley that the above position paper be included in the minutes. Seconded by Dick O'Brien. Motion carries. American Motorcycling, January 1970, Page 15 |
1970 |
1970 Frames (Dirt Track): | ►The frame (other than for Road Race and Sidecar
competition) must be of the same basic design and material
as made by the manufacturer for the approved model in
question. Any modifications to the frame must be done in a
workmanlike manner.
All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape) and must fold backward at 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. Foot gear shift and foot brake lever must be covered. The length of the foot rest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from the pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed two inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is the lowest. 1970 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1970 |
1970 Frames (Road Race): | ►The frame for Road Races must be the same as submitted
and endorsed by the manufacturer and/or all U.S.A.
distributors of the motorcycle to which the frame is fitted.
Photos of installation and specifications must be submitted to
the A.M.A. for approval.
All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape) and must fold backward at 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. Foot gear shift and foot brake lever must be covered. The length of the foot rest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from the pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed two inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is the lowest. 1970 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1970 |
1970 Frames (Short Track): | ►The frame (other than for Road Race and Sidecar
competition) must be of the same basic design and material
as made by the manufacturer for the approved model in
question. Any modifications to the frame must be done in a
workmanlike manner.
All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape) and must fold backward at 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. Foot gear shift and foot brake lever must be covered. The length of the foot rest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from the pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed two inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is the lowest. 1970 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1970 |
1970 Frames (TT): | ►The frame (other than for Road Race and Sidecar
competition) must be of the same basic design and material
as made by the manufacturer for the approved model in
question. Any modifications to the frame must be done in a
workmanlike manner.
All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape) and must fold backward at 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. Foot gear shift and foot brake lever must be covered. The length of the foot rest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from the pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed two inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is the lowest. 1970 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1970 |
1970 Gas Tanks (Road Race: | ►Maximum gasoline capacity is 6.2 gallons.
Seat tanks are prohibited. 1970 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1970 |
1970 Kill Switch: | ►Motorcycles must be equipped with an electrical and/or mechanical ignition cut-off switch or button,
mounted on the left handlebar, within thumb reach with the hand on the grip, and must be able to stop a running engine.
1970 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1970 |
1970 License Changes: | ►No USA rider may be issued a license other than a Novice license on a first-time basis, or advanced in classes without unanimous
endorsement of two Competition Congress members and the District Referee. All must be familiar with the rider and why a rider should
be allowed to pass up the Novice or Amateur class.
►Riders from foreign countries will be granted on Expert licenses. Rider applying for license shall have the equivalent rating in his own association. |
1970 |
1970 Mechanic Apparel: | ►All mechanics must be A.M.A. members and must appear in clean white or colored team uniforms.
Shop coats shall be prohibited.
1970 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1970 |
1970 National Number Assignments: | ►National Numbers will no longer be awarded to first-year Experts.
►In order to maintain a National Number, a rider must finish in the top 100 in National standings. American Motorcycling, January 1970, Page 20 |
1970 |
1970 Pit Stops: | ►Fuel stops at road race events are no longer mandatory.
American Motorcycling, January 1970 |
1970 |
1970 Riders: | Grand National short track, TT and half miles run 12-rider mains.
Grand National miles run 12, 15, or 20-rider mains. 1970 AMA Grand National results |
1970 |
1970 Throttle: | ►Motorcycles must be equipped with a self-closing throttle...
1970 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1970 |
1970 Water Cooling: | ►Water cooling is prohibited.
1970 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1970 |
1970 Women in Racing: | ►Women are not eligible for competition licenses.
1970 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1971Back To Top |
1971 Flags: | ►Race flag colors are changed.
►Start of Race: changes from white to green. ►One Lap to Go: changes from yellow to white. ►Danger On Track: changes from red to yellow. ►Stop Race: red (new flag). |
1971 |
1971 Licenses | ►Amateur division renamed to "Junior" division. Junior division continues to use yellow number plates with black numbers and district letter. |
1971 |
1971 Number Plates | ►Novice division riders begin using white number plates with red numbers and district letters.
[Comment: Novices had used green plates with white numbers since 1953]. 99Z
1971 |
1971 National Number Assignments: | All National Numbers are assigned based on the final 1970 Grand National Championship point standings.
[Comment: Pete Coleman of Triumph proposed this number change to the AMA Congress, as Triumph riders would hold #1, #5, #9, while BSA riders would hold #2, #3, and #4. The proposal was tabled. Gene Romero went to the AMA after the Congress convened, and pushed them to approve it.] |
1971 |
1971 Riders: | Grand National short track and half miles run 12-rider mains.
Grand National TT's run 12, 16, or 20-rider mains. Grand National miles run 20-rider mains. 1971 AMA Grand National results |
1972Back To Top |
1972 Advancement Points (Dirt Track): | ►1. ...Advancement in classification is made in one of the following ways:
(a) No U.S. rider may advance in rank without a sufficient number of points except that riders may be advanced in Road Racing and Moto-Cross only (one class) with the endorsement of two members of the Competition Congress and his District Referee. No advancement in class may be made by a rider during the year after issuance of his license. (b) Advancement is made when a rider accumulates the following points: Dirt Track (Quarter Mile, Half Mile, Mile, or T.T.): Novice to Junior - 40 points. Junior to Expert - 80 points. 1972 AMA Professional Competition Dirt Track Rule Book ►A. Advancement Points are as follows (except Hillclimb): 1. Dirt Track, T.T. points: 5-3-2-1. Short Track points: 2½-1½-1-½. Points are awarded for heat races, semi-finals, and final events. Points are not awarded in consolation races, but points are awarded in trophy dashes when prize money is paid. 1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1972 |
1972 Advancement Points (Road Race) | ►20 points to advance from Novice to Junior.
►40 points to advance from Junior to Expert. 1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book ►Road Race points: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. Points are awarded in heats and final events. 1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1972 |
1972 Age: | ►All applicants for a competition license under 21 years of age must provide a release,
executed by their parents or legal guardian and notarized by a Notary Public.
A certified copy of birth certificate must also be provided by the applicant. Minimum age for competition license applicant is 16 years of age. 1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book ►Minimum age for a Professional license is lowered from 18 to 16 years. Motorcycle Weekly, 12/20/1971 |
1972 |
1972 Approval Process: | ►In order to be approved (for Class C competition) a motorcycle must be a standard catalogued production model
and at least 200 of this same model with identical engines and transmissions must be available for inspection and/or purchase
within the United States.
1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1972 |
1972 Backup Bikes: | ►21. Under penalty of disqualification, (Except Moto-Cross), a rider shall not use
any machine in a meet other than the one machine he has qualified for the meet.
No rider is permitted to qualify more than one machine for any meet, except when such a meet includes events requiring equipment of different classification or displacement.
Under penalty of disqualification of all concerned, no motorcycle shall be used by more than one contestant
in any specified day's program.
Disqualification under this article means disqualification from the entire meet for the day in all events.
1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1972 |
1972 Brakes (Dirt Track): | ►5. Brakes.
(a) Brakes, when required, must be manufactured and installed in a safe and workmanlike manner (Except Road Race). (c) Special pedals must be rubber covered. (d) Ventilation of brakes is permitted. (e) In Dirt Track and Short Track races a braking device affecting the rear wheel (but not the front wheel) may be used. 1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1972 |
1972 Brakes (Road Race): | ►5. Brakes.
(a) Brakes, when required, must be manufactured and installed in a safe and workmanlike manner (Except Road Race). (b) Road Race brakes must be the same as submitted and endorsed for approval by the manufacturer and/or all U.S.A. distributors of the make of motorcycle to which the brakes are to be fitted. Photos of istallation, and specifications must be submitted to the A.M.A. (c) Special pedals must be rubber covered. (d) Ventilation of brakes is permitted. (f) All motorcycles entered in T.T., Road Race and Sidecar competition must be equipped with adequate and operating front and rear wheel brakes. A sidehack brake is optional for Sidecar Road Race and Sidecar T.T. 1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1972 |
1972 Brakes (Short Track): | ►5. Brakes.
(a) Brakes, when required, must be manufactured and installed in a safe and workmanlike manner (Except Road Race). (c) Special pedals must be rubber covered. (d) Ventilation of brakes is permitted. (e) In Dirt Track and Short Track races a braking device affecting the rear wheel (but not the front wheel) may be used. 1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1972 |
1972 Brakes (TT): | ►5. Brakes.
(a) Brakes, when required, must be manufactured and installed in a safe and workmanlike manner (Except Road Race). (c) Special pedals must be rubber covered. (d) Ventilation of brakes is permitted. (e) In Dirt Track and Short Track races a braking device affecting the rear wheel (but not the front wheel) may be used. (f) All motorcycles entered in T.T., Road Race and Sidecar competition must be equipped with adequate and operating front and rear wheel brakes. A sidehack brake is optional for Sidecar Road Race and Sidecar T.T. 1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1972 |
1. All sanctioned meets except Hillclimb meets shall be considered claiming meets and the claiming price shall be as follows: 0-250cc Any Type Racers $2,000.00 251cc-Open Dirt Track Machines and Moto-Cross $2,500.00 251cc-Open Road Race Machines $3,500.00 Claiming price for all Speedway machines will be $2,500.00 2. Any rider (claimant) can enter a claim for a motorcycle ridden in the same meet and class in which the claimant has competed. A claim must be entered with the Referee after completion of the meet but no later than thirty minutes thereafter. Referee will then notify the owner of the claimed motorcycle and take physical possession of same. 3. A claim must be accompanied by cash, certified check, cashier's check, or bank draft, and the owner of the claimed motorcycle must immediately deliver the motorcycle intact, together with clear title or bill of sale for same. 4. In the event more than one claim is received by the Referee with respect to a given motorcycle, the successful claimant shall be determined by a drawing. 5. If a rider whose motorcycle has been claimed fails to comply with these rules, he shall forfeit his prize money and his competition license will be automatically suspended. 1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1972 |
1972 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►For Expert and Junior riders the minimum piston displacement shall not be less than 251cc
and the maximum piston displacement shall be 750cc.
►Novice riders are limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc. 1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book ►NOTE: Effective January 1, 1973, Novice riders will be limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc for two stroke multi-cylinder engines and 360cc for all other types of engines. 1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book ►Short track and Novice competition will adopt the 360cc rule starting in 1973. AM News, January 1972 |
1972 |
1972 Displacement (Road Race): | ►HEAVYWEIGHT - For all Expert and Junior riders with minimum piston displacement of 251cc
and maximum piston displacement of 750cc.
►LIGHTWEIGHT - For all lightweight road races a maximum piston displacement of 250cc for two stroke multi-cylinder engines and 360cc for all other types of engines. ►Experts and Juniors may compete in any class. ►Novices may not compete in 501cc-up class, 1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1972 |
1972 Displacement (Short Track): | ►Maximum piston displacement shall not exceed 250cc.
►NOTE: Effective January 1, 1973, maximum piston displacement shall not exceed 250cc for two stroke multi-cylinder engines and 360cc for all other types of engines. 1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1972 |
1972 Displacement (TT): | ►For Expert and Junior riders the maximum piston displacement is 900cc.
►Novice riders will be limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc. ►NOTE: Effective January 1, 1973, Novice riders will be limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc for two stroke multi-cylinder engines and 360cc for all other types of engines. 1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1972 |
1972 Frames (Dirt Track): | ►7. Frame
(a) The frame (other than for Road Race and Sidecar competition) must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame must be done in a workmanlike manner. (b) Titanium frames will not be allowed for AMA competition. (g) All footrests must be completely covered with at least one quarter inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape) and must fold backward at 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the foot rest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from the pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed two inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (h) Foot gear shift and foot brake lever must be covered. 1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1972 |
1972 Frames (Road Race): | ►7. Frames
(b) Titanium frames will not be allowed for AMA competition. (d) The frame for Road Races must be the same as submitted and endorsed by the manufacturer and/or all U.S.A. distributors of the motorcycle to which the frame is fitted. Photos of installation and specifications must be submitted to the AMA for approval. (g) All footrests must be completely covered with at least one quarter inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape) and must fold backward at 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the foot rest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from the pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed two inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (h) Foot gear shift and foot brake lever must be covered. 1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1972 |
1972 Frames (Short Track): | ►7. Frame
(a) The frame (other than for Road Race and Sidecar competition) must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame must be done in a workmanlike manner. (b) Titanium frames will not be allowed for AMA competition. (g) All footrests must be completely covered with at least one quarter inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape) and must fold backward at 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the foot rest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from the pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed two inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (h) Foot gear shift and foot brake lever must be covered. 1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1972 |
1972 Frames (TT): | ►7. Frame
(a) The frame (other than for Road Race and Sidecar competition) must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame must be done in a workmanlike manner. (b) Titanium frames will not be allowed for AMA competition. (g) All footrests must be completely covered with at least one quarter inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape) and must fold backward at 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the foot rest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from the pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed two inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (h) Foot gear shift and foot brake lever must be covered. 1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1972 |
1972 Fuel Injection: | ►True fuel injection (where fuel is injected directly into the combustion chamber) is not permitted.
1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1972 |
1972 Gasoline: | ►Gasoline must be readily available commercial automotive pump gasoline.
Additions or changes of any nature in the gasoline are prohibited other than oil designed for lubrication only. 1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1972 |
1972 Kill Switch: | ►Motorcycles must be equipped with an electrical and/or mechanical ignition cut-off switch or button,
mounted on the left handlebar, within reach with the hand on the grip, and must be able to stop a running engine.
1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1972 |
1972 Mechanic Apparel: | ►6. Mechanics must be dressed in white coveralls, jumpsuits, or white pants and shirts.
Colored uniforms will be permitted only if they are pit uniforms for a specific rider, dealer team, or factory team.
1972 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book 1972 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1972 |
1972 National Number Assignments: | ►National Number 1 continues to be reserved for the defending Grand National Champion
►National Numbers 2 through 9 are now reserved for former Grand National Champions ►National Numbers 10 through 99 are assigned on an annual basis, with most riders choosing to keep the same number year after year. |
1972 |
1972 Pit Stops: | ►Gas stops are not required.
1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1972 |
1972 Riders: | Grand National short track and half miles run 12-rider mains.
Grand National TT's run 12, 16, or 20-rider mains. Grand National miles run 16 or 20-rider mains. 1972 AMA Grand National results |
1972 |
1972 Sound Limits: | ►Equipment used on hard surface indoor competition must be fitted with a muffled exhaust system,
meeting a standard of 92 dB on the "A" scale at 50 feet.
1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1972 |
1972 Throttle: | ►Motorcycles must be equipped with a self-closing throttle.
1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book |
1972 |
1972 Water Cooling: | ►Water cooling is prohibited unless it is a part of the manufacturer's model approved by the Competition Congress.
1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book ►Suzuki receives approval for their water-cooled 750cc triple [GT750J - editor], while Yamaha does not apply for approval of their water-cooled 750cc four [TZ750A - editor]. Motorcycle Weekly, 12/20/1971 |
1972 |
1972 Women in Racing: | ►The sentence stating that "Women are not eligible for competition licenses". is removed.
1972 AMA Professional Competition Rule Book ►Women are now allowed to compete in all branches of AMA racing, provided they are qualified enough to earn the necessary license. The historic vote was taken on November 18, 1971, the AMA Competition Congress voted to allow qualified women to compete in all forms of AMA Racing. Motorcycle Weekly |
1973Back To Top |
1973 Advancement Points (Dirt Track (Quarter Mile, Half Mile, Mile, or T.T.)): | ►(a) Advancement is made when a rider accumulates the following points:
Dirt Track (Quarter Mile, Half Mile, Mile, or T.T.): Novice to Junior - 40 points. Junior to Expert - 80 points. (b) No US rider may advance in rank without a sufficient number of points except that riders may be advanced in Road Racing, Moto-Cross and Speedway only (one class) with the endorsement of two (2) members of the Competition Congress and his District Referee. No advancement in class may be made by a rider during the year after issuance of his license. 1973 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book ►A. Advancement Points are as follows: 1. Dirt Track, T.T. points: 5-3-2-1. Short Track points: 2½-1½-1-½. Points are awarded for heat races, semi-finals, and final events. Points are not awarded in consolation races, but points are awarded in trophy dashes when prize money is paid. 1973 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1973 |
1973 Age: | ►All applicants for a competition license under 21 years of age must provide a release,
executed by their parents or legal guardian and notarized by a Notary Public.
A certified copy of birth certificate must also be provided by the applicant. Minimum age for competition license applicant is 16 years of age. 1973 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1973 |
1973 Approval Process: | ►In order to be approved (for Class C competition) a motorcycle must be a standard catalogued production model
and at least 200 of the same model with identical engines and transmissions must be available for inspection and purchase
within the United States.
1973 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1973 |
1973 Backup Bikes: | ►21. Under penalty of disqualification, a rider shall not use
any machine in a meet other than the one machine he has qualified for the meet.
No rider is permitted to qualify more than one machine for any meet, except when such a meet includes events requiring equipment of different classification or displacement.
Under penalty of disqualification of all concerned, no motorcycle shall be used by more than one contestant
in any specified day's program.
Disqualification under this article means disqualification from the entire meet for the day in all events.
1973 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1973 |
1. All sanctioned meets shall be considered claiming meets and the claiming price shall be as follows: 0-250cc Any Type machine except Road Race..................$2,000 Open Moto Cross and all other Dirt Track machines.....$2,500 750cc Dirt Track Class.................................................$3,500 2. Any rider (claimant) can enter a claim for a motorcycle ridden in the same event and class in which the claimant has competed. A claim must be entered with the Referee after completion of the meet, but no later than thirty minutes thereafter. Referee will then notify the owner of the claimed motorcycle and take physical possession of same. A rider may submit only one claim per meet. 3. A claim must be accompanied by cash, certified check, cashier's check, or bank draft, and the owner of the claimed motorcycle must immediately deliver the motorcycle intact, together with clear title or bill of sale for same. 4. In the event more than one claim is received by the Referee with respect to a given motorcycle, the successful claimant shall be determined by a drawing. 5. If a rider whose motorcycle has been claimed fails to comply with these rules, he shall forfeit his prize money and his competition license will be automatically suspended. 1973 AMA Professional Competition Dirt Track Rule Book |
1973 |
1973 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►For Expert and Junior riders the minimum piston displacement shall not be less than 251cc
and the maximum piston displacement shall be 750cc.
►Novice riders are limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc for two stroke multi-cylinder engines and 360cc for all other types. 1973 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1973 |
1973 Displacement (Short Track): | ►Maximum piston displacement shall not exceed 250cc for two stroke multi-cylinder engines
and 360cc for all other types of engines.
1973 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1973 |
1973 Displacement (TT): | ►For Expert and Junior riders the maximum piston displacement is 900cc.
►Novice riders will be limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc for two stroke multi-cylinder engines and 360cc for all other types. 1973 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book ►NOTE: Effective January 1, 1974: For Expert and Junior riders the maximum piston displacement will be 750cc. 1973 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1973 |
1973 Frames (Dirt Track): | ►7. Frame
(a) The frame must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame must be done in a workmanlike manner. (b) Titanium frames will not be allowed for AMA competition. (e) All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape). All footrests must fold backward at least 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the footrest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed 2 inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (f) Foot gear shift and foot brake levers must be covered. 1973 AMA Professional Competition Dirt Track Rule Book |
1973 |
1973 Frames (Short Track): | ►7. Frame
(a) The frame must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame must be done in a workmanlike manner. (b) Titanium frames will not be allowed for AMA competition. (e) All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape). All footrests must fold backward at least 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the footrest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed 2 inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (f) Foot gear shift and foot brake levers must be covered. 1973 AMA Professional Competition Dirt Track Rule Book |
1973 |
1973 Frames (TT): | ►7. Frame
(a) The frame must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame must be done in a workmanlike manner. (b) Titanium frames will not be allowed for AMA competition. (e) All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape). All footrests must fold backward at least 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the footrest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed 2 inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (f) Foot gear shift and foot brake levers must be covered. 1973 AMA Professional Competition Dirt Track Rule Book |
1973 |
1973 Fuel Injection: | ►True fuel injection (where fuel is injected directly into the combustion chamber) is not permitted.
1973 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1973 |
1973 Gasoline: | ►Gasoline must be readily available commercial automotive pump gasoline.
Additions or changes of any nature in the gasoline are prohibited other than oil designed for lubrication only. 1973 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1973 |
1973 Kill Switch: | ►Motorcycles must be equipped with a functional electrical ignition cut-off switch or button,
mounted on the left handlebar within reach with the hand on the grip,
and must be able to stop a running engine.
1973 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1973 |
1973 Mechanic Apparel: | ►6. Mechanics must be dressed in white coveralls, jumpsuits, or white pants and shirts.
Colored uniforms will be permitted only if they are pit uniforms for a specific rider, dealer team, or factory team.
1973 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book ►8. Riders permitting unauthorized or improperly dressed persons to work in their pit will be subject to a $25 fine for each violation. 1973 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1973 |
1973 National Number Assignments: | ►National Number 1 continues to be reserved for the defending Grand National Champion
►National Numbers 2 through 9 are reserved for former Grand National Champions ►National Numbers 10 through 99 are assigned on an annual basis, with most riders choosing to keep the same number year after year. (same since 1972) |
1973 |
1973 Pit Stops: | ►Gas stops are not required.
1973 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1973 |
1973 Riders: | Grand National short track and half miles run 12-rider mains.
Grand National TT's run 12, 16, or 20-rider mains. Grand National miles run 20-rider mains. 1973 AMA Grand National results |
1973 |
1973 Rule Books: | ►The AMA Rules For Competition is split into several discipline-specific Professional Competition Rule Books.
Dirt Track is one, Road Race is another, Hillclimb/Sidecar/Speedway is a third. |
1973 |
1973 Sound Limits: | ►Equipment used on hard surface indoor competition must be fitted with a muffled exhaust system,
meeting a standard of 92 dB on the "A" scale at 50 feet.
1973 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1973 |
1973 Throttle: | ►Motorcycles must be equipped with a self-closing throttle.
1973 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1973 |
1973 Water Cooling: | ►Water cooling is prohibited unless it is a part if the manufacturer's model approved by the Competition Congress.
1973 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1974Back To Top |
1974 Advancement Points (Dirt Track (Quarter Mile, Half Mile, Mile, or T.T.)): | ►(a) Advancement is made when a rider accumulates the following points:
Dirt Track (Quarter Mile, Half Mile, Mile, or T.T.): Novice to Junior - 40 points. Junior to Expert - 80 points. (b) No US rider may advance in rank without a sufficient number of points. No advancement in class may be made by a rider during the year after issuance of his license. 1974 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book ►A. Advancement Points are as follows: 1. Dirt Track, T.T. points: 5-3-2-1. Short Track points: 2½-1½-1-½. Points are awarded for heat races, semi-finals, and final events. Points are not awarded in consolation races, but points are awarded in trophy dashes when prize money is paid. 1974 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1974 |
1974 Age: | ►All applicants for a competition license under 21 years of age must provide a release,
executed by their parents or legal guardian and notarized by a Notary Public.
A certified copy of birth certificate must also be provided by the applicant. Minimum age for competition license applicant is 16 years of age. 1974 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1974 |
1974 Approval Process: | ►In order to be approved (for Class C competition) a motorcycle must be a standard catalogued production model
and at least 200 of the same model with identical engines and transmissions must be available for inspection and purchase
within the United States.
1974 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1974 |
1974 Backup Bikes: | ►21. Under penalty of disqualification, a rider shall not use
any machine in a meet other than the one machine he has qualified for the meet.
No rider is permitted to qualify more than one machine for any meet, except when such a meet includes events requiring equipment of different classification or displacement.
Under penalty of disqualification of all concerned, no motorcycle shall be used by more than one contestant
in any specified day's program.
Disqualification under this article means disqualification from the entire meet for the day in all events.
1974 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1974 |
1. All sanctioned meets shall be considered claiming meets and the claiming price shall be as follows: 0-250cc Any Type machine except Road Race.............$2,000 Open Moto Cross and all other Dirt Track machines.....$2,500 750cc Dirt Track Class.............................................$3,500 2. Any rider (claimant) can enter a claim for a motorcycle ridden in the same event and class in which the claimant has competed. A claim must be entered with the Referee after completion of the meet, but no later than thirty minutes thereafter. Referee will then notify the owner of the claimed motorcycle and take physical possession of same. A rider may submit only one claim per meet. 3. A claim must be accompanied by cash, certified check, cashier's check, or bank draft, and the owner of the claimed motorcycle must immediately deliver the motorcycle intact, together with clear title or bill of sale for same. 4. In the event more than one claim is received by the Referee with respect to a given motorcycle, the successful claimant shall be determined by a drawing. 5. If a rider whose motorcycle has been claimed fails to comply with these rules, he shall forfeit his prize money and his competition license will be automatically suspended. 1974 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1974 |
1974 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►1. ....
For Expert and Junior riders the minimum piston displacement shall not be less than
251cc two stroke multi cylinder engines; 361cc other types of engines;
and the maximum piston displacement shall be 750cc.
Novice riders are limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc for two stroke multi-cylinder engines
and 360cc for all other types.
1974 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1974 |
1974 Displacement (Short Track): | ►2. Maximum piston displacement shall not exceed
250cc for two stroke multi-cylinder engines and
360cc for all other types of engines.
1974 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1974 |
1974 Displacement (TT): | ►2. For Expert and Junior riders the maximum piston
displacement is 750cc. Novice riders will be limited
to equipment with maximum piston displacement
of 250cc for two stroke multi-cylinder engines and
360cc for all other types of engines.
1974 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1974 |
1974 Frames (Dirt Track): | ►7. Frame
(a) The frame must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame be done in a workmanlike manner. (b) Titanium frames will not be allowed for AMA competition. (e) All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape). All footrests must fold backward at least 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the footrest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed 2 inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (f) Foot gear shift and foot brake levers must be covered. 1974 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1974 |
1974 Frames (Short Track): | ►7. Frame
(a) The frame must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame be done in a workmanlike manner. (b) Titanium frames will not be allowed for AMA competition. (e) All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape). All footrests must fold backward at least 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the footrest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed 2 inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (f) Foot gear shift and foot brake levers must be covered. 1974 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1974 |
1974 Frames (TT): | ►7. Frame
(a) The frame must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame be done in a workmanlike manner. (b) Titanium frames will not be allowed for AMA competition. (e) All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape). All footrests must fold backward at least 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the footrest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed 2 inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (f) Foot gear shift and foot brake levers must be covered. 1974 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1974 |
1974 Number Plates: | The AMA Pro Racing district letter system is revamped.
►Most Novices hold new numbers between 70 and 299 followed by their new district letter. ►Juniors and Experts continue to use single-digit and two-digit numbers followed by their new district letter. ►Some of the district letter reassignments are:
►California loses "X", gains "E", and retains "R", "Y", and "Z".
1974 |
1974 Fuel Injection: | ►True fuel injection (where fuel is injected directly into the combustion chamber) is not permitted.
1974 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1974 |
1974 Gasoline: | ►Gasoline must be readily available commercial automotive pump gasoline.
Additions or changes of any nature in the gasoline are prohibited other than oil designed for lubrication only. 1974 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1974 |
1974 Kill Switch: | ►Motorcycles must be equipped with a functional mechanical kill device (compression release, etc.)
or ignition cut-off switch or button, mounted on the left handlebar within reach with the hand on the grip,
and must be able to stop a running engine.
1974 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1974 |
1974 Mechanic Apparel: | ►6. Mechanics must be dressed in white coveralls, jumpsuits, or white pants and shirts.
Colored uniforms will be permitted only if they are pit uniforms for a specific rider, dealer team, or factory team.
1974 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book ►8. Riders permitting unauthorized or improperly dressed persons to work in their pit will be subject to a $25 fine for each violation. 1974 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1974 |
1974 Pit Stops: | ►Gas stops are not required.
1974 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1974 |
1974 Restrictors: | The 1974 AMA Competition Congress considers adding restrictors for 750cc bikes at Grand National road racing events, but decide against it. |
1974 |
1974 Riders: | Grand National short track and half miles run 14-rider mains.
Grand National TT's run 14, 16, or 20-rider mains. Grand National miles run 20-rider mains. 1974 AMA Grand National results |
1974 |
1974 Sound Limits: | ►Equipment used on hard surface indoor competition must be fitted with a muffled exhaust system,
meeting a standard of 92 dB on the "A" scale at 50 feet.
1974 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book ►The first-ever outdoor sound level limits for professional racing are implemented for the Golden Gate National in Albany, CA: 92dba at 50 feet. |
1974 |
1974 Throttle: | ►Motorcycles must be equipped with a self-closing throttle.
1974 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1974 |
1974 Water Cooling: | ►Water cooling is prohibited unless it is a part if the manufacturer's model approved by the Competition Congress.
1974 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1975Back To Top |
1975 Advancement Points (Dirt Track (Quarter Mile, Half Mile, Mile, or T.T.)): | ►(a) Advancement is made when a rider accumulates the following points:
Dirt Track (Quarter Mile, Half Mile, Mile, or T.T.): Novice to Junior - 40 points. Junior to Expert - 80 points. If a rider has 95% of the points required and a minimum of two (2) years experience in that class, with a good safety record, the rider could be advanced to the next class at the option of the AMA. (b) No US rider may advance in rank without a sufficient number of points. No advancement in class may be made by a rider during the year after issuance of his license. 1975 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book ►A. Advancement Points are as follows: 1. Dirt Track, T.T. points: 5-3-2-1. Short Track points: 2½-1½-1-½. Points are awarded for heat races, semi-finals, and final events. Points are not awarded in consolation races, but points are awarded in trophy dashes when prize money is paid. 1975 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1975 |
1975 Age: | ►All applicants for a competition license under 21 years of age must provide a release,
executed by their parents or legal guardian and notarized by a Notary Public.
A certified copy of birth certificate must also be provided by the applicant. Minimum age for professional competition license applicant is 16 years of age. 1975 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1975 |
1975 Approval Process: | ►In order to be approved (for Class C competition) a motorcycle must be a standard catalogued production model
and at least 25 of the same model with identical engines and transmissions must be available for inspection and purchase
within the United States.
1975 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1975 |
1975 Backup Bikes: | ►21. Under penalty of disqualification, a rider shall not use
any machine in a meet other than the one machine he has qualified for the meet.
No rider is permitted to qualify more than one machine for any meet, except when such a meet includes events requiring equipment of different classification or displacement.
Under penalty of disqualification of all concerned, no motorcycle shall be used by more than one contestant
in any specified day's program.
Disqualification under this article means disqualification from the entire meet for the day in all events.
1975 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1975 |
1. All sanctioned meets shall be considered claiming meets and the claiming price shall be as follows: Lightweight Dirt Track Machines $2,500 750cc Dirt Track Class $3,500 2. Any rider (claimant) can enter a claim for a motorcycle ridden in the same event and class in which the claimant has competed. A claim must be entered with the Referee after completion of the meet, but no later than thirty minutes thereafter. Referee will then notify the owner of the claimed motorcycle and take physical possession of same. A rider may submit only one claim per meet. 3. A claim must be accompanied by cash, certified check, cashier's check, or bank draft, and the owner of the claimed motorcycle must immediately deliver the motorcycle intact, together with clear title or bill of sale for same. 4. In the event more than one claim is received by the Referee with respect to a given motorcycle, the successful claimant shall be determined by a drawing. 5. If a rider whose motorcycle has been claimed fails to comply with these rules, he shall forfeit his prize money and his competition license will be automatically suspended. 1975 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1975 |
1975 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►For Expert and Junior riders the minimum piston displacement shall not be less than
251cc two stroke multi cylinder engines; 361cc other types of engines;
and the maximum piston displacement shall be 750cc.
►Novice riders are limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc for two stroke multi-cylinder engines and 360cc for all other types. 1975 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1975 |
1975 Displacement (Short Track): | ►Maximum piston displacement shall not exceed 250cc for two stroke multi-cylinder engines
and 360cc for all other types of engines.
1975 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1975 |
1975 Displacement (TT): | ►For Expert and Junior riders the maximum piston displacement is 750cc.
►Novice riders will be limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc for two stroke multi-cylinder engines and 360cc for all other types. 1975 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1975 |
1975 Frames (Dirt Track): | ►7. Frame
(a) The frame must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame be done in a workmanlike manner. (b) Titanium frames or swinging arms will not be allowed for AMA competition. (e) All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape). All footrests must fold backward at least 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the footrest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed 2 inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (f) Foot gear shift and foot brake levers must be covered. 1975 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1975 |
1975 Frames (Short Track): | ►7. Frame
(a) The frame must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame be done in a workmanlike manner. (b) Titanium frames or swinging arms will not be allowed for AMA competition. (e) All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape). All footrests must fold backward at least 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the footrest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed 2 inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (f) Foot gear shift and foot brake levers must be covered. 1975 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1975 |
1975 Frames (TT): | ►7. Frame
(a) The frame must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame be done in a workmanlike manner. (b) Titanium frames or swinging arms will not be allowed for AMA competition. (e) All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape). All footrests must fold backward at least 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the footrest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed 2 inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (f) Foot gear shift and foot brake levers must be covered. 1975 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1975 |
1975 Fuel Injection: | ►True fuel injection (where fuel is injected directly into the combustion chamber) is not permitted.
1975 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1975 |
1975 Fuel Limits | ►The AMA 1975 Competition Congress considers a proposal to limit the amount of fuel used during each race.
Had the proposal passed, two-stroke engines might have been eliminated from racing altogether. The motion fails, 32-23. |
1975 |
Gasoline: | ►Gasoline must be readily available commercial automotive pump gasoline.
Additions or changes of any nature in the gasoline are prohibited other than oil designed for lubrication only. 1975 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1975 |
1975 Kill Switch: | ►Motorcycles must be equipped with a functional mechanical kill device (compression release, etc.)
or ignition cut-off switch or button, mounted on the left handlebar within reach with the hand on the grip,
and must be able to stop a running engine.
1975 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1975 |
1975 Mechanic Apparel: | ►6. Mechanics must be dressed in white coveralls, jumpsuits, or white pants and shirts.
Colored uniforms will be permitted only if they are pit uniforms for a specific rider, dealer team, or factory team.
1975 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book ►8. Riders permitting unauthorized or improperly dressed persons to work in their pit will be subject to a $25 fine for each violation. 1975 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1975 |
1975 National Format: | ►Miles:
►48 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into four twelve-rider, ten-lap heats
►Half Miles: ►48 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into four twelve-rider, ten-lap heats
►Short Tracks: ►48 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into four twelve-rider, ten-lap heats
►TT: ►48 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into four twelve-rider, ten-lap heats
1975 |
1975 National Number Assignments: | ►National Number 1 continues to be reserved for the defending Grand National Champion
►National Numbers 2 through 9 are reserved for former Grand National Champions ►National Numbers 10 through 99 are assigned on an annual basis, with most riders choosing to keep the same number year after year. (same since 1972) |
1975 |
1975 Pit Stops: | ►Gas stops are not required.
1975 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1975 |
1975 Riders: | Grand National short track and half miles run 14-rider mains.
Grand National TT's run 14, 16, or 20-rider mains. Grand National miles run 20-rider mains. 1975 AMA Grand National results |
1975 |
1975 Sound Limits: | ►Equipment used on hard surface indoor competition must be fitted with a muffled exhaust system,
meeting a standard of 92 dB on the "A" scale at 50 feet.
1975 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1975 |
1975 Throttle: | ►Motorcycles must be equipped with a self-closing throttle.
1975 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1975 |
1975 Water Cooling: | ►Water cooling is prohibited unless it is a part if the manufacturer's model approved by the Competition Congress.
1975 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1976Back To Top |
1976 Advancement Points: | ►(a) Advancement is made when a rider accumulates the following points:
Dirt Track (Quarter Mile, Half Mile, Mile, or T.T.): Novice to Junior - 40 points. Junior to Expert - 80 points. If a rider has 95% of the points required and a minimum of two (2) years experience in that class, with a good safety record, the rider could be advanced to the next class at the option of the AMA. (b) No US rider may advance in rank without a sufficient number of points. No advancement in class may be made by a rider during the year after issuance of his license. 1976 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book ►A. Advancement Points are as follows: 1. Dirt Track & T.T. points: 5-3-2-1. Short Track points: 2½-1½-1-½. Points are awarded for heat races, semi-finals, and final events. Points are not awarded in consolation races, but points are awarded in trophy dashes when prize money is paid. 1976 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1976 |
1976 Approval Process: | ► "Approval of any motorcycle is in the sole discretion of the Professional Rules Committee.
It is the objective of the Professional Rules Committee to approve only such models as are available in the
United States through normal commercial channels in adequate quantities to supply customer requirements,
thus insuring [sic] that competition motorcycles can be readily acquired.
Therefore, in order to be approved, a motorcycle must be a standard catalogued production model,
one complete motorcycle produced, and at least 24 identical engines and transmissions must be available
for inspection and purchase within the United States.
Upon meeting all requirements of the AMA and upon approved of the Professional Rules Committee,
a machine may be used in competition immediately."
1976 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rulebook |
1976 |
1976 Axles | ►(c) Aluminum or titanium wheel axles are not permitted in any type of AMA competition.
1976 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1976 |
1976 Backup Bikes: | ►21. Under penalty of disqualification, a rider shall not use
any machine in a meet other than the one machine he has qualified for the meet.
No rider is permitted to qualify more than one machine for any meet, except when such a meet includes events requiring equipment of different classification or displacement.
Under penalty of disqualification of all concerned, no motorcycle shall be used by more than one contestant
in any specified day's program.
Disqualification under this article means disqualification from the entire meet for the day in all events.
1976 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1976 |
1976 Brakes (Dirt Track) | ►(a) Brakes, when required, must be manufactured and installed in a safe and workmanlike manner.
(d) In dirt track and short track races, an operating braking device affecting the rear wheel but not the front wheel may be installed. Braking device must be either internal shoe drum or caliper disc type. A compression release is not defined as a braking device. 1976 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1976 |
1976 Brakes (Short Track) | ►(a) Brakes, when required, must be manufactured and installed in a safe and workmanlike manner.
(d) In dirt track and short track races, an operating braking device affecting the rear wheel but not the front wheel may be installed. Braking device must be either internal shoe drum or caliper disc type. A compression release is not defined as a braking device. 1976 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1976 |
1976 Brakes (TT) | ►(a) Brakes must be manufactured and installed in a safe and workmanlike manner.
(e) All motorcycles entered in T.T. competition must be equipped with adequate and operating front and rear wheel brakes. 1976 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1976 |
1. All sanctioned meets shall be considered claiming meets and the claiming price shall be as follows: Lightweight Dirt Track Machines $2,500 750cc Dirt Track Class $3,500 2. Any rider (claimant) can enter a claim for a motorcycle (that is only the complete engine and transmission, plus complete ignition system and complete carburetion) ridden in the same event and class in which the claimant has competed. Only the first three finishing motorcycles of that event may be claimed. A claim must be entered with the Referee after completion of the meet, but no later than thirty minutes thereafter. Referee will then notify the owner or rider of the claimed motorcycle engine and take physical possession of same. The rider or his mechanic of the claimed motorcycle engine (etc.) must remove the engine (etc.) and turn it over to the Referee or claimant. A rider may submit only one claim per meet. 3. A claim must be accompanied by cash, certified check, cashier's check, or bank draft, and the owner or rider of the claimed motorcycle must immediately deliver the motorcycle engine (etc.) intact, together with clear title or bill of sale for same. 4. In the event more than one claim is received by the Referee with respect to a given motorcycle, the successful claimant shall be determined by a drawing. 5. If a rider whose motorcycle has been claimed fails to comply with these rules, he shall forfeit his prize money and his competition license will be automatically suspended. 1976 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1976 |
1976 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►2. For Expert and Junior riders the minimum piston displacement shall not be less than
251cc two stroke multi cylinder engines; 361cc other types of engines;
and the maximum piston displacement shall be 750cc, a maximum of two cylinders, either two or four stroke engines.
EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1977, the minimum displacement will be 335cc, all types. 3. Novice riders are limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc for two stroke multi-cylinder engines and 360cc for all other types of engines. EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1977, Novice riders are limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc single cylinder engine, either two or four stroke.. 1976 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1976 |
1976 Displacement (Short Track): | ►Maximum piston displacement shall not exceed 250cc for two stroke multi-cylinder engines
and 360cc for all other types of engines.
EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1977, maximum piston displacement shall not exceed 250cc single cylinder engine, either two or four stroke.. 1976 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1976 |
1976 Displacement (TT): | ►2. For Expert and Junior riders the maximum piston displacement is 750cc, maximum of two cylinders.
Novice riders will be limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc for two stroke multi-cylinder engines and 360cc for all other types of engines. EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1977, Novice riders will be limited to equipment of 250cc single cylinder, either two or four stroke.. 1976 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1976 |
1976 Frames (Dirt Track): | ►7. Frame
(a) The frame must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame be done in a workmanlike manner. (b) Titanium frames or swinging arms will not be allowed for AMA competition. (e) All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape). All footrests must fold backward at least 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the footrest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed 2 inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (f) Foot gear shift and foot brake levers must be covered. 1976 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1976 |
1976 Frames (Short Track): | ►7. Frame
(a) The frame must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame be done in a workmanlike manner. (b) Titanium frames or swinging arms will not be allowed for AMA competition. (e) All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape). All footrests must fold backward at least 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the footrest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed 2 inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (f) Foot gear shift and foot brake levers must be covered. 1976 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1976 |
1976 Frames (TT): | ►7. Frame
(a) The frame must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame be done in a workmanlike manner. (b) Titanium frames or swinging arms will not be allowed for AMA competition. (e) All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape). All footrests must fold backward at least 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the footrest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed 2 inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (f) Foot gear shift and foot brake levers must be covered. 1976 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1976 |
1976 Mechanic Apparel: | ►6. Mechanics must be dressed in white coveralls, jumpsuits, or white pants and shirts.
Colored uniforms will be permitted only if they are pit uniforms for a specific rider, dealer team, or factory team.
1976 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book ►8. Riders permitting unauthorized or improperly dressed persons to work in their pit will be subject to a $25 fine for each violation. 1976 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1976 |
1976 National Format: | ►Miles:
►48 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into four twelve-rider, ten-lap heats
►Half Miles: ►48 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into four twelve-rider, ten-lap heats
►Short Tracks: ►60 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into six ten-rider, ten-lap heats
►TT: ►48 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into four twelve-rider, ten-lap heats
1976 |
1976 Riders: | Grand National short track and half miles run 14-rider mains.
Grand National TT's run 14, or 16-rider mains. Grand National miles run 20-rider mains. 1976 AMA Grand National results |
1976 |
1976 Wheels | ►(a) Any type of front wheel may be used in events where brakes are not required.
(b) Wheel rims smaller than 16 inches in diameter shall not be used. 1976 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1977Back To Top |
1977 Advancement Points: | ►(a) Advancement is made when a rider accumulates the following points:
Dirt Track (Quarter Mile, Half Mile, Mile, or T.T.): Novice to Junior - 40 points. Junior to Expert - 80 points. If a rider has 95% of the points required and a minimum of two (2) years experience in that class, with a good safety record, the rider could be advanced to the next class at the option of the AMA. (b) No US rider may advance in rank without a sufficient number of points. No advancement in class may be made by a rider during the year after issuance of his license. 1977 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book ►A. Advancement Points are as follows: 1. Dirt Track & T.T. points: 5-3-2-1. Short Track points: 2½-1½-1-½. Points are awarded for heat races, semi-finals, and final events. Points are not awarded in consolation races, but points are awarded in trophy dashes when prize money is paid. 1977 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1977 |
1977 Axles | ►(c) Aluminum or titanium wheel axles are not permitted in any type of AMA competition.
1977 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1977 |
1977 Backup Bikes: | ►21. Under penalty of disqualification, a rider shall not use
any machine in a meet other than the one machine he has qualified for the meet.
No rider is permitted to qualify more than one machine for any meet, except when such a meet includes events requiring equipment of different classification or displacement.
Under penalty of disqualification of all concerned, no motorcycle shall be used by more than one contestant
in any specified day's program.
Disqualification under this article means disqualification from the entire meet for the day in all events.
1977 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1977 |
1977 Brakes (Dirt Track) | ►(a) Brakes must be manufactured and installed in a safe and workmanlike manner.
*(d) In dirt track and short track races, an operating braking device affecting the rear wheel but not the front wheel must be installed. Braking device must be either internal shoe drum or caliper disc type. A compression release is not defined as a braking device. 1977 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1977 |
1977 Brakes (Short Track) | ►(a) Brakes must be manufactured and installed in a safe and workmanlike manner.
*(d) In dirt track and short track races, an operating braking device affecting the rear wheel but not the front wheel must be installed. Braking device must be either internal shoe drum or caliper disc type. A compression release is not defined as a braking device. 1977 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1977 |
1977 Brakes (TT) | ►(a) Brakes must be manufactured and installed in a safe and workmanlike manner.
(e) All motorcycles entered in T.T. competition must be equipped with adequate and operating front and rear wheel brakes. 1977 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1977 |
1. All sanctioned meets shall be considered claiming meets and the claiming price shall be as follows: Lightweight Dirt Track Machines $2,500 750cc Dirt Track Class $3,500 2. Any rider (claimant) can enter a claim for a motorcycle (that is only the complete engine and transmission, plus complete ignition system and complete carburetion) ridden in the same event and class in which the claimant has competed. Only the first three finishing motorcycles of that event may be claimed. A claim must be entered with the Referee after completion of the meet, but no later than thirty minutes thereafter. Referee will then notify the owner or rider of the claimed motorcycle engine and take physical possession of same. The rider or his mechanic of the claimed motorcycle engine (etc.) must remove the engine (etc.) and turn it over to the Referee or claimant. A rider may submit only one claim per meet. 3. A claim must be accompanied by cash, certified check, cashier's check, or bank draft, and the owner or rider of the claimed motorcycle must immediately deliver the motorcycle engine (etc.) intact, together with clear title or bill of sale for same. 4. In the event more than one claim is received by the Referee with respect to a given motorcycle, the successful claimant shall be determined by a drawing. *5. If a rider whose motorcycle has been claimed fails to comply with these rules, he shall forfeit his prize money and his competition license will be automatically suspended for a minimum of one (1) year. 1977 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1977 |
1977 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►2. For Expert and Junior riders the minimum piston displacement will be 335cc, all types,
and the maximum piston displacement shall be 750cc, a maximum of two cylinders, either two of four stroke engines.
►3. Novice riders are limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc single cylinder engine, either two or four stroke. 1977 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1977 |
1977 Displacement (Short Track): | ►2. Maximum piston displacement shall not exceed 250cc single cylinder engines, either two or four stroke.
1977 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1977 |
1977 Displacement (TT): | ►2. For Expert and Junior riders the maximum piston displacement is 750cc, maximum of two cylinders.
Novice riders will be limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc single cylinder, either two or four stroke. 1977 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1977 |
1977 Frames (Dirt Track): | ►7. Frame
(a) The frame must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame be done in a workmanlike manner. (b) Titanium frames or swinging arms will not be allowed for AMA competition. (e) All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape). All footrests must fold backward at least 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the footrest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed 2 inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (f) Foot gear shift and foot brake levers must be covered. 1977 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1977 |
1977 Frames (Short Track): | ►7. Frame
(a) The frame must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame be done in a workmanlike manner. (b) Titanium frames or swinging arms will not be allowed for AMA competition. (e) All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape). All footrests must fold backward at least 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the footrest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed 2 inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (f) Foot gear shift and foot brake levers must be covered. 1977 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1977 |
1977 Frames (TT): | ►7. Frame
(a) The frame must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame be done in a workmanlike manner. (b) Titanium frames or swinging arms will not be allowed for AMA competition. (e) All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape). All footrests must fold backward at least 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the footrest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed 2 inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (f) Foot gear shift and foot brake levers must be covered. 1977 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1977 |
1977 Mechanic Apparel: | ►5. Mechanics must be dressed in white coveralls, jumpsuits, or white pants and shirts.
Colored uniforms will be permitted only if they are pit uniforms for a specific rider, dealer team, or factory team.
1977 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book ►7. Riders permitting unauthorized or improperly dressed persons to work in their pit will be subject to a $25 fine for each violation. 1977 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1977 |
1977 Riders: | Grand National short track and half miles run 14-rider mains.
Grand National TT's run 14-rider mains. Grand National miles run 14-rider mains. 1977 AMA Grand National results |
1977 |
1977 Wheels | ►(a) Any type of front wheel may be used in events where brakes are not required.
(b) Wheel rims smaller than 16 inches in diameter shall not be used. 1977 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1978Back To Top |
1978 Advancement Points: | ►(a) Advancement is made when a rider accumulates the following points:
Dirt Track (Quarter Mile, Half Mile, Mile, or T.T.): Novice to Junior - 40 points. Junior to Expert - 80 points. (b) If a rider has 95% of the points required and a minimum of two (2) years experience in that class, with a good safety record, the rider may be advanced to the next class at the option of the AMA. The above is valid for one more year only 1978, and will be removed effective 1-1-79. This only applies to license renewals. (c) No US rider may advance in rank without required number of points. Riders in 1st year of any class requires specified number of points and no advancement in class may be made by this rider during the year after issuance of his or her license. (d) Riders in 2nd year of any class may advance at time he or she accrues to total number required points (95% rule does not apply). Rider must notify AMA of point total, submit $10 administration fee and return current license. AMA will verify points. Rider with required number of points will then be issued new license with correct classification. Rider will then start with no advancement or regional points at new classification. At the rider's option he or she may remain at the lower classification for the remainder of the current year. Their classification will be changed when their license is renewed for the following year. (e) A rider may apply for a temporary license in the next class if he meets the following requirements: 1. He has spent five years in class. 2. He has at least 50% of necessary advancement points. 3. He has a good safety record. The rider will be issued six (6) temporary licenses to compete in six events in the next higher class and while he holds and of the six licenses, may NOT compete in his present class. If he displays good riding ability, rides safely, and finishes well relative to the competition, he may be granted a permanent license in the class at the discretion of the AMA staff. If he fails, he must remain in his original class and achieve five (5) more points in that class before being permitted to try advancement again. In no case will a rider be permitted more than two (2) attempts per year. NOTE: (e) applies to Novice riders only. 1978 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book ►A. Advancement Points are as follows: 1. Dirt Track, T.T. points: 5-3-2-1. Short Track points: 2½-1½-1-½. Points are awarded for heat races, semi-finals, and final events. Points are not awarded in consolation races, but points are awarded in trophy dashes when prize money is paid. 1978 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1978 |
1978 Axles | ►(c) Aluminum or titanium wheel axles are not permitted in any type of AMA competition.
1978 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1978 |
1978 Backup Bikes: | ►21. Under penalty of disqualification, a rider shall not use
any machine in a meet other than the one machine he has qualified for the meet.
No rider is permitted to qualify more than one machine for any meet, except when such a meet includes events requiring equipment of different classification or displacement.
Under penalty of disqualification of all concerned, no motorcycle shall be used by more than one contestant
in any specified day's program.
Disqualification under this article means disqualification from the entire meet for the day in all events.
1978 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1978 |
1. All sanctioned meets shall be considered claiming meets and the claiming price shall be as follows: Lightweight Dirt Track Machines $2,500 Power Plant; $4,000 Complete Cycle 750cc Dirt Track Class $4,000 Power Plant; $6,500 Complete Cycle 2. Any rider (claimant) can enter a claim for a motorcycle powerplant or complete motorcycle ridden in the same event and class in which the claimant has competed. A written claim, signed by the rider, may be presented by the rider, or the rider's assigned mechanic or team manager. Only the first three finishing motorcycles of that event may be claimed. A claim must be entered with the referee [sic], or his appointed designee, after the completion of last event of that class, but no later than thirty (30) minutes thereafter. Referee will then notify the owner or rider of the claimed motorcycle and take physical possession of same. The rider of the claimed motorcycle has an additional thirty (30) minute period to file a written claim. If the claim is for the powerplant only, the rider or his mechanic of the claimed motorcycle must remove the powerplant (etc.) and turn it over to the referee or claimant. In the case of a claim for complete motorcycle, turn the complete motorcycle over to the referee or claimant. * 3. A claim must be made in writing, describing machine (make, class, size, rider), and accompanied by cash, certified check, cashier's check, or bank draft. The owner or rider of the claimed motorcycle must deliver within a reasonable time (determined by the referee) a clear title or bill of sale for same. 4. In the event more than one claim is received by the referee with respect to a given motorcycle, the successful claimant shall be determined by a drawing. 5. If a rider whose motorcycle has been claimed fails to comply with these rules, he shall forfeit his prize money and his competition license will be automatically suspended for a minimum of one (1) year. CLARIFICATION A. Powerplant shall mean only the complete engine and transmission, plus complete ignition system and carburetion. B. Complete motorcycle shall mean complete motorcycle as used in said event. C. "Contest" shall mean competition in which two or more riders compete against each other. D. "Event" shall mean any one of the contests in a meeting. E. "Time Trial" shall mean a race against time by an individual rider; thus, not eligible under claiming procedures. F. Claiming time starts when checkered flag is displayed to the winner of the last event of that class. 1978 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1978 |
1978 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►2. For Expert and Junior riders the minimum piston displacement will be 335cc, all types,
and the maximum piston displacement shall be 750cc, a maximum of two cylinders, either two of four stroke engines.
►3. Novice riders are limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc single cylinder engine, either two or four stroke. 1978 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1978 |
1978 Displacement (Short Track): | ►2. Maximum piston displacement shall not exceed 250cc single cylinder engines, either two or four stroke.
1978 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1978 |
1978 Displacement (TT): | ►2. For Expert and Junior riders the maximum piston displacement is 750cc, maximum of two cylinders.
Novice riders will be limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc single cylinder, either two or four stroke. 1978 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1978 |
1978 Frames (Dirt Track): | ►7. Frame
(a) The frame must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame be done in a workmanlike manner. (b) Titanium frames or swinging arms will not be allowed for AMA competition. (e) All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape). All footrests must fold backward at least 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the footrest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed 2 inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (f) Foot gear shift and foot brake levers must be covered. 1978 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1978 |
1978 Frames (Short Track): | ►7. Frame
(a) The frame must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame be done in a workmanlike manner. (b) Titanium frames or swinging arms will not be allowed for AMA competition. (e) All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape). All footrests must fold backward at least 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the footrest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed 2 inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (f) Foot gear shift and foot brake levers must be covered. 1978 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1978 |
1978 Frames (TT): | ►7. Frame
(a) The frame must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame be done in a workmanlike manner. (b) Titanium frames or swinging arms will not be allowed for AMA competition. (e) All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape). All footrests must fold backward at least 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the footrest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed 2 inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (f) Foot gear shift and foot brake levers must be covered. 1978 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1978 |
1978 Mechanic Apparel: | ►5. Mechanics must be dressed in white coveralls, jumpsuits, or white pants and shirts.
Colored uniforms will be permitted only if they are pit uniforms for a specific rider, dealer team, or factory team.
Blue denim or cut-offs not allowed.
1978 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book ►7. Riders permitting unauthorized or improperly dressed persons to work in their pit will be subject to a $25 fine for each violation. 1978 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1978 |
1978 Restrictors: | ►23mm intake restrictors are required on 750cc GP machines that run at Grand National Road Race events. |
1978 |
1978 Riders: | Grand National short track, TT, and half miles run 14-rider mains.
Grand National miles run 14 an 15-rider mains. 1978 AMA Grand National results |
1978 |
1978 Wheels | ►(a) Any type of front wheel may be used in events where brakes are not required.
(b) Wheel rims smaller than 16 inches in diameter shall not be used. 1978 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1979Back To Top |
1979 Restrictors: | ►Junior division twin-cylinder engines must use 28mm intake restrictors.
►Intake restrictors for Expert twin-cylinder dirt track engines are considered, but rejected by the Competition Committee. ►Cycle News reports that the AMA is considering adding 26mm restrictors to 750cc Expert dirt track engines in order to make the 500cc singles more competitive. Cycle News, July 23, 1979
1979 |
1979 Riders: | Grand National short track, TT, half miles and miles run 14-rider mains.
1979 AMA Grand National results |
1980Back To Top |
1980 Advancement Points: | ►(a) Advancement is made when a rider accumulates the following points:
Dirt Track (Quarter Mile, Half Mile, Mile, or T.T.): Novice to Junior - 40 points. Junior to Expert - 80 points. If a rider has 95% of the points required and a minimum of two (2) years experience in that class, with a good safety record, the rider may be advanced to the next class at the option of the AMA. (b) No US rider may advance in rank without a sufficient number of points. No advancement in class may be made by a rider during the year after issuance of his license. 1980 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1980 |
1980 Battle Of The Brands/500cc Class: | ►Four AMA Pro events in Ohio feature a 500cc class for Novices and Juniors as a test for the 1981 Battle Of The Brands class.
The four events are Springfield, Marion, Kenton, and Plain City.
The Cycle News articles for two events list "Battle Of The Brands" in the article, but the results state "500cc".
Cycle News |
1980 |
1980 Claiming: | ►AMA eliminates the claiming rule from the 1980 rulebook.
1980 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book.
1980 |
1980 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►2. For Expert and Junior riders the minimum piston displacement will be 335cc, all types,
and the maximum piston displacement shall be 750cc, a maximum of two cylinders, either two of four stroke engines.
►3. Novice riders are limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc single cylinder engine, either two or four stroke. 1980 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1980 |
1980 Displacement (Short Track): | ►2. Maximum piston displacement shall not exceed 250cc single cylinder engines, either two or four stroke.
1980 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1980 |
1980 Displacement (TT): | ►2. For Expert and Junior riders the maximum piston displacement is 750cc, maximum of two cylinders.
Novice riders will be limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc single cylinder, either two or four stroke. 1980 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1980 |
1980 Firing Order/Twingling: | ►(a)....Any crankshaft configuration may be used, i.e., 180 firing, alternate firing, etc.
1980 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book | 1980 |
1980 Frames (Dirt Track): | ►8. Frame
(a) The frame must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame be done in a workmanlike manner. (d) All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape). All footrests must fold backward at least 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the footrest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed 2 inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (e) Foot gear shift and foot brake levers must be covered. 1980 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1980 |
1980 Frames (Short Track): | ►8. Frame
(a) The frame must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame be done in a workmanlike manner. (d) All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape). All footrests must fold backward at least 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the footrest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed 2 inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (e) Foot gear shift and foot brake levers must be covered. 1980 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1980 |
1980 Frames (TT): | ►8. Frame
(a) The frame must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame be done in a workmanlike manner. (d) All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape). All footrests must fold backward at least 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the footrest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed 2 inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (e) Foot gear shift and foot brake levers must be covered. 1980 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1980 |
1980 License Fees: | ►1. Dirt Track, Road Race and Motocross
Annual license fee is $83.00 for a primary license in Dirt Track, Road Race or Moticross, including membership fee.After obtaining a license in one of these three types of competition, a rider may opt to add another type of competition. Each additional type of add-on is $10.00 6. Annusl license fee for Mechanics is $20.00. Minimum age for Mechanic License applicant is 16 years of age. John Doe mechanic licenses may be purchased by Professional licensed competition rider for a fee of $20.00 each, maximum three (3) per rider. Persons must be 16 years or older to use a John Doe mechanic license. 1980 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book, Appendix Chapter II - Licensing |
1980 |
1980 Mechanic Apparel: | ►5. Mechanics must be dressed in white coveralls, jumpsuits, white pants or tailor-made shorts and shirts.
Colored uniforms will be permitted only if they are pit uniforms for a specific rider, dealer team, or factory team.
Dungarees or cut-offs not allowed.
1980 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1980 |
1980 Riders: | Grand National short track, TT, and half miles run 14-rider mains.
Grand National miles run 16-rider mains. 1980 AMA Grand National results |
1980 |
1980 Restrictors: | ►2. Restrictor
Effective January 1, 1980, all junior [sic] classified dirt track riders will be limited as follows: (a) 335cc-500cc single or twin cylinder, two (2) or four (4) stroke motorcycles. No air flow restriction (restrictor plate). (b) 501cc-750cc single or twin cylinder, four (4) stroke motorcycles only. Restricted to the use of a 27mm retrictor plate mounted against the head of manifold. (c) Restrictor plates and restricted areas are defined as follows: (2) Restricted areas as required directly on either side of the restrictor plate with the following dimensions: (b) On the manifold (carburetor) side of the restrictor plate, there must be an area a minimum of two (2) inches long and a minimum od 32mm in diameter. Must conform to area described with or without carburetor installed. (d) All motorcycles must be equipped with one (1) carburetor and one (1) restricted area as described above per cylinder. (e) Both classes of motorcycles are limited to a maximum of two (2) cylinders. (f) At this time there will be no restriction for expert class riders. 1980 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book ►In an article on the Honda CX500, Norm Mayersohn reports that "the AMA has ruled that for the 1982 season, Class-C[sic] 750cc machines will be required to have 27mm carburetor restrictors and 500cc bikes will run unrestricted." (Cycle magazine, December 1980) [Comment: this rule was not implemented on Expert machines for the 1982 season.] |
1981Back To Top |
1981 Advancement Points: | ►(a) Advancement is made when a rider accumulates the following points:
Dirt Track (Quarter Mile, Half Mile, Mile, or T.T.): Novice to Junior - 40 points. Junior to Expert - 80 points. If a rider has 95% of the points required and a minimum of two (2) years experience in that class, with a good safety record, the rider may be advanced to the next class at the option of the AMA. (b) No US rider may advance in rank without a sufficient number of points. No advancement in class may be made by a rider during the year after issuance of his license. 1981 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1981 |
1981 Battle Of The Brands: | ►AMA introduces the "Battle Of The Brands", an additional competition class at AMA pro racing events for Novice and Junior competitors on 500cc single-cylinder engines. |
1981 |
1981 Claiming: | There is no Claiming Rule in the 1981 rule book.
1981 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book. |
1981 |
1981 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►2. For Expert and Junior riders the minimum piston displacement will be 335cc, all types,
and the maximum piston displacement shall be 750cc, a maximum of two cylinders, either two of four stroke engines.
►3. Novice riders are limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc single cylinder engine, either two or four stroke. 1981 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1981 |
1981 Displacement (Short Track): | ►2. Maximum piston displacement shall not exceed 250cc single cylinder engines, either two or four stroke.
1981 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1981 |
1981 Displacement (TT): | ►2. For Expert and Junior riders the maximum piston displacement is 750cc, maximum of two cylinders.
Novice riders will be limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc single cylinder, either two or four stroke. 1981 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1981 |
1981 Frames (Dirt Track): | ►8. Frame
(a) The frame must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame be done in a workmanlike manner. (d) All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape). All footrests must fold backward at least 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the footrest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed 2 inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (e) Foot gear shift and foot brake levers must be covered. 1981 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1981 |
1981 Frames (Short Track): | ►8. Frame
(a) The frame must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame be done in a workmanlike manner. (d) All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape). All footrests must fold backward at least 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the footrest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed 2 inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (e) Foot gear shift and foot brake levers must be covered. 1981 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1981 |
1981 Frames (TT): | ►8. Frame
(a) The frame must be manufactured in a safe and workmanlike manner and any modifications to the frame be done in a workmanlike manner. (d) All footrests must be completely covered with at least ¼ inch rubber or soft plastic (not tape). All footrests must fold backward at least 45 degrees for at least 60 degrees. The length of the footrest from the pivot point not to exceed five inches and from pivot point to the frame, engine or transmission proper for each respective pedal not to exceed 2 inches and must not be lower than the crankcase or frame, whichever is lower. (e) Foot gear shift and foot brake levers must be covered. 1981 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1981 |
1981 Mechanic Apparel: | ►5. Mechanics must be dressed in white coveralls, jumpsuits, white pants or tailor-made shorts and shirts.
Colored uniforms will be permitted only if they are pit uniforms for a specific rider, dealer team, or factory team.
Dungarees or cut-offs not allowed.
1981 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1981 |
1981 Riders: | Grand National short track, TT, and half miles run 14-rider mains.
Grand National miles run 16-rider mains. 1981 AMA Grand National results |
1981 |
1981 Restrictors: | ►Rumors of 750cc dirt track restrictors for 1982 are mentioned in The Latest Poop in Cycle News.
Dennis McKay, American Honda Racing Team Manager, says "With the restricted 750 rule (upcoming in '82), there is no need to develop a 750".
Cycle News, The Latest Poop, January 28, 1981. ►Dennis McKay is mentioned in a March 4, 1981 press release announcing the forthcoming approval of the NS750, and a factory team of Freddie Spencer and Jeff Haney. Cycle News, March 18, 1981. |
1982Back To Top |
1982 Advancement Points: | ►(a) A rider may elect to advance in class when he accumulates the following points:
Dirt Track (Quarter Mile, Half Mile, Mile, or T.T.): Novice to Junior - 40 points. Junior to Expert - 80 points. If a rider has 95% of the points required and a minimum of two (2) years experience in that class, with a good safety record, the rider may be advanced to the next class at the option of the AMA. (b) No US rider may advance in rank without a sufficient number of points. No advancement in class may be made by a rider during the year after issuance of his license. 1982 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1982 |
1982 Claiming: | There is no Claiming Rule in the 1982 rule book.
1982 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book. |
1982 |
1982 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►2. For Expert and Junior riders the minimum piston displacement will be:
(a) 335cc-500cc single two (2) or four (4) stroke, or twin cylinder, four (4) stroke motorcycles only. (b) 501cc-750cc single or twin cylinder, four (4) stroke motorcycles. ►3. Novice riders are limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc single cylinder engine, either two or four stroke. 1982 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1982 |
1982 Displacement (Short Track): | ►2. Maximum piston displacement shall not exceed 250cc single cylinder engines, either two or four stroke.
1982 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1982 |
1982 Displacement (TT): | ►2. For Expert and Junior riders the maximum piston displacement is 750cc, maximum of two cylinders.
Novice riders will be limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc single cylinder, either two or four stroke. 1982 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1982 |
1982 Mechanic Apparel: | ►5. Mechanics must be dressed in white coveralls, jumpsuits, white pants or tailor-made shorts and shirts.
Colored uniforms will be permitted only if they are pit uniforms for a specific rider, dealer team, or factory team.
Cut-offs not allowed.
1982 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1982 |
1982 Restrictors: | ►AMA considers adding intake restrictors to the Grand National Expert twins for 1982, but decides against it. |
1982 |
1982 Riders: | Grand National short track, and half miles run 15-rider mains.
Grand National TT and miles run 17-rider mains. 1982 AMA Grand National results |
1983Back To Top |
1983 Advancement Points: | ►(a) A rider may elect to advance in class when he accumulates the following points:
Dirt Track (Quarter Mile, Half Mile, Mile, or T.T.): Novice to Junior: 60 points and six months in grade or 40 points and one year in grade. Junior to Expert: 80 points and one year in grade. (b) No US rider may advance in rank without a sufficient number of points. No advancement in class may be made by a rider during the year after issuance of his license. 1983 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1983 |
1983 Claiming: | There is no Claiming Rule in the 1983 rule book.
1983 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book. |
1983 |
1983 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►2. For Expert and Junior riders the minimum piston displacement will be:
(a) 335cc-500cc single two (2) or four (4) stroke, or twin cylinder, four (4) stroke motorcycles only. (b) 501cc-750cc single or twin cylinder, four (4) stroke motorcycles. ►3. Novice riders are limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc single cylinder engine, either two or four stroke. 5. Beginning 1/1/1984, at all Dirt Track events, classes for Novice riders or Novice-Junior-Expert combined classes, the riders will be limited to a maximum piston displacement of 250cc single-cylinder, two-stroke engines or up to 500cc single-cylinder, four-stroke engines. 1983 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1983 |
1983 Displacement (Short Track): | ►2. Maximum piston displacement shall not exceed 250cc single cylinder engines, either two or four stroke.
4. Beginning 1/1/1984, at all Short Track events, classes for Novice, Junior, and Expert riders will be limited to a maximum piston displacement of 250cc single-cylinder, two-stroke engines or up to 500cc single-cylinder, four-stroke engines. 1983 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1983 |
1983 Displacement (TT): | ►2. For Expert and Junior riders the maximum piston displacement is 750cc, maximum of two cylinders.
Novice riders will be limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc single cylinder, either two or four stroke. 4. Beginning 1/1/1984, at all T.T. events, classes for Novice riders will be limited to a maximum piston displacement of 250cc single-cylinder, two-stroke engines or up to 500cc, single-cylinder, four-stroke engines. 1983 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1983 |
1983 Equipment Stability: | ►Any rule adopted which changes the engine displacement of a class shall not be effective until one (1) full calendar year following the year in which the rule is adopted.
In addition the rule must remain in effect for a minimum of three (3) calendar years.
1983 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1983 |
1983 Licenses: | ►Junior riders must spend a full 12 months in the Junior division before advancing to Expert, regardless of points accumulated.
Cycle News East, 5/11/83 article on Springfield HM. |
1983 |
1983 Mechanic Apparel: | ►5. Mechanics must be dressed in white coveralls, jumpsuits, white pants or tailor-made shorts and shirts.
Colored uniforms will be permitted only if they are pit uniforms for a specific rider, dealer team, or factory team.
Cut-offs not allowed.
1983 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1983 |
1983 Restrictors: | ►Restrictor.
All Junior class riders are limited as follows except for Tourist Trophy races: (a)335cc-500cc single two (2) or four (4) stroke, or twin cylinder, four (4) stroke only. No air flow restrictio (restrictor plate). (b)501-750cc twin cylinder, four (4) stroke motorcycles only. Restricted to the use of 27mm restrictor plate mounted against the head or manifold. 1983 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1983 |
1983 Riders: | Grand National short track, and half miles run 15-rider mains.
Grand National TT and miles run 17-rider mains. 1983 AMA Grand National results |
1983 |
1983 Technical Inspection: | ►* 25. Technical inspection of motorcycles, equipment, and riding
apparel will be held prior to and after a race meet and at
other times as determined by the referee. Regardless of the motorcycle, equipment, and apparel passing prior inspections, compliance with the rules must be made at the post- race inpsection. 1983 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1984Back To Top |
1984 Advancement Points: | ►(a) A rider may elect to advance in class when he accumulates the following points:
Dirt Track (Quarter Mile, Half Mile, Mile, or T.T.): Novice to Junior: 60 points and six months in grade or 40 points and one year in grade. Junior to Expert: 80 points and one year in grade. (b)Expert classified riders may return to junior classification at their option, when purchasing the current year's license (not mid-year). (c)If a rider has 95% of the points required and a minimum of two years experience in that class with a good safety record, the rider may be advanced to the next class at the option of the AMA. (d)Expert riders who hold an AMA National Number in Dirt Track, Motocross, or Road Race, and who are a minimum of 18 years old, are automatically Expert rated riders in in any of the three categories of racing. (e)Expert riders who win a World Championship Series are also automatically Expert rated in any of the three categories of racing. (f) No US rider may advance in rank without a sufficient number of points. 1984 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1984 |
1984 Battle Of The Brands: | ►With the move to 500cc, the AMA eliminates the "Battle Of The Brands" class. |
1984 |
1984 Claiming: | There is no Claiming Rule in the 1984 rule book.
1984 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book. |
1984 |
1984 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►2. For Expert and Junior riders the minimum piston displacement will be:
(a) 335cc-500cc single two (2) or four (4) stroke, or twin cylinder, four (4) stroke motorcycles only. (b) 501cc-750cc single or twin cylinder, four (4) stroke motorcycles. ►* 3. Novice riders are limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc single cylinder engine, two stroke engines or up to 500cc single-cylinder, four-stroke engines. 1984 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1984 |
1984 Displacement (Short Track): | ►* 2. Maximum piston displacement shall not exceed 250cc single cylinder, two stroke engines
or up to 500cc single-cylinder, four-stroke engines.
1984 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1984 |
1984 Displacement (TT): | ►* 2. For Expert and Junior riders the maximum piston displacement is 750cc, maximum of two cylinders.
Novice riders will be limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc single cylinder, two stroke engines, or up to 500cc, single-cylinder, four-stroke engines. 1984 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1984 |
1984 Equipment Stability: | ►Any rule adopted which changes the engine displacement of a class shall not be effective until one (1) full calendar year following the year in which the rule is adopted.
In addition the rule must remain in effect for a minimum of three (3) calendar years.
1984 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1984 |
1984 Mechanic Apparel: | ►5. Mechanics must be dressed in white coveralls, jumpsuits, white pants or tailor-made shorts and shirts.
Colored uniforms will be permitted only if they are pit uniforms for a specific rider, dealer team, or factory team.
Cut-offs not allowed.
1984 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1984 |
1984 Number Plates: | ►*(c) Letter must be no less that ½" in width, 3" in height,
of standard block type and must appear in the lower
left hand corner of the plate or plaque. Lettering must
be done in a professional manner.
1984 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book AMA relocates the district letter from the lower right-hand corner to the lower left-hand corner of the number plate. A11
[Comment: district letters had been in the lower right hand corner since 1947.] |
1984 |
1984 Race Stoppages: | ►In case it is necessary, in the discretion of the referee,
to stop an event after laps equal to at least 50% of the total distance has been run,
the race may be considered completed and the riders shall be paid off according to the position in the lap
preceding the lap in which they were red flagged,
with the rider(s) who fell and did not complete the red flag lap will be given the last place finish
positions(s) based on the number of laps completed and in reverse order in which they fell down.
Under circumstances stated above, if the race is stopped at any point short of the lap equal to
50% of the distance of the race, it will be considered no race and there will be no payment of the purse.
It will be the responsibility of the referee when at all possible,
to complete 100% of all events as long as they can be resumed within a reasonable time.
1984 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1984 |
1984 Restrictors: | ►Restrictor.
All Junior class riders are limited as follows except for Tourist Trophy races: (a)335cc-500cc single two (2) or four (4) stroke, or twin cylinder, four (4) stroke only. No air flow restrictio (restrictor plate). (b)501-750cc twin cylinder, four (4) stroke motorcycles only. Restricted to the use of 27mm restrictor plate mounted against the head or manifold. 1984 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1984 |
1984 Riders: | Grand National short track, and half miles run 15-rider mains.
Grand National TT and miles run 17-rider mains. 1984 AMA Grand National results |
1985Back To Top |
1985 Advancement Points: | ►(a) A rider may elect to advance in class when he accumulates the following points:
Dirt Track (Quarter Mile, Half Mile, Mile, or T.T.): Novice to Junior: 60 points and six months in grade or 40 points and one year in grade. Junior to Expert: 80 points and one year in grade. (b)Expert riders who hold an AMA National Number in Dirt Track, Motocross, or Road Race, and who are a minimum of 18 years old, are automatically Expert rated riders in in any of the three categories of racing. (c)Expert riders who win a World Championship Series are also automatically Expert rated in any of the three categories of racing. (d) No US rider may advance in rank without a sufficient number of points. 1985 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1985 |
1985 Approval Process: | ►A. Approval of Motorcycles.
1. All motorcycles must be approved by the AMA for use in
sanctioned Professional Dirt Track competition.
1985 AMA Rules for Professional Competition |
1985 |
1985 Claiming: | There is no Claiming Rule in the 1985 rule book.
1985 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book. |
1985 |
1985 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►2. For Expert and Junior riders the minimum piston displacement will be:
(a) 335cc-500cc single two (2) or four (4) stroke, or twin cylinder, four (4) stroke motorcycles only. (b) 501cc-750cc single or twin cylinder, four (4) stroke motorcycles. ►3. Novice riders are limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc single cylinder engine, two stroke engines or up to 500cc single-cylinder, four-stroke engines. 1985 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1985 |
1985 Displacement (Short Track): | ►2. Maximum piston displacement shall not exceed 250cc single cylinder, two stroke engines
or up to 500cc single-cylinder, four-stroke engines.
1985 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1985 |
1985 Displacement (TT): | ► 2. For Expert and Junior riders the maximum piston displacement is 750cc, maximum of two cylinders.
Novice riders will be limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc single cylinder, two stroke engines, or up to 500cc single-cylinder, four-stroke engines. 1985 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1985 |
1985 Equipment Stability: | ►Any rule adopted which changes the engine displacement of a class shall not be effective until one (1) full calendar year following the year in which the rule is adopted.
In addition the rule must remain in effect for a minimum of three (3) calendar years.
1985 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1985 |
1985 Mechanic Apparel: | ►5. Mechanics must be dressed in white coveralls, jumpsuits, white pants or tailor-made shorts and shirts.
Colored uniforms will be permitted only if they are pit uniforms for a specific rider, dealer team, or factory team.
Cut-offs not allowed.
1985 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1985 |
1985 Number Plates: | ►AMA changes the number plate layout to return the district letter to the lower right hand corner of the plate.
►The Novice division changes to red number plates with white numbers and district letters. 99Z
[Comment: District letters were in the left hand corner of the plate for one year only - 1984.] [Comment: Novices had used white number plates with red numbers and district letters since 1971.] |
1985 |
1985 Pro-Am Sanction | ►AMA introduces the Pro-Am sanction, which enables amateur, Novice, and Junior riders to accumulate advancement points towards Junior and Expert while competing at amateur events. |
1985 |
1985 Race Stoppages: | ►In case it is necessary, in the discretion of the referee,
to stop an event after laps equal to at least 50% of the total distance has been run,
the race may be considered completed and the riders shall be paid off according to the position in the lap
preceding the lap in which they were red flagged,
with the rider(s) who fell and did not complete the red flag lap will be given the last place finish
positions(s) based on the number of laps completed and in reverse order in which they fell down.
Under circumstances stated above, if the race is stopped at any point short of the lap equal to
50% of the distance of the race, it will be considered no race and there will be no payment of the purse.
It will be the responsibility of the referee when at all possible,
to complete 100% of all events as long as they can be resumed within a reasonable time.
If the main event of a National Championship is stopped and restarted for any reason, a minimum of five laps must be run.
1985 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1985 |
1985 Restrictors: | ►(i) Junior Restrictor for twin cylinder engines.
All Junior class riders are limited as follows except for Tourist Trophy races: (a)335cc-500cc single two (2) or four (4) stroke, or twin cylinder, four (4) stroke only. No air flow restrictio (restrictor plate). (b)501-750cc twin cylinder, four (4) stroke motorcycles only. Restricted to the use of 27mm restrictor plate mounted against the head or manifold. 1985 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1986Back To Top |
1986 Advancement Points: | ►(a) A rider may elect to advance in class when he accumulates the following points:
Dirt Track (Quarter Mile, Half Mile, Mile, or T.T.): Pro-Am to Junior: 1) At least 17 years of age with one year (12 months) of Pro-Am experience; 2) Must have earned a minimum of 80 advancement points 3) The 1985 novice professionals will automatically be reclassified as Pro-Am and their advancement points will carry forward. They may advance to junior division upon earning their 40 advancement points and may advance prior to their 17th birthday if they have the necessary points and one year in grade. Junior to Expert - 80 points and one year in grade. (b)Expert riders who hold an AMA National Number in Dirt Track, Road Race, or Motocross, and who are a minimum of 18 years old, are automatically Expert rated riders in in any of the three categories of racing. (c)Expert riders who win a World Championship Series are also automatically Expert rated in any of the three categories of racing. (d) No US rider may advance in rank without a sufficient number of points. 1986 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1986 |
1986 Approval Process: | ►A. Approval of Motorcycles.
1. All motorcycles must be approved by the AMA for use in sanctioned
Professional Dirt Track competition.
1986 AMA Rules for Professional Competition ►3 ....No homologation rules apply to Pro-Am classes, only class size and standard safety practices. 1986 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1986 |
1986 Claiming: | ►CHAPTER XI - CLAIMING RULE
* 1. All Pro-Am events shall be considered claiming meets and the claiming price shall be as follows: Dirt track engine including electronics, carburetion and exhaust, $4,000.00. * 2. Any rider (claimant) can enter a claim for a motorcycle engine ridden in the same main event and class in which the claimant has competed. A written claim, signed by the rider, may be presented by the rider, or the rider's assigned mechanic or team manager. Only the first three finishing motorcycles of that event may be claimed. A claim must be entered with the referee, or his appointed designee, after the completion of last event of that class, but no later than thirty (30) minutes thereafter. Referee will then notify the owner or rider of the claimed motorcycle and take physical possession of same. The rider of the claimed motorcycle has an additional thirty (30) minute period to file a written claim. The rider or his mechanic of the claimed motorcycle must remove the engine and turn it over to the referee or claimant. 3. A claim must be made in writing, describing machine (make, class, size, rider), and accompanied by cash, certified check, cashier's check, or bank draft. The owner or rider of the claimed motorcycle must deliver within a reasonable time (determined by the referee) a clear title or bill of sale for same. 4. In the event more than one claim is received by the referee with respect to a given motorcycle, the successful claimant shall be determined by a drawing. 5. If a rider whose motorcycle has been claimed fails to comply with these rules, he shall forfeit his prize money and his competition license will be automatically suspended for a minimum of one (1) year. 6. No rider will be allowed to enter a claim on his own equipment. CLARIFICATION A. Engine shall mean only the complete engine and transmission, plus complete ignition system and carburetion. B. "Contest" shall mean competition in which two or more riders compete against each other. C. "Event" shall mean any one of the contests in a meeting. D. "Time Trial" shall mean a race against time by an individual rider; thus, not eligible under claiming procedures. E. Claiming time starts when checkered flag is displayed to the winner of the last event of that class. 1986 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1986 |
1986 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►2. For Expert and Junior riders the minimum piston displacement will be:
(a) 335cc-500cc single two (2) or four (4) stroke, or twin cylinder, four (4) stroke motorcycles only. (b) 501cc-750cc single or twin cylinder, four (4) stroke motorcycles. ►3. The Pro-Am class structure equipment: (a) 0-250cc two-stroke, single cylinder (b) 0-500cc four-stroke, single cylinder (c) 525-750cc four-stroke, singe or twin cylinder For Pro-Am classes at professional meets (run as combined class): (a) 0-250cc two-stroke, single cylinder (b) 0-500cc four-stroke, single cylinder We have maintained the $4,000 claiming rule for Pro-Am race meets and/or Pro-Am class at a professional meet. No homologation rules apply to Pro-Am classes, only class size and standard safety practices. ►* 4. In Pro-Am combined events, or meets, the maximum displacement used shall be 250cc single cylinder, two stroke engines or up to 500cc single cylinder, four stroke engines ►* 5. 1987 engine classifications Pro-Am division: Only change from 1986 is an increase from 500cc to 504cc in allowable engine size for 4-stroke singles. Junior and Expert divisions: Beginning in 1987, all fully licensed AMA pros (Juniors and Experts) will have identical equipment rules as follows: Short track: 0-600cc single-cylinder four strokes. TT, ½-mile and mile: 0-600cc single-cylinder four strokes; or 0-750cc twin cyinder four strokes. AMA will reserve the right to implement such restrictions on any approved model or models as needed to preserve a high level of competition. Two-stroke engines. In 1986, two-stroke engines which meet requirements of the 1985 rue book will be legal for competition. Beginning in 1987, however, all Junior and Expert division races will be limited to four-stroke equipment. Number of valves All four stroke engines will be limited to four valves per cylinder, two intake and two exhaust. 1986 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book ►Effective January 1, 1986, the AMA will not approve for dirt track competition any newly-submitted engines with displacement exceeding 600cc. AMA Referee Bulletin #86-5A dated February 7, 1986 ►Effective April 1, 1986, any currently approved single-cylinder engine may be converted to 600cc by altering the bore - but not the stroke - of the approved version. The originally approved crankcase, cylinder, and cylinder heads may be altered, but not replaced. Referee Bulletin #86-5A dated February 7, 1986 |
1986 |
1986 Displacement (Short Track): | ►* 2. Maximum piston displacement shall not exceed 250cc single cylinder, two stroke engines
or up to 500cc single-cylinder, four-stroke engines.
For 1987, 0-600cc single-cylinder four strokes, for Expert and Juniors. 0-250cc two-stroke, single cylinder, or 0-500cc four-stroke, single cylinder, for Pro-Am class. 1986 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1986 |
1986 Displacement (TT): | ► 2. For Expert and Junior riders the maximum piston displacement is 750cc, maximum of two cylinders.
Novice riders will be limited to equipment with maximum piston displacement of 250cc single cylinder, two stroke engines, or up to 500cc single-cylinder, four-stroke engines. 1986 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book ►Effective January 1, 1986, the AMA will not approve for dirt track competition any newly-submitted engines with displacement exceeding 600cc. AMA Referee Bulletin #86-5A dated February 7, 1986 ►Effective April 1, 1986, any currently approved single-cylinder engine may be converted to 600cc by altering the bore - but not the stroke - of the approved version. The originally approved crankcase, cylinder, and cylinder heads may be altered, but not replaced. Referee Bulletin #86-5A dated February 7, 1986 |
1986 |
1986 Equipment Stability: | ►Any rule adopted which changes the engine displacement of a class shall not be effective until one (1) full calendar year following the year in which the rule is adopted.
In addition the rule must remain in effect for a minimum of three (3) calendar years.
1986 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1986 |
1986 Licenses: | ►The Novice division is eliminated after the 1985 season, and replaced by the Pro-Am division. Pro-Am racers are allowed to maintain amateur standing in their home districts. |
1986 |
1986 Mechanic Apparel: | ►5. Mechanics must be dressed in white coveralls, jumpsuits, white pants or tailor-made shorts and shirts.
Colored uniforms will be permitted only if they are pit uniforms for a specific rider, dealer team, or factory team.
Cut-offs not allowed.
1986 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1986 |
1986 Number Plates: | Pro-Am division uses red number plates with white numbers, but instead of the traditional district letter, riders use the first letter of their last name in the lower right-hand corner of the number plate.
1986 |
1986 Race Stoppages: | ►In case it is necessary, in the discretion of the referee,
to stop an event after laps equal to at least 50% of the total distance has been run,
the race may be considered completed and the riders shall be paid off according to the position in the lap
preceding the lap in which they were red flagged,
with the rider(s) who fell and did not complete the red flag lap will be given the last place finish
positions(s) based on the number of laps completed and in reverse order in which they fell down.
Under circumstances stated above, if the race is stopped at any point short of the lap equal to
50% of the distance of the race, it will be considered no race and there will be no payment of the purse.
It will be the responsibility of the referee when at all possible,
to complete 100% of all events as long as they can be resumed within a reasonable time.
If the main event of a National Championship is stopped and restarted for any reason, a minimum of five laps must be run.
1986 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1986 |
1986 Restrictors: | ►(i) Junior Restrictor for twin cylinder engines.
All Junior class riders are limited as follows except for Tourist Trophy races: (a)335cc-500cc single two (2) or four (4) stroke, or twin cylinder, four (4) stroke only. No air flow restrictio (restrictor plate). (b)501-750cc twin cylinder, four (4) stroke motorcycles only. Restricted to the use of 28.5mm (1.122045) restrictor plate mounted against the head or manifold. 1986 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book ►Effective April 1, 1986, any approved single-cylinder engine above 600cc must use a 38mm or smaller carburetor. AMA Referee Bulletin #86-5A dated February 7, 1986 |
1986 |
1986 Wheels: | ►National Championships shall be limited to 19" wheels, front and rear.
1986 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1987Back To Top |
1987 Displacement: | ►Effective January 1, 1987, no single-cylinder engine exceeding 600cc in displacement may be used in any AMA profession dirt track racing.
Any currently approved single-cylinder engine may be converted to 600cc by altering the bore - but not the stroke - of the approved version.
The originally-approved crankcase, cylinder, and cylinder heads may be altered, but not replaced.
AMA Referee Bulletin #86-5A dated February 7, 1986
►Junior and Expert dirt trackers will complete exclusively on four-stroke equipment beginning in 1987. There will be two classes: 0-600cc singles and 0-750cc twins. AMA Pro Report, February 1986
1987 |
1987 National Format: | ►Miles:
►48 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into four twelve-rider, ten-lap heats
►Half Miles: ►48 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into four twelve-rider, ten-lap heats
►Short Tracks: ►60 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into six ten-rider, ten-lap heats
►TT: ►48 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into four twelve-rider, ten-lap heats
1987 AMA Media Guide, pages 11-12 |
1987 |
1987 Number Plates: | ►Pro-Am division begins using white number plates with red numbers and the first letter of the rider's last name.
[Comment: Pro-Am division had used red number plates with white numbers since 1986.] |
1987 |
1987 Restrictors: | ►AMA memo dated April 1, 1987 states that all Expert division twin-cylinder engines at all Pro Racing events must use 33mm restrictors.
The official explanation cites the move as a 'cost saving' measure due to concerns about engine failures. But tire wear was a significant issue at the time as well.
AMA memo dated April 1, 1987
►Junior division twin-cylinder engines must use 29mm restrictors (up from 28.5mm since 1986). ►May 4, 1987: 'The AMA Dirt Track Advisory Board voted 5-4 at a meeting in San Jose, California to retain the restrictors. The action was taken following extensive discussion on the controversial issue after veteran tuner Tex Peel proposed a resolution to remove manifold plates from all Expert class 750cc motorcycles as soon as possible. The restrictor rule generally is disliked by riders on the National circuit' Cycle News, In The Wind, May 20, 1987 |
1988 |
1988 Riders: | Grand National half miles run 15-rider mains.
Grand National TT and miles run 17-rider mains. (No Grand National short tracks in 1988). 1988 AMA Grand National results |
1988Back To Top |
1988 600cc National Dirt Track Series Introduced: | ►The new AMA 600cc National Dirt Track Series - open to Junior and Expert racers on 600cc single-cylinder four-stroke machines - features eighteen events.
Four events are held in conjuction with AMA Grand National events: May 22, 1988 at the San Jose Mile, May 29, 1988 at the Springfield Mile, June 25, 1988 at Lima Half Mile, and July 9, 1988 at Hagerstown Half Mile. These are the only AMA 600 National events ever held during an AMA Grand National event. |
1988 |
1988 Advancement Points: | ►2. Advancement from Pro-Am to Junior may be accomplished in one of two ways, but there shall be no forced advancement.
Advancement remains the option of the rider upon meeting the requirements.
(a) A rider may Junior class by earning a minimum of 80 advancement points and competing in the Pro-Am division for a minimum of 12 months. (b) A rider earning a mininmum of 160 advancement points may advance to Junior without any minimum time in the Pro-Am division, provided the rider meets the following additional requirements: i. Obtain written recommendations for advancement from at least two members of the AMA Professional Dirt Track Advisory Board plus one AMA National or District Referee. All recommendations must be from persons who are familiar with the rider's racing experience. ii. Final approval of all advancements is at the sole discretion of the AMA professional racing staff. 3. Advancement from Junior to Expert may be accomplished in one of two ways, but there shall be no forced advancement. Advancement remains the option of the rider upon meeting the requirements. (a) A rider may advance to the Expert class by earning a minimum of 80 advancement points and competing in the Junior division for a minimum of 12 months. (b) A rider earning a minimum of 160 advancement points may advane to Expert without any minimim time in the Junior division, providing the rider meets the following additional requirements: i. Obtain written recommendations for advancement from at least two members of the AMA Professional Dirt Track Advisory Board plus one AMA National or District Referee. All recommendations must be from persons who are familiar with the rider's racing experience. ii. Final approval of all advancements is at the sole discretion of the AMA professional racing staff. 4. Expert riders who hold an AMA National Number in Dirt Track, Road Race, or Motocross, and who are a minimum of 18 years old, are automatically Expert rated riders in in any of the three categories of racing. 5. Expert riders who win a World Championship Series are also automatically Expert rated in any of the three categories of racing. 6. No US rider may advance in rank without a sufficient number of points. 1988 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book ►A. Advancement Points are as follows: 1. Dirt Track, T.T., Short Track 1st - 5 2nd - 4 3rd - 3 Junior and Expert 4th - 2 5th - 1 Points are awarded for hear races, semi-finals, and final events. Points are not awarded in consolation races, but points are awarded for trophy dashes when prize money is paid. In any events where riders of different classes compete, riders will be awarded points based on their finish positions with other riders in their class. 2. For Pro-Am classes: Advancement points will be awarded in all heat races, semi-finals, and final events. HEATS AND SEMIS 1st - 5 2nd - 4 3rd - 3 4th - 2 5th - 1 FINALS 1st - 10 2nd - 9 3rd - 8 4th - 7 5th - 6 6th - 5 7th - 4 8th - 3 9th - 2 10th - 1 1988 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1988 |
1988 Approval/Homologation: | ►A. Approval of Motorcycles.
1. All motorcycles must be approved by the AMA for use in sanctioned
Professional Dirt Track competition.
►B. Four-Valve Cylinder Head Approval. A previously approved two-valve motorcycle may be modified by adding a four-valve cylinder head. Such engine will be subject to normal approval procedures and fees. One complete engine and 24 complete kits for updating of previously approved two-valve engines must be available for inspection and purchase within the United States. 1988 AMA Rules for Professional Competition ►3 ....No homologation rules apply to Pro-Am classes, only class size and standard safety practices. 1988 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1988 |
1988 Claiming: | ►CHAPTER XI - CLAIMING RULE
A. All AMA 600 National and Grand National Dirt Track races, along with all Pro-Am classes at Professional events will be claiming races. Junior and Expert riders will not be subject to claiming at Regional Championships or standard pro meets. B. Claims may be entered against any machine which qualifies for the feature event in the claiming class. C. Claims will be accepted only from riders who have qualified for the same feature event as the rider whose motorcycle is being claimed. D. In the event that a combined program is being run, riders from any given classification (e.g., Junior, Expert) can claim a machine only from a rider of the same classification. Further, if an event is open to both single and twin cylinder machines, a rider may enter a claim only for the same type machine (single or twin) that he is riding. E. Claims must be made in writing to the referee prior to the start of the event in which the claim is being lodged. The claim should specify the following: the name and number of the rider making the claim; the rider, brand and number of the motorcycle being claimed. F. Once made, a claim cannot be withdrawn. G. A rider cannot enter a claim on his own motorcycle. H. The referee will not disclose any information about the filing of claims until the feature race has been completed, except to make arrangements with his assigned officials to impound the appropriate machines following the race. I. All machines which have been claimed, as well as the machines of riders making the claim(s), will be impounded after the feature event has been completed. J. If there is more than one claim on any motorcycle, a drawing will be held to determine the successful claimant. K. All riders are limited to one successful claim in a calendar year, except when his motorcycle is claimed, he then will be allowed one additional claim. L. Claims will apply to the engine which includes: 1. Complete engine and transmission assembly; 2. Complete ignition system; 3. Complete carburetion and throttle assemblies; 4. Complete exhaust system. M. Claims must be accompanied by the appropriate fees in the form of cash, certified check, cashier's check, or bank draft. N. Claiming fees, unless submitted in cash, must be supplied in two payments: one for $1,500 and one for the balance of the claiming fee. O. Claiming fees will be as follows: 1. Pro-Am 2-stroke singles: $2,000.00 2. Pro-Am 4-stroke singles: $4,000.00 3. Junior singles and Expert singles: $6,000.00 4. Expert twins: $17,500.00 P. When a rider's machine is claimed, he will be given two options: 1. Accept the total claim price and immediately surrender the claimed engine to the successful claimant. 2. Accept $1,500 of the claiming fee and immediately trade claimed engines with the successful claimant. Q. The rider of a claimed motorcycle, or his designee, must promptly remove the engine in a workmanlike fashion under the observation of AMA officials and surrender it to the AMA for delivery to the successful claimant. R. The rider or owner of any machine which is claimed or traded as a result of a claim must deliver a clear title or bill of sale which will be witnessed by the referee and provided to the new owner. S. AMA referees are empowered to impound any machines in the event that there is a question about the proper implementation of these rules. Such machines will be held in trust by the AMA until rules interpretations can be clarified by the AMA home office. T. If a rider's equipment is claimed at a 600 National, that rider's equipment cannot be claimed again or 45 days at a 600 National. If a rider's equipment is claimed at a Grand National, that rider's equipment cannot be claimed again for 45 days at a Grand National. U. By entering any AMA sanctioned Professional dirt track event, the riders and owners of all machines agree to abide by these rules. It is the responsibility of the rider, in cases where he does not own his machine, to assure that the owner understands and agrees to comply by these rules. V. If a rider fails to comply with these rules - or if a claimant refuses to trade engines - all of the following penalties will be invoked: 1. The rider will be disqualified from the entire race meet and will forfeit an monies and points won. 2. The rider will be suspended from all AMA Professional competition for a period of one year, subject to review by the Vice-President of Professional Competition. 3. The rider will be subject to a payment of $1,000 fine before a license will be reissued. 1988 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1988 |
1988 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►A. Dirt Track (Half Mile or mile)
2. For Expert and Junior riders the piston displacement at standard professional and Regional meets will be: (a) 335cc-600cc single cylinder, four-strokes. (b) 501cc-750cc twin cylinder, four strokes. 3. The Pro-Am class structure equipment: (a) 0-250cc two-stroke, single cylinder (b) 0-504cc four-stroke, single cylinder No homologation rules apply to Pro-Am classes, only class size and standard safety practices. 4. In Pro-Am combined events, or meets, the maximum displacement used shall be 250cc single cylinder, two stroke engines or up to 504cc single cylinder, four stroke engines, with a maximum of four valves per cylinder, two intake and two exhaust. 1988 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book ►D. Single Cylinder Meets Half-Mile, Mile, and T.T. Races may be designated as single cylinder only meets. 1988 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book ►E. Grand National Championships 1. For Expert riders at Grand National Championship Half-miles and Miles, the piston displacement will be 501cc-750cc twin cylinder, four-strokes. 1988 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book ►F. 600 Championships For Expert and Junior riders at all 600 National Championship meets, the piston displacement will be 335cc-600cc single cylinder, four strokes. 1988 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1988 |
1988 Displacement (Short Track): | ►2. For Expert and Junior riders, the maximum piston displacement shall be 600cc for single four-strokes.
No twin cylinder machines allowed.
3. For Pro-Am riders, the maximum piston displacement shall be 250cc for single cylinder two-strokes and 504cc for single cylinder four-strokes. No twin cylinder machines allowed. 1988 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book ►F. 600 Championships For Expert and Junior riders at all 600 National Championship meets, the piston displacement will be 335cc-600cc single cylinder, four strokes. 1988 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1988 |
1988 Displacement (TT): | ►2. For Expert and Junior riders the piston displacement at standard professional and Regional meets will be:
(a) 335cc-600cc single cylinder, four-strokes. (b) 501cc-750cc twin cylinder, four strokes. Manifold plates are not required for T.T. ►3. For Pro-Am riders the allowable engine sizes are: (a) 0-250cc two-stroke, single cylinder (b) 0-504cc four-stroke, single cylinder 1988 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book ►D. Single Cylinder Meets Half-Mile, Mile, and T.T. Races may be designated as single cylinder only meets. 1988 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book ►F. 600 Championships For Expert and Junior riders at all 600 National Championship meets, the piston displacement will be 335cc-600cc single cylinder, four strokes. 1988 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1988 |
1988 Mechanic Apparel: | ►(a) Mechanics must be dressed in white uniforms or in neat team uniforms.
Shirts with collars are requested.
(b) No cut-offs will be allowed. (c) Riders permitting improperly dressed persons to work in their pit area will be sbject to a $25 fine for a first offense; $50 fine for a second offense; $100 for a third offense. Chronic offenders will face suspension. 1988 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1988 |
1988 National Format: | ►Miles:
►48 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into four twelve-rider, ten-lap heats
►Half Miles: ►48 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into four twelve-rider, ten-lap heats
►Short Tracks: ►60 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into six ten-rider, ten-lap heats
►TT: ►48 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into four twelve-rider, ten-lap heats
1988 AMA Media Guide, pages 13-14 |
1988 |
1988 Race Stoppages: | ►(a) It will be the responsibility of the referee when at all possible,
to complete 100% of all events as long as they can be resumed within a reasonable time.
►(b) In case it is necessary, in the discretion of the referee, to stop an event after laps equal to at least 50% of the total distance has been run, the race may be considered completed and the riders shall be paid off according to the position in the lap preceding the lap in which they were red flagged, with the rider(s) who fell and did not complete the red flag lap will be given the last place finish positions(s) based on the number of laps completed and in reverse order in which they fell ►(c)If in the discretion of the referee, it is necessary to stop a race and call it complete any point short of the laps equal to 50% of the distance of the race, the purse will be paid based on the order in which the riders qualifies for the event. ►(d) If the main event of a National Championship is stopped and restarted for any reason, a minimum of five laps must be run. NO points will be awarded. 1988 AMA Professional Dirt Track Competition Rule Book |
1988 |
1988 Restrictors: | ►Expert division twin-cylinder engines at all Pro Racing events must use 33mm restrictors.
(same since 1987) ►Junior division twin-cylinder engines must use 29mm restrictors. [Comment: same since 1987] |
1988 |
1988 Weight Limits: | ►Harley-Davidson XR750s must weigh at least 300#
Honda RS750s must weigh at least 320#. (Previously no weight limits existed). |
1989Back To Top |
1989 Displacement: | Grand National Events:
►Grand National Championship half mile and mile events are limited to 750cc twin-cylinder four-stroke engines. (Had been 750cc single or twin-cylinder). (Note: 600cc singles continue to compete against 750cc twins in the Junior & Expert classes at non-Grand National events through the 1992 season. |
1989 |
1989 National Format: | ►Miles:
►48 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into four twelve-rider, ten-lap heats
►Half Miles: ►48 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into four twelve-rider, ten-lap heats
►Short Tracks: ►60 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into six ten-rider, ten-lap heats
►TT: ►48 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into four twelve-rider, ten-lap heats
1989 AMA Media Guide, pages 12-13 |
1989 |
1989 Restrictors: | ►Expert division twin-cylinder engines at all Pro Racing events must use 33mm restrictors.
(same since 1987) ►Junior division twin-cylinder engines must use 29mm restrictors. [Comment:same since 1987] |
1989 |
1989 Weight Limits: | ►Harley-Davidson XR750s must weigh at least 300#
Honda RS750s must weigh at least 320#. (same since 1988). |
1990Back To Top |
1990 Advancement Points: | ►2. Advancement from Pro-Am to Junior may be accomplished in one of two ways, but there shall be no forced advancement.
Advancement remains the option of the rider upon meeting the requirements.
(a) A rider may advance to the Junior class by earning a minnimum of 80 advancement points and competing in the Pro-Am division for a minimum of 12 months (b) A rider earning a minimum of 160 advancement points may advance to Junior without any minimum time in the Pro-Am division, provided the ride rmeets the following additional requirements: (i) Obtain written recommendations for advancement from at least two members of the AMA Professional Dirt Track Advisory Board plus one National or District referee, who are familiar with the rider's racing experience. (ii) Final approval o all advancements is at the sole discretion of the AMA professional racing staff. 3. Advancement from Junior to Expert may be accomplished in one of two ways, but there shall be no forced advancement. Advancement remains the option of the rider upon meeting the requirements. (a) A rider may advance to the Expert class by earning a minnimum of 80 advancement points and competing in the Junior division for a minimum of 12 months (b) A rider earning a minimum of 160 advancement points may advance to Expert without any minimum time in the Junior division, provided the ride rmeets the following additional requirements: (i) Obtain written recommendations for advancement from at least two members of the AMA Professional Dirt Track Advisory Board plus one National or District referee, who are familiar with the rider's racing experience. (ii) Final approval of all advancements is at the sole discretion of the AMA professional racing staff. 1990 AMA Rules for Professional Competition |
1990 |
1990 Approval/Homologation: | ►A. Approval of Motorcycles.
1. All motorcycles must be approved by the AMA for use in sanctioned
Professional Dirt Track competition.
►B.Four-Valve Cylinder Head Approval. A previously approved two-valve motorcycle may be modified by adding a four-valve cylinder head. such engine will be subject to normal approval procedures and fees. One complete engine and 24 complete kits for updating of previously approved two-valve engines must be available for inspection and purchase within the United States. 1990 AMA Rules for Professional Competition ►3 G.3. No homologation rules apply to Pro-Am classes, only class size and standard safety practices. 1990 AMA Rules for Professional Competition |
1990 |
1990 Axles: | ►(d) Axles must be made of steel.
1990 AMA Rules for Professional Competition |
1990 |
1990 Claiming: | ►F. Claiming Rule
1. All AMA 600 National and Grand National dirt track races, along with all Pro-Am classes at Professional events will be claiming races. Junior and Expert riders will not be subject to claiming at Regional Championships or standard pro meets. 2. Claims may be entered against any machine which qualifies for the feature event in the claiming class. 3. Claims will be accepted only from riders who have qualified for the same feature event as the rider whose motorcycle is being claimed. 4. In the event that a combined program is being run, riders from any given classification (e.g., Junior, Expert) can claim a machine only from a rider of the same classification. Further, if an event is open to both single and twin cylinder machines, a rider may enter a claim only for the same type machine (single or twin) that he is riding. 5. Claims must be made in writing to the referee prior to the start of the event in which the claim is being lodged. The claim should specify the following: the name and number of the rider making the claim; the rider, brand and number of the motorcycle being claimed. 6. Once made, a claim cannot be withdrawn. 7. A rider cannot enter a claim on his own motorcycle. 8. The referee will not disclose any information about the filing of claims until the feature race has been completed, except to make arrangements with his assigned officials to impound the appropriate machines following the race. 9. All machines which have been claimed, as well as the machines of riders making the claim(s), will be impounded after the feature event has been completed. 10. If there is more than one claim on any motorcycle, a drawing will be held to determine the successful claimant. 11. All riders are limited to one successful claim in a calendar year, except when his motorcycle is claimed, he then will be allowed one additional claim. 12. Claims will apply to the engine which includes: (a). Complete engine and transmission assembly; (b). Complete ignition system. (c). Complete carburetion and throttle assemblies; (d). Complete exhaust system. 13. Claims must be accompanied by the appropriate fees in the form of cash, certified check, cashier's check, or bank draft. 14. Claiming fees, unless submitted in cash, must be applied in two payments: one for $1,500 and one for the balance of the claiming fee. 15. Claiming fees will be as follows: 1. Pro-Am 2-stroke singles: $2,000.00 2. Pro-Am 4-stroke singles: $4,000.00 3. Junior singles and Expert singles: $6,000.00 4. Expert twins: $17,500.00 16. When a rider's machine is claimed, he will be given two options: (a). Accept the total claim price and immediately surrender the claimed engine to the successful claimant. (b). Accept $1,500 of the claiming fee and immediately trade claimed engines with the successful claimant. 17. The rider of a claimed motorcycle, or his designee, must promptly remove the engine in a workmanlike fashion under the observation of AMA officials and surrender it to the AMA for delivery to the successful claimant. 18. The rider or owner of any machine which is claimed or traded as a result of a claim must deliver a clear title or bill of sale which will be witnessed by the referee and provided to the new owner. 19. AMA referees are empowered to impound any machines in the event that there is a question about the proper implementation of these rules. Such machines will be held in trust by the AMA until rules interpretations can be clarified by the AMA. 20. If a rider's equipment is claimed at a 600 National, that rider's equipment cannot be claimed again or 45 days at a 600 National. If a rider's equipment is claimed at a Grand National, that rider's equipment cannot be claimed again for 45 days at a Grand National. 21. By entering any AMA sanctioned Professional dirt track event, the riders and owners of all machines agree to abide by these rules. It is the responsibility of the rider, in cases where he does not own his machine, to assure that the owner understands and agrees to comply by these rules. 1990 AMA Rules for Professional Competition ►28. Failure to comply with various "claiming rules" promulgated by the AMA. Penalty: Disqualification from the entire race meet and forfeiture of any points and monies won; suspension for one year; subject to review by the Vice-President of Professional Competition; and a fine of up to $1,000. 1990 AMA Rules for Professional Competition |
1990Back To Top |
1990 Displacement (Dirt Track): | ►2. For Expert and Junior riders the piston displacement at
standard professional and Regional Championship meet [sic] will be
(a) 335cc-600cc single cylinder, four-strokes (b) 501cc-750cc twin cylinder, four-strokes. 3. The Pro-Am class structure equipment: (a) 0-250cc two-stroke single cylinder (b) 0-504cc four-stroke single cylinder No homologation rules apply to Pro-Am classes, only class size and standard safety practices. 4. In Pro-Am combined events, or meets, the maximum displacement used shall be 250cc single cylinder, two stroke engines or up to 504cc single cylinder, four stroke engines, with a maximum of four valves per cylinder, two intake and two exhaust. 1990 AMA Rules for Professional Competition ►J. Single Cylinder Meets Half-mile, Mile, and T.T. Races may be sanctioned as singke cylinder only meets. 1990 AMA Rules for Professional Competition ►K. Grand National Championships 1. For Expert riders at Grand National Dirt Track Half miles and Miles, the piston displacement will be 501cc-750cc twin cylinder, four strokes. 1990 AMA Rules for Professional Competition ►L. 600 National Championships. For Expert and Junior riders at all 600cc National Championship meets, the piston displacement will be 335cc-600cc single cylinder, four strokes. 1990 AMA Rules for Professional Competition |
1990 |
1990 Displacement (Short Track): | ►2. For Expert and Junior riders the maximum piston displacement shall be 600cc for single-cylinder four-strokes.
No twin-cylinder machines allowed.
3. For Pro-Am riders, the maximum piston displacement shall be 250cc for single cylinder two-strokes and 504cc for single cylinder four-strokes, with a maximum of four valves per cylinder, two intake and two exhaust. No twin-cylinder machines allowed. 1990 AMA Rules for Professional Competition ►K. Grand National Championships 3. For Expert riders at Grand National Short Track races, the piston displacement will be 335cc-600cc single-cylinder, four-strokes. 1990 AMA Rules for Professional Competition ►L. 600 National Championships. For Expert and Junior riders at all 600cc National Championship meets, the piston displacement will be 335cc-600cc single cylinder, four strokes. 1990 AMA Rules for Professional Competition |
1990 |
1990 Displacement (TT): | ►2. For Expert and Junior riders the piston displacement at standard professional and Regional Championship meet will be
(a) 335cc-600cc single cylinder four-strokes (b) 501cc-750cc twin cylinder, four-strokes. Manifold plates are not required for T.T.. 3. For Pro-Am riders the allowable engine sizes are: (a) 0-250cc two-stroke, single cylinder (b) 0-504cc four-stroke, single cylinder 1990 AMA Rules for Professional Competition ►J. Single Cylinder Meets Half-mile, Mile, and T.T. Races may be sanctioned as singke cylinder only meets. 1990 AMA Rules for Professional Competition ►K. Grand National Championships 2. For Expert riders at Grand National Championship T.T. races, the piston displacement will be: (a) 335cc-600cc single cylinder four-strokes (b) 501cc-750cc twin cylinder, four-strokes. Manifold plates are not required for T.T.. 1990 AMA Rules for Professional Competition ►L. 600 National Championships. For Expert and Junior riders at all 600cc National Championship meets, the piston displacement will be 335cc-600cc single cylinder, four strokes. 1990 AMA Rules for Professional Competition |
1990 |
1990 Mechanic Apparel: | ►3. Riders permitting improperly dressed persons to work in their pit area will be sbject to a $25 fine for a first offense;
$50 fine for a second offense; $100 for a third offense.
Chronic offenders will face suspension.
8. All riders and mechanics must present a clean and neat appearance. The Referee shall not permit any rider to participate who violates the rules on clean and neat appearances and shall forward his competition license to the AMA. (a) Only designated mechanics dressed in white coveralls, jump suits, or white pants and shirts will be allowed in the mechanics area. Colored uniforms will be allowed only if they are pit uniforms for a specific rider, dealer team, or factory team. Cut-offs will not be allowed. Mechanics are encouraged to display AMA Pro Racing patch on uniform shirts. 1990 AMA Rules for Professional Competition |
1990 |
1990 National Format: | ►Miles:
►48 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into four twelve-rider, ten-lap heats
►Half Miles: ►48 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into four twelve-rider, ten-lap heats
►Short Tracks: ►60 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into six ten-rider, ten-lap heats
►TT: ►48 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into four twelve-rider, ten-lap heats
1991 AMA Media Guide, page 8-9, indicates that the 1991 format for miles, half miles, and T.T. is new, which means the 1990 format matched the 1989 format. |
1990 |
1990 Restrictors: | ►Expert division twin-cylinder engines at all Pro Racing events (except T.T.) must use 33mm restrictors.
[Comment:same since 1987] ►Expert and Junior class manifold plates are required on designated twin=cylinder machines, except in T.T. Steeplechase. (a) 335-600cc single cylinder, four-stroke motorcycles: no manifold plates required. (b) 335-750cc twin cylinder, four-stroke, RS750 Honda and XR750 Harley-Davidson motorcycles require to use two 33mm (1.299" manifold plates, one per carburetor. (c) All other approved 335-750cc twin cylinder four-stroke motorcycles will not be subject to manifold plates at this time, but AMA reserves the right to implement additional restrictions on any approved model or models. (d) All manifold plates must be obtained from the AMA Professional Division. 1990 AMA Rules for Professional Competition ►The minimum size carburetor(s) shall be 38mm (1.496") with a tolerance of .5mm (0.197"). The entire air passage through the carburetor must be round with a minimum of 38mm (1.496") diameter. 1990 AMA Rules for Professional Competition ►Junior division twin-cylinder engines must use 29mm restrictors. [Comment: same since 1987] |
1990 |
1990 Rulebook: | ►One rule book is published for Motocross, Supercross, Road Race, and Dirt Track.
1990 AMA Rules for Professional Competition |
1990 |
1990 Tires: | ►All dirt track machines are required to use 19" diameter tires, front and rear.
1990 AMA Rules for Professional Competition ►At all National Championship events, DOT-approved 400x19 Pirelli universals, which are available through normal commercial channels for road use, may be used. No other DOT tires are currently approved for use in nationals. AMA will publish a list of approved tires. 1990 AMA Rules for Professional Competition |
1990 |
1990 Weight Limits: | ►The following minimum weights have been esgtablished for National Championship meets:
(a) 750cc twin machines with two (2) valve engines: 315 pounds (b) 750cc twin machines with four (4) valve engines: 315 pounds (c) 600cc single machines: 223 pounds (d) Except for addition of water to a radiator, established weights must be met after time trials or a race, in the condition the motorcycle finishes the event. 1990 AMA Rules for Professional Competition |
1990 |
1990 Wheels: | ►(b) All machines shall be limited to 19" dwheels, front and rear.
1990 AMA Rules for Professional Competition ►Maximum wheel rim width shall be three and one-half (3½") inches measured at tire bead mounting surface. 1990 AMA Rules for Professional Competition |
1991Back To Top |
1991 Licenses: | ►Expert riders who have not scored Grand National Championship points the previous year are permitted to return to the Junior division. |
1991 |
1991 National Format: | ►Miles:
►42 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into three thirteen-rider, ten-lap heats
►Half Miles: ►42 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into three thirteen-rider, ten-lap heats
►Short Tracks: ►60 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into six ten-rider, ten-lap heats
►TT: ►42 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into three thirteen-rider, ten-lap heats
1991 AMA Media Guide, pages 8-9 |
1991 |
1991 Restrictors: | ►Expert division twin-cylinder engines at all Pro Racing events must use 33mm restrictors.
[Comment: same since 1987] ►Junior division twin-cylinder engines must use 29mm restrictors. [Comment: same since 1987] |
1991 |
1991 Riders: | Grand National short track, TT, and half miles run 15-rider mains.
Grand National miles run 17-rider mains. 1991 AMA Grand National results |
1991 |
1991 Weight Limits: | ►Harley-Davidson XR750 and Honda RS750 must each weigh 315#.
(Same since 1990). |
1992Back To Top |
1992 Number Plates: | ►New Pro-Am riders are issued riding numbers with district letters.
Existing Pro-Am riders are allowed to continue using the first letter of their last name, if they choose
[Comment: Pro-Am riders had been using the first letter of their last name since 1986.] |
1992 |
1992 National Format: | ►Miles:
►48 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into four twelve-rider, ten-lap heats
►Half Miles: ►48 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into four twelve-rider, ten-lap heats
►Short Tracks: ►60 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into six ten-rider, ten-lap heats
►TT: ►48 qualifiers from one-lap time trials into four twelve-rider, ten-lap heats
1992 AMA Media Guide, page 9-10) |
1992 |
1992 Restrictors: | ►Expert division twin-cylinder engines at all Pro Racing events must use 33mm restrictors.
(same since 1987) ►Junior division twin-cylinder engines must use 29mm restrictors. (same since 1987) ►Effective January 1, 1992, new type manifold plates will be supplied at the race track to each competitor entered on either a Harley-Davidson XR750 or a Honda RS750 at all Half Mile and Mile Camel Pro Series events. The new plates are made of hardened stainless steel. For Regional and standard Pro races, the aluminum manifold plates will continue to be used. AMA Pro Racing Competition Bulletin 91-17, issued December 17, 1991
1992 |
1992 Weight Limits: | ►Harley-Davidson XR750 and Honda RS750 must each weigh 315#.
(Same since 1990). |
1993Back To Top |
1993 883cc Sportster National Dirt Track Championship is Introduced | ►Harley-Davidson 883 Sportster division is introduced, using essentially stock 883cc D.O.T.-legal (U.S. Department of Transportation) Sportsters with minimal modifications. |
1993 |
1993 Licenses: | ►The Junior division is eliminated after the 1992 season.
►Expert division is renamed "Grand National Expert", and a "Basic Expert" division is introduced to replace the eliminated Junior division. ►Basic Experts are not permitted to compete at Grand National Championship half mile or mile events without permission from the AMA. |
1993 |
1993 Riders: | Grand National short track run 16-rider mains.
Grand National TT, half miles, and miles run 17-rider mains. 1993 AMA Grand National results |
1994Back To Top |
1994 Approval Process: | ►The last mention of a homologation requirement appears in the 1994 AMA Pro Racing rulebook: "25 identical engines available for delivery in the U.S." |
1994 |
1994 Number Plates: | ►District letter assignments are reconfigured, in some cases introducing a different letter for Pro-Sport riders than Expert riders from the same district. Previously all pro riders from a district shared the same district letter. Some examples include Wisconsin, Michigan, and Washington, where Pro-Sport riders begin using L, J, and M, respectively, while their Expert counterparts continue using K, X, and W. |
1995Back To Top |
1995 Approval Process: | ►The homologation requirement for engines to be allowed in AMA Pro Racing events is removed from the AMA Pro Racing rulebook. |
1996Back To Top |
1996 Riders: | Grand National short tracks run 16-rider mains.
Grand National TT, half mile and miles run 18-rider mains. 1996 AMA Grand National results |
1997Back To Top |
1997 600cc National Series | ►600cc National Series is eliminated after the 1996 season. |
1997 |
1997 Approval Process: | ►A. DIRT TRACK EQUIPMENT
1. Approval of 4-stroke Motorcycle Engines (a) Only approved 4-stroke engines may be used in Professional Dirt Track competition.
The AMA will only review applications for homologation from motorcycle manufacturers or their distributors.
Homologation is not required for equipment used in Pro-Am classes.
2. Approval of 4-stroke cylinder heads (a) Updated or newly-designed cylinder heads may be utilized, with AMA approval, on previously-approved 4-stroke engines.
3. Approval of 335cc-550cc 2-stroke Single Cylinder Motorcycle Engines (a) Only approved engines may be used in Professional Dirt Track Competition.
The AMA will only review applications for homologation from motorcycle manufacturers or their distributors.
Homologation is not required for equipment used in Pro-Am classes.
1997 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book |
1997 |
1997 Claiming: | ►1. All AMA 600 National and Grand National Dirt Track races (except Harley-Davidson 883 class),
along with all Pro-Am classes at Professional events will be claiming races.
Expert riders will not be subject to claiming at National Hot Shoe or Pro-Am meets.
2. Claims may be entered against any motorcycle which qualifies for the feature event in the claiming class. 3. Claims will be accepted only from riders who have qualified for the same feature event as the rider whose motorcycle is being claimed. 4. In the event that a combined program is being run, riders from any given classification can claim a motorcycle only from a rider of the same classification. Further, if an event is open to both single and twin cylinder motorcycles, a rider may enter a claim only for the same type motorcycle (single or twin) that he/she is riding. 5. Claims must be made in writing to the Chief Steward or Race Manager prior to the start of the event in which the claim is being lodged. The claim should specify the following: the name and number of the rider making the claim; the rider, brand and number of the motorcycle being claimed. 6. Once made, a claim cannot be withdrawn. 7. Competitors cannot claim their own motorcycle. 8. The Race Manager will not disclose any information about the filing of claims until the feature race has been completed, except to make arrangements with the assigned officials to impound the appropriate motorcycles following the race. 9. All motorcycles which have been claimed, as well as the motorcycles of riders making the claim(s), will be impounded after the feature event has been completed. 10. If there is more than one claim on any motorcycle, a drawing will be held to determine the successful claimant. 11. All riders are limited to one successful claim in a calendar year, except when their motorcycle is claimed. They will then be allowed one additional claim. 12. Claims will apply to the engine which includes: (a) Complete engine and transmission assembly; (b) Complete ignition system; (c) Complete carburetion and throttle assemblies; (d) Complete exhaust system. 13. Claims must be accompanied by the appropriate fees in the form of cash, certified check, cashier's check, or bank draft. 14. Claiming fees, unless submitted in cash, must be applied in two payments: one for $1,500 and one for the balance of the claiming fee. 15. Claiming fees will be as follows: (a) 2-stroke singles: $3,500.00 (b) 4-stroke singles: $6,000.00 (c) 4-stroke twins: $17,500.00 16. When a rider's motorcycle is claimed, that rider will be given two options: (a) Accept the total claim price and immediately surrender the claimed engine to the successful claimant. (b) Accept $1,500 of the claiming fee and immediately trade claimed engines with the successful claimant. 17. The rider of a claimed motorcycle, or the rider's designee, must promptly remove the engine in a workmanlike fashion under the observation of AMA officials and surrender it to the AMA for delivery to the successful claimant. 18. The rider or owner of any motorcycle which is claimed or traded as a result of a claim must deliver a clear title or bill of sale which will be witnessed by the Chief Steward or Race manager and provided to the new owner. 19. The AMA Race Manager is empowered to impound any motorcycles in the event that there is a question about the proper implementation of these rules. Such motorcycles will be held in trust by the AMA until rules interpretations can be clarified by the AMA. 20. If a rider's equipment is claimed at a Grand National, that rider's equipment cannot be claimed again for 45 days at a Grand National. The claiming of a rider's 600cc equipment at a Grand National will not exempt that rider's 750cc equipment from being claimed at a Grand National. The claiming of a rider's 750cc equipment at a Grand National will not exempt that rider's 600cc equipment from being claimed at a Grand National. 21. By entering any AMA sanctioned Professional Dirt Track event, the riders and owners of all motorcycles agree to abide by these rules. It is the responsibility of the rider, in cases where that rider does not own the motorcycle, to assure that the owner understands and agrees to comply by these rules. 1997 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book ►3. The following offenses will be subject to disciplinary action by the Race Manager and/or the AMA. This list is provided as guidance to licensed competitors and event credential holders but does not restrict the AMA from invoking penalties for other actions detrimental to the sport which are not specifically contemplated herein. (u) Failure to comply with various "claiming rules" promulgated by the AMA. 1997 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book |
1997 |
1997 Classes: | E. DIRT TRACK CLASSES
1. HALF MILE/MILE (a) Grand National Series [License requirements] 750 Grand National Class [GNC Expert only] 600 Support Class [GNC Expert or Expert] Harley-Davidson 883 Pro Class [GNC Expert, Expert or Pro-Am] (b) National Hot Shoe Series 750 Class [GNC Expert or Expert] 600 Expert Class [GNC Expert or Expert] 600 Pro-Am Class [600 Pro- Am] 250 Pro-Am Class [600 Pro-Am or 250 Pro-Am] Harley-Davidson 883 Pro Class [GNC Expert, Expert or 600 Pro-Am] (c) Pro-Am Meets 600/750 Expert Class [GNC Expert or Expert] 600 Pro-Am Class [600 Pro-Am] 250 Pro-Am Class [600 Pro-Am or 250 Pro-Am] Harley-Davidson 883 Pro Class [GNC Expert, Expert or 600 Pro-Am] 2. T.T. DIRT TRACK CLASSES (a) Grand National Series [License requirements] 600/750 Expert Class [GNC Expert or Expert] Harley-Davidson 883 Pro Class [GNC Expert, Expert or 600 Pro-Am] (b) National Hot Shoe Series 600/750 Expert Class [GNC Expert or Expert] 600 Pro-Am Class [600 Pro-Am] 250 Pro-Am Class [600 Pro-Am or 250 Pro-Am] Harley-Davidson 883 Pro Class [GNC Expert, Expert or 600 Pro-Am] (c) Pro-Am Meets 600/750 Expert Class [GNC Expert or Expert] 600 Pro-Am Class [600 Pro-Am] 250 Pro-Am Class [600 Pro-Am or 250 Pro-Am] Harley-Davidson 883 Pro Class [GNC Expert, Expert or 600 Pro-Am] 3. SHORT TRACK CLASSES (a) Grand National Series [License requirements] 600 Grand National Class [GNC Expert or Expert] Harley-Davidson 883 Pro Class [GNC Expert, Expert or 600 Pro-Am] (b) National Hot Shoe Series 600 Expert Class [GNC Expert or Expert] 600 Pro-Am Class [600 Pro-Am] 250 Pro-Am Class [600 Pro-Am or 250 Pro-Am] Harley-Davidson 883 Pro Class [GNC Expert, Expert or 600 Pro-Am] (c) Pro-Am Meets 600 Expert Class [GNC Expert or Expert] 600 Pro-Am Class [600 Pro-Am] 250 Pro-Am Class [600 Pro-Am or 250 Pro-Am] Harley-Davidson 883 Pro Class [GNC Expert, Expert or 600 Pro-Am] 1997 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book |
1997 |
1997 Displacement: | C. 750 GRAND NATIONAL CLASS EQUIPMENT
1. Engines (a) Engine Displacement 601cc-750cc 4-stroke twin cylinders. D. 600 CLASS EQUIPMENT 1. Engines (a) Engine Displacements 361cc-600cc 4-stroke single cylinders 335cc-550cc 2-stroke single cylinders E. 250 CLASS EQUIPMENT 1. Engine Displacements 150cc-250cc 2-stroke single cylinders 200cc-350cc 4-stroke single cylinders 1997 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book |
1997 |
1997 Fuel Injection: | ►(e). Fuel injection is prohibited.
1997 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book |
1997 |
1997 Regional Series: | ►The AMA Pro Regional Series is eliminated after the 1996 season. |
1997 |
1997 Restrictors: | ►(a) All RS750 Hondas and XR750 Harley-Davidsons must be equipped with manifold plates,
one per cylinder, for all competition except T.T.
(c) The manifold plate....containing a round 33mm (1.299:) hole in the center of the air path. 1997 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book |
1997 |
1997 Rulebook: | ►One rule book is published for Motocross, Supercross, Road Race, and Dirt Track.
1997 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book |
1997 |
1997 Sanctions/Programs: | ►1. Grand National Championsip
2. National Hot Shoe Series 3. Pro-Am 1997 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book |
1997 |
1997 Tires: | ►13. Tires for Pro-Am, Regional, and National Championship Dirt Track Racing
Only the following tires are permitted. (See additional requirements in Harley-Davidson 883 Class): (a) Front Tires - All Dirt Tracks, All Paved Tracks. (1) Goodyear Eagle DT-11 [sic] 27.0 x 7.0-19 D3616/CD-5 (2) DOT Tires. (b) Rear Tires - Dirt, T.T. and Short Tracks Only (1) Goodyear Eagle DT-11 [sic] 27.5 x 7.5-19 D1657/CD-5 (2) DOT Tires (c) Rear Tires - All Dirt Tracks, All Paved Tracks (1) Goodyear Eagle DT-11 [sic] 27.5 x 7.5-19 D1637/CD-8 (2) DOT Tires (d) DOT tires are United States Department of Transportation approved for street use. Original DOT and speed rating moldings muld be displayed on tire sidewalls. Tires must be sold for street use and be available for immediate shipment from U.S. warehouses to any of the manufacturer's U.S. retail outlets for sale to the public. Minimum required speed ratings are as follows: Short Track and T.T. - "S" rating Half-Mile and Mile - "H" rating (e) Old-model Pirelli Universal tires with or without DOT and speed rating markings and Carlisle Universal tires with DOT markings but no speed ratng will also be allowed. (f) Regrooving or cutting of the tread pattern is permitted. (g) Recapped or retreaded tires are not permitted. (h) Studded tread, rubber or metal, is not permitted. (i) Maximum overall rear tire width is 6.0". 1997 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book |
1997 |
4. Weight Minimum weight requirement for 750 class motorcycles are National Championship meets: 310 pounds (without fuel) 314 pounds (with fuel) D. 600 CLASS EQUIPMENT 3. Weight Minimum weight requirement for 600 class motorcycles are National Championship meets: 223 pounds (without fuel) 227 pounds (with fuel) E. 250 CLASS EQUIPMENT 3. Weight No minimum weight requirement 1997 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book |
1997 |
3. Wheels (a) 750 class motorcycles must use 18" or 19" diameter wheels, front and rear. (b) Maximum wheel rim width is 3 1/2". D. 600 CLASS EQUIPMENT 2. Wheels (a) 600 class motorcycles must use 18" or 19" diameter wheels, front and rear. (b) Maximum wheel rim width is 3 1/2". E. 250 CLASS EQUIPMENT 2. Wheels (a) 250 class motorcycles must use 18" or 19" diameter wheels, front and rear. (b) Maximum wheel rim width is 3 1/2". 1997 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book |
1998 |
1998 Displacement: | Pro-Sport Divisions:
►250cc Pro-Sport ►600cc Pro-Sport Expert Divisions: ►600cc Expert ►750cc Expert |
1998Back To Top |
1998 Licenses: | ►Pro-Am division is renamed Pro Sport. |
1999 |
1999 Displacement: | Pro-Sport Divisions:
►250cc Pro-Sport ►600cc Pro-Sport Expert Divisions: ►600cc Expert ►750cc Expert |
1999Back To Top |
1999 Number Plates: | 883 Sportster Division:
►Harley-Davidson 883 Sportster division begin using yellow number plates with black numbers and district letters. 59 Supertracker division: ►Supertracker division uses black number plates with white numbers and district letters. 67 |
1999 |
1999 Supertrackers Introduced: | ►AMA introduces the Supertracker division for Grand National Experts, open to all U.S. D.O.T.-approved (U.S. Department of Transportation) four-stroke twin-cylinder engines displacing up to 1000cc (water-cooled) or 1250cc (air-cooled pushrod). |
2000Back To Top |
2000 Approval Process: | ►A. DIRT TRACK EQUIPMENT
1. Approval of 4-stroke Motorcycle Engines (a) Only approved 4-stroke engines may be used in Professional Dirt Track competition. The AMA will only review applications for homologation from motorcycle manufacturers or their distributors. (b) Once an engine has been approved, it may be used until such time that it may be disqualified by new rules or rule changes. (c) Compliance with homologation requirements will not guarantee AMA approval. Homologation may be withheld or withdrawn for any reason AMA deems in the best interest of Dirt Track competition. (d) Homologation procedure information is available from the AMA Pro Racing office. 2. Approval of 4-stroke cylinder heads (a) Updated or newly-designed cylinder heads may be utilized, with AMA approval, on previously-approved 4-stroke engines. (b) Cylinder heads submitted for homologation will be subject to the same approval procedures and fees as 4-stroke engines. (c) Compliance with homologation requirements will not guarantee AMA approval. Homologation may be withheld or withdrawn for any reason the AMA deems in the best interest of Dirt Track competition. (d) Homologation procedure information is available from the AMA Pro Racing office. 3. Approval of 335cc-550cc 2-stroke Single Cylinder Motorcycle Engines (a) Only approved engines may be used in Professional Dirt Track Competition. The AMA will only review applications for homologation from motorcycle manufacturers or their distributors. (b) Once an engine has been approved, it may be used until such time that is may be disqualified by new rules or rule changes. (c) Compliance with homologation requirements will not guarantee AMA approval. Homologation may be withheld or withdrawn for any reason the AMA deems in the best interest of Dirt Track competition. (d) Homologation procedure information is available from the AMA Pro Racing office. 2000 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book |
2000 |
2000 Axles: | 6. Wheels
(d) Wheel axles must be made of steel. 2000 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book |
2000 |
2000 Back Protection: | 2. Road Race riders are required to wear a commercially-manufactured
back protector specifically designed for racing use.
2000 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book |
2000 |
2000 Claiming: | ►H. Claiming.
1. All AMA Grand National Dirt Track races (except Harley-Davidson Sportster Performance and SuperTrackers) will be claiming races. 2. Claims may be entered against any motorcycle which qualifies for the same final event in the claiming class. 3. Claims will be accepted only from riders who have qualified for the same final event as the rider whose motorcycle is being claimed. 4. In the case of a combined program, riders from any given classification can claim a motorcycle only from a rider of the same classification. Further, if an event is open to both single and twin cylinder motorcycles, a rider may enter a claim only for the same type motorcycle (single or twin) that he/she is riding. 5. Claims must be made in writing to the Chief Steward or Race Manager prior to the start of the event in which the claim is being lodged. The claim should specify the following: the name and number of the rider making the claim; the rider, brand and number of the motorcycle being claimed. 6. Once made, a claim cannot be withdrawn. 7. Competitors or teams cannot claim their own equipment. 8. The Race Manager will not disclose any information about the filing of claims until the feature race has been completed, except to make arrangements with the assigned officials to impound the appropriate motorcycles following the race. 9. All motorcycles which have been claimed, as well as the motorcycles of riders making the claim(s), will be impounded after the feature event has been completed. 10. If there is more than one claim on any motorcycle, a drawing will be held to determine the successful claimant. 11. All riders are limited to one successful claim in a calendar year, except when their motorcycle is claimed. They will then be allowed one additional claim. 12. Claims will apply to the engine assembly which includes: (a) Complete engine and transmission assembly; (b) Complete ignition system; (c) Complete carburetion and throttle assemblies; (d) Complete exhaust system. 13. Claims must be accompanied by the appropriate fees in the form of cash, certified check, cashier's check, or bank draft. 14. Claiming fees will be as follows: (a) 2-stroke singles: $3,500.00; trade claiming fee: $1,750.00 (b) 4-stroke singles: $6,000.00; trade claiming fee: $3,000.00 (c) 4-stroke twins: $17,500.00; trade claiming fee: $8,750.00 15. When a rider's engine is claimed, that rider will be given two options: (a) Accept the total claim price and immediately surrender the claimed engine to the successful claimant. (b) Accept the trade claiming fee and immediately trade claimed engines with the successful claimant. All parties involved in the claim must agree to the trade. 16. The rider of a claimed motorcycle, or the rider's designee, must promptly remove the engine in a workmanlike fashion under the observation of AMA officials and surrender it to the AMA for delivery to the successful claimant. 17. The rider or owner of a claimed motorcycle which is claimed or traded as a result of a claim must deliver a clear title or bill of sale which will be witnessed by the Chief Steward or Race manager and provided to the new owner. In addition, the rider of the claimed equipment is not permitted to enter the claimed engine in AMA competition for at least 60 days. Engine serial numbers will be recorded and monitored for enforcement purposes. 18. The AMA Race Manager is empowered to impound any motorcycles in the event that there is a question about the proper implementation of these rules. Such motorcycles will be held in trust by the AMA until rules interpretations can be clarified by the AMA. 19. A rider whose equipment is claimed at a Grand National cannot be the subject of another Grand National claim for at least 60 days. The claiming of a rider's 600cc equipment at a Grand National will not exempt that rider's 750cc equipment from being claimed at a Grand National or vice versa. 20. By entering any AMA sanctioned Professional Dirt Track event, the riders and owners of all motorcycles agree to abide by these rules. It is the responsibility of the rider, in cases where that rider does not own the motorcycle, to assure that the owner understands and agrees to comply by these rules. 2000 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book ►3. The following offenses will be subject to disciplinary action by the Race Manager and/or the AMA. This list is provided as guidance to licensed competitors and event credential holders but does not restrict the AMA from invoking penalties for other actions detrimental to the sport which are not specifically contemplated herein. (u) Failure to comply with various "claiming rules" promulgated by the AMA. 2000 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book |
2000 |
2000 Classes: | D. DIRT TRACK CLASSES
1. HALF MILE/MILE (a) Grand National Series [License requirements] 750 Grand National Class [GNC only] 600 Support Class [GNC or Pro Expert] Harley-Davidson Sportster Performance Class [GNC, Pro Expert or Pro Sport] SuperTrackers Class [GNC] (b) National Hot Shoe Series 750 Class [GNC or Pro Expert] 600 Pro Expert Class [GNC or Pro Expert] 600/250 Pro Sport Class [Pro Sport] Harley-Davidson Sportster Performance Class [GNC, Pro Expert Pro Sport] 2. T.T. DIRT TRACK CLASSES (a) Grand National Series [License requirements] 600/750 Expert Class [GNC or Pro Expert] Harley-Davidson Sportster Performance Class [GNC, Pro Expert or Pro Sport] (b) National Hot Shoe Series 600/750 Pro Expert Class [GNC or Pro Expert] 600/250 Pro Sport Class [Pro Sport] Harley-Davidson Sportster Performance Class [GNC, Pro Expert or Pro Sport] 3. SHORT TRACK CLASSES (a) Grand National Series [License requirements] 600 Grand National Class [GNC or Pro Expert] Harley-Davidson Sportster Performance Class [GNC, Pro Expert or Pro Sport] (b) National Hot Shoe Series 600 Pro Expert Class [GNC or Pro Expert] 600/250 Pro Sport Class [Pro Sport] Harley-Davidson Sportster Performance Class [GNC, Pro Expert, Pro Sport] 2000 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book |
2000 |
2000 Displacement: | C. 750 GRAND NATIONAL CLASS EQUIPMENT
1. Engines (a) Engine Displacement 601cc-750cc 4-stroke twin cylinders. D. 600 CLASS EQUIPMENT 1. Engines (a) Engine Displacements 361cc-600cc 4-stroke single cylinders 335cc-550cc 2-stroke single cylinders E. 250 CLASS EQUIPMENT 1. Engine Displacements 150cc-250cc 2-stroke single cylinders 200cc-350cc 4-stroke single cylinders 2000 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book |
2000 |
2000 Fuel Injection: | ►(e). Fuel injection is prohibited except OEM systems on SuperTracker
2000 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book |
2000 |
2000 Restrictors: | ►2. Specifications and Installation of Restrictor Plates for RS750 Honda and XR750 Harley-Davidson
(a) All RS750 Hondas and XR750 Harley-Davidsons must be equipped with restrictor plates, one per cylinder, for all competition except T.T. (c) The restrictor plate....containing a round 33mm (1.299:) hole in the center of the air path. 2000 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book |
2000 |
2000 Rulebook: | ►One rule book is published for Motocross, Supercross, Road Race, and Dirt Track.
2000 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book |
2000 |
2000 Tires: | ►13. Tires for Grand National Championship and Hot Shoe Dirt Track Racing
For GNC competition only, a specific single brand tire program may be instituted for the 2000 season. The program would restrict tire usage to one manufacturer. Participants will be notified by Competition Bulletin no later than January 1, 2000 if the program is to go into effect. (a) Tires permitted in GNC and Hot Shoe competition must meet the following criteria. (See additional requirements in Harley-Davidson Sportster Performance and 250 Class equipment): (1) Approved by the manufacturer for racing use and accepted as eligible by AMA Pro Racing. (2) Available for immediate shipment from U.S. distributors for sale to AMA Pro-licensed dirt track competitors. A list of distributors and tire samples must be submitted to AMA Pro Racing before such tires may be accepted as eligible for competition. Availability must be maintained throughout the current racing season. (3) Maximum overall rear tire width is 6.0" (4) Regrooving or cutting of the tread pattern is permitted. (5) Studded tread of any material is not permitted. (b) The following tires are accepted by AMA Pro Racing as eligible. Additions to this list may be added as they are accepted. Updated information will be available at Tech Inspection at each event: (1) Front Tires - All Dirt Tracks, All Paved Tracks Goodyear Eagle DT-11 [sic] 27.0 x 7.0-19 D3616/CD-5 Dunlop K180 110/80-19 59H Continental 130/80-19 CM5 Maxxis M7302 27.0 x 7.0-19 DTR-1 CD3 (2) Rear Tires - Dirt, T.T. and Short Track Only Goodyear Eagle DT-11 [sic] 27.5 x 7.5-19 D1657/CD-5 Dunlop K180 120/90-18 65S Continental 140/80-19 CM5 Maxxis M7302 27.5 x 7.5-19 DTR-1 CD3 (3) Rear Tires - All Dirt Tracks, All Paved Tracks Goodyear Eagle DT-11 [sic] 27.5 x 7.5-19 D1637/CD-8 Continental 140/80-19 CM7 Maxxis M7302 27.5 x 7.5-19 DTR-1 CD5 (4) Old-model Pirelli Universal tire. 2000 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book |
2000 |
3. Weight Minimum weight requirement: 310 pounds (without fuel) 314 pounds (with fuel) 2000 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book D. 600 CLASS EQUIPMENT 2. Weight Minimum weight requirement 223 pounds (without fuel) 227 pounds (with fuel) 2000 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book E. 250 CLASS EQUIPMENT 3. Weight No minimum weight requirement 2000 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book |
2000 |
2000 Wheels: | 6. Wheels
(a) All dirt track motorcycles (except Harley-Davidson Sportster Performance motorcycles) must use 19" diameter wheels, front and rear. (b) Maximum wheel rim width is 3 1/2". 2000 AMA Pro Racing Rule Book |
2001Back To Top |
2001 Displacement: | Pro-Sport Divisions:
►505cc Pro-Sport ►600cc Pro-Sport Expert Divisions: ►600cc Expert ►750cc Expert |
2002Back To Top |
2002 Displacement: | Single Cylinder Equipment:
►Single-cylinder equipment in all divisions are limited to 505cc four-stroke overhead valve, 550cc push-rod engines, or 250cc two-strokes.
Twin-Cylinder Equipment: ►Expert division twin-cylinder equipment expanded to include the previous Supertracker division:
Pro-Sport Division: ►505cc Pro-Sport Expert Divisions: ►505cc Expert
2002 |
2002 Restrictors: | ►Restrictors used on twin cylinder engines at Grand National Half Mile and smaller events are optional.
Twin-cylinder engines continue to use 33mm restrictors at Mile events. 2002 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook, Page 31.
2002 |
2002 Supertracker: | ►The Supertracker division is eliminated after the 2001 season, with the equipment absorbed into the Grand National series. |
2002 |
2002 Tires: | ►AMA Pro Racing mandates that Goodyear is the spec tire for all Grand National competition.
![]() |
2003Back To Top |
2003 Displacement: | Pro-Sport Division:
►505cc Pro-Sport Expert Divisions: ►505cc Expert ►750cc/1000cc Expert |
2004Back To Top |
2004 Displacement: | Pro-Sport Division:
►505cc Pro-Sport Expert Division: ►505cc Expert ►750cc/1000cc Expert |
2005Back To Top |
2005 Displacement: | Pro-Sport Division:
►505cc Pro-Sport Expert Division: ►505cc Expert ►750cc/1000cc Expert |
2006Back To Top |
2006 883 Sportsters: | ►Harley-Davidson 883 Sportster Division is eliminated after the 2005 season. |
2006 |
2006 Displacement: | Single Cylinder Equipment:
Single-cylinder equipment in all divisions (Pro-Sport all; Basic Expert & Grand National Expert Short Track & T.T.) limited to 450cc four-stroke engines [Comment: had been 505cc since 2002.] Twin Cylinder Equipment: Twin-cylinder engines are officially banned from T.T. races, as T.T's are limited to 450cc single-cylinder engines. |
2006 |
2006 Grand National Singles & Grand National Twins |
►The Grand National Championship is split into two separate series:
Grand National Championship Singles (for short track and T.T. events) and Grand National Championship Twins (for half mile and mile events).
►The rulebook does not formally recognize the rider who scores the most combined points as a Grand National Champion. |
2006 |
2006 Short Track: | ►Short track events are now defined as courses less than 1,750 feet in length when measured 18" from the pole
[Comment: short tracks had previously been 1,800 feet.] |
2007Back To Top |
2007 Basic Expert Twins Introduced: | ►DMG introduces the Basic Expert Twins division that will compete at Grand National half mile and mile events. |
2007 |
2007 Firing Order/Twingling | ►the AMA rule book prohibits "twingling" of any twin-cylinder engine.
"Twingling" involves modifying the engine timing so that both cylinders fire their power strokes in close proximity to one another. "Twingling" was one way to improve power delivery on slick race tracks. |
2007 |
2007 Restrictors: | Basic Expert Twins: |
2008Back To Top |
2008 Approval Process: | ►GENERAL
1.2 Homologation of 4-stroke Motorcycle Engines (a) Only approved 4-stroke engines may be used in professional Flat Track competition with the exception noted in 1.2e below. The AMA will only review applications for homologation from motorcycle manufacturers or their distributors. Homologation is not required for equipment used in Pro-Am classes. (b) Once an engine has been approved, it may be used until such time that it is disqualified by new rules or rule changes. (c) Compliance with homologation requirements will not guarantee AMA approval. Homologation may be withheld or withdrawn for any reason AMA deems in the best interest of Flat Track competition. (d) Homologation procedure information is available from the AMA Pro Racing office. 1.3. Homologation of 4-stroke Cylinder Heads (a) Updated or newly-designed cylinder heads may be utilized, with AMA approval, on previously-approved 4-stroke engines. (b) Cylinder heads submitted for homologation will be subject to the same approval procedures as 4-stroke engines. (c) Compliance with homologation requirements will not guarantee AMA approval. Homologation may be withheld or withdrawn for any reason AMA deems in the best interest of Flat Track competition. (d) Homologation procedure information is available from the AMA Pro Racing office. 2008 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook ►GNC TWINS 2.1 Engines. a. Engines must be homologated with the exception of 900cc-1250cc engines in the GNC Twins class (U.S. street-production only). (See section 1.2). b. Only 4-stroke twin cylinder engines that are designed for U.S. street production motorcycles may be used with the exception of the racing only engines listed below. c. Racing only engines must be 4-stroke twin cylinder engines designed specifically for that purpose and need not meet the U.S. street production motorcycle requirement if they meet the displacement restriction. 2008 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook ►PRO EXPERT TWINS 4.1 Engines a. Engines between 750cc and 1000cc must be approved. b. Only 4-stroke twin cylinder engines that are designed for U.S. street production motorcycles may be used with the exception of the racing only engines listed below. c. Racing only engines must be 4-stroke twin cylinder engines designed specifically for that purpose and need not meet the U.S. street production motorcycle requirement if they meet the displacement restriction. f. Currently approved engines: Harley-Davidson XR 750 (with 27mm restrictor) Suzuki DL/TL 1000 (with 32mm restrictor) Harley-Davidson 883 Sportster (no restrictor required) 2008 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2008 |
2008 Back Protection: | ►Riders are required to wear a commercially manufactured back
protector specifically designed for race use.
2008 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2008 |
2008 Backup Bikes: | ►Nothing in the 2008 rule book allows for us of back-up bikes.
2008 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2008 |
2008 Claiming: | ►1.27 Claiming Rule
a. All AMA Flat Track events governed by this rulebook will be claiming races. b. Claims may be entered against any motorcycle which qualifies for the final event. c. The claiming rule will not apply to a new manufacturer in its first 12 months of homologation of a new model. d. Claims will be accepted only from riders who have qualified for the same final event as the rider whose motorcycle is being claimed. e. In the case of a combined program, riders from any given classification can claim a motorcycle only from a rider of the same classification. Further, if an event is open to both single and twin cylinder motorcycles, a rider may enter a claim only for the same type motorcycle (single or twin) that the rider is riding. f. Claims must be made in writing to the Race Manager prior to the start of the final event in which the claim is being lodged. The claim should specify the following: the name and number of the rider making the claim; the rider, brand and number of the motorcycle being claimed. g. Once made, a claim cannot be withdrawn. h. Competitors or teams cannot claim their own equipment. i. The Race Manager will not disclose any information about the filing of claims until the final race has been completed, except to make arrangements with the assigned officials to impound the appropriate motorcycles following the race. j. All motorcycles which have been claimed, as well as the motorcycles of riders making the claim(s), will be impounded after the final event has been completed. k. If there is more than one claim on any motorcycle, a drawing will be held to determine the successful claimant. l. All riders are limited to one successful claim in a calendar year, except when their motorcycle is claimed. They will then be allowed one additional claim. m. A rider whose engine has been claimed will be protected from subsequent claims for 45 days. If the rider re-purchases the engine or if the claim is negated in any manner he will not be protected and be subject to a subsequent claim. The claiming of Singles class equipment at a meet will not exempt that rider's Twins class equipment from being claimed at a meet or vice versa. n. Claims will apply to the engine assembly which includes: 1. Complete engine and transmission assembly 2. Complete ignition system 3. Complete carburetion and throttle-body assemblies 4. Complete exhaust system o. Claims must be accompanied by the appropriate fees in the form of cash, certified check, cashier's check or bank draft. p. Claiming fees will be as follows: 2-stroke singles: $3,500.00; trade claiming fee: $1,750.00
q. When a rider's engine is claimed, that rider will be given two options: 1. Accept the total claim price and immediately surrender the claimed engine to the successful claimant. 2. Accept the trade claiming fee and immediately trade claimed engines with the successful claimant. r. The rider of a claimed motorcycle, or the rider's designee, must promptly remove the engine in a workmanlike fashion under the observation of AMA officials and surrender it to the AMA for delivery to the successful claimant. s. The rider or owner of any motorcycle which is claimed or traded as a result of a claim must deliver a clear title or bill of sale which will be witnessed by the Race Manager and provided to the new owner. t. The rider of claimed equipment is not permitted to enter the claimed engine in AMA competition for 14 days. Engine serial numbers will be recorded and monitored for enforcement purposes. u. The Race Manager is empowered to impound any motorcycles in the event that there is a question about the proper implementation of these rules. Such motorcycles will be held in trust by the AMA until rules interpretations can be clarified by the AMA. v. By entering any AMA sanctioned professional flat track event, the riders and owners of all motorcycles agree to abide by these rules. It is the responsibility of the rider, in cases where that rider does not own the motorcycle, to assure that the owner understands and agrees to comply by these rules. w. Any rider that does not comply with the Claiming Rule in its entirety will be suspended for the remainder of the current season and will be ineligible for a Pro license the following season. 2008 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2008 |
2008 Displacement: | ►GNC TWINS
d. Engine Displacement 550cc-1250cc with the following restrictions: 1. Racing only engines may not exceed 750cc. 2. Engines greater than 1000cc are restricted to air/oil cooled 2008 Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook ►GNC SINGLES a. Engine Displacements 150cc-250cc 2-stroke single cylinders 200cc-450cc 4-stroke single cylinders 200cc-550cc 4-stroke, 2 valve pushrod single cylinderswith the following restrictions: 2008 Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook ►PRO EXPERT TWINS d. Engine displacement. 500cc-749cc 750cc-1000cc Approved Engines Only. e. Contact AMA Racing Technical Department for approval procedures for 750-1000cc engines. h. Engine displacement may be changed to achieve the class displacement limit by modifying thebore only. ON 900cc-1000cc engines, bore and stroke may be changed to achieve the class displacement limit. 2008 Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2008 |
2008 National Number Assignments: | ►National Numbers will no longer be renewed annually.
Each rider earning a National Number through earning Grand National points will hold that number for five years. |
2008 |
2008 Firing Order/Twingling: | GNC TWINS
j. To prohibit the practice of twingling a twin, any modification of engine components to alter the stock OEM firing order/spacing of the cylinders is prohibited. 2008 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook PRO TWINS l. To prohibit the practice of twingling a twin, any modification of engine components to alter the stock OEM firing order/spacing of the cylinders is prohibited. 2008 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2008 |
2008 Provisional License: | ►Pro-Sport riders with sufficient single-cylinder experience are permitted to participate in the Basic Expert Twins division at Grand National Championship events
[Comment: there are no provisional licenses mentioned in the 2008 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook] |
2008 |
2008 Restrictors: | ►GNC TWINS
2.2 Specifications and Installation of Restrictor Plates. a. AMA Pro racing issued restrictor plates are required in the following engines at mile tracks only. Restrictors are optional at half mile or smaller tracks: Harley-Davidson XR750 Honda RS750 900cc-1250cc twin-cylinder engines g.Restrictor Specifications by Model/Type (Carbureted): XR750/RS750: 33mm ID, 37.5mm carburetor minimum ID, 34.5mm manifold minimum ID. Suzuki 1000: 38mm ID, 44mm carburetor minimum ID, 44mm manifold minimum ID. HD/Buell 1250: 38mm ID, 44mm carburetor minimum ID, 44mm manifold minimum ID. h. Restrictor Specifications by Model/Type (Fuel injected): XR750/RS750: 33mm restrictors, 37.5mm carburetor minimum ID, 34.5mm manifold minimum ID. Suz 1000: 38mm ID, Port & OEM manifold minimum ID no smaller than stock Apr 1000: 38mm ID, Port & OEM manifold minimum ID no smaller than stock Hon RC51: 38mm ID, Port & OEM manifold minimum ID no smaller than stock HD/Bue 1250: 38mm ID, Port & OEM manifold minimum ID no smaller than stock 2008 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook ►PRO TWINS 4.2 Specifications and Installation of Restrictor Plates. a. AMA Pro racing issued restrictor plates are required in the following engines: Harley-Davidson XR750 Suzuki DL/TL1000 f. Restrictor Specifications by Model/Type (Carbureted): HD 750: 27mm restrictor ID, 37.5mm carburetor minimum ID, 34.5mm manifold minimum ID. Suz 1000: 32mm restrictor ID, 44mm carburetor minimum ID, 44mm manifold minimum ID. g. Restrictor Specifications by Model/Type (Fuel Injected): Suz 1000: 32mm restrictor ID, Port and OEM manifold minimum ID no smaller than stock. 2008 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2008 |
2008 Riders: | Grand National short track run 16-rider mains.
Grand National TT, half miles, and miles run 18-rider mains. 2008 AMA Grand National results |
2008 |
2008 Weight Limits: | GNC TWINS
►2.3 Weight Requirement 500cc-649cc: 280# with fuel, 284# with fuel. 650cc-749cc: 300# without fuel, 304# with fuel. 750cc and up: 310# without fuel, 314# with fuel. 2008 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook PRO TWINS ►4.3 Weight Requirement 500cc-649cc: 280# with fuel, 284# with fuel. 650cc-749cc: 300# without fuel, 304# with fuel. 750cc and up: 310# without fuel, 314# with fuel. 2008 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2009Back To Top |
2009 Advancement Points: | ►5.2 Rider Eligibility and National Numbers
A. Pro License 1. An AMA Pro Racing "Pro License" is issued to eligible riders who have reached the age of 16 years and meet either of the following criteria;
a. Must hold an Amateur "A" classification or can prove top level amateur experience in his/her district
and 1 year of current flat track racing experience.
a. Current licensed Expert riders.
2009 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2009 Backup Bikes: | ►d. Back-Up Motorcycles
1. Back-up motorcycles are permitted in all classes at Grand National Events. 2. If more than one motorcycle is to be presented for initial tech inspection they will be numbered, on the triple clamp and easily visible, with a "1" or "2" to identify each motorcycle. 3. When a race is restarted following a red flag, a rider who was present at the starting grid, but was unable to start or dropped out after the start, is permitted to restart a back-up motorcycle until two laps have been officially completed, (leader has crossed the finish line to begin the third lap), using the following procedure: a. Rider must obtain permission from the Chief Pit Steward or Referee. b. Back-up motorcycles and rider must be present for grid position of restart. c. Rider will be grid on the last row of the restart grid in a position determined by scoring. 2009 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook | |
2009 |
2009 Basic Experts: | ►The Basic Expert Division is eliminated after the 2008 season.
Basic Experts can choose whether to move into the new Pro or Expert divisions. |
2009 |
2009 Back Protection: | ►Riders are required to wear a commercially manufactured back
protector specifically designed for race use.
2009 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2009 |
2009 Claiming: | ►There is no mention of claiming in the 2009 AMA rule book.
2009 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2009 |
2009 Displacement: | GNC TWINS
►550cc-1250cc with the following restrictions: 1. Racing only engines may not exceed 750cc.
2009 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2009 |
2009 Frames: | ►All single cylinder equipment used at all AMA Pro Racing events (Grand National or Hot Shoe) must use OEM frames. |
2009 |
2009 Licenses: | ►Pro-Sport division is renamed "Pro"
►Grand National Expert division is renamed "Expert". |
2009 |
2009 Pro Singles National Championship: | ►DMG introduces the Pro Singles National Championship, which will run as a support division at all Grand National Events. Pro Singles National Champions can either defend their title wearing the #1 plate, or if they move up to Expert, will be awarded a National Number. |
2009 |
2009 Provisional Licenses: | ►Pro division riders may compete in a Twin-cylinder class at Hot Shoe events |
2009 |
2009 Provisional Start Cards: | ►6.19 Provisional Start Card
A. Top 10 GNC Singles finishers from the prior championship season will receive one Provisional Start Card for use to qualify for advancement into a Singles Championship Final. B. Top 10 GNC Twins Championship finishers from the prior championship season will receive one Provisional Start Card for use to qualify for advancement into a Twins Championship Final. 1. Riders can use their Provisional Start Card to qualify for advancement into a Championship Final.
C. Provisional Start card riders will be assigned the first starting position on the penalty line. D. Championship Purse Money when riders use Provisional Start Cards will be as follows: 1. The additional paying position (19th finisher unless the number of riders in final has been reduced) will be
the same amount as the original final paying position. (Example: 19th will pay the same as 18th)
E. Championship Points when riders use Provisional Start cards will be as follows: 1. The provisional starter will receive the standard number of points for his/her Championship final position.
2009 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2009 |
2009 Restrictors: | EXPERT TWINS
►AMA Pro racing issued restrictor plates are required in the following engines at half mile and mile events. Harley-Davidson XR750 Honda RS750 751cc-1250cc twin-cylinder engines 2009 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook ►Restrictor Specifications (Carbureted): 550c-750cc: None. XR750 & RS750: 33mm ID, 37.5mm carburetor minimum ID, 34.5mm manifold minimum ID. 751cc-1250cc: 38mm ID, 44mm carburetor minimum ID, 44mm manifold minimum ID. 2009 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook ►Restrictor Specifications (Fuel Injected): 751cc-1250cc: 38mm ID, Port & OEM Manifold minimum ID no smaller than stock. 2009 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook PRO TWINS ►AMA Pro racing issued restrictor plates are required in the following engines: Harley-Davidson XR750 Honda RS750 751cc-1250cc twin-cylinder engines 2009 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook ►Restrictor Specifications by Model/Type (Carbureted): HD 750: 27mm restrictors, 37.5mm carburetor minimum ID, 34.5mm manifold minimum ID. Suzuki 1000: 32mm restrictors, 44mm carburetor minimum ID, 44mm manifold minimum ID. 2009 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook ►Restrictor Specifications (Fuel Injected): 751cc-1250cc: 32mm ID, Port & OEM Manifold minimum ID no smaller than stock. 2009 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2009 |
2009 Riders: | All Grand National events run 18-19 rider mains.
2009 AMA Grand National results |
2009 |
2009 Tires: | ►Grooving of tires is prohibited.
►New rule announced on 3/5/2009 prohibits adding water to the rear tires. This rule comes to light after Joe Kopp gets a flat tire at the 3/4/2009 Daytona Short Track which reveals to all that he has a significant amount of water in his rear tire. Joe wins the 3/5/2009 Daytona Short Track with no water in his rear tire. |
2009 |
2009 Weight Limits: | EXPERT TWINS:
500cc-750cc: None XR & RS750: 310# without fuel, 314# with fuel. 751cc and up: 310# without fuel, 314# with fuel. 2009 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook PRO TWINS: 500cc-750cc: None XR & RS750: 310# without fuel, 314# with fuel. 751cc and up: 310# without fuel, 314# with fuel. 2009 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2010Back To Top |
2010 Back Protection: | ►Riders are required to wear a commercially manufactured back
protector specifically designed for race use.
2010 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2010 |
2010 Backup Bikes: | ►d. Back-Up Motorcycles
i. Back-up motorcycles are permitted in all classes at Grand National Events. ii. If more than one motorcycle is to be presented for initial tech inspection they will be numbered, on the triple clamp and easily visible, with a "1" or "2" to identify each motorcycle. iii. When a race is restarted following a red flag, a rider who was present at the starting grid, but was unable to start or dropped out after the start, is permitted to restart a back-up motorcycle until two laps have been officially completed, (leader has crossed the finish line to begin the third lap), using the following procedure: 1. Rider must obtain permission from the Chief Pit Steward or Referee. 2. Back-up motorcycles and rider must be present for grid position of restart. 3. Rider will be grid on the last row of the restart grid in a position determined by scoring. 2010 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2010 |
2010 Claiming: | ►There is no mention of claiming in the 2010 AMA rule book.
2010 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2010 |
2010 Displacement: | EXPERT TWINS
550cc-1250cc with the following restrictions: 1. Racing only engines may not exceed 750cc.
2010 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2010 |
2010 Hot Shoe National Series eliminated | ►The AMA Hot Shoe National series is eliminated after the 2009 season.
Its final season featured six events: Quincy IL ST, LaMonte MO HM, Peoria T.T., Frederick MD HM, Elkins WV HM, and Sturgis SD ST. The new Steve Nace 'All-Star Series' events, which present a mix of Professional and Amateur classes, is introduced as the official feeder series to the Grand Nationals. |
2010 |
2010 National Number Assignments: | ►All Grand National Singles & Twins champions to date (2006-2009) are offered single digits for the 2010 season.
Not all accept them.
Kenny Coolbeth takes #2; Jake Johnson takes #5; Jared Mees takes #9. Henry Wiles retains #17. Sammy Halbert, who scored the most combined Grand National points in 2009 but is not officially recognized as a Grand National Champion, takes #7. |
2010 |
2010 Provisional Licenses: | ►The top 10 from the 2009 Pro Singles National Championship are granted provisional licenses to compete in the Grand National division
at three events - Lake Odessa, MI, Castiloga, CA, and Prescott Valley, AZ.
Defending Pro Singles Champ Brad Baker makes the Grand National Main Event at Lake Odessa. |
2010 |
2010 Provisional Start Cards: | ►5.19 Provisional Start Card
a. Top 10 GNC Singles finishers from the prior championship season will receive one Provisional Start Card for use to qualify for advancement into a Singles Championship Final. b. Top 10 GNC Twins Championship finishers from the prior championship season will receive one Provisional Start Card for use to qualify for advancement into a Twins Championship Final. i. Riders can use their Provisional Start Card to qualify for
advancement into a Championship Final.
c. Provisional Start card riders will be assigned the first starting position on the penalty line. d. Championship Purse Money when riders use Provisional Start Cards will be as follows: i. The additional paying position (19th finisher unless the number
of riders in final has been reduced) will be the same amount
as the original final paying position. (Example: 19th will pay the
same as 18th).
e. Championship Points when riders use Provisional Start cards will be as follows: i. The provisional starter will receive the standard number of
points for his/her Championship final position.
2010 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2010 |
2010 Restrictors: | EXPERT TWINS
►AMA Pro racing issued restrictor plates are required in the following engines at half mile and mile events. Harley-Davidson XR750 Honda RS750 751cc-1250cc twin-cylinder engines 2010 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook ►Restrictor Specifications (Carbureted): ►550c-750cc: None. ►XR750 & RS750: 32mm ID, 37.5mm carburetor minimum ID, 34.5mm manifold minimum ID. ►751cc-1250cc: 38mm ID, 44mm carburetor minimum ID, 44mm manifold minimum ID. 2010 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook ►Restrictor Specifications (Fuel Injected): ►751cc-1250cc: 38mm ID, Port & OEM Manifold minimum ID no smaller than stock. 2010 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2010 |
2010 Tires: | ►All rear tires at all Nationals to be Dunlop/Goodyear CD-8 compound.
![]() ![]() |
2010 |
2010 Valves: | ►Single-cylinder engines must maintain the original valve size and valve angle as on the OEM product. |
2010 |
2010 Weight Limits: | EXPERT TWINS:
500cc-750cc: None. XR & RS750: 310# without fuel, 314# with fuel. 751cc-1250cc: 310# without fuel, 314# with fuel. 2010 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2011Back To Top |
2011 Back Protection: | ►Riders are required to wear a commercially manufactured back
protector specifically designed for race use.
2011 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2011 |
2011 Claiming: | ►There is no mention of claiming in the 2011 AMA rule book.
2011 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook. |
2011 |
2011 Displacement: | GNC TWINS
►550cc-1250cc with the following restrictions: 1. Racing only engines may not exceed 750cc.
2011 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2011 |
2011 Firing Order / Twingling: | ►To prohibit the practice of 'twingling' a twin, any modification of engine components to alter the stock OEM firing order/spacing of the cylinders is prohibited.
2011 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2011 |
2011 Grand National Championship: | ►For 2010, DMG re-establishes a single Grand National Champion who will wear the #1 plate at all events in 2011.
The Grand National Singles and Grand National Twins champions will be continue to be recognized (until 2013), but those riders will not wear #1 plates the following year. |
2011 |
2011 Provisional Licenses: | ►The top 10 from the 2010 Pro Singles National Championship are granted provisional licenses to compete in the Grand National division at four events - Sacramento, CA, Knoxville, IA, Shakopee, MN, and Castiloga, CA. |
2011 |
2011 Provisional Start Cards: | ►2.20 Provisional Start Card
a. Top 10 GNC Singles finishers from the prior championship season will receive one Provisional Start Card for use to qualify for advancement into a Singles Championship Final. b. Top 10 GNC Twins Championship finishers from the prior championship season will receive one Provisional Start Card for use to qualify for advancement into a Twins Championship Final. i. Riders can use their Provisional Start Card to qualify for
advancement into a Final.
c. Provisional Start card riders will be assigned the first starting position on the penalty line. d. When riders use Provisional Start Cards, Championship Purse Money will be awarded as follows: i. The additional paying position (19th finisher unless the number
of riders in final has been reduced) will be the same amount
as the original final paying position. (Example: 19th will pay the
same as 18th).
e. When riders use Provisional Start Cards, Championship Points will be awarded as follows: i. The provisional starter will receive the standard number of
points for his/her Championship final position.
2011 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2011 |
2011 Restrictors: | GNC EXPERT TWINS
►AMA Pro racing issued restrictor plates are required in the following engines at half mile and mile events. Harley-Davidson XR750 Honda RS750 751cc-1250cc twin-cylinder engines 2011 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook 2011 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook 2011 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2011 |
2011 Tires: | ►Grooving of rear tires is re-permitted |
2011 |
2011 Weight Limits: | GNC EXPERT TWINS:
500cc-750cc: No minimum weight limit. XR & RS750: 310#. 751cc-1250cc: 310#. 2011 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2012Back To Top |
2012 Approval Process: | GNC EXPERT TWINS:
►Any mass produced, commercially available 4-stroke two cylinder engine may be used with written AMA Pro Racing approval. 2012 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook ►Engines must be homologated for use in AMA Pro Racing competition. 2012 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2012 |
2012 Back Protection: | ►Riders are required to wear a commercially manufactured back
protector specifically designed for race use.
2012 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2012 |
2012 Claiming: | ►There is no mention of claiming in the 2012 AMA rule book.
2012 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2012 |
2012 Displacement: | GNC EXPERT TWINS
550cc-1250cc with the following restrictions: 1. Racing only engines may not exceed 750cc.
2012 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2012 |
2012 Firing Order / Twingling: | ►To prohibit the practice of 'twingling' a twin, any modification of engine components to alter the stock OEM firing order/spacing of the cylinders is prohibited.
2012 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2012 |
2012 Provisional Licenses: | ►The top 20 from the 2011 Pro Singles National Championship are granted provisional licenses to compete at all Grand National twins events in 2012. |
2012 |
2012 Restrictors: | GNC EXPERT TWINS
►AMA Pro racing issued restrictor plates are required in the following engines for half mile and mile events. Harley-Davidson XR750 Honda RS750 751cc-1250cc twin-cylinder engines 2012 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook ►Restrictor Specifications (Carbureted): 550c-750cc: None. XR750 & RS750: 32mm ID, 37.5mm carburetor minimum ID, 34.5mm manifold minimum ID. 751cc-1250cc: 38mm ID, 44mm carburetor minimum ID, 44mm manifold minimum ID. 2012 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2012 |
2012 Weight Limits: | GNC EXPERT TWINS:
550cc-750cc: 310#. XR & RS750: 310#. 751cc and up: 310#. 2012 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2013Back To Top |
2013 Back Protection: | ►Riders are required to wear a commercially manufactured back
protector specifically designed for race use.
2013 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2013 |
2013 Basic Twins: | ►On April 12, 2013, DMG announces that the 'Basic Twins' class will return for the fall Springfield Mile (Labor Day weekend),
with the intent of replacing the Pro Singles class at certain events in 2014.
The Basic Twins class is open to Pro Singles riders only. |
2013 |
2013 Claiming: | ►There is no mention of claiming in the 2013 AMA rule book.
2013 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2013 |
2013 Displacement: | GNC EXPERT TWINS
550cc-1250cc with the following restrictions: 1. Racing only engines may not exceed 750cc.
2013 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2013 |
2013 Firing Order / Twingling: | ►To prohibit the practice of 'twingling' a twin, any modification of engine components to alter the stock OEM firing order/spacing of the cylinders is prohibited.
2013 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2013 |
2013 Provisional Licenses | ►The top 20 from the 2012 Pro Singles National Championship are granted provisional licenses to compete at all Grand National twins events in 2013. |
2013 |
2013 Provisional Start Cards: | ►2.20 Provisional Start Card
a. Top 10 GNC Singles finishers from the prior championship season will receive one Provisional Start Card for use to qualify for advancement into a Singles Final. b. Top 10 GNC Twins finishers from the prior championship season will receive one Provisional Start Card for use to qualify for advancement into a Twins Final. i. Riders can use their Provisional Start Card to qualify for
advancement into a Final.
c. Provisional Start card riders will be assigned the first starting position on the penalty line. d. When riders use Provisional Start Cards, Championship Purse Money will be awarded as follows: i. The additional paying position (19th finisher unless the
number of riders in final has been reduced) will be
awarded the same amount as the original final paying
position. (Example: 19th will pay the same as 18th).
e. When riders use Provisional Start Cards, Championship Points will be awarded as follows: i. The provisional starter will receive the standard number of
points for his/her Championship final position.
2013 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2013 |
2013 Restrictors: | GNC EXPERT TWINS
►AMA Pro racing issued restrictor plates are required in the following engines at half mile and mile events. Harley-Davidson XR750 Honda RS750 751cc-1250cc twin-cylinder engines 2013 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook ►Restrictor Specifications (Carbureted): 550c-750cc: None. Half Miles: XR750 & RS750: 32mm ID, 37.5mm carburetor minimum ID, 34.5mm manifold minimum ID. Miles: XR750 & RS750: 33mm ID, 37.5mm carburetor minimum ID, 34.5mm manifold minimum ID. 751cc-1250cc: 38mm ID max, 44mm carburetor minimum ID, 44mm manifold minimum ID. 2013 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook ►Restrictor Specifications (Fuel Injected): 751cc-1250cc: 38mm ID max, Port & OEM Manifold minimum ID no smaller than stock. 2013 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook Basic Expert Twins Basic Twins XR750 & RS750 engines are to use 27mm restrictors; all other engines above 750cc to run 32mm restrictors. At the first Basic Twins event, the XR750 and RS750 restrictors are raised from 27mm to 29mm, then to 32mm. |
2013 |
2013 Weight Limits: | GNC EXPERT TWINS:
500cc-750cc: 310#. XR & RS750: 310#. 751cc and up: 310#. 2013 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2014Back To Top |
2014 Grand National Singles Grand National Twins: |
►DMG eliminates the formal recognition of the Grand National Singles & Twins champions, to focus more attention on the overall Grand National Champion. |
2014 |
2014 Back Protection: | ►Riders are required to wear a commercially manufactured back
protector specifically designed for race use.
2014 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2014 |
2014 Claiming: | ►There is no mention of claiming in the 2014 AMA rule book.
2014 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2014 |
2014 Displacement: | GNC EXPERT TWINS
550cc-1250cc with the following restrictions: 1. Racing only engines may not exceed 750cc.
2014 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook PRO TWINS 500cc-1200cc approved engines only. 2014 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2014 |
2014 Firing Order / Twingling: | ►To prohibit the practice of 'twingling' a twin, any modification of engine components to alter the stock OEM firing order/spacing of the cylinders is prohibited.
2014 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2014 |
2014 Provisional Start Cards: | ►2.20 Provisional Start Card
a. Top 10 GNC Singles finishers from the prior championship season will receive one Provisional Start Card for use to qualify for advancement into a Singles Final. b. Top 10 GNC Twins finishers from the prior championship season will receive one Provisional Start Card for use to qualify for advancement into a Twins Final. i. Riders can use their Provisional Start Card to qualify for
advancement into a Final.
c. Provisional Start card riders will be assigned the first starting position on the penalty line. d. When riders use Provisional Start Cards, Championship Purse Money will be awarded as follows: i. The additional paying position (19th finisher unless the
number of riders in final has been reduced) will be
awarded the same amount as the original final paying
position. (Example: 19th will pay the same as 18th).
e. When riders use Provisional Start Cards, Championship Points will be awarded as follows: i. The provisional starter will receive the standard number of
points for his/her Championship final position.
2014 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2014 |
2014 Restrictors: | GNC EXPERT TWINS
►AMA Pro racing issued restrictor plates or any other restrictor plates are not permitted in the following engines for half mile and mile events. Harley-Davidson XR750 Honda RS750 550cc-1250cc twin-cylinder engines 2014 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook ►Restrictors may not be fitted in any case. All engines must be run unrestricted on both miles and half miles. 2014 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook ►Restrictor Specifications (Carbureted): ►550c-750cc: N/A ID, 37.5mm-38mm carburetor ID, as homologated manifold minimum ID. ►XR750 & RS750: N/A ID, 37.5mm carburetor minimum ID, 34.5mm manifold minimum ID. ►751cc-1250cc: N/A ID, 44mm carburetor minimum ID, as homologated (may be modified) minimum ID. 2014 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook ►Restrictor Specifications (Fuel Injected): ►751cc-1250cc: N/A ID, Port & OEM Manifold minimum ID no smaller than stock. 2014 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook PRO TWINS AMA Pro racing issued restrictor plates are required in the following engines: Harley-Davidson XR750 / Honda RS750 32mm 751cc-1200cc approved production based engines 38mm 2014 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook ►Restrictor Specifications: 500c-749cc: None XR750 & RS750: 32mm ID, 37.5mm carburetor minimum ID, 34.5mm manifold minimum ID. 751cc-1200cc: 38mm ID, 44mm carburetor minimum ID, 44mm manifold minimum ID. 2014 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook Basic Expert Twins Basic Twins XR750 & RS750 engines are to use 27mm restrictors; all other engines above 750cc to run 32mm restrictors. [Comment: At the first Basic Twins event, the XR750 and RS750 restrictors are raised from 27mm to 29mm, then to 32mm.] |
2014 |
2014 Weight Limits: | GNC EXPERT TWINS:
500cc-750cc: 310# XR & RS750: 310# 751cc and up: 310# 2014 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook PRO TWINS: ►All machines must weight 310# or more as they come off the race track. No fuel, water, or oil may be added. Machines under 650cc (Aprilia 550) 275#. 2014 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2015Back To Top |
2015 Approval Process: | GNC1 TWINS:
►Engines must be homologated for use in AMA Pro Racing competition. 2015 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2015 |
2015 GNC2 Championship: | ►The GNC2 championship is introduced.
Is combined the previous "Pro Singles" and "Basic Twins" events into a combined championship. |
2015 |
2015 Back Protection: | ►Riders are required to wear a commercially manufactured back
protector specifically designed for race use.
2015 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2015 |
2015 Claiming: | ►There is no mention of claiming in the 2015 AMA rule book.
2015 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2015Back To Top |
2015 Displacement: | GNC1 TWINS
►550cc-1250cc with the following restrictions: 1. Racing only engines may not exceed 750cc.
2015 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook GNC2 TWINS ►500cc-1200cc approved engines only. 2015 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2015 |
2015 Firing Order / Twingling: | ►To prohibit the practice of 'twingling' a twin, any modification of engine components to alter the stock OEM firing order/spacing of the cylinders is prohibited.
2015 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2015 |
2015 Licenses: | ►DMG renames the "Expert" and "Pro" divisions to "GNC1" and "GNC2". |
2015 |
2015 National Format: | GNC1:
►Fastest 48 qualifiers
GNC2: ►Fastest 32 qualifiers
[Comment: GNC1 Dash For Cash awards GNC points.] |
2015 |
2015 Provisional Start Card: | 2.20 Provisional Start Card
a. Top 10 GNC1 finishers from the prior championship season will receive one Provisional Start Card for use to qualify for advancement into a Final. i. Riders can use their Provisional Start Card to qualify for advancement into a Final. ii. Riders choosing to use their Provisional Start Card must submit their card to the Race Director no later than five minutes following the finish of the final Semi. 1. If a rider is unable to immediately locate the Race Director the rider shall report to the Chief Pit Steward in Race Staging. iii. One Provisional Starter will be allowed per Final. 1. For the first race of the year, when more than one rider has submitted their Provisional Start Card for advancement into the same Championship Final, the Referee will choose the rider with the most points from the same class in the previous championship season. 2. After the first race of the year, when more than one rider has submitted their Provisional Start Card for advancement into the same Championship Final, AMA Pro Racing will choose the rider with the most points. iv. Rider must present their original Provisional Start Card. v. Provisional Start Cards that are not used will be returned to their respective cardholders. b. Provisional Start card riders will be assigned the first starting position on the penalty line. c. When riders use Provisional Start Cards, Championship Purse Money will be awarded as follows: i. The additional paying position (19th finisher unless the number of riders in the Final has been reduced) will be awarded the same amount as the original final paying position. (Example: 19th will pay the same as 18th) ii. The funds for the added Final position will be deducted from the Provisional Starter s finishing position s originally allotted amount. The Provisional Starter will retain the balance of purse funds for that position. 1. Example: The provisional starter finishes 6th in the final. The original purse payoff for 6th position at the race was $1,280 with the original final paying position of 18th awarded $230. The new final paying position of 19th will receive $230 of the provisional starter s 6th place money leaving a payoff of $1,050 to the provisional rider. d. When riders use Provisional Start Cards, Championship Points will be awarded as follows: i. The provisional starter will receive the standard number of points for his/her Championship final position. ii. Last place finisher will be awarded one point 2015 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2015 |
2015 Restrictors: | GNC1 TWINS
►AMA Pro racing issued restrictor plates or any other restrictor plates are not permitted in the following engines for half mile and mile events. Harley-Davidson XR750 Honda RS750 550cc-1250cc twin-cylinder engines 2015 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook ►Restrictors may not be fitted in any case. All engines must be run unrestricted on both miles and half miles. 2015 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook ►Restrictor Specifications (Carbureted): 550c-750cc: N/A ID, 37.5mm-38mm carburetor ID, as homologated manifold minimum ID. XR750 & RS750: N/A ID, 37.5mm carburetor minimum ID, 34.5mm manifold minimum ID. 751cc-1250cc: N/A ID, 44mm carburetor minimum ID, as homologated (may be modified) minimum ID. 2015 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook ►Restrictor Specifications (Fuel Injected): 751cc-1250cc: N/A ID, Port & OEM Manifold minimum ID no smaller than stock. 2015 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook GNC2 TWINS AMA Pro racing issued restrictor plates are required in the following engines: Harley-Davidson XR750 / Honda RS750 33mm 751cc-1200cc approved production based engines 38mm 2015 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook ►Restrictor Specifications: 500cc-749cc: None XR750 & RS750: 33mm ID, 37.5mm carburetor minimum ID, 34.5mm manifold minimum ID. 751cc-1200cc: 38mm ID, 44mm carburetor minimum ID, 44mm manifold minimum ID. 2015 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2015 |
2015 Tires: | ►Dunlop introduces the DT3 dirt track tire to replace the DTII.
Compounds are the F-5 (medium front), R-5 (medium rear) and R-8 (hard rear).
All GNC1 & GNC2 races must adopt the new DT3 tires by the June 27 Lima, Ohio national.
![]() |
2015 |
2015 Weight Limits: | GNC1 TWINS:
500cc-750cc: 310# XR & RS750: 310# 751cc and up: 310# 2015 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook PRO TWINS: All machines must weight 310# or more as they come off the race track. No fuel, water, or oil may be added. Machines under 650cc (Aprilia 550) 275#. 2015 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2015 |
2015 Wheel Weight: | ►Maximum wheel weight must not exceed 40 lbs, including complete wheel assembly, sprocket, rotor, tire, and tube.
2015 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2016Back To Top |
2016 Approval Process: | GNC1 TWINS:
►Engines must be approved for use in AMA Pro Racing competition. 2016 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2016 |
2016 Approved Twins: | APRILIA:
2004-2010 RSV 1000
BMW: 2006-2010 twin cylinder F series BUELL: 2003-2010 XB Series (XB9, XB12, XB3) DUCATI Desmodue: two-valve, air-cooled (Scrambler)
HARLEY-DAVIDSON: 1972-Current XR750 (race-only engine)
HONDA: RS750 (race-only engine)
INDIAN: Indian Motorcycle Race 750 (race-only engine)
KAWASAKI: Ninja 650 KTM: 2003-2013 LC8 (950cc, 990cc) SUZUKI: 1999-2012, 2016 SV650
TRIUMPH: Air cooled 360 degree and 270 degree 865cc
YAMAHA: 1991-Current TDM (750, 850, 900)
2016 AMA Pro Racing Approved Twins List |
2016 |
2016 Back Protection: | ►Riders are required to wear a commercially manufactured back
protector specifically designed for race use.
2016 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2016 |
2016 Backup Bikes: | ►2.9 Motorcycle Usagea.
a. All riders may use in practice, qualifying, heat race, LCQ, semi and/or main either of the two motorcycles that have been approved at pre-race tech inspection. In the event that a rider has different brands of motorcycle for use as their primary and backup bikes, and intends to switch brands during an event, the rider must alert AMA Pro Tech Staff in the staging area prior to entering the race track. Beginning in 2017, the brand of motorcycle that a rider uses to set their qualifying time must be used for the remainder of the event. In other words, a rider will be allowed to use a backup bike in the Evening Program, provided that the backup bike is the same brand as the bike the rider used to qualify for the Evening Program. b. A third bike may be used but only if one of the previously teched machines is removed from use. If the third machine is used on track, the rider must start from the penalty line the first time it is used. After its first use from the penalty line the machine can be used in a normal fashion. In no circumstances can a bike that was removed from rotation to accommodate a third machine be reused. Improper use of a third machine may result in disqualification. c. A rider may use his back up bike in any heat race, LCQ, semi and main only in the case of a red flag and only up to the point that the leader has officially completed five (5) laps. The rider must re-grid at the rear of the grid. After five (5) laps have been completed by the leader a rider must repair the bike he is on to be able to complete the race. Back up bikes must be in the holding area to be eligible. 2016 AMA Pro RAcing Flat Track rulebook |
2016 |
2016 Claiming: | ►There is no mention of claiming in the 2016 AMA rule book.
2016 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2016 |
2016 Displacement: | GNC1 & GNC2 TWINS
►550cc-1250cc with the following restrictions: 1. Racing only engines may not exceed 750cc.
2016 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2016 |
2016 Firing Order / Twingling: | ►To prohibit the practice of 'twingling' a twin, any modification of engine components to alter the stock OEM firing order/spacing of the cylinders is prohibited.
2016 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2016 |
2016 Mandatory Radio Communication: | ►AMA issues a Competition Bulletin which requires mandatory radio communication between race control and each individual race team.
AMA Pro Racing Flat Track Competitor Bulletin 2016-09, issued March 30, 2016 |
2016 |
2016 National Format: | GNC1:
►Fastest 48 qualifiers
GNC2: ►Fastest 48 qualifiers
[Comment: The GNC1 Dash For Cash is eliminated after the 2015 season.] |
2016 |
2016 National Number Assignments: | ►DMG introduces a new rule in "which riders who have qualified for a Grand National main event are eligible to apply for a National Number the following season.
A rider will retain a National Number as long as they meet the following criteria:
►Apply for a GNC1 license each season ►Enters and qualified for the evening program in at least one AMA Pro GNC1 National in one of the folliwing last two season |
2016 |
2016 Number Plates: | ►Number plates must have pre-approved fonts. Acceptable fonts are listed in Appendix G of the Bulletin.
AMA Pro Flat Track Competitor Bulletin 2016-17, issued June 11, 2016 ►AMA Pro Racing reserves the right to revoke, reassign, or transfer competition numbers to another rider at any time. 2016 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rule book |
2016 |
2016 Provisional Start Card: | 2.21 Provisional Start Card
a. Top 10 GNC1 finishers from the prior championship season will receive one Provisional Start Card for use to qualify for advancement into a Final. i. Riders can use their Provisional Start Card to qualify for advancement into a Final. ii. Riders choosing to use their Provisional Start Card must submit their card to the Race Director no later than five minutes following the finish of the final Semi. 1. If a rider is unable to immediately locate the Race Director the rider shall report to the Chief Pit Steward in Race Staging. iii. One Provisional Starter will be allowed per Final. 1. For the first race of the year, when more than one rider has submitted their Provisional Start Card for advancement into the same Championship Final, the Referee will choose the rider with the most points from the same class in the previous championship season. 2. After the first race of the year, when more than one rider has submitted their Provisional Start Card for advancement into the same Championship Final, AMA Pro Racing will choose the rider with the most points. If the riders do not have any points in the current season, AMA Pro Racing will choose the rider with the most points from the same class in the previous championship season. iv. Rider must present their original Provisional Start Card. v. Provisional Start Cards that are not used will be returned to their respective cardholders. b. Provisional Start card riders will be assigned the first starting position on the penalty line. c. When riders use Provisional Start Cards, Championship Purse Money will be awarded as follows: i. The additional paying position (19th finisher unless the number of riders in the Final has been reduced) will be awarded the same amount as the original final paying position. (Example: 19th will pay the same as 18th) ii. The funds for the added Final position will be deducted from the Provisional Starter s finishing position s originally allotted amount. The Provisional Starter will retain the balance of purse funds for that position. 1. Example: The provisional starter finishes 6th in the final. The original purse payoff for 6th position at the race was $1,280 with the original final paying position of 18th awarded $230. The new final paying position of 19th will receive $230 of the provisional starter s 6th place money leaving a payoff of $1,050 to the provisional rider. d. When riders use Provisional Start Cards, Championship Points will be awarded as follows: i. The provisional starter will receive the standard number of points for his/her Championship final position. ii. Last place finisher will be awarded one point. 2016 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2016 |
2016 Restrictors: | GNC1 & GNC2 TWINS
►Restrictor plates are not permitted unless mandated by AMA Pro Racing. 2016 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2016 |
2016 Safety Gear: | ►Technical Bulletin 2016-01, released January 6, 2016, states that leathers are required at all twins events, and encouraged at singles events.
Bulletin also states that leather racing suits will be required at all events in 2017.
►Technical bulletin 2016-03, issued 4/22/2016, requires that riders' last names must appear on the back of their riding apparel. The rider's number is optional, but if it appears, it must match the bike number. |
2016 |
2016 Two Minute Rule: | ►DMG eliminates the "two-minute rule", whereby riders could request a time-out to fix a bike problem after the race is gridded. |
2016 |
2016 10 second penalty: | ►Riders who jump the start of a race will be placed on the penalty line for their first offense.
If a rider jumps the start from the penalty line they will be removed from the race. If a rider has been deemed to jump the start after the race has begun, a 10-second time penalty will be added to the total race time of the offending rider. 2016 AMA Pro racing Flat Track rulebook |
2016 |
2016 Weight Limits: | GNC1 & GNC2 TWINS:
►Minimum bike weight (all displacements): 300#. 2016 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2016 |
2016 Wheel Weight: | ►Maximum wheel weight must not exceed 40 lbs, including complete wheel assembly, sprocket, rotor, tire, and tube.
2016 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook ►Technical bulletin 2016-02 changes the maximum weight from 40 lbs to 35 lbs. Technical bulletin 2016-02, issued 4/22/2016
2016 |
2016 Red Flag Scoring: | ►The rider or riders determined to have caused the red flag will be placed on the penalty line or may be excluded from
the restart if AMA Pro has concerns about their physical or mental wellbeing. If a clear determination of fault cannot
be made, all riders involved will be gridded at the back of the field based on their race position on the last official completed lap.
2016 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2017Back To Top |
2017 Approved Twins: | APRILIA:
Aprilia-Rotax V990 (TUONO, RSV Mille) BMW: F-Series 800 Twin DUCATI Testastretta 11°: four-valve, liquid-cooled (Hypermotard 939, Monster 821, SuperSport 937)
HARLEY-DAVIDSON: 1972-Current XR750 (race-only engine)
HONDA: RS750 (race-only engine)
INDIAN: Scout FTR750 (race-only engine)
KAWASAKI: 649cc Parallel Twin (Ninja, Versys) KTM: 2003-2013 LC8 (950cc, 990cc) SUZUKI: 649cc V-Twin (SV650, V-Strom)
TRIUMPH: T100 Parallel Twin, 900cc (Bonneville Series)
YAMAHA: 689cc Parallel Twin (FZ07) 2017 AMA Pro Racing Approved Twins List |
2017 |
2017 American Flat Track Introduced: | ►On September 26, 2016, DMG officially re-brands the sport.
►AMA Pro Flat track is renamed the American Flat Track Series. ![]() ►The GNC1 class is renamed AFT Twins - the "premier class". ►The GNC2 class is renamed AFT Singles - the "up-and-coming riders". |
2017 |
2017 Back Protection: | ►Riders are required to wear a commercially manufactured back
protector specifically designed for race use.
2017 American Flat Track rulebook |
2017 |
2017 Backup Motorcycles: | ►2.9 Motorcycle Usage / Backup Bikes
a. Backup motorcycles are permitted in all classes at American Flat Track events. b. A rider may present a maximum of two motorcycles to tech inspection for use in competition at any event, provided that both the primary and backup machines are from the same manufacturer. Frame numbers must be properly assigned to both machines. c. In any session, riders may use either of the two motorcycles that have been approved at pre-race tech inspection for that rider. d. For Heats, LCQs, Semis and Mains, the following rules apply: i. When a rider arrives in staging, an AMA Pro Racing official will record the frame number of the motorcycle presented and that motorcycle will be deemed as the rider s only allowed machine for that race. For the remainder of that race, riders are not allowed to switch to a second machine. ii. In the event of a restart, riders are prohibited from switching to their backup bikes. 2017 American Flat Track rulebook |
2017 |
2017 Claiming: | ►There is no mention of claiming in the 2017 American Flat Track rule book.
2017 American Flat Track rulebook |
2017 |
2017 Displacement: | ►649cc-999.9cc displacement
2017 American Flat Track rulebook ►Production engines that were originally under 750cc may be bored and stroked but may not exceed 750cc. 2017 American Flat Track rulebook ►Racing-only engines may not exceed 750cc with an overbore allowance of 0.045" per cylinder. 2017 American Flat Track rulebook ►Liquid-cooled racing-only engines may not exceed 750cc with no overbore allowance. 2017 American Flat Track rulebook |
2017 |
2017 Firing Order / Twingling: | ►Modification of the stock OEM engine firing order is prohibited.
2017 American Flat Track rulebook |
2017 |
2017 Intake/Throttle Bodies/Restrictors: | ►Throttle bodies on race-only engines used in AFT Twins competition are 38mm maximum inner diameter.
2017 American Flat Track rulebook ►Throttle bodies on 649cc-750cc production engines used in AFT Twins competition are 38mm maximum inner diameter. 2017 American Flat Track rulebook ►Throttle bodies on 751cc-999.9cc production engines used in AFT Twins competition are 44mm maximum inner diameter. 2017 American Flat Track rulebook |
2017 |
2017 National Format: | AFT TWINS:
►Fastest 48 qualifiers
AFT SINGLES: ►Fastest 48 qualifiers
[Comment: No one transfers directly to the final from the heats.] |
2017 |
2017 Number Assignments: | 1.5 Competition Numbers
a. Competition numbers are non-assignable and non-transferable, except by AMA Pro Racing. b. AMA Pro Racing reserves the right to revoke, reassign or transfer competition numbers to another rider at any time. c. Unless otherwise specified, the following numbering protocol will be used for all American Flat Track classes: i. National Number 1 1. The National Champion from the previous season will be required to carry the National Number 1 plate when competing in the class in which their championship was won, and AMA Pro Racing will reserve the champion’s previous National Number in that class until the renewal deadline for the following season. 2. If a new National Champion does not repeat a championship the following season, the rider may select from available National Numbers 2 - 9 or may return to their previous National Number. 3. If a rider wins a National Championship prior to the end of the season and there is not a defending champion in the class, the new National Champion may use the National Number 1 for the remainder of the season. ii. National Numbers 2 - 9 (AFT Twins only) 1. Only previous AFT Twins National Champions may choose from available single-digit numbers 2 - 9. 2. If National Numbers 2 - 9 have all been issued, the former AFT Twins National Champion holding a National Number 2 - 9 with the fewest points earned in the previous season may be required to choose an available National Number 10 - 99. iii. National Numbers 10 - 99 1. Riders who have earned Championship points during a season are eligible to apply for a National Number 10 - 99 in that class the following season. 2. A rider will have the option to retain their National Number 10 - 99 in the class earned provided that they scored points in the class during the previous season and renew by the deadline. 3. Previously licensed GNC1 competitors who scored points during the previous season and are approved for an AFT Singles license will not be guaranteed their previous GNC1 number in AFT Singles; however, they may apply for their previous National Number 10 - 99, if available. As a courtesy to riders with National Numbers moving from Twins to Singles in 2017, AMA Pro Racing will reserve their National Number in the Twins class until the 2018 renewal deadline in the event the rider decides to return to the Twins class. 4. If National Numbers 10 - 99 have all been issued, the rider with the fewest points earned in the previous season may be required to choose an available Number 101 - 299. iv. Number 100 1. Number 100 will be reserved for any reigning AFT Singles champion who competes in AFT Twins during the season after their AFT Singles championship win. v. Numbers 101 - 299 1. Numbers 101 - 299 will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis to riders who have not scored points in the class during the previous season. vi. Numbers 300 - 399 1. Numbers 300 and higher will be reserved and assigned to international riders competing with a Start Permission and Certification from their respective federation. 2017 American Flat Track rulebook |
2017 |
2017 Number Plates: | ►The District Letters are eliminated.
All riders will use single, double, or triple digits. [Comment: The District Letters had been used since 1947 to identify the home state for all non-National Number riders.] National Number 1: ►Current class champions may use specially-sized number ones with prior written approval from AMA Pro Racing. 2017 American Flat Track rulebook National Numbers 1-99: ►The designated font for single and double digit numbers on number plates is Impact. 2017 American Flat Track rulebook ►When the designated font is used, the numbers cannot be altered in any way. 2017 American Flat Track rulebook ►Riders may apply to use an alternate number font by submitting a request to AMA Pro Racing with an example graphic. 2017 American Flat Track rulebook ►If applying to use an alternate font, excessive condensing or stretching of numbers will not be allowed. 2017 American Flat Track rulebook ►Approved number plates using alternate fonts cannot be altered for the balance of the season. 2017 American Flat Track rulebook Numbers 100-399: ►The designated font for triple digit numbers on number plates is League Gothic. 2017 American Flat Track rulebook ►The numbers cannot be altered in any way. 2017 American Flat Track rulebook ►No exceptions are permitted. 2017 American Flat Track rulebook |
2017 |
2017 Provisional Start Cards | 2.19 Provisional Start Cards
a. All riders will receive one Provisional Start Card per season, which may be used only to advance a rider into a Semi. Provisional Start Cards will not advance a rider directly to the Main. b. Provisional Start Cards are non-transferrable, may only be used by the rider named on the card and will not be reprinted if lost or stolen. Cards may only be used once per season and will only be eligible for use in the current season. c. One Provisional Starter will be allowed per Semi. d. Procedures for Using a Provisional Start Card: i. Riders who fail to transfer from the LCQ to the Semis may elect to use their Provisional Start Card by submitting their original card to the Race Director no later than ten (10) minutes following the finish of the LCQ. If a rider is unable to immediately locate the Race Director, the rider shall report to the Tech Director. ii. When more than one rider has submitted their Provisional Start Card for advancement into the Semis, the rider with the higher standing from the most recent point standings for the class will be placed in Semi 1. The rider with the second- highest standing from the most recent point standings for the class will be placed in Semi 2. In the case where riders do not have points in the most recent point standings for the class, order of entry for the event will used to prioritize riders. iii. Riders using Provisional Start Cards will be assigned the first starting position on the penalty row. iv. Provisional Start Cards that are not used will be returned to their respective cardholders. 2017 American Flat Track rulebook |
2017 |
2017 Race Distances: | ►AFT Rule Book now lists short tracks as events up to 2,050 feet in length (0.388 mile), while half miles are at least 1,950 feet in length (0.369 mile). |
2017 |
2017 Red Flag Stops & Restart Procedures: | ►All riders involved in the red flag incident will be moved to the back of their respective lap groups.
2017 American Flat Track rulebook |
2017 |
2017 Red Flag Stops & Restart Procedures: Minimum Downtime | ►Red flags that occur during races will result in a mandatory eight minute (8:00) delay prior to the restart.
2017 American Flat Track rulebook ►AMA Pro Racing's designated Race Director will declare the beginning of this time period when the last active motorcycle is clear of any on-track incident and is proceeding to the cold box holding area. 2017 American Flat Track rulebook ►Once the circuit is deemed to be race ready, and no sooner than five (5) minutes into this minimum hiatus time, a three (3) minute board/horn may be displayed to signal the beginning of the restart procedure. 2017 American Flat Track rulebook |
2017 |
2017 Sound Limits: | ►Competition Bulletin 2017-05, released on April 7, 2017, mandates sound testing for all upcoming rounds, beginning with the May 13 Phoenix, AZ Mile.
All machines must be at or below 105 dbA. The stroke of the engine dictates the rpm at which the bike will be tested. |
2018Back To Top |
2018 Back Protection: | ►Riders are required to wear a commercially manufactured,
CE certified back protector while on the racetrack. Riders
unsure if their back protector meets this criteria are
encouraged to submit photos of the protector and
original packaging to AMA Pro Racing for clarification.
Back protectors without CE certification are prohibited.
2018 American Flat Track rulebook |
2018 |
2018 Backup Bikes/Changing Bikes: | ►2.9 Motorcycle Usage / Backup Bikes
a. Backup motorcycles are permitted in all classes at American Flat Track events. b. A rider may present a maximum of two motorcycles to tech inspection for use in competition at any event, provided that both the primary and backup machines are from the same manufacturer. Frame numbers must be properly assigned to both machines. c. In any session, riders may use either of the two motorcycles that have been approved at pre-race tech inspection for that rider. d. For Heats, Semis and Mains, the following rules apply: i. When a rider arrives in staging, an AMA Pro Racing official will record the frame number of the motorcycle presented and that motorcycle will be deemed as the rider s only allowed machine for that race. For the remainder of that race, riders are not allowed to switch to a second machine. ii. In the event of a restart, riders are prohibited from switching to their backup bikes. 2018 American Flat Track rulebook |
2018 |
2018 Claiming: | ►There is no mention of claiming in the 2018 American Flat Track rule book.
2018 American Flat Track rulebook |
2018 |
2018 Displacement: | AFT TWINS:
►649cc-999.9cc displacement 2018 American Flat Track rulebook ►Production engines that were originally under 750cc may be bored and stroked but may not exceed 750cc. 2018 American Flat Track rulebook ►Racing-only engines may not exceed 750cc with an overbore allowance of 0.045" per cylinder. 2018 American Flat Track rulebook ►Liquid-cooled racing-only engines may not exceed 750cc with no overbore allowance. 2018 American Flat Track rulebook AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: ►649cc-850cc displacement 2018 American Flat Track rulebook ►Production engines that were originally under 750cc may be bored and stroked but may not exceed 750cc. 2018 American Flat Track rulebook [Comment: Production Twins do not compete as a National Championship until 2019.] |
2018 |
2018 Firing Order / Twingling: | AFT TWINS:
►Modification of the stock OEM engine firing order is prohibited. 2018 American Flat Track rulebook AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: ►Modification of the stock OEM engine firing order is prohibited. 2018 American Flat Track rulebook |
2018 |
2018 Intake/Throttle Bodies/Restrictors: | AFT TWINS:
►Throttle bodies on race-only engines used in AFT Twins competition are 38mm maximum inner diameter. 2018 American Flat Track rulebook ►Throttle bodies on 649cc-850cc production engines used in AFT Twins competition are 38mm maximum inner diameter. 2018 American Flat Track rulebook ►Throttle bodies on 851cc-999.9cc production engines used in AFT Twins competition are 44mm maximum inner diameter. 2018 American Flat Track rulebook AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: ►Throttle bodies on all AFT Production Twins engines are 38mm maximum inner diameter. 2018 American Flat Track rulebook |
2018 |
2018 National Format: | AFT TWINS:
►Fastest 48 qualifiers
AFT SINGLES: ►Fastest 48 qualifiers
[Comment: The LCQ is eliminated in 2018.] |
2018 |
2018 Number Assignments: | 1.5 Competition Numbers
a. Competition numbers are non-assignable and non-transferable, except by AMA Pro Racing. b. AMA Pro Racing reserves the right to revoke, reassign or transfer competition numbers to another rider at any time. c. Unless otherwise specified, the following numbering protocol will be used for all AFT Twins and AFT Singles. Riders competing in AFT Production Twins will use the competition number assigned to them in AFT Singles. i. National Number 1 1. The National Champion from the previous season will be required to carry the National Number 1 plate when competing in the class in which their championship was won, and AMA Pro Racing will reserve the champion’s previous National Number in that class until the renewal deadline for the following season. 2. If a new National Champion does not repeat a championship the following season, the rider may select from available National Numbers 2 - 9 or may return to their previous National Number. 3. If a rider wins a National Championship prior to the end of the season and there is not a defending champion in the class, the new National Champion may use the National Number 1 for the remainder of the season. ii. National Numbers 2 - 9 (AFT Twins only) 1. Only previous AFT Twins National Champions may choose from available single-digit numbers 2 - 9. 2. If National Numbers 2 - 9 have all been issued, the former AFT Twins National Champion holding a National Number 2 - 9 with the fewest points earned in the previous season may be required to choose an available National Number 10 - 99. iii. National Numbers 10 - 99 1. Riders who have earned Championship points during a season are eligible to apply for a National Number 10 - 99 in that class the following season. 2. A rider will have the option to retain their National Number 10 - 99 in the class earned provided that they scored points in the class during the previous season and renew by the deadline. 3. Previously licensed AFT Twins competitors who scored points during the previous season and are approved for an AFT Singles license will not be guaranteed their previous AFT Twins number in AFT Singles; however, they may apply for their previous National Number 10 - 99, if available. As a courtesy to riders with National Numbers moving from Twins to Singles in 2018, AMA Pro Racing will reserve their National Number in the Twins class until the 2019 renewal deadline in the event the rider decides to return to the Twins class. 4. Prior to the renewal deadline, if two or more riders apply for the same available number, the number will be assigned to the rider who earned the most points in the class during the previous season. After the renewal deadline, available numbers will be assigned based on the order that license applications were received. 5. If National Numbers 10 - 99 have all been issued, the rider with the fewest points earned in the previous season may be required to choose an available Number 101 - 299. iv. Number 100 1. Number 100 will be reserved for any reigning AFT Singles champion who competes in AFT Twins during the season after their AFT Singles championship win. v. Numbers 101 - 299 1. Numbers 101 - 299 assigned in the previous season will be reserved for renewing license holders until the renewal deadline. 2. Number 101 - 299 not assigned in the previous season will be assigned to approved applicants on a first-come, first-served basis. vi. Numbers 300 - 399 1. Numbers 300 and higher will be reserved and assigned to international riders competing with a Start Permission and Certification from their respective federation. 2018 American Flat Track rulebook |
2018 |
2018 Number Plates: | National Number 1:
►Current class champions may use specially-sized number ones with prior written approval from AMA Pro Racing. 2018 American Flat Track rulebook National Numbers 1-99: ►The designated font for single and double digit numbers on number plates is Impact. 2018 American Flat Track rulebook ►When the designated font is used, the numbers cannot be altered in any way. 2018 American Flat Track rulebook ►Riders may apply to use an alternate number font by submitting a request to AMA Pro Racing with an example graphic. 2018 American Flat Track rulebook ►If applying to use an alternate font, excessive condensing or stretching of numbers will not be allowed. 2018 American Flat Track rulebook ►Approved number plates using alternate fonts cannot be altered for the balance of the season. 2018 American Flat Track rulebook Numbers 100-399: ►The designated font for triple digit numbers on number plates is League Gothic. 2018 American Flat Track rulebook ►The numbers cannot be altered in any way. 2018 American Flat Track rulebook ►No exceptions are permitted. 2018 American Flat Track rulebook |
2018 |
2018 Provisional Start Cards | 2.19 Provisional Start Cards
a. All riders will receive one Provisional Start Card per season, which may be used only to advance a rider into a Semi. Provisional Start Cards will not advance a rider directly to the Main. b. Provisional Start Cards are non-transferrable, may only be used by the rider named on the card and will not be reprinted if lost or stolen. Cards may only be used once per season and will only be eligible for use in the current season. c. One Provisional Start Card will be allowed per class at any given event, advancing the rider into Semi 2. d. Procedures for Using a Provisional Start Card: i. Riders who fail to transfer from the Heats to the Semis may elect to use their Provisional Start Card by submitting their original card to the Race Director no later than ten (10) minutes following the finish of their Heat. If a rider is unable to immediately locate the Race Director, the rider shall report to the Tech Director. ii. When more than one rider has submitted their Provisional Start Card for advancement into the Semis, the rider with the higher standing from the most recent point standings for the class will be placed in Semi 2. In the case where riders do not have points in the most recent point standings for the class, order of entry for the event will used to prioritize riders. iii. Riders using Provisional Start Cards will be assigned the last starting position for Semi 2. iv. Provisional Start Cards that are not used will be returned to their respective cardholders. 2018 American Flat Track rulebook |
2018 |
2018 Red Flag Stops & Restart Procedures: | ►All riders involved in the red flag incident will be moved to the back of their respective lap groups.
2018 American Flat Track rulebook |
2018 |
2018 Red Flag Stops & Restart Procedures: Minimum Downtime | ►Red flags that occur during races may result in a minimum eight minute (8:00) delay prior to the restart.
2018 American Flat Track rulebook ►AMA Pro Racing's designated Race Director will declare the beginning of this time period when the last active motorcycle is clear of any on-track incident and is proceeding to the cold box holding area. 2018 American Flat Track rulebook ►If the circuit is deemed to be race ready prior to 8 minutes elapsing and all eligible machines are ready to restart, the Race Director may call the machines to the starting line and restart the race immediately. 2018 American Flat Track rulebook |
2019Back To Top |
2019 AFT Production Twins National Championship Introduced: |
►They only race on HM & M events in 2019.
The class was listed in the 2018 rule book, but did not compete as a National Championship. |
2019 |
2019 Approved Twins: | AFT TWINS
APRILIA: 990 V-Twin Aprilia-Rotax BMW: 800 Parallel Twin, F-Series DUCATI 748 V-Twin Desmoquattro
HARLEY-DAVIDSON: 750 V-Twin, XR750, 1972-Current (race-only engine)
HONDA: RS750 (race-only engine)
INDIAN: 750, V-Twin FTR (race-only engine)
KAWASAKI: 649 Parallel Twin KTM: 950, 990 V-Twin LC8 (2003-2013)
SUZUKI: 649 V-Twin (SV)
TRIUMPH: 900 Parallel Twin, T100
YAMAHA: 689 Parallel Twin 2019 AMA Pro Racing Approved Twins List AFT PRODUCTION TWINS APRILIA: 990 V-Twin Aprilia-Rotax BMW: 800 Parallel Twin, F-Series DUCATI 748 V-Twin Desmoquattro
HARLEY-DAVIDSON: 883 V-Twin, XL883, 1986-Current
HONDA: 670 Parallel Twin
INDIAN: 983, V-Twin Scout 60 KAWASAKI: 649 Parallel Twin KTM: 950, 990 V-Twin LC8 (2003-2013)
SUZUKI: 649 V-Twin (SV)
TRIUMPH: 900 Parallel Twin, T100
YAMAHA: 689 Parallel Twin 2019 AMA Pro Racing Approved Production Twins List |
2019 |
2019 Back Protection: | ►Riders are required to wear a commercially manufactured,
CE certified back protector while on the racetrack. Riders
unsure if their back protector meets this criteria are
encouraged to submit photos of the protector and
original packaging to AMA Pro Racing for clarification.
Back protectors without CE certification are prohibited.
2019 American Flat Track rulebook |
2019 |
2019 Backup Bikes/Changing Bikes: | ►2.9 Motorcycle Usage / Backup Bikes
a. Backup motorcycles are permitted in all classes at American Flat Track events. b. A rider may present a maximum of two motorcycles to tech inspection for use in competition at any event, provided that both the primary and backup machines are from the same manufacturer. Frame numbers must be properly assigned to both machines. c. In any session, riders may use either of the two motorcycles that have been approved at pre-race tech inspection for that rider. d. For Heats, Semis and Mains, the following rules apply: i. When a rider arrives in staging, an AMA Pro Racing official will record the frame number of the motorcycle presented and that motorcycle will be deemed as the rider s only allowed machine for that race. For the remainder of that race, riders are not allowed to switch to a second machine. ii. In the event of a restart, riders are prohibited from switching to their backup bikes. 2019 American Flat Track rulebook |
2019 |
2019 Claiming: | ►There is no mention of claiming in the 2019 American Flat Track rule book.
2019 American Flat Track rulebook |
2019 |
2019 Displacement: | AFT TWINS:
►649cc-900cc displacement. 2019 American Flat Track rulebook ►Production engines may not exceed 900cc. They may be bored and stroked to meet this requirement. 2019 American Flat Track rulebook ►Racing-only engines may not exceed 750cc with an overbore allowance of 0.045" per cylinder. 2019 American Flat Track rulebook ►Liquid-cooled racing-only engines may not exceed 750cc with no overbore allowance. 2019 American Flat Track rulebook AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: ►649cc-800cc displacement 2019 American Flat Track rulebook ►Production engines may not exceed 800cc. They may be bored and stroked to meet this requirement. 2019 American Flat Track rulebook |
2019 |
2019 Firing Order / Twingling: | AFT TWINS:
►Modification of the stock OEM engine firing order is prohibited. 2019 American Flat Track rulebook AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: ►Modification of the stock OEM engine firing order is prohibited. 2019 American Flat Track rulebook |
2019 |
2019 Gas Tanks: | ►Use of a secondary fuel cell is prohibited |
2019 |
2019 Gasoline: |
►Sunoco 260 GTX Unleaded is the official spec fuel.
[Comment: had been Sonoco Supreme 112.] |
2019 |
2019 Helmets: | ►Motocross style helmets are prohibited. |
2019 |
2019 Intake/Throttle Bodies/Restrictors: | AFT TWINS:
►Throttle bodies on race-only engines are 38mm maximum inner diameter. 2019 American Flat Track rulebook ►Throttle bodies on 649cc-900cc production engines used in AFT Twins competition are 40mm maximum inner diameter. 2019 American Flat Track rulebook AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: ►Throttle bodies on all Production Twins engines are 38mm maximum inner diameter. 2019 American Flat Track rulebook |
2019 |
2019 Misc: |
►Riders who wish to circle around at the line to cool down their machine or get realigned must only do so if instructed by AFT staff.
►If an AFT Singles rider registers for an AFT Production twins event, and AFT Twins racer has the same number, the AFT Singles rider must place a "9" at the beginning of their number for the AFT Production Twins race. ►AFT Production Twins events will run two different number plates. AFT Twins license holders will run black plates with white numbers. AFT Singles license holders will run yellow plates with black numbers. ►Production engines that have cylinder heads unsuitable for racing may petition AMA Pro Racing for acceptable alternative cylinder heads. Approved alternative cylinder heads will be published to the Approved Substitutes List on AMA Pro Racing's web site. ►A main event may be declared complete once the leader completes two laps. |
2019 |
2019 National Format: |
►AFT Twins:
(18-25 entries):
AFT Production Twins: (<18 entries):
AFT Singles: (18-25 entries): ►No heats
2019 |
2019 Number Assignments: | 1.5 Competition Numbers
a. Competition numbers are non-assignable and non-transferable, except by AMA Pro Racing. b. AMA Pro Racing reserves the right to revoke, reassign or transfer competition numbers to another rider at any time. c. Unless otherwise specified, the following numbering protocol will be used for all AFT Twins and AFT Singles. Riders competing in AFT Production Twins will use the competition number assigned to them in AFT Singles. i. National Number 1 1. The National Champion from the previous season will be required to carry the National Number 1 plate when competing in the class in which their championship was won, and AMA Pro Racing will reserve the champion’s previous National Number in that class until the renewal deadline for the following season. 2. If a new National Champion does not repeat a championship the following season, the rider may select from available National Numbers 2 - 9 or may return to their previous National Number. 3. If a rider wins a National Championship prior to the end of the season and there is not a defending champion in the class, the new National Champion may use the National Number 1 for the remainder of the season. ii. National Numbers 2 - 9 (AFT Twins only) 1. Only previous AFT Twins National Champions may choose from available single-digit numbers 2 - 9. 2. If National Numbers 2 - 9 have all been issued, the former AFT Twins National Champion holding a National Number 2 - 9 with the fewest points earned in the previous season may be required to choose an available National Number 10 - 99. iii. National Numbers 10 - 99 1. Riders who have earned Championship points during a season are eligible to apply for a National Number 10 - 99 in that class the following season. 2. A rider will have the option to retain their National Number 10 - 99 in the class earned provided that they scored points in the class during the previous season and renew by the deadline. 4. Prior to the renewal deadline, if two or more riders apply for the same available number, the number will be assigned to the rider who earned the most points in the class during the previous season. After the renewal deadline, available numbers will be assigned based on the order that license applications were received. 5. If National Numbers 10 - 99 have all been issued, the rider with the fewest points earned in the previous season may be required to choose an available Number 101 - 299. iv. Number 100 1. Number 100 will be reserved for any reigning AFT Singles champion who competes in AFT Twins during the season after their AFT Singles championship win. v. Numbers 101 - 299 1. Numbers 101 - 299 assigned in the previous season will be reserved for renewing license holders until the renewal deadline. 2. Number 101 - 299 not assigned in the previous season will be assigned to approved applicants on a first-come, first-served basis. 1. Numbers 300 and higher will be reserved and assigned to international riders competing with a Start Permission and Certification from their respective federation. 2019 American Flat Track rulebook |
2019 |
2019 Number Plates: | National Number 1:
►Current class champions may use specially-sized number ones with prior written approval from AMA Pro Racing. 2019 American Flat Track rulebook National Numbers 1-99: ►The designated font for single and double digit numbers on number plates is Impact. 2019 American Flat Track rulebook ►When the designated font is used, the numbers cannot be altered in any way. 2019 American Flat Track rulebook ►Riders may apply to use an alternate number font by submitting a request to AMA Pro Racing with an example graphic. 2019 American Flat Track rulebook ►If applying to use an alternate font, excessive condensing or stretching of numbers will not be allowed. 2019 American Flat Track rulebook ►Approved number plates using alternate fonts cannot be altered for the balance of the season. 2019 American Flat Track rulebook Numbers 100-399: ►The designated font for triple digit numbers on number plates is League Gothic. 2019 American Flat Track rulebook ►The numbers cannot be altered in any way. 2019 American Flat Track rulebook ►No exceptions are permitted. 2019 American Flat Track rulebook |
2019 |
2019 Provisional Starts | 2.19 Provisional Starts a. All riders who made a Main during the previous season will receive one Provisional Start, which may be used to advance a rider into a Semi or Main during the current season. Provisional Starts may only be used once per season. b. Provisional Starts are non-transferrable, and usage will be tracked in a database maintained by AMA Pro Racing. c. One Provisional Start will be allowed per Semi and Main. A rider must have attempted to start in a Semi to use a Provisional Start for the main. d. Procedures for Using a Provisional Start: i. Riders who fail to transfer from the Heats to the Semis or from the Semis to the Main may elect to use their Provisional Start by submitting their request to the Race Director no later than five (5) minutes following the finish of their heat or semi. If a rider is unable to immediately locate the Race Director, the rider shall report to the Tech Director. ii. When more than one rider has submitted their Provisional Start request for advancement, the rider with the higher standing from the most recent point standings for the class will have priority. In the case where riders do not have points in the most recent point standings for the class, order of entry for the event will used to prioritize riders. iii. Riders using Provisional Starts will start from the Penalty Row. 2019 American Flat Track rulebook |
2019 |
2019 Red Flag Stops & Restart Procedures: | ►All riders involved in the red flag incident will be moved to the back of their respective lap groups.
2019 American Flat Track rulebook |
2019 |
2019 Red Flag Stops & Restart Procedures: Minimum Downtime | ►Red flags that occur during races may result in a minimum eight minute (8:00) delay prior to the restart.
2019 American Flat Track rulebook ►AMA Pro Racing's designated Race Director will declare the beginning of this time period when the last active motorcycle is clear of any on-track incident and is proceeding to the cold box holding area. 2019 American Flat Track rulebook ►If the circuit is deemed to be race ready prior to 8 minutes elapsing and all eligible machines are ready to restart, the Race Director may call the machines to the starting line and restart the race immediately. 2019 American Flat Track rulebook |
2019 |
2019 Wheels: | ►Carbon fiber wheels are prohibited from AFT Production Twins |
2020Back To Top |
2020 AFT SuperTwins announced | ►AFT Twins renamed AFT SuperTwins
►Super Twins teams are allowed a maximum of two riders per team. ►Each SuperTwins team must pay AFT to enter the series, and must commit to running the entire series. ►AFT SuperTwins are allowed to run personalized numbers of their choice, subject to approval. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook |
2020 |
2020 AFT Production Twins Expanded. | ►They now race on ST, HM & M events in 2020. No T.T's. |
2020 |
2020 Air Suits: | ►Racers in the AFT SuperTwins class are required to wear inflatable air suits. |
2020 |
2020 Approved Twins: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
APRILIA: 990 V-Twin Aprilia-Rotax BMW: 800 Parallel Twin, F-Series DUCATI 748 V-Twin Desmoquattro
HARLEY-DAVIDSON: 750 V-Twin, XR750, 1972-Current (race-only engine)
HONDA: RS750 (race-only engine)
INDIAN: 750, V-Twin FTR (race-only engine)
KAWASAKI: 649 Parallel Twin KTM: 950, 990 V-Twin LC8 (2003-2013)
ROYAL ENFIELD: 650 Paralel Twin (2019-Current) SUZUKI: 649 V-Twin (SV)
TRIUMPH: 900 Parallel Twin, T100
YAMAHA: 689 Parallel Twin 2020 AMA Pro Racing Approved Twins List AFT PRODUCTION TWINS APRILIA: 990 V-Twin Aprilia-Rotax BMW: 800 Parallel Twin, F-Series DUCATI 748 V-Twin Desmoquattro
HARLEY-DAVIDSON: 883 V-Twin, XL883, 1986-Current
HONDA: 670 Parallel Twin
INDIAN: 983, V-Twin Scout 60 KAWASAKI: 649 Parallel Twin KTM: 950, 990 V-Twin LC8 (2003-2013)
ROYAL ENFIELD: 650 Paralel Twin (2019-Current) SUZUKI: 649 V-Twin (SV)
TRIUMPH: 900 Parallel Twin, T100
YAMAHA: 689 Parallel Twin 2019 AMA Pro Racing Approved Production Twins List |
2020 |
2020 Back Protection: | ►Riders are required to wear a commercially manufactured,
CE certified back protector while on the racetrack. Riders
unsure if their back protector meets this criteria are
encouraged to submit photos of the protector and
original packaging to AMA Pro Racing for clarification.
Back protectors without CE certification are prohibited.
2020 American Flat Track rulebook |
2020 |
2020 Backup Bikes/Changing Bikes: | ►2.9 Motorcycle Usage / Backup Bikes
a. Backup motorcycles are permitted in all classes at American Flat Track events. b. A rider may present a maximum of two motorcycles to tech inspection for use in competition at any event, provided that both the primary and backup machines are from the same manufacturer. Frame numbers must be properly assigned to both machines. c. In any session, riders may use either of the two motorcycles that have been approved at pre-race tech inspection for that rider. d. AFT Production Twins and AFT Singles i. For Heats, Semis and Mains, the following rules apply: i. When a rider arrives in staging, an AMA Pro Racing official will record the frame number of the motorcycle presented and that motorcycle will be deemed as the rider s only allowed machine for that race. For the remainder of that race, riders are not allowed to switch to a second machine. 2. In the event of a restart, riders are prohibited from switching to their backup bikes. e. AFT SuperTwins i. For Semis and Mains, the following rules apply: 1. Back-up machines must be staged in the designated area and can be utilized in the event of a red flag. Any rider can change machines during a red flag but is limited to one change per race. Restarts will not be delayed to wait for a rider switching to a back-up machine. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook ►In order to be eligible OEM contingency, a rider must that OEM brand at every event. |
2020 |
2020 Claiming: | ►There is no mention of claiming in the 2020 American Flat Track rule book.
2020 American Flat Track rulebook |
2020 |
2020 Crankshaft: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►The original crankshaft may be modified or replaced. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook ► the standard crankshaft assembly (p.n. 3023550) must remain as produced and approved. Material, dimensions and weight of the crank assembly and associated components cannot be changed. AFT Technical Allowances & Limitations, issued September 4, 2020 AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: [Comment: Nothing in the 2020 AFT rulebook concerns Production Twins crankshafts.] |
2020 |
2020 Displacement: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►649cc-900cc displacement 2020 American Flat Track rulebook ►Production engines may not exceed 900cc. They may be bored and stroked to meet this requirement. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook ►Racing-only engines may not exceed 750cc with an overbore allowance of 0.045" per cylinder. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook ►Liquid-cooled racing-only engines may not exceed 750cc with no overbore allowance. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: ►649cc-800cc displacement 2020 American Flat Track rulebook ►Production engines may not exceed 800cc. They may be bored and stroked to meet this requirement. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook |
2020 |
2020 Flywheel: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
[Comment: Nothing in the 2020 AFT rulebook concerns SuperTwins flywheels.] On September 4, 2020, AFT mandated the following technical limitations to the Indian FTR750: ►the base flywheel (p.m. 5141664) and cannot be modified in any way. ► one (1) unmodified small mass of inertia variant weight, ie "small ring" (p.n. 5141665) can be fitted onto the base flywheel using the standard ring mounting bolts (p.n. 7518142). ► use of the large mass of inertia variant weights, i.e. "large ring" (p.n. 5141666) or any additional weight of any type is prohibited. AFT Technical Allowances & Limitations, issued September 4, 2020 AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: [Comment: Nothing in the 2020 AFT rulebook concerns Production Twins flywheels.] |
2020 |
2020 Firing Order / Twingling: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►Modification of the stock OEM engine firing order is prohibited. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: ►Modification of the stock OEM engine firing order is prohibited. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook |
2020 |
2020 Gasoline: | ►VP Racing Fuels C10 Unleaded is the official spec fuel
American Flat Track Technical Bulletin 2020-01, issued January 10, 2020
2020 |
2020 Intake/Throttle Bodies/Restrictors: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►Throttle bodies on race-only engines are 38mm maximum inner diameter. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook ►Throttle bodies on 649cc-900cc production engines used in AFT SuperTwins competition are 40mm maximum inner diameter. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: ►Throttle bodies on all Production Twins engines are 38mm maximum inner diameter. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook |
2020 |
2020 Mouth Guards: | ►Use of mouth / teeth guards are encouraged.
2020 American Flat Track rulebook |
2020 |
2020 National Format: | ►Maximum 16 rider main events.
►Four riders on each row, ►Each Final will be time-based instead of lap-based. AFT SuperTwins: 18 max riders per event ►No heats
AFT Production Twins: 32 max entries per event ►No heats
AFT Singles
►Three 16-rider heats
2020 |
2020 Number Assignments: | 1.5 Competition Numbers
a. Competition numbers are non-assignable and non-transferable, except by AMA Pro Racing. b. AMA Pro Racing reserves the right to revoke, reassign or transfer competition numbers to another rider at any time. c. AMA Pro Racing intends to eliminate duplicate competition numbers from being assigned across classes whenever possible. Riders requesting Competition Numbers should plan accordingly. d. Twins Rider License holders will have priority when selecting Competition Numbers. e. Unless otherwise specified, the following numbering protocol will be used for all AFT Twins and AFT Singles. Riders competing in AFT Production Twins will use the competition number assigned to them in AFT Singles. i. National Number 1 1. In all classes, the National Champion from the previous season will be required to carry the National Number 1 plate when competing in the class in which their championship was won, and AMA Pro Racing will reserve the champion’s previous National Number in that class until the renewal deadline for the following season. 3. If a rider wins a National Championship prior to the end of the season and there is not a defending champion in the class, the new National Champion may use the National Number 1 for the remainder of the season. ii. National Numbers 2 - 9 (AFT SuperTwins only) 1. in AFT SuperTwins, if a new National Champion does not repeat a championship the following season, the rider may select from available National Numbers 2 - 9 or may return to their previous National Number. 2. Only previous AFT Twins National Champions may choose from available single-digit numbers 2 - 9. 3. If National Numbers 2 - 9 have all been issued, the former AFT Twins/AFT SuperTwins National Champion holding a National Number 2 - 9 with the fewest points earned in the previous season may be required to choose an available National Number 10 - 99. iii. National Numbers 10 - 99 1. Twins Rider License holders will have priority for National Numbers 10 - 99. 2. Riders who have earned Championship points during a season are eligible to apply for a National Number 10 - 99 in that class the following season. 3. A rider will have the option to retain their National Number 10 - 99 in the class earned provided that they scored points in the class during the previous season and renew by the deadline. 4. If National Numbers 10 - 99 have all been issued, the rider with the fewest points earned in the previous season may be required to choose an available Number 101 - 299. iv. Number 100 1. Number 100 will be reserved for any reigning AFT Singles champion who competes in AFT SuperTwins or AFT Production Twins during the season after their AFT Singles championship win. v. Numbers 101 - 299 1. Numbers 101 - 299 assigned in the previous season will be reserved for renewing license holders until the renewal deadline. 2. Number 101 - 299 not assigned in the previous season will be assigned to approved applicants on a first-come, first-served basis. vi. If two or more riders apply for the same available competition number prior to the renewal deadline, the number will be assigned to the rider who earned the most points in the class during the previous season. After the renewal deadline, available numbers will be assigned based on the order that license applications were received. vii. If riders with the same competition number enter the AFT Production Twins class, the Twins Licensed Rider will have priority and the competition number assigned to the Singles Licensed Rider will begin with a 9. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook |
2020 |
2020 Number Plates: | National Number 1:
►Current class champions may use specially-sized number ones with prior written approval from AMA Pro Racing. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook National Numbers 1-99: ►The designated font for single and double digit numbers on number plates is Impact. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook ►When the designated font is used, the numbers cannot be altered in any way. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook ►Riders may apply to use an alternate number font by submitting a request to AMA Pro Racing with an example graphic. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook ►If applying to use an alternate font, excessive condensing or stretching of numbers will not be allowed. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook ►Approved number plates using alternate fonts cannot be altered for the balance of the season. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook Numbers 100-399: ►The designated font for triple digit numbers on number plates is League Gothic. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook ►The numbers cannot be altered in any way. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook ►No exceptions are permitted. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook ►AFT Production Twins racers will all run black plates with white numbers. [Comment: Production Twins racers in 2019 ran with either black plates or yellow plates in 2019]. |
2020 |
2020 Provisional Starts | 2.19 Provisional Starts
a. All riders in AFT Production Twins and AFT Singles will receive one Provisional Start per class, which may be used to advance a rider into a Semi or Main during the current season. Provisional Starts may only be used once per season. b. Provisional Starts are non-transferrable, and usage will be tracked in a database maintained by AMA Pro Racing. c. One Provisional Start will be allowed per Semi and Main. A rider must have attempted to start in their Heat to use a Provisional Start for their Semi. A rider must have attempted to start in a Semi to use a Provisional Start for the Main. d. Procedures for Using a Provisional Start: i. Riders who fail to transfer from the Heats to the Semis or from the Semis to the Main may elect to use their Provisional Start by submitting their request to the Race Director no later than five (5) minutes following the finish of their heat or semi. If a rider is unable to immediately locate the Race Director, the rider shall report to the Tech Director. ii. When more than one rider has submitted their Provisional Start request for advancement, the rider with the higher standing from the most recent point standings for the class will have priority. In the case where riders do not have points in the most recent point standings for the class, order of entry for the event will used to prioritize riders. iii. Riders using Provisional Starts will start from the Penalty Row. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook |
2020 |
2020 Red Flags: | ►Red flag periods may be result in a five minute delay.
2020 American Flat Track rulebook ►Riders who miss the restart will be allowed to join the field until the leader completes his second lap. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook |
2020 |
2020 Red Flag Stops & Restart Procedures: | ►All riders involved in the red flag incident will be moved to the back of their respective lap groups.
2020 American Flat Track rulebook |
2020 |
2020 Red Flag Stops & Restart Procedures: Minimum Downtime | ►Red flags that occur during races may result in a minimum five minute (5:00) delay prior to the restart.
2020 American Flat Track rulebook ►AMA Pro Racing's designated Race Director will declare the beginning of this time period when the last active motorcycle is clear of any on-track incident and is proceeding to the cold box holding area. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook ►If the circuit is deemed to be race ready prior to five (5) minutes elapsing and all eligible machines are ready to restart, the Race Director may call the machines to the starting line and restart the race immediately. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook |
2020 |
2020 Starting Grids: | ►Starting Line area shall be four riders per row on four rows, with 25 feet between each row (Rule 2.20.b.i).
(Each spot on each row is marked off with a wide box, within which each rider is allowed to position themselves). ►Riders must pick a spot from the row on which they qualified. Riders may not move to another row. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook |
2020 |
2020 Tires: | ►December 10, 2019: Dunlop introduces the DT4 dirt track tire.
![]() ►Dunlop DT4 tires are the spec tire. R5 and R9 compounds are available. Only R9 are allowed on mile tracks. DT4 tires are intended to run tube-less. 2021 AFT rule will require tube-less DT4 tires. ![]() |
2020 |
2020 Twins Participation: | ►Racers with a Twins license may participate in SuperTwins or Production Twins, but only one twin-cylinder class per event.
Competitors with a Twins license may not compete in AFT Singles.
2020 American Flat Track rulebook |
2020 |
2020 Victory Laps: | ►Only one passenger is allowed per victory lap. Passenger cannot be a minor.
2020 American Flat Track rulebook |
2021Back To Top |
2021 AFT Production Twins Expanded: | They race on all tracks in 2021. |
2021 |
2021 AFT SuperTwins: | ►Super Twins teams are allowed a maximum of two riders per team.
►Each SuperTwins team must pay AFT $12,615 per rider to enter the series, and must commit to running the entire series. 2021 AFT SuperTwins Prospectus, January 20, 2021 |
2021 |
2021 Age: | ►AFT Singles riders cannot be 40 years old or older.
►A 17-year-old racer may compete in AFT Production Twins if that rider finished in the top 3 of AFT Singles points the previous year. |
2021 |
2021 Air Suits: | ►Racers in all AFT classes are required to wear inflatable air suits. |
2021 |
2021 Approved Twins: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
APRILIA: 990 V-Twin Aprilia-Rotax BMW: 800 Parallel Twin, F-Series DUCATI 748 V-Twin Desmoquattro
HARLEY-DAVIDSON: 750 V-Twin, XR750, 1972-Current (race-only engine)
HONDA: RS750 (race-only engine)
INDIAN: 750, V-Twin FTR (race-only engine)
KAWASAKI: 649 Parallel Twin KTM: 950, 990 V-Twin LC8 (2003-2013)
ROYAL ENFIELD: 650 Paralel Twin (2019-Current) SUZUKI: 649 V-Twin (SV)
TRIUMPH: 900 Parallel Twin, T100
YAMAHA: 689 Parallel Twin 2021 AMA Pro Racing Approved Twins List AFT PRODUCTION TWINS APRILIA: 990 V-Twin Aprilia-Rotax BMW: 800 Parallel Twin, F-Series DUCATI 748 V-Twin Desmoquattro
HARLEY-DAVIDSON: 883 V-Twin, XL883, 1986-Current
HONDA: 670 Parallel Twin
INDIAN: 983, V-Twin Scout 60 KAWASAKI: 649 Parallel Twin KTM: 950, 990 V-Twin LC8 (2003-2013)
ROYAL ENFIELD: 650 Paralel Twin (2019-Current) SUZUKI: 649 V-Twin (SV)
TRIUMPH: 900 Parallel Twin, T100
YAMAHA: 689 Parallel Twin 2021 AMA Pro Racing Approved Production Twins List |
2021 |
2021 Back Protection: | ►Riders are required to wear a commercially manufactured,
CE certified back protector while on the racetrack. Riders
unsure if their back protector meets this criteria are
encouraged to submit photos of the protector and
original packaging to AMA Pro Racing for clarification.
Back protectors without CE certification are prohibited.
2021 American Flat Track rulebook |
2021 |
2021 Backup Bikes/Changing Bikes: | ►2.9 Motorcycle Usage / Backup Bikes
a. Backup motorcycles are permitted in all classes at American Flat Track events. b. A rider may present a maximum of two motorcycles to tech inspection for use in competition at any event, provided that both the primary and backup machines are from the same manufacturer. Frame numbers must be properly assigned to both machines. c. In any session, riders may use either of the two motorcycles that have been approved at pre-race tech inspection for that rider. d. AFT Production Twins and AFT Singles i. For Heats, Semis and Mains, the following rules apply: i. When a rider arrives in staging, an AMA Pro Racing official will record the frame number of the motorcycle presented and that motorcycle will be deemed as the rider s only allowed machine for that race. For the remainder of that race, riders are not allowed to switch to a second machine. 2. In the event of a restart, riders are prohibited from switching to their backup bikes. e. AFT SuperTwins i. For Semis and Mains, the following rules apply: 1. Back-up machines must be staged in the designated area and can be utilized in the event of a red flag. Any rider can change machines during a red flag but is limited to one change per race. Restarts will not be delayed to wait for a rider switching to a back-up machine. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook ►In order to be eligible OEM contingency, a rider must that OEM brand at every event. |
2021 |
2021 Claiming: | ►There is no mention of claiming in the 2021 American Flat Track rule book.
2021 American Flat Track rulebook |
2021 |
2021 Crankshaft: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►The original crankshaft may be modified or replaced. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: [Comment: Nothing in the 2021 AFT rulebook concerning Production Twins crankshafts.] |
2021 |
2021 Displacement: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►649cc-900cc displacement. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook ►Production engines may not exceed 900cc. Bore and stroke may be modified to meet this requirement. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook ►Racing-only engines may not exceed 750cc with an overbore allowance of 0.045" per cylinder. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook ►Liquid-cooled racing-only engines may not exceed 750cc with no overbore allowance. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: ►649cc-800cc displacement 2021 American Flat Track rulebook ►Production engines may not exceed 800cc. They may be bored and stroked to meet this requirement. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook |
2021 |
2021 Eligibility: | ►Racers may only compete in one class at each event.
This rule is modified on February 26, 2021, (two weeks before the opening round) due to low pre-entries in the Super Twins and Production Twins classes).
2021 |
2021 Firing Order / Twingling: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►Production engines may alter the stock OEM engine firing order. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: ►Modification of the stock OEM engine firing order is prohibited 2021 American Flat Track rulebook |
2021 |
2021 Flywheel: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
[Comment: Nothing in the 2021 AFT rulebook concerning SuperTwins flywheels.] ►Race-Only engines must use the base flywheel and cannot be modified in any way, starting at the July 24, 2021 Port Royal event. Technical Bulletin 2021-03 issued on July 8, 2021 ►Indian FTR750 must use the standard flywheel (pn 1205794), with optional weight ring and associated mounting bolts removed. No mass may be added or removed, starting at the July 24, 2021 Port Royal event. Technical Bulletin 2021-03 issued on July 8, 2021 AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: [Comment: Nothing in the 2021 AFT rulebook concerning Production Twins flywheels.] |
2021 |
2021 Intake/Throttle Bodies/Restrictors: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►Throttle bodies on race-only engines are 38mm maximum inner diameter. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook ►Throttle bodies on 649cc-900cc production engines used in AFT SuperTwins competition are 40mm maximum inner diameter. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: ►Throttle bodies on all Production Twins engines are 38mm maximum inner diameter. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook |
2021 |
2021 Mouth Guards: | ►Use of mouth / teeth guards are encouraged. Research
and evaluation is ongoing to determine if the use of
mouthguards will become mandatory in 2022.
2021 American Flat Track rulebook |
2021 |
2021 National Format: | ►2021 Main Events will be timed events.
AFT SuperTwins:
►ST = 10 minutes + 2 laps
AFT Production Twins:
►ST = 6 minutes + 2 laps
AFT Singles:
►ST = 6 minutes + 2 laps
2021 |
2021 Number Plates: | National Number 1:
►Current class champions may use specially-sized number ones with prior written approval from AMA Pro Racing. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook National Numbers 1-99: ►The designated font for single and double digit numbers on number plates is Impact. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook ►When the designated font is used, the numbers cannot be altered in any way. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook ►Riders may apply to use an alternate number font by submitting a request to AMA Pro Racing with an example graphic. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook ►If applying to use an alternate font, excessive condensing or stretching of numbers will not be allowed. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook ►Approved number plates using alternate fonts cannot be altered for the balance of the season. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook Numbers 100-399: ►The designated font for triple digit numbers on number plates is League Gothic. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook ►The numbers cannot be altered in any way. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook ►No exceptions are permitted. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook |
2021 |
2021 Provisional Starts | 2.19 Provisional Starts
a. All riders in AFT Production Twins and AFT Singles will receive one Provisional Start per class, which may be used to advance a rider into a Semi or Main during the current season. Provisional Starts may only be used once per season. b. Provisional Starts are non-transferrable, and usage will be tracked in a database maintained by AMA Pro Racing. c. One Provisional Start will be allowed per Semi and Main. A rider must have attempted to start in their Heat to use a Provisional Start for their Semi. A rider must have attempted to start in a Semi to use a Provisional Start for the Main. d. In the case where Qualifying, Heats or semis cannot be run and the Main is gridded based on practice times or point standings, an unused provisionsl start may be requested. e. Procedures for Using a Provisional Start: i. Riders who fail to transfer from the Heats to the Semis or from the Semis to the Main may elect to use their Provisional Start by submitting their request to the Race Director no later than five (5) minutes following the finish of their Heat or semi. If a rider is unable to immediately locate the Race Director, the rider shall report to the Tech Director. ii. When more than one rider has submitted their Provisional Start request for advancement, the rider with the higher standing from the most recent point standings for the class will have priority. In the case where riders do not have points in the most recent point standings for the class, order of entry for the event will used to prioritize riders. iii. Riders using Provisional Starts will start from the Penalty Row. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook |
2021 |
2021 Qualifying: | ►b. Qualifying Procedures.
iii. In all classes a rider's best qualifying lap time must be within 107% of the fastest qualifying rider's best lap time to advance to a Heat or Semi. This requirement applies regardless if there are not enough riders to fill a Heat or Semi. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook |
2021 |
2021 Red Flag Stops & Restart Procedures: | ►All riders involved in the red flag incident will be moved to the back of their respective lap groups.
2021 American Flat Track rulebook |
2021 |
2021 Red Flag Stops & Restart Procedures: Minimum Downtime | ►Red flags that occur during races may result in a minimum five minute (5:00) delay prior to the restart.
2021 American Flat Track rulebook ►AMA Pro Racing's designated Race Director will declare the beginning of this time period when the last active motorcycle is clear of any on-track incident and is proceeding to the cold box holding area. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook ►If the circuit is deemed to be race ready prior to five (5) minutes> elapsing and all eligible machines are ready to restart, the Race Director may call the machines to the starting line and restart the race immediately. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook |
2021 |
2021 RPM Limits: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►AFT Technical Bulletin 2021-04 is issued on September 3, 2021. AFT proposes RPM limits for race-only engines (Indian FTR750) in Mission SuperTwins, starting with the September 11 Sacramento Mile. Data collection and analysis will take place at random machines (not only race-only engines) at the Springfield Mile double-headers (September 5 & 6) to determine whether limits on the Indians are required. The bulletin is updated on September 7, stating that AFT will not implement any limits, but will continue collecting data and analysis at Sacramento and Charlotte. AFT Technical Bulletin 2021-04, issued September 3, 2021 AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: [Comment: Nothing in the 2021 AFT rulebook concerning Production Twins RPM limits.] |
2021 |
2021 Tires: | ►All Dunlop DT4 tires in SuperTwins competition must be tube-less (except in T.T. competition).
2021 American Flat Track rulebook Production Twins and Singles racers are encouraged to run tube-less. br/> 2021 American Flat Track rulebook ►Dunlop DT4 R7 compounds are introduced. ![]() |
2021 |
2021 Traction Control: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►Production engines may use Traction Control.
2021 American Flat Track rulebook AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: ►Traction Control is prohibited. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook |
2021 |
2021 Weight: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►All AFT SuperTwins must weight at least 310#. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook ►AFT SuperTwins race-only engines raised from 310# to 330#, starting at the July 24, 2021 Port Royal event. Technical Bulletin 2021-03 issued on July 8, 2021 AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: ►All AFT Production Twins must weigh at least 310#. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook AFT SINGLES: ►All AFT Singles must weigh at least 230#. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook |
2021 |
2021 Wheel Weights: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►AFT SuperTwins wheels must not exceed 43#. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook ►AFT SuperTwins wheels on race-only engines is lowered from 43# to 35#, starting at the July 24, 2021 Port Royal event. Technical Bulletin 2021-03 issued on July 8, 2021 AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: ►AFT Production wheels must not exceed 43#. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook AFT SINGLES: ►AFT Singles wheels must not exceed 43 lbs. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook |
2022Back To Top |
2022 Approved Twins: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
APRILIA: 990 V-Twin Aprilia-Rotax
BMW: 800 Parallel Twin, F-Series DUCATI 821 V-Twin Testastretta 11° four-valve, liquid-cooled
HARLEY-DAVIDSON: 750 V-Twin, XR750, 1972-Current (race-only engine)
HONDA: RS750 (race-only engine)
HUSQVARNA: 890 Parallel Twin, 2022-Current INDIAN: 750, V-Twin FTR (race-only engine)
KAWASAKI: 649 Parallel Twin KTM: 950, 990 V-Twin LC8 (2003-2013)
ROYAL ENFIELD: 650 Paralel Twin (2019-Current) SUZUKI: 649 V-Twin (SV)
TRIUMPH: 900 Parallel Twin, T100
YAMAHA: 689 Parallel Twin 2022 AMA Pro Racing Approved Twins List AFT PRODUCTION TWINS APRILIA: 990 V-Twin Aprilia-Rotax
BMW: 800 Parallel Twin, F-Series DUCATI 821 V-Twin Testastretta 11° four-valve, liquid-cooled
HARLEY-DAVIDSON: 750 V-Twin, XG750R, 2015-Current
HONDA: 670 Parallel Twin
HUSQVARNA: 890 Parallel Twin, 2022-Current INDIAN: 983, V-Twin Scout 60 KAWASAKI: 649 Parallel Twin KTM: 950, 990 V-Twin LC8 (2003-2013)
ROYAL ENFIELD: 650 Paralel Twin (2019-Current) SUZUKI: 649 V-Twin (SV)
TRIUMPH: 900 Parallel Twin, T100
YAMAHA: 689 Parallel Twin 2022 AMA Pro Racing Approved Production Twins List |
2022 |
2022 Back Protection: | ►Riders are required to wear a commercially manufactured,
CE certified back protector while on the racetrack. Riders
unsure if their back protector meets this criteria are
encouraged to submit photos of the protector and
original packaging to AMA Pro Racing for clarification.
Back protectors without CE certification are prohibited.
2022 American Flat Track rulebook |
2022 |
2022 Backup Bikes/Changing Bikes: | ►2.9 Motorcycle Usage / Backup Bikes
a. Backup motorcycles are permitted in all classes at American Flat Track events. b. A rider may present a maximum of two motorcycles to tech inspection for use in competition at any event, provided that both the primary and backup machines are from the same manufacturer. Frame numbers must be properly assigned to both machines. c. In any practice or qualifying session, riders may choose to start with either of the two motorcycles that have been approved at pre-race tech inspection for that rider. Once a rider enters the track with a motorcycle during a practice or qualifying session, that motorcycle may not be changed during that session. d. AFT Production Twins and AFT Singles i. For Semis and Mains, the following rules apply: i. When a rider arrives in staging, an AMA Pro Racing official will record the frame number of the motorcycle presented and that motorcycle will be deemed as the rider s only allowed machine for that race. For the remainder of that race, riders are not allowed to switch to a second machine. 2. In the event of a restart, riders are prohibited from switching to their backup bikes. e. AFT SuperTwins i. For Semis and Mains, the following rules apply: 1. Back-up machines must be staged in the designated area and can be utilized in the event of a red flag. Any rider can change machines during a red flag but is limited to one change per race. Restarts will not be delayed to wait for a rider switching to a back-up machine. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook |
2022 |
2022 Claiming: | ►There is no mention of claiming in the 2022 American Flat Track rule book.
2022 American Flat Track rulebook |
2022 |
2022 Crankshaft: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►The original crankshaft may be modified or replaced. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: [Comment: Nothing in the 2022 AFT rulebook concerning Production Twins crankshafts.] |
2022 |
2022 Displacement: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►i. 649cc-900cc with the following restrictions: i. Production (Street Bike) Engines: 1. Production (Street Bike) engines may not exceed 900cc. Bore and stroke may be modified to meet this maximum displacement limit. ii. Race-only Engines: 1. Racing-only engines may not exceed 750cc with a maximum allowable overbore of 0.045" per cylinder.
AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: ►i. 649cc-900cc displacement 1. Production Engines a. Production engines may not exceed 900cc.
Bore and stroke may be modified to meet this maximum displacement limit.
2022 American Flat Track rulebook |
2022 |
2022 Firing Order / Twingling: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►Production engines may alter the stock OEM engine firing order. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: ►Modification of the stock OEM engine firing order is prohibited. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook |
2022 |
2022 Flywheel: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►Race-Only engines must use the base flywheel and cannot be modified in any way. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook ►Indian FTR750 must use the standard flywheel (pn 1205794), with optional weight ring and associated mounting bolts removed. No mass may be added or removed. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: [Comment: Nothing in the 2022 AFT rulebook concerning Production Twins flywheels.] |
2022 |
2022 Intake/Throttle Bodies/Restrictors: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►Throttle bodies on race-only engines are 38mm maximum inner diameter. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook ►Race-only engines must use 34mm intake restrictors. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook ►Throttle bodies on 649cc-900cc production engines used in AFT SuperTwins competition are 40mm maximum inner diameter. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: ►Throttle bodies on all Production Twins engines are 40mm maximum inner diameter. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook |
2022 |
2022 Mile Eligibility: | ►"To be eligible to enter an AFT mile event, a rider must have completed a minimum of two (2) AFT Championship events without any on-track incidents.
AMA Pro Racing also reserves the right to evaluate the riders results to determine inclusion or exclusion in a mile event. This determination will be made at the sole discretion of AMA Pro Racing." AFT Technical Bulletin 2022-03, issued on January 25, 2022 |
2022 |
2022 Misc: | ►Fuel tank capacity limits of 5 liters minimum is removed.
►Restriction that Machines must not be constructed to resemble Motocross or Supercross motorcycles" is removed. ►AFT Production Twins throttle body type must remain consistent with the design that came on the approved engine. ►AFT Singles Throttle bodies may be replaced with any other homologated throttle body from the current approved AFT Singles list. ►AFT SuperTwins buy-in requirement is removed. ►AFT will no longer assign new duplicate rider numbers. In 2023, no duplicate numbers will be allowed. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook ►All riders involved in a red flag incident will be moved to the back of their respective lap groups. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook |
2022 |
2022 Mouth Guards: | ►Use of mouth / teeth guards are encouraged.
2022 American Flat Track rulebook |
2022 |
2022 National Format: | ►AFT announces that they intend to present one combined Twins class in 2023.
►Top 4 finishers in each Production Twins final will be granted provisional starting positions in the Mission Foods Super Twins final. All four will start on the Mission Production Twins Challenge Row at the rear of the grid. ►2022 Main Events will be timed events. AFT SuperTwins:
►ST = 10 minutes + 2 laps
AFT Production Twins:
►ST = 6 minutes + 2 laps
AFT Singles:
►ST = 6 minutes + 2 laps
2022 |
2022 Number Plates: | National Number 1:
►Current class champions may use specially-sized number ones with prior written approval from AMA Pro Racing. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook National Numbers 1-99: ►The designated font for single and double digit numbers on number plates is Impact. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook ►When the designated font is used, the numbers cannot be altered in any way. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook ►Riders may apply to use an alternate number font by submitting a request to AMA Pro Racing with an example graphic. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook ►If applying to use an alternate font, excessive condensing or stretching of numbers will not be allowed. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook ►Approved number plates using alternate fonts cannot be altered for the balance of the season. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook Numbers 100-399: ►The designated font for triple digit numbers on number plates is League Gothic. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook ►The numbers cannot be altered in any way. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook ►No exceptions are permitted. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook |
2022 |
2022 Provisional Starts | 2.19 Provisional Starts
a. All riders in AFT Production Twins and AFT Singles will receive one Provisional Start per class, which may be used to advance a rider into a Semi or Main during the current season. Provisional Starts may only be used once per season. b. Provisional Starts are non-transferrable, and usage will be tracked in a database maintained by AMA Pro Racing. c. One Provisional Start will be allowed per Semi and Main. A rider must have attempted to start in their Heat to use a Provisional Start for their Semi. A rider must have attempted to start in a Semi to use a Provisional Start for the Main. d. In the case where Qualifying, Heats or semis cannot be run and the Main is gridded based on practice times or point standings, an unused provisionsl start may be requested. e. Procedures for Using a Provisional Start: i. Riders who fail to transfer from the Heats to the Semis or from the Semis to the Main may elect to use their Provisional Start by submitting their request to the Race Director no later than five (5) minutes following the finish of their Heat or semi. If a rider is unable to immediately locate the Race Director, the rider shall report to the Tech Director. ii. When more than one rider has submitted their Provisional Start request for advancement, the rider with the higher standing from the most recent point standings for the class will have priority. In the case where riders do not have points in the most recent point standings for the class, order of entry for the event will used to prioritize riders. iii. Riders using Provisional Starts will start from the Penalty Row. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook |
2022 |
2022 Qualifying: | ►b. Qualifying Procedures.
iii. In all classes a rider's best qualifying lap time must be within 107% of the fastest qualifying rider's best lap time to advance to a Heat or Semi. This requirement ' applies regardless if there are not enough riders to fill a Heat or Semi. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook |
2022 |
2022 Race Finishes: | ►Should a race not be restarted after a red flag, riders finishing positions will be declared as their race positions
on the Lap of Record, not their physical track positions at the time of the red flag. All riders involved in the red flag
incident will be moved to the back of their respective lap groups.
2022 American Flat Track rulebook |
2022 |
2022 Red Flag Stops & Restart Procedures: | ►All riders involved in the red flag incident will be moved to the back of their respective lap groups.
2022 American Flat Track rulebook ►All riders involved in a red flag incident will be moved to the back of their respective lap groups. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook |
2022 |
2022 Red Flag Stops & Restart Procedures: Minimum Downtime | ►Red flags that occur during races may result in a minimum five minute (5:00) delay prior to the restart.
2022 American Flat Track rulebook ►The start of this time period is when the red flag and/or red lights are displayed as recorded by timing and scoring. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook ►If the circuit is deemed to be race ready prior to five (5) minutes> elapsing and all eligible machines are ready to restart, the Race Director may call the machines to the starting line and restart the race immediately. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook |
2022 |
►Race-Only engines are limited to 11,500 RPM maximum engine speed.
2022 American Flat Track rulebook AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: [Comment: Nothing in the 2022 AFT rulebook concerning Production Twins RPM limits] |
2022 |
2022 Traction Control: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►a. Production (Street Bike) Engines: i. Wheel, transmission or countershaft speed, chassis attitude or location sensors that provide information to the ECU are permitted. b. Race-Only Engines: i. Vehicle speed, chassis dynamic or location sensors to
include but not limited to wheel, transmission, countershaft
speeds, GPS, or other sensors that provide information to
the ECU to facilitate any means of electronic controls of
engine output or brake systems are prohibited.
2022 American Flat Track rulebook AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: ►e. Unless O.E. fitment from the donor motorcycle, vehicle speed, chassis dynamic or location sensors to include but not limited to wheel, transmission, countershaft speeds, GPS, or other sensors that provide information to the ECU to facilitate any means of electronic control of engine output or brake systems are prohibited. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook AFT SINGLES: ►e. Non-production electronic devices designed specifically for traction control are prohibited. Aftermarket wheel speed sensors, countershaft speed sensors, transmission speed sensors or any other type of speed sensor that transmits information to the ECU is expressly forbidden. Any aftermarket hardware or software designed to measure, calculate, or utilize wheel speed differential, determine front wheel speed or facilitate any electronic control of the brake systems are prohibited. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook |
2022 |
2022 Weight: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►All AFT SuperTwins must weigh at least 320#. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: ►All AFT Production Twins must weigh at least 320#. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook AFT SINGLES: ►All AFT Singles must weigh at least 230#. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook |
2022 |
2022 Wheel Weights: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►AFT SuperTwins wheels on race-only engines must not exceed 28# (rim and tire only). 2022 American Flat Track rulebook ►AFT SuperTwins wheels on production engines must not exceed 48# (wheel assembly). 2022 American Flat Track rulebook AFT PRODUCTION TWINS: ►AFT Production wheels must not exceed 48 lbs. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook AFT SINGLES: ►AFT Singles wheels must not exceed 43 lbs. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook |
2023Back To Top |
2023 Approved Twins: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
APRILIA: 990 V-Twin Aprilia-Rotax
BMW: 800 Parallel Twin, F-Series DUCATI 821 V-Twin Testastretta 11° four-valve, liquid-cooled
HARLEY-DAVIDSON: 750 V-Twin, XR750, 1972-Current (race-only engine)
HONDA: RS750 (race-only engine)
HUSQVARNA: 890 Parallel Twin, 2022-Current INDIAN: 750, V-Twin FTR (race-only engine)
KAWASAKI: 649 Parallel Twin KTM: 950, 990 V-Twin LC8 (2003-2013)
ROYAL ENFIELD: 650 Paralel Twin (2019-Current) SUZUKI: 649 V-Twin (SV)
TRIUMPH: 900 Parallel Twin, T100
YAMAHA: 689 Parallel Twin 2023 AMA Pro Racing Approved Twins List |
2023 |
2023 Back Protection: | ►Riders are required to wear a commercially manufactured,
CE certified back protector while on the racetrack. Riders
unsure if their back protector meets this criteria are
encouraged to submit photos of the protector and
original packaging to AMA Pro Racing for clarification.
Back protectors without CE certification are prohibited.
2023 American Flat Track rulebook |
2023 |
2023 Backup Bikes/Changing Bikes: | ►2.9 Motorcycle Usage / Backup Bikes
a. Backup motorcycles are permitted in all classes at American Flat Track events. b. A rider may present a maximum of two motorcycles to tech inspection for use in competition at any event, provided that both the primary and backup machines are from the same manufacturer. Frame numbers must be properly assigned to both machines. c. In any session, riders may choose to start with either of the two motorcycles that have been approved at pre-race tech inspection for that rider. When a rider arrives in staging, an AMA official will record the frame number of the motorcycle presented and that motorcycle will be deemed as the rider's only allowed machine for that session. Once a rider enters the track with a motorcycle, that motorcycle may not be changed during that session. 2023 American Flat Track rulebook |
2023 |
2023 Displacement: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►i. Minimum 649cc with the following restrictions on maximum displacement: 1. For 2023, Production (Street Bike) Engines: a. Production (Street Bike) engines may not exceed 900cc.
2. For 2024, Production (Street Bike) Engines: a. Liquid-cooled engines may not exceed 800cc.
3. Race-only Engines: a. Liquid-cooled racing-only engines may not exceed 750cc. There is no provision for overbore.
2023 American Flat Track rulebook [Comment: Production Twins was eliminated after the 2022 season]. |
2023 |
2023 Engine Eligibility: | AFT SINGLES
►f. Minimum quantities that must be available through U.S. dealers: All manufacturers - 400 units per model. g. Importation quantity deadlines: i. Minimum 200 units March 1st of the current season
2023 American Flat Track rulebook |
2023 |
2023 Intake/Throttle Bodies/Restrictors: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►b. Throttle body Specifications: i. Carb/Throttle Body Maximum Inner Diameter: 1. Production Engines: a. Liquid-Cooled: i. 649-800cc: 40mm ii. 801-900cc: 38mm b. Air-Cooled: i. 649-900cc: 40mm 2. Race-Only engines 38mm ii. Race-only engines will be required to utilize AMA Pro Racing issued intake restrictors with a circular I.D. of 34mm. 2023 American Flat Track rulebook The restrictors are positioned under the velocity stack sealing O-ring, sandwiched between the inlet mating surface of the throttle body and outlet mating surface of the velocity stack. 2023 American Flat Track Bulletin 2023-02, issued March 5, 2023 Short Track and Half Mile : 34mm TT and Mile: 35mm The restrictors are positioned under the velocity stack sealing O-ring, held in place by the bottom of the velocity stack. Issued restrictors are to be sandwiched between the throttle body and velocity stack mating surfaces, in direct contact with both surfaces. 2023 American Flat Track Bulletin 2023-02 Updated April 28, 2023 |
2023 |
2023 Mouth Guards: | ►Use of mouth / teeth guards are encouraged.
2023 American Flat Track rulebook |
2023 |
2023 Provisional Starts | 2.19 Provisional Starts
a. All riders will receive one Provisional Start per their primary class, which may be used to advance a rider into a Main during the current season. Provisional Starts may only be used once per season. b. Provisional Starts are non-transferrable, and usage will be tracked in a database maintained by AMA Pro Racing. c. One Provisional Start will be allowed Main. A rider must have attempted to start an LCQ to use a Provisional Start for the Main. d. In the case where Qualifying, Heats or LCQ's cannot be run and the Main is gridded based on practice times or point standings, an unused provisionsl start may be requested. e. Procedures for Using a Provisional Start: i. Riders who fail to transfer from the LCQ to the Main may elect to use their Provisional Start by submitting their request to the Race Director no later than five (5) minutes following the finish of their Heat [sic]. If a rider is unable to immediately locate the Race Director, the rider shall report to the Tech Director. ii. When more than one rider has submitted their Provisional Start request for advancement, the rider with the higher standing from the most recent point standings for the class will have priority. In the case where riders do not have points in the most recent point standings for the class, order of entry for the event will used to prioritize riders. iii. Riders using Provisional Starts will start from the Penalty Row. 2023 American Flat Track rulebook |
2023 |
2023 Qualifying: | ►b. Qualifying Procedures.
iii. 2023 American Flat Track rulebook |
2023 |
2023 Traction Control: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►a. Production (Street Bike) Engines: i. Wheel, transmission or countershaft speed, chassis attitude or location sensors that provide information to the ECU are permitted. b. Race-Only Engines: i. Vehicle speed, chassis dynamic or location sensors to
include but not limited to wheel, transmission, countershaft
speeds, GPS, or other sensors that provide information to
the ECU to facilitate any means of electronic controls of
engine output or brake systems are prohibited.
2023 American Flat Track rulebook AFT SINGLES: ►e. Non-production electronic devices designed specifically for traction control are prohibited. Aftermarket wheel speed sensors, countershaft speed sensors, transmission speed sensors or any other type of speed sensor that transmits information to the ECU is expressly forbidden. Any aftermarket hardware or software designed to measure, calculate, or utilize wheel speed differential, determine front wheel speed or facilitate any electronic control of the brake systems are prohibited. f. Use of suspension stroke sensors is prohibited. 2023 American Flat Track rulebook |
2023 |
2023 Weight: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►All AFT SuperTwins must weigh at least 320#. 2023 American Flat Track rulebook AFT SINGLES: ►All AFT Singles must weigh at least 230#. 2023 American Flat Track rulebook |
2023 |
2023 Wheel Weights: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►e. Maximum rear wheel weight must not exceed: i. Race-only engines (Rim & Tire Only, see G.): 1. ST, HM & Miles: 28 lbs.
g. Race-only machines: Rim and tire only will be weighed. Rear wheels will be weighed after removing the rear rotor, sprocket rotor and sprocket nuts and axle spacers. The maximum diameter of the rear rotor is 11.75 inches. Rear brake rotos must be designed and function solely as a rear brake. AMA Pro Racing will make final determination if the rear brake design and function meets these criteria. h. Production-based machines: Rear wheel assemblies will be weighed. A wheel assembly consists of a tire, a single standard inner tube, approved rim tape or tube protector (located between rim and tube), rum, spoked, hub, wheel spacers, rotor, sprocket (and associated fasteners), and whatever minimum weight is required to balance the wheel assembly. k. Wheels may not be solid (spokeless) in design or have any material attached to closeout spokes when viewed from the side of the motorcycle. 2023 American Flat Track rulebook AFT SINGLES: ►e. Maximum wheel assembly weight must not exceed 43 lbs. The wheel will be weighed as it comes off the race track. Removal of dirt and track debris is permitted. 2023 American Flat Track rulebook |
2024 |
2024 Approval Process: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
4.1 Engine Eligibility
a. Only 4-stroke twin-cylinder engines with prior, written approval by
AMA Pro Racing are eligible for competition in AFT SuperTwins.
This includes both production engines designed for street
motorcycles and racing-only engines.
2024 American Flat Track rulebook |
2024 |
2024 Displacement: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►i. Minimum 649cc with the following restrictions on maximum displacement: 1. Production (Street Bike) Engines: a. Liquid-cooled engines may not exceed 2. Racing-only Engines: a. Liquid-cooled racing-only engines may not exceed 750cc.
There is no provision for overbore.
2024 American Flat Track rulebook |
2024 |
2024 Traction Control: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►a. Production (Street Bike) Engines: i. Wheel, transmission or countershaft speed, chassis attitude or location sensors that provide information to the ECU are permitted. b. Race-Only Engines: i. Vehicle speed, chassis dynamic or location sensors to
include but not limited to wheel, transmission, countershaft
speeds, GPS, or other sensors that provide information to
the ECU to facilitate any means of electronic controls of
engine output or brake systems are prohibited.
2024 American Flat Track rulebook AFT SINGLES: ►e. Non-production electronic devices designed specifically for traction control are prohibited. Aftermarket wheel speed sensors, countershaft speed sensors, transmission speed sensors or any other type of speed sensor that transmits information to the ECU is expressly forbidden. Any aftermarket hardware or software designed to measure, calculate, or utilize wheel speed differential, determine front wheel speed or facilitate any electronic control of the brake systems are prohibited. f. Use of suspension stroke sensors is prohibited. 2024 American Flat Track rulebook |
2025 |
2025 Approval Process: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
2.4.2 ENGINE ELIGIBILITY AND HOMOLOGATION a. Engines submitted for homologation approval in AFT SuperTwins must originate from production
based, 4-stroke, twin-cylinder street motorcycles.
2025 American Flat Track rulebook |
2025 |
2025 Displacement: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►b. Engine Displacement: 1. Liquid-cooled engines: 649cc-800cc.
2025 American Flat Track rulebook |
2025 |
2025 Traction Control: | AFT SUPERTWINS:
►c. Wheel speed sensors are prohibited. d. Transmission or countershaft speed sensors are permitted only if equipped on homologated engine. e. Suspension stroke sensors are prohibited. 2025 American Flat Track rulebook AFT SINGLES: ►e. Non-production electronic devices designed specifically for traction control are prohibited. Aftermarket wheel speed sensors, countershaft speed sensors, transmission speed sensors or any other type of speed sensor that transmits information to the ECU is expressly forbidden. Any aftermarket hardware or software designed to measure, calculate, or utilize wheel speed differential, determine front wheel speed or facilitate any electronic control of the brake systems are prohibited. f. Use of suspension stroke sensors is prohibited. 2025 American Flat Track rulebook |
2016 |
2016 Rookie Awards: | ►a. The following criteria will be considered in the determination of
AMA Pro Racing Flat Track Rookie of the Year award.
b. To be eligible for the AMA Pro Racing Flat Track Rookie of the Year, the rider must be in good standing with no pending penalties. Subjective criteria, at the discretion of AMA Pro Racing, will also be considered. Subjective criteria include, but are not limited to the following: Overall contribution to the betterment of motorcycle racing, cooperation with AMA Pro Racing initiatives, and positive community or public outreach efforts. c. Rookie of the Year honors will be awarded to the eligible rookie rider with the most points accumulated based on the points scale listed above. d. Riders will only be eligible for the Rookie of the Year award during the season in which they first participate in GNC1. e. Total points accumulated from both GNC1 Singles and Twins events will be counted towards a rider's total. f. In the event that there is a tie, that tie will be broken based on the overall year-end point standings in any given class. If that does not break a tie, the number of wins will be compared, then the number of second-place finishes, thirds, fourths, etc., until the tie is broken. If a tie remains, the best finish in the last race will determine the Rookie of the Year. 2016 AMA Pro Racing Flat Track rulebook |
2017 |
2017 Rookie Awards: | ►a. The Rookie of the Year award will be given to the eligible rookie
rider who scores the most points during the course of a season in
the AFT Twins class.
b. The Rising Star Award will be given to the eligible rookie rider who scores the most points during the course of a season in the AFT Singles class. c. Riders will only be eligible for the Rookie of the Year and Rising Star awards during the season in which they first participate in the AFT Twins and AFT Singles classes, respectively. Riders must be in good standing with no pending penalties. Subjective criteria, at the discretion of AMA Pro Racing, may also be considered, including, but not limited to the following: Overall contribution to the betterment of motorcycle racing, cooperation with AMA Pro Racing initiatives, and positive community or public outreach efforts. 2017 American Flat Track rulebook |
2018 |
2018 Rookie Awards: | ►a. The AFT Twins Rookie of the Year award will be given to the
eligible rookie rider who scores the most points during the course
of a season in the AFT Twins class.
b. The AFT Singles Rookie of the Year award will be given to the eligibile rookie rider who scores the most points during the course of a season in the AFT Singles class. c. Riders will only be eligible for the Rookie of the Year 2018 American Flat Track rulebook |
2019 |
2019 Rookie Awards: | ►a. The AFT Twins Rookie of the Year award will be given to the
eligible rookie rider who scores the most points during the course
of a season in the AFT Twins class.
b. The AFT Singles Rising Star c. Riders will only be eligible for the Rookie of the Year awards during the season in which they first participate in the AFT Twins and AFT Singles classes. 2019 American Flat Track rulebook |
2020 |
2020 Rookie Awards: | ►a. The AFT b. Riders will only be eligible for the Rookie of the Year awards during the first season in which they are licensed to compete in American Flat Track. Riders must be in good standing with no pending penalties. Subjective criteria, at the discretion of AMA Pro Racing, may also be considered, including but not limited to the following: Overall contribution to the betterment of motorcycle racing, cooperation with AMA Pro Racing initiatives, and positive community or public outreach efforts. 2020 American Flat Track rulebook |
2021 |
2021 Rookie Awards: | ►a. The AFT Rookie of the Year Award will be given to the
eligible rookie rider who scores the most points during the course
of a season in the AFT Singles.
b. Riders will only be eligible for the Rookie of the Year awards during the first season in which they are licensed to compete in American Flat Track. Riders must be in good standing with no pending penalties. Subjective criteria, at the discretion of AMA Pro Racing, may also be considered, including but not limited to the following: Overall contribution to the betterment of motorcycle racing, cooperation with AMA Pro Racing initiatives, and positive community or public outreach efforts. 2021 American Flat Track rulebook |
2022 |
2022 Rookie Awards: | ►a. The AFT Rookie of the Year Award will be given to the
eligible rookie rider who scores the most points during the course
of a season in the AFT Singles.
b. Riders will only be eligible for the Rookie of the Year awards during the first season in which they are licensed to compete in American Flat Track. Riders must be in good standing with no pending penalties. 2022 American Flat Track rulebook |
2023 |
2023 Rookie Awards: | ►a. The AFT Rookie of the Year Award will be given to the
eligible rookie rider who scores the most points during the course
of a season in the AFT Singles.
b. Riders will only be eligible for the Rookie of the Year awards during the first season in which they are licensed to compete in American Flat Track. Riders must be in good standing with no pending penalties. 2023 American Flat Track rulebook |
2024 |
2024 Rookie Awards: | ►a. The AFT Rookie of the Year Award will be given to the
eligible rookie rider who scores the most points during the course
of a season in each AFT National Championship class b. Riders will only be eligible for the Rookie of the Year awards during the first season in which they are licensed to compete in each AFT National Championship class 2024 American Flat Track rulebook |
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